CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Nov 1920, p. 8

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LIB- YII NDEPENDENT LAKE COUNTY wENEEf Lak Couity's Big Weekly WAUKEGAN W'EEKLY SUN VOLUME XXVII, No. 47. ULBERTYVLLE INDEPE.NPENTNOVEMBE-R 18,1920 $1.50 PER Y EAR I.N DVÂNCm. f s aulty Iot ta the 1,est :nur invefit- y: 6 é% to 6% % to 7% % to 7è% ýr investoru, nd Bonds,. ther cletails ail and talk ig and May Bri Review of Case. 'tii-lin wa agent ut the cxpiEsi of- 1ic'- at Rtound Laîike up te the lter Jit et Juy. Ttîen lie disaiiesred. ý3ùnu1taneouly il vas discovereJ that, IL Ptskage coitaiflifg 81)0 In curnency bl hen tolen. Mlai in wa. tracet to Canada. where hp was placet under an est, le vas brougiit black te 0Waukegan bv Shen- Iff Gi-sen. l12 vas ifditd à aujd glared onutriaIlu ciieuît court toda'. The jury wuse mpsueled sud lwo n. TIi. nthie attorn'eys toi- Martin iioîetd2 hi> qua .tî hie inciîctnient. The prose- cuir iinioured tht lie v. îu.îlnttIe iioe.ta s.iniplify (tie pio-edîngi .iiieçpeitit iiie 1,% Second Fluka. NMii n klthteîsecond mninu a ln hi, rvlease t liiougli a tant v i udict. mntt ti.loterni of coult .Iuiseffi a .erioua3 ofiense tn conne iou wîthlî &,>ounig lionian. vas releui,î'd troni cutody Tuesday when thie indictiîet vai fonti t,>lbe faulty. Falier itis seekthie case o! R iari allegedtet have robiedthte An«« tiocli banik of a large sumn of usoneý, itnd ais,> securities waa dianlsed lbé sause te tat- titi net have ait- 1ieses ou haut ahen the ca.e vasî caileti for trtal. CILD DIES IN MOTIIER'S ARMS; PATIIETIC DEATII Clioking tb dcath, Carl. Il year ohdi ae:% 0f Marry E'iwardîs.1 oîi lessina avenue. thus mornîng died i in the arias of bis motben. viho vas unahihe tu relieve the boy lu hîis fight for lire. The lad bat becu 111 for a A pathetite reature n! the> lad'.. ileath le the tact thaï, lis tatier, whiu ii worklng lu the nortiienf part of Mie Iligzln, is se far freoi a place %eliêre lie can b.econiimhilllcted vîthI 1h fiay be inloýs?-lie ta break the iueNa te ~. hîm for several da3s. The.'laidemasiluthIe ist grade ai hie Nortri i-oI su ad as a lînticu- iarlv lîigili lilh. Thie fat., n for meir)> wse lu) d s a ciilion cal lienter a' (liol t es. There aie itaeallier cliflrien ln thl, faminWy.. laiiy Jr.. agetid .at Mrjoie, 9. The Etivants faînily. l'i ahri s sum vwhere bat een libetour anti Sault Ste., Mrie, Midit- tion for the govrnient sud every et- k..~yfort la Seirgnudmute ach bhlM. jt l owards failY oztlY retcntlÎ GIVEN AN IIONOR Lake County Physician is Sel- ected by Illinois Statp Board of Health to Attend Wash- ington Conference. ( Dl r. A. E. Brown - .gte wn- DR. BROWN SELECT- bsED AS DELEEIATE au TO BIGi CON@iRESS gt lO Dr. Ailbrt E.Bro>wnBUperin. )urt tten(ent aetiq Lake. Co.nîy General er- HIasPftai.- ha been accorded the sig- ant nei bonor of being s'lected by thei by tate lkarî or H.,alh ta represent rth the enUtre Norhern ditrict orf llinfoii aithie Social HWgiene Congresi soon Ma. ta b. hi-Id at Waltiog'on. D. C. T n a be aelected a àdeiegate ta thia great ,ocongreu àisone oft he greateat lhonort mr tlist couid be oonferred UÇMJfl a man. thi An fnidIcation of thie importance oi par. tiî.e bonor id si-en ln tii. tact dist Lht rePreRentativeR i wll ho Lreent train rar- ail parts oft he world, e 'o l'ho Social Hylene Congress of the aile World badi ha IncePtion in Europe ar. auing the World war Thîis will b, tb tne fIrst lime thie cofrgeait will havt temet sine@ce il irganizattan. te Aittiough neot kuown generally Dr 1 t lirO'n bau b.ea Praii.ed repeatedll e t i. efficient social hyglene servicý ',d rendered by the Lake Co)unty baSpîta etpectally dirng thit - ar. Few placei te« in Vie conftry have .,uch a perfeci Po record. It was t1ins act wblch ne 'Oeil vUled In Dr. Brown@ belng select. lock aiî a delegate. t he attention or tii him %tate board of !iealhh liring been ai tht tracted to Wauikègan with force dur ear lug the perui Dr. B.rown was hand witb ling the wark frcini (;reat Laktes aný lîey tart Sheridan, ýken flrown wi:l aôcompany 1hf The doctor and1 th,-y leavc, Sundtiy, te lx 10, gOfle twc veek.i fr thar lasthe per lad the convoneqs i I I .1 .1il, Town, Boosting Week We Feature A Special Sale of Transparent Baking Glass - In Casseroles (round and oval,) Pie Plates, Cake Plates, Utility Dishes, Bread Pans, and- many other pices. Any pice- BOOSTER PRICE 79C EACH EACH PIECE GUARANTEED PERFEcT During this Booster Week it wilI pay you ta inspect aur stock of H-ardware, Cutlery and Sporting Goods, Aluminum; Enamneled House SFu rniahing Coods. Cgme in and iook-whether you want ta buy or 1101. G. B, Watrous, Sous 1054fl07 N. Genesee, Street q 'The Most for the Least, But Ai ways for Cash' C14ALLIES FUI.LSTANDARD MERCERIZED Special for Home APRON CHECKS -TABLE DAMASK Booster Week. Yard Special. the yard Special, thii week, yard 20C 1c85C 27 INCH FLEECED VELOURS Special for Home Boosting Week 25c Must stand or you for ynur lirected tg fil. oër custmer. if you give us Otton siven to Dr..s.d Mou&. Poltry. dUIO or and Mi8U. rconslgnazeut ed. This la the thié street. T%0 urnisbed on à:. 93torage rn.uu and 3, hoesale markcet. 10, ILL. ices 36 INH CABRIC 27 INCH FLEECED 36 INFI CABRIC FLANNELLETTE Special for the For Dressing Sacques. week. Yard Yard 20c 19C LADIES' COVERALL APRONS Lights only. Special this week 98C 36 INCH BLACK -SATINE Yard 39e s Knit Underwear We arc shoiwing a wonderf ul complet. assortment in this popular knit unclerwear. Sece those _wonclerful Peter Pan Sleeping Garmentà for Children, made with a wooi foat. Special low prices on Ladies' Tennis Flannel Night Gowns. Innes,,Dry Goods Co.ý W4arren Lytel Martin case..nil Prossed; Re-arrested as he Leaves the Court Roo. .aruLytel MarUn. indic.iel1 t!(' grand lju'y uti Lae ceuni y on ci: îc ýg 0£ laskn.g embezzled *$>0 fret 1h .Aiu"trican ERllhaiSi 6press Col V ail>at lcudLte, va, a fires mi or a eC nuîtes tria afternoi ota ca Attorney Jz&an . ecl hi di..i.sed the. indictinenit afetr Jut 1Cd'.ards bat Indilcatedth iat lie Wou grurit a motion ta quash ion I groîndas that the indclateat w 4faul'y through falure tu il-ge ou eruhîp. o! the money aiieged tu lia Ieeu ..lo!en. .31 ai-ina fneedom vatt short liat liovesir. lie shoo îî it!a 1 9 ttorneys, George Fted d at . BlocI and shartoti Io leave the cot roai, acconipaniet by is wte,i 4usualy Prety littie voman ar bM ast bestde hlm la il@ court ro fnthe moment thie v0rk o0< g ting g jury vas tariei., At tile co iacm tuer Martina%,as met by Sh lif Green. vho served a neye warra «u him. Thia warrant. evorfi out tIi' i¶late'g attorney, ciargedthlm wý being a fugtive frun juittce. Atcording to tire proîecutor.bil Un is vanhet ini Topeka, Kan,* on charge of having embc-uleii 13,( * rgm the express dumpany there.1 Welch asserteti. bowveer. thatIl * warrant vas Sa oi"n out as a eint ary measure, howver, la order tl Mar'in clu be belti untl ane, a ràw!, îiarging hlm itI lavîig sa en rIinda belongln.g ta bbc Round hi baiicari, tesmorn out.TVis a rai vilI be aaionn out tontighit. &pre'AKutar s»YS. legaxys hai mn' ney ahicliMartmn via aheed haie embezzled f rom tie express c pan, vas the property of!the Rot Lake tnkt. --iditin accompanleti Sheriff Or and triiattoruevs 10 tue court of là(- Magistrat. Tayliontitis atternc vi-re Attorseys Field ast ifB ph mie totamite a ft43b t 10gch 1 r . i. îd . .-ey cunend tliai aatthirney lied nu riglîltau mv ,u, a varrant dhargiug Martin w b' tm a figitive fronti ju8ti-tl c!li athat hua course cani bi ta Cfty -, bthé guvernor uf a 'Zat. sui. r-i sas dontîrsuitiuntil t oct tbî, afiernoon. LADIES' BLACK SATINE PETICOAT Special for the week only 98C ICarter'A ANY I DRAW GRAND JURY AND 2 PETIT JUR' "r IES FOR DECEMBER Kopp, .M. ore Siat's -LAKE COUNTY BULL SaesAtty.-elect A. V. Smith Wili Appear Before Grand PROVES MI3ÀNS Of Jury as Firat Officiai At. 'BREAKINQO'OWNERS HAS MUCH WORK IN SIGHT._ _ _ A ni-w panel of grand jur o b ai Bank Also Goes linder as Re- been.drawfl and wili be ntitied by suit of Failure of Offspring Sheriff Green ta report fur work in 1 eBodd circuitcoeurt at Waukegaii, December t eBodd 6. Ba. A. V. Smith, will appear before Ibisgan u.TE FAM sNAR VL lit being i s ftît officiai act as au",T HEFtea NA VL attorney.ta ae' Two panels of jurors aise lias been ]legt is thie bull In quest ion sud idrawn. On. panel wîll report for the f .rri In question referrF I o be duty Deember 6. and the otlier paLeilu w are Iocated Itit east ef Vo',. auj wil torne December 20. Thisiiinîll Lake r,,Unty, lÀske county fok celles that the nov states -tflrilcy viireati'iintiret ti. fo!oaiug wilI find btmself heati over heei in nw i, i; roi,> Rockfor'1. wll h t&'îs work from the very tart. au',.,,' i fatal expertern e <ofimen Following là a Ilt.tof the Decoimbterl %,tu î a. abig Prîce for .ta ,s ll grand jury d.iaseo0f the Mo panil- record ti-eaki.tig buil andi tbýa ruaid of petiti jurcrs whirh bave heenisil a mes .c îo: .etr 'ob: of î'e t juron whlch havu hecu .1 wn txuaway iliey ar-e teinl 44- 1 i , ýq ur fcea hult bar*u,ite-I Grand Jury. i lCo î;.îa:tcieîLhe Dimo na r * Ienton. James J. Bird. William . bnk Edwards; Newport. Grant Murie; Antioch. James McVeagh, Ira M. it.d >pl Ibrd'e~I< Sîmouns; Granti, N. P. Greuier; LÀLee luli, was !ore len t0)s.iîniee Villa. Bert Galager; -Avn.Sidney>j . Cci-untman. 1 eacasixier et the Garfield; Warrexî. Geoie Il.'tiï; bacl.. and Edain ,epeweiler, a fa'r, Waukegan. Conrad Hollate ,.Williami er furnod a î'atradôtp. T'-y1, Ward, Charles Armes. Shields, James uiOnuthie Païchas' pnieu. Mitchell, Harvey iHyde, HIberyv ide, l i nale progeL! o? el Ap leMichael H. Carroll; Fremont. August pIe, the. hull dispenser% to2d(- th) syn- IWiîtz. Waucovda. Lloyd Benveli; dicate. ~uib. ret.ord miik p.,tuý Cuba. Henry 0. Sase; Ela, Lutte Dix- ers. One cow. daugliter oý lRed. was on; Vernon. A. ç. Richards, West glVefl a test. }lar mIlit asa aout Deerfjeld, Nicholas Lamb; Deerfld. 200 aho-«e par, but i là alIcted that J. A. Raabe, George xîerrlweaîlser Jr. pouired a cup or l-,) cl Petit Jury, Firet Pan' creaii into the, ps.l atter mîik'îîgq Benton. C. A. Suttie; New;unt, Arý ttîm9 thur Beahel; Anlloch. Earl liorton, "Red came te b. Il great e'iiand. Hoiner Pierce, Avon, Swan Christian- but lits daugteta were squibi. Re- son, Orlando Richardson; Waul'egain. turns un tihe lnvestment weve no' CG. A. littinger. Chales Comiora. R. K. enoigh et pay intereat char Le' @o n 'lch, Alfred Johnson, Harry Norton. the Partnera weti to babnkiuL':cy. G us Swanson, J. N. Stupey. H. J. Web- 'Countrymnau's liabilitiei Lae ..; Shields, James Hill. W. G. Ken- 71,), bu a sets SlBt.4353. Depewil..iî )f ne<y, Vincenit Quarta. W. Youing; UL)- ltabiites are $198.863, lita aas-?ts $Sýl. ýt ertyvilie. Charles Laycork; Waucon. 483. Enumet-ated among Ill. asBeho a da. H_. E. Prîce; Cuba. P. J. AIrer- for the two in a claIm for 5" ýon, 0. C. IHoughttahng; Ela, George against the former ownerl of th' se tle.clier, W. F. Berghemn, Abeit bull. 16 Hoeft. George Thtes: Vernon, Alea 'The~ population of tixon was 16 Bunton. Abert Sauen; West Deern stantledtist morning wlen a to' C feloi. Fred Horeniierger. Deeriel.,aigu vas hung over the. Union iSîatp G. W. Chînds, A. A. Henderson. P.C. bank. A state examiner will b. asked r. 1larder, Guy C. Hathaway, Williaa t,> go over'tii. accounits. Depoitturs ly Keller, Willtam B. Lewis. vill get their money.' elit Jury, Second Panel. Botoin. Edw. Sweeney; Newport, tifp4îinc by <ei¶l Irr( 5C. A. Heydecker. George A. .iamie- Teslpigefc h 2tson; Antiocli, Lester Osmondi; Grant., The s e ut in gis ct w orklaî U e Walter Johnson. Bd Larktn. Louis le Tonyon; Avon. Mxtbur Ries: Warren 3f their plictureo, especlty tÉeï>e in- t Harry Howard. John Neil; Waukegan tenderi for reproduction. baiI been r- HH.ea.Frd Grosse, John Mier- heretofore secureti by lsborlOligly go- I ock. Harry Oson, John Reckten- log over the. pichure by hapd. i* Ld wald. W. J. Saekman: Shields, J 1 -, he ieperation ha% been greatly sin. Baker. FP. W. Bowen. Robert Pet;era;pliei recent ly by the EnglIMi inven- le Lfb2rtyvi te. Frank Appley. Fred Car- tion of a sttppling Pen which ta oper- )e uer, Grant Luk; Fremont, William ateti by a clock work motor. The r. Kiugman; Cuba. James Courtuey,. work la done esenly and qulckly. PR{OMINENT ýFARMER BtOOST SALVATINPrc6AloW OF LIBERTY VILLE ARMY DRI Curss l D. DIES IN JIOSPITA orth Shore Municipattes a t r9t Against Formai Meeting, Put Their Lewis H. Bryant,-many years 0. K. on Movement for funds VeeaPse.On. ~Blh !~~~ HE RAN A FREMONT FARM Waukeg;iii, tepresented WVaulsegan aiJU IU Sa importaint confereuce of Nort h Lewi Il.Brynt, or uanyya s hore Officiait at Highl.and Park Luis if. B'lran tor many yeart a proninut imer*a ti tzen ut Fie Moa ee 6i hih tI-fallow- mont townîlip in- his couuty. diedtigitlgarOlig rulion saâadosrle d: Wcdnet;day ruoruitàg ut theJane Me- Wliereas. Ttîat, éaeies org4 izft C ït llsr Ia iîa n Wauke;ýait. tion knQwu ta us ai îtic4 Saialion Mr. Bryant 82 I ea3of age Aiyliasiegdfo '>uL- on June 28 lait anj lied lived lu Lake Aiy eîîe rn cri ci Inuty continuuîlyfor "'Hiet 6- inoa eofthe grea"t' ýpos ert foi yearo. C. IS42 he enjildi taconi gou-d th-,at h.' 11oiId knOws. an Antoni Sosan is Arrested by Lo- lany C.of the L6th. lltuOlevobun Wliereai. Thisî gieat' deîelopeli alPlcead lcd n teers as a private andi sas - luoeà.ý roeedticattnoliceand'ioaa -as ad. ta tînt sergeant andsi erved witlî hie r9ce, udra od f $50 roîîîpany until tIe close of tihessar. verse ai s..irIp1y. fi-iiinIng utiiiBods of $200n 1 o 'orinded ah tie batle -or con vent aiyr oulîl miae thiù; n. n tikaiaugas jw % ereas. lVie itteupiing itoflCei Upu, REPORT TO U. S. MARSHAI2. 4- ~hich iIt bai mojnit t ls Hi e4tt <)n February 9, 18636, hie us> niýai- ;odtiit nence liave lieu t-eds Ot râd to SusanBlackler and livedonI lîelpfulnesd and r-'g-iieialti s ofle- hrgdwh 1ýn u3e Pif lui 10 acre ftainluthe tuwr. oh ie flot talkeîi a ,bai'-i'litudes Of liard Ciagî itil.:geuoclr5 iit until 1402. wben Le mnood ta anti humble Ciay i and niglirs' wortz dent Woudr1w Wilsn .and th* Umried LiIerlyville.lie served thîrcîs henni I the sorîvaaite lplaces; and States goverumne'i. lu general, Anton aus upervîsor of thie tuwa of F'ieniont Wherea't§, ThI great wiar Ilia giveli nosan, agel 2Il, of 1126 McAllater and, was an acivie menîher of Ian- tuiler> Illustration of wîîat long P1*e- vne ýakl.wàpae ne tije Congrega? louaI clircli duîlng il! viously hi4d been proveul that neithpraeuiakgn'a pae ne if 1 leeUtne ot bL§ nesidence lu tlîat -iiule Dur icoin nonthie valleï et ar:eî'. by the î\auke.1an police at Oban. seiving aii S'.tn.ay scho,îl su- leatl itself could tia,!t llie-o hum 2:A' o'clock tIiî mtnrning. 'i:ho P- cirin, nd -nt, treagurer sud tnustes. hIe but g1orious toîtera forthe good lice have rep'. tel tne case te Joba !lis ag"d widow and ttiree daugli- iseal ort îleîîtellov. beiugi; and .Baly ntdittsmrhla ler.. Ru-Sell W. Wells ut New- Whereas, Tlîese People now a.ik, eBadle. Uuied ae, slîIat p.ort townsiiiip. MnI. Martin C. Ueck. that--hie couniy of Lake conîiilbUte ctio Lkareue orlte -r.of North Cscg.and Mns, lier- $jêi9W0 for ose in their' rehlef an-Ilproesection. cninedfr e iîert C. Luek of Waikgan, concotitu'e welfare work in Illinois duriniii aaeri i otne e e ii, Immnediate niembers oft lin. day;.ad l a an e aterray l eorel îhy. wha mounbil bs. one dangh- Whereae, They liave done îo muel police couagisle \\alrr lieylor*l cr, rs. Ie leniiertChiamsberlain. dieti vînhout a.îking anything sud haveýpoiacecudr boansofnn.îea8 sec etal years ago ai, hIe hoc.In9l nes or faîled ia the account of their pae ne od !$,ù Frciinont, leaving an oniy daughter. etewartship to show serv ice gt ealtr Seuanihdh h oi ta Miies NMaude Chïaziberlain, who nooîdee stian ire uoney couiti buy; nov. a he taiteSltatle satyselas but In Minneapolist. tîîenefore. lbe tatinvrse U nnit t raizednyar The funeral services viii lie from Retol%-et, By the, Asiisiation Of Plnem an bee tualzedthePo theIc hmo u lîof tC .isk ah 203 North Slors Municipiilitie3, iliCI this licean Dieh:u0 rllktis thela- aNo;th Chapi ostreea'. Waulîegan. lit., association shah anti hereby du e - ex. sedta heplcePte î.i aithe. leanlîoe crhciiThe of press ia approval of tiis reelutefur liegsonttaske th td le policer aro '., le hh eannouncec hater. %id andti t $ho emayons andi chiote en Tet n ti ssMe the exeutlci f tje espctie unici nue. lHe va3holding Sosniie L 3îîslitieqthrespeiLae c tive Mudtieypatrol arriveti. ýa addition ho cur.%- «Wok Pr.1paltie InLae cunt li an thYng PreiLtienl t uanti the United hiel oo. are hereby iequoeste tah appoint cota- 5tatos guverumient Soian la chsngedL Clarles bi. ScliAah at on. ofhl inilleis echarged i wth the diîty ut rais Loi- 'o diîinc'r partie! vs! talktug ing the tond allocaiet inluCe salî vthhatug itu'xd ie li-e fosre about ta miiii ýh.o ui vainhy heîeecb cun, b h IlnosBal vs 'I gn olicoii I t tel 100 u hoshaï lng t1ici' lankî for as ban. He 5I J îîî f heSaVain A la-ysLilmolc)ou'toa.bu iela rîtinîîn to, sl hlr SîW~~t ftu SliahonAWI nualltier C\Cuse ,'o ofen for havli" rlch nin, too" 8EL14Mr. SýhwaW; UKE.AN. al h enri rdtdt 1M Le's tturk pair. '1Work pour?- said NORTH I lCAGO, ol lerna-'oceîeit iti da gîlest. 'Yý-. work poor," Mr. DEERFtELD._________ Scliwab repeated. "You sep, ties ai- LAKE BLUFF, vay.. got so mny operations In bandi LAKE FORIdST. New POu Wlper. nitlesawassoto oner teLIBERTYV'ILLE, An EnglIjsmau lbas Inveuted a Peu tbOlf. Work poor, I.c8411fi." HIGHLAND PARK. i-yyayconie ttofiats cpit liei on lnie mi6and addsd: "Bas 0one WILMETTE. ,h »ne.jîi~ie i lcrn thoe tellovu wbo dlg 50 mucb dial GENOE ilhrhas a îirvervatIve offert ou tliey> ne lways ln a baie." - WINNTKA i INNES DRY GOO-DS CO.* t ep 9 ,

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