e- ' 18, 192D. - MARIE ,MORRISEY is cQming! The celebrated cantralto will- appea r iper son at an invitation concert- in Libertyville Auditorium MONDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 29 She wll be asisted by WALTER CHAPMAN, pianist anid by the "Phonograph wth a Souk" This appeararice of the great contralto in Libertyville is the'event of the season for loyers of good music. FREE TICKETS Caîl, write or telephone us for f ree tickets of admittànce. Trhey will be issued in. order of application. DECKER & HELTON At Deckërs Drug Store MIRRO ALUMJNUM Convex Kettie A necessary utensil in the modern kitchen's equîpment is this Minao Alumiirum Cenvex Kettie.. Because it is a won- derful conductor of heat, it cooks with thoroughness, yet without wate of fuel. And it is easîly handled and cleaned. Mirro Alwninum is rexarkably durable, Loo. It lasts a lifetime. and is therefore an ecoriaiical purchase. It is fainous also,for its beauty and many features of conven- ierice. Note the features 6f tdii Mirro Convex Kette: (1) Handle-rest cars hold bail in three positi4ans and prevent it f rom caming in contact wiih sides cf Kettle.-- (2) Tightly rolled. sanuîary bead, f ree f rotn dirt-catching crevice- (3) Inset caver prevents boiling over. (4) Bead of cover uptumed, thus protected against steam and liquid.. .ý(5) ivetless, no-humn, ebaniz*d knob, an exclusive -Mirro feature. (6) Convex sides preverit contents f ron pouring off wbeu iquid is bemng drained. (7) The famous Mirro 14(8) Famous Mfirro trade-mark stampe into the bot- lm o f every pioce, and your guaranie of quality througb- Utensîls ineluded In ouç display of fMire. - Alurninurn are Cfloe. Pot, Tes Pots, Double soll=. auce Pans, and other articles In tie utiful Colonial and plain round styles ;che& kHardware GCo. THANKSGIVING DANCE!t lO BE GIVEN BY VICTORY AFFIATED COUNCIL NO. 192 NORTH AMERICA NUNION AUDiTOMIM, LimERTrý>ILL WEDNESDAY, NOVrMBER 24 A REAL OLD-TMlI DANC smmr'G retraTàcets, s1.OO, hking Tai LIX> PIEft AIT KRUCKMAN ,. Coomttee, UES. ANNA DRURY~ V v V 1 Mis Katbryn vau a Chicago yiitor -- Loca and Peronal ta.Lee Whitney was a Chicago visJ ____________________or Saturday. S-hort Item cof 'EspecWalInterellt ta LUbertyVîile People b s Lor-na Madole îiited fri-tin f1 l sanSaturday. Miis Marie Andrews vent to Wo- isses Dcîthy Sayers and bIsijor, The Mfidher Fern Ray sud Edith Suy- kegan Frida>. Wt- Meeker wore among those who aittend- (Imr. -tStînday in Waukegan. W.C. Triggs trtansacted business In 1e hetr n ak9an. "' Miss Melissa Gould wua tihe uest Chicago toda.y.i of friands in Waukegan Sun;lty, Mrs. Fred Haines vas a Waukegan M r. and Mis. Mike Bebm: we. tria ilitr riay .Chicago Sunday te attend aj.oartjr ai Forest Dyrnone of Chilcago spahi visitr Frday.the home of! Mr. and Mrs. N. Edwards. Sundity vith Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Dy- Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bishoît vers Chi- Tbey returned home Sunday evenlng .Mond& cago visitors aura.G. P. La nge and Warren Njciîolas Mn.i. Cors Huit and daugh tel, % li Dr. and Mrs. E.H. Smith spent lasti viii tari vork nexi week un the éon-1 Oelyn, wore Waukegan vistor3 last, WýeInesday in Chicago. 1 struction of two niew 6-rooni bungalowr .ý$aiurday.1 Miss Marie Englebreclit vas aM'att- Ionfavlon tiiurchd rt. I ae U elnifa eýiidbon w rtý,fliý, onThiil mreet M.dîs;oV1. ls. ite,' c spent s Itegasu xisitor IMonday evening. P 1 . iMiss Anna Miler was iu Waut.egitii ustyq îîetiîtg fi ioiiiii W. 'iar of Gui-nie transactedl busi i eata toeebi lir, Miss Lu-1 Misses Doris Kie n ut n. a inLibely~iie ednsday , inda. who la a patient ;ilthte Jane ,lierre atiended Ithe boy M~ut cîrëu.,î Dlse Colina and Bob MCrii MAiirlosjital. whSIe gabs 'v-alà Waukegan Saturday. s re in Wautkegan Sunday evening. Oîîerated on recently for zipîiPTdiciti. laire atoCtcaovitdls Police Magistrate Ed Hubbard ruade Clarence Boyd retutrneul Tuesday Sunday ai flie hote of lits pareuits lis r. gîtar t ript>luChicago Wednes front Ellendale, North lDakota, where Mr andl Mrs. F. H. Just. day. be bas been for te tast fi-Wli, on . ts. aIosd anov stsying ai fle houle of lusi Ii l orgt. te il espe.ia'enVO Mis. Edward Hendee of Round Lilie niother, Mrs. S. J. Young. on Brtîýng'rd file tilles of St. Josettî! itUcl ii spent Saturday at the horne of John Court. evening, lit thbe Town Hall. Dry er. Mis.,bejntybsJ been ii'allace E. Hiait, mantguereile ti..Mrs. . i. pudaot and daugliter.' getnt le* teen"il 7nir attonai AnCountin!,tliki)ai3)f Dorolhy andt Mrs. Clair Stuart wvu-ci Fort 'a>,e, Id., he pst wek vs]t- Ckýago, vas in Libert>vilIe Stî"dey 'Waukegan aboppers Baturday. ingreatiesMir. Hiait wiiil ouve Ili, famiiiî liure~ Hugo Golli. abo âttends tbe l,. cil 1. Miss Ruthi Carney orient Sunday inli eember titi-i and 'wilt occuliy 'Pic ai Chanipatan. îisîled bis parents, NMr. Chiceago ait he bontte of lier sisier, Mis. a.Ausin humte. cornter uott iit n,- .Got.ovrte ekP i 1). J. Van Patten. street and Milwaukee ai cue. Lester B. ('ol% and d:îughter. Et.tiily-__ Miss Vers Rudolpb uf Des Pl1aines, i.ast Thursday eening Missý Anna uf Chiceago %îsilu.d Suîiîîy witilîth1t= 111%, ast'isîlipg aStflie home or ber. a- Aikofer .ntertained a partîyof i i-n. Is orer Mrînî . tatdîtI .rsIByront,, ter-, Mrs. Raîy Andrews. lat berhome. The occasin was talisCoIby. cellanleous sbo'wer" for Mitse t.ll Nrs Its>niund Prendergast of Oi.'Pfeîster. vbe vili soon becoine a Dr. anti M i., .R GallowaýancV t.tg0 l sited atihfiluione of G F. bride. A mosi enjoyable evenir.g 'as daîgtgliîui., îtan.îd Mary Gaîl, wt.rel aie w days lait week. auent. The bride elect teceîved man Sundaý gueicfu Mr. and Mre. Chiis.1 lIc. May fatte vii Iai soo prityant tîsfulgifs.o. Elwefl lit Rlialîand Park. lm Cloraido. Slif' w jl stii-d lte mifl Mrq Jessie list. 'uitvî.îîtn. l a imli MASONIC li ilt rela l ips luColorado sud b11,1p Niii aseia neln . ber oi friends Saf urdaý . annitie "'-' iew1l ii, a aîi. 42,A, nieî îngA. T-xa. zu-si beig MssesRut, Satiblu . on Sattiidaiy. Nutu-niber 2e,. 192-1, The Lioba tanlit'. talose hoime vas sud lelen Kenncdy. and Mesatnes J.! Illecn i 1lc .m es ,tîic *t I el N p m lusro>ed by rire Munday, are residing; B. Morse, Frank Wallis, A. J. Autinlî, %Work un Mastet Mason degree. al.tfilie Peler Havera home, untit their Fd Austin, G. C. Grdley, Max Kolîner, At 8 oclock I, m. a neceptioD will ne bouse fil rebuilt. B. F. Woolrtdge. E.A. Crane, C. P. îendered tbe Past Masters of Liberty- Greenwood. Tbé hostess served a de- vile Lodge. The Mystic Workers of the Wortd lîclous lunchean. Each member of the, Supper ai 6 o'cloek. AIl brebren ai- wili gîve a basket sca t the Tawn tending supper wIll piease report at~ soilpsrty wspresented ihasuer the Lodge hlI t ir o'ciock and se- Hall Tuesday evening, November 23. hoquet of chrysantheniums. cure tickets. Bring your friands. Résident Mater bisons cordialiyl Mrs. Mary- Wandiess died Saturulay, tnvtled. CHAS. . SMALE. Mr. and Mns. Kennetb Lovell antd A. Nov. 13, at the houe o!f ber sister. 47-lt Secretary. L. Jackson went ta Evanston Saiurday Mis. C. Wenban at Lake Forest. 5S p ta attend the football gaine between waa 84 years of age. The deceasecl Nortbveaiern anld Purdue. weîkOnlibslcnyaln Richard Scbanck, Who la attendmns lit-ad at Diamond Lake for a nu-ber of coleoge In Belolt in. I., visittd atur- years. Since the deth of ehg .bnd. day and Sunday ai the home of hie about ten years ago. she made ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Scbanck. borne wiîb 'Mr. and Mis. W.nben at Lake Forest. Tht funtral service was Rev. G. A. MaeWborter, former' heîd Monday, vith Interiment et the patrofS.LwrnesEPBPlDiamonîl Lake cemetery comsso L b er ty , cuhnwreligions editor o! the Chf- L tyville frienda Monday eventng. Ilhèa announced an examinatUon for the The W. C. TU. will hold a 0. hanks- onyo akt i el iMet T h e a tre 1 givig priseservce th hom ofv ille on Dec. 11, to fil1 tbe positiona o givig prise ervie atthe ornearutai carrier aitLLtke Villa. The gaaary ,______________ M"-. M. R. Miller Tuesday, Navember o! a îural carrier on a standard daiiy 23, at 2:30 p. mu. Frlsdg are cordilly ruea 4mie s$.00prar0n lnvited. nl au additional $30 per mite Per SATIJRAY, NOVMBER 20 Clyde W. Brownoand M. J. Mahon of annum for eaeb mile or major frscio.1 Great Lskes Naval Training Station, tlv.r6ofla excas o! 24 miles. Ail in-LEI4RMAN COWUDy spent fit-e days lent weok on the faim formation In regard ta the examina lion id Iwitli the farmer'a parents, Mr. and n a> tic aecured at the nostoffice A TWI L I GHT BABY" M ia. R. M. Ploiz. The Wiilys Light Ca.. la anotiier new ___ Mrs. Flora Durand and Mrs. A. L. business institution for t..bertyville, Webb were the gueste oi Miss Floral and ia nov ready to market their pro- S>JNDAY, NOVEM ER 21 Churchill at a piano recital of Sergei ducis. The 0ev fiîm ta le ccated on Rachmaninoff, the fa 'as usianlit -Mlwaukee avenue, In the building KING VID>OR In ajiat. gît-en laut Saturdayoaifternoon at foruterly ocuîpled by the Dietz Motor "THE FAMILY HONOR" the Auditorium in Chicago.1 Compîany. Iu addition ta insialllng MissýRutb Loi ing last Thursday ait-i the Willys ,Iatns for power and Iight- ernoo0 entertained about thirty little ing, the cotupan' ilîl carry a complote guesta In bonor of!lber tenth blrthday, lins of electrical aîpliances uiedt on ai the borne of Mrs. Gus Nelson. The lb. tarin sud in thie bouse. The huai- arternoon vas pleasantly s*ent lu play- nes- bere is il, charge of Dr. John B. lng gantes, after vbiclî a dalnty lunch- Legnard findtlts brother,. A. B. Legý-- eon vas servedl. nard. I Mustin Sheeting, Pillow Tubing. Also Sheets ad'ases ready to use« Hem-Stitched Sheets and Covers Good Values in White *Bed Spreads Home-Made BcdCom forts Extra Lar7ge Wool Blankets Baby Blankets, White and Colors W. CARROLL& SONS' COMPANY phonei, n -Lbartvvinela. I kOLUME XXVî.,: (our Investments ýnd Our Bank To irivest your maney safely and ta the best .advantage, consuit this bank as ta your invest- ments. We recommena and cari suppiy today: FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS'te yield....... 6% TAX FREE GOV'T. BONDS to yield Si % to 6%I FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS to ymeld 6% to 7%Y SHORT TERM NOTES to, yied ... - M to 7è% We maintain a special departmerior investors, furnishing them, with Mortgages and Bonds,. colleeting ititerest and attendinz ta other cletails of, inveetments, f ree of expense. When you have money ta i nvest, call and talk with us. It wili cost yau nathing and may profit you much. le Warren L.ytel Marti Prossed; Re-arre~ i Leaves the Cour ar-uLytel Marul tii' grand ijw.y oai..al .aily ai t uiLake, 1 lor a few minutes I1 sDia 'a Attorney Jz&nt. dis,.iised the indictin Cdî.at-ds bill lCated tir-ani a motion 1.0' groindas that the ilt faut'y tb1rough faîture Orthtp-.ot temonsy a YI>een sto!en. YFartîn's freedom vi Iuowse.-r. lie ahookt Stouytt. (eorgo Fi, W= ean sd startedtI aompanîed bj bm sast beside hlm la Iran the moment the ting 9 jury vas atarled taon. door %Mirtîn %"au liftGreent. ibo served «a bim. This warrant iL'ý -itale's attorney, c!i being a fugitive iront .Atcordingte tie Pl ïUn lis wanted in Tope charge of havtng su frgni te express crinu V.etcb asserted. 1mw, warrant W Vas as"u 0 ary measur.., howver, Miari incmb.behId ut rasi'.( htarging hlm vw en inîds belongiug ta baiîk clan b.sorn rai villlbe sworno pr..AtKutGr asYs. lie ut. n"> sbch Martin bave ombezzled frontt pdny was the propert » . laccompnd andilri ailorueva t là(-Magistrale Taylot vi-re Aloiseys Piel Plit-aneta10mîke a fi r.i. wud. *:h.ey etini î-"satiirney had nm iu. aiarant charguî b- ing a figitîve froi 0411:11 thai Ibisfouir.- Carily b> tégoiernor lu,â. 1.r 555continuer tiý tisaernotin. Brie! Review 'f 1dm vamas St ùt i ic.' ai Round Laiet 4,ain efJuly. Titin ý3iiutaneouglv il vas el pat age contai ifg bail ben stolen. s Matiti Was traced t, bp wag pacer! under érougiîî brack 10 Wau Iff Gi-'en. li2 vas placeil onltfilail ntct Titre jury vas impoln Tii. il tireatlorn'-ys fi ,tiI quaf I te mind nui cu*,sr snnoinceu ltal pusti- a .nîptify au.îeçiedile 01511e. s I. second liai fin li tire se-c( lt, ru-fesse tilîo'tgii nient littIhins terni ut Oâîrison or Fox Lai. a serinua ofiense in £ a uil; monan. va. cukstody Tuesds3 wbEî vai foind ta be tau]i Farlier ibis wek niaut alleged ta bave tiocit banaitof a largî endi also securilies v fiauge the itate dit hie.sseson bsnd abs catfed for trial. CIJLD DE MOTJIER'S PATIIET] CIoktng to dcatb s i o! Mri and tirs. o i 'Messina avenuetI lu the arnus of lits r unalile tu relieve lb. for, lire. The lad hu s.eeiltuillu laryngits A ratIte reaturî deuatb uis the fac, thz is worklng in îthe Michigaunte sgo far fi be csu hi- continunit: lie inpo-ýs i -e ta tir hnlu for 4si-serai da3 Telaitmas il teNortut sllola meret> zis c:i~.ii perliter a' GI eat Laik There aie 1140o thb, famit'y.. 1iaîiy Marjorle, 9. TheE llits father lasot0 t1betour and Sauli 1 lion for the govel>ni sfort us belng mnde li0~warits faxt 'J A lumnler cencern, et any esther business Itemst, must stand or faU on the. qnyofits f1 service to yen. Il is, with thiis full understanding that we ask you for your business. Every bit of our enirgy, our utueit effort is directed te fil. ing each erder'tuat reaches es te tthe advautage of our custemser. How welI w-e succeed mnust be apparent ta you if you give us a trial. M 13 E R CIAshV E E0 P hi lip JaemgeàÉr s ___________________ etc. Aima Butter 56and a.We G eneral propl ted . T hslte and Pries lista furnhed Ou &> Cornm'ssion plication. Cold 93torage FREU. Stailse 1and S, 1Ie h ntFulton Stre toet aMakt MerchantCHICAOO, ILL. sand New Low Prices qg f