CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Nov 1920, p. 10

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§ASBKEN DOING, SINCEJWÈ One of Înteresting Things Dis- ,covered is an Error in the rf State Boundary. ONE ARGUMENT OVER COD. Oscar t'arletrant of Airalo a dc1,çgrale te te illanolai constitutaonei1 cons en- lioun as in !alonniouthIl le otier 0î'~, ad, ghie out a mt lus'hrçe. ar lItery oile tbings Ilhe aontalntion î been aoing since lat .tary, auî, uf * the bg decisiona litiare ,et 1W.' tot actuaai constitution naing. iThe present constittton, Mr. (e-. %tram toit te Atlas ieporte¶, aa beeux 'stre -1879- anad ta'r.e bas, b fot becn aomne court oecisiean sies.c lng and Interprating te p citlthe present consttullon. lion' ret-a the wock of brlaging ail this inforra :tiien togefhier te tartit e basia cfo mcien on te part etfte c :71 'EtiCîll co one flet connacted sith--Ite wuak can apaîprerîlaie. lTtün tera' conu lie ta' uie'tiofl. %'hat la been done ha Ciller st.atais tijat inîght ice of benelit I latilncis? T'his nvlves "necesrats' fallarity litite con ~titaions or Ille iraier 47 assIn tlle 1100o. A nlif t'tenI!'le tXea'cnce Cf foreign ,*IeP. ' lie bonstýituiiofa ii" iother Vlh te demanda wiicii te catis. Pluree Offait vaes ia; ta i.for g g"eal a. r'a- 1 ol cr tai" e. Anal ti il nuDt î e t'a tit hle i re more tii1",en'Iluîtc ment g in er a 1 , a ~ l 111 r S i 'a a': li .ir:' l'~l i'it te.Hie qî a rc"la-t' ta0l? of l)(- . i ' ', t .1 i iF 1 .t ' * t lr. aa -t tthe ai u hià nt if ti' a - al cI" ' 1 I1ý" ' - .I ,' 11,1_;' ii iead c tfîle n- r:1 t a' ta fig on t li e a o f 42 d' -.,. andl30itla'Il lies trolt h I.ltdeatna atateal In the. Act, ' c argesia ana l lii'cons'titutionS O? j8ji), it i5inb flent ;,oit1 ail-' aile seu'i i l i tai t li' 1; ' lie gano nd about a baif aille norti t a * thAt lireaIstl te a I ' âne,te N tra'ghIt I' -, 3araiel cf iatiiaa4e.alica .'naauied. Anioter tiie'tit'fn !o gia.lalg te bolindaryis te10 jîtt 'a ituaIPot con hie Wîabah rie r Ilhe Osa- ala-Iwoiifaole F'ort 'aince'na'a. loti ,.îat urlhIo 1 La*Je Mchigan. jAI l Il,'a'qtestioiiS were crefltl. SI' i td are nert Iy incidents cf thte g1Tat wO'la of .fte Otftil. Aliiigittl.Cod Ml tenoreai Amnri te mane attcia ly tomne uf, are sainie ahlu eecus niotty lnneeessaa-y taote gIlnt aaJoitY Of the meaiberFlii). rv.r isatance.,oell action a-as nmcdo Latesiii.e out front * te preanbte laote Sic-Ir coflstituIOia &Il referenea' la "the AiausghtY (',Cd i It as defeaieti overashalmlngly on ta' soie, but il itad In lie discuFseal jut 5 a.,i siy ottaer Qustiont. No 1a'1- resentatiîe cftte peope nia>'bY * ignoreti. Amaang acte'f thlie gt'eat tîtlSicl.g that halle resiaitad bItaaii h discuission have itrama-Ibosa' r"oviicrr of Itua-'01 a sttution a-ahidli 5ea rai t ha' trtaii %chc,!utI a -lli, te oi aalscf 1li lolaIg, ta'ei'venue sactîos i-ailn th iteitîti ilof laIti,il i f 1,ro rty "On Ii ýliria, po rilnt P'i 'i C lr.g a 'a- it in%,'i.' ta on at-I oped i taon lards tfi 'l iatî tit hss aid 8ia , er ca-ntl l t.i.x'an thClaie out lliinote. On il:,,a 'i.' a i ndt. lntsa-, it (À t healai'la. fi l). a ' li'a tang,li1,a1Ptata aonal troiii'ata- locunr-. roiltiîig t-trctiz f r'iîoa'Larinat la tnpa!F. grain, itse>iîold rooda .(te . hn-,i li i it e îua;iicg laiar rf'i.f o f ail taxa . 'l'a linodel Ci a. tlI Courts lho f1uattloff'l I, ta norcfthe- eai" si., One oft ttc 'ery arf.e çu.asîiotas bEforo t.e ioi laiia-futla conveni 'on, and ttie rotiliilla e la utaf tat saijtaeIn chairge, afer uaaanltîa çf lnvesItgalion anad tatîr. hava' cnly I«tlan Ilieai'mt 'aik lai, la.atle ta i'- port1 l Iah aonventi'onTt his report tMe e»imW *fiflftl St la Bot itClaethi4ti eew 10 anly very grefit change in b dlonu otate COutt eY$tenl., but llial courts oi-ÇOok eoaaiofly till eétînified.1 r Must Limiit tCk touat>' Anotiaer ilg pi a.blin m lle ui tian cfa lcl uhi i of retiresa' lat.î_ ia.inlfle ger'icieliaýet aabi. ji le PeuPý pýe aéa'aianded a rigiliiani i tail uif to counlryandl th!aia tiILa atolicbut i tl nu at be a tpi ecia t haý il w'.ili iotblie atcutliiaiais l 'i ithou, 1 Malt'- ti«ug&le, 'I hi1 qiluastice11;n ï'i Oic r' tat'tiofl .i--,O of Iliaii 115' îulta. a.aIuaOn aînd cumaulatie vuting. i;tuasention tinîbean al l hole 1.4é nù%anliaiflie î*50iany bemicfl5 ah tita' new sa sti:uion are npproacinr, -econd reading lthe people willihl- tc;e i iteselves in the aubject' mat- Il i1seeulIo lbe advIsed ns so itâ tiJiittai,, because of tHie-surtmb :'o eii',*à, ltiien uft Ileliras IMMNI(EMPLOYES KNOW D10W TO PICK OUT 6eBAD" MIONEY Ilt la a emparataveiy easy atai' te bcçOfie an expiertinb the qubok han,' dling of money and alsete tdteteet bilis that liave been raisea, according te those who have tried. A large pic- portion of lte Mils now in circialia lion tare faderai reseive notes. li'ho'a' in conrtion use )lave bdentifiartion, eiia,"cueiaties, In addition 10to th mnîî'.'rata, easy le memorize. Casl'iirs wtao hardie large and sai bis rapily una ualiy m4nori'e te portr ai,- un the billsa, wLlich 'ira' laîî'e raoujhIo talieuamistia'lte laF the nteor iaîk et itensjicA tl"I.'i 1h 'hae n ;ianaraa'., il ri mn"Yr 14141 . 1l* sn aî eth le criie tofcleter -coiintei' ". -at n>,l;rcw i ih ii!libE A lthe e t aiag fIîlslaliacar pli lie 'titipr. .nfmali 1av ai uit'poitrla ns, andi ceirpaci rora. Nviii î'riiy ltne a de aelnrnii im of utlie bUtas. lThe porlcaaa' on lw red ,adrai rea' rvae bills In est ryai1 ii"aiasa tlluwF- OnIediollaar nocte,,, pul liait of Geail2, NVaa.tngtain. Tas o 0dollar r.cies, portrait of 'Ihoric as Jeffersoan. Fiae dolltrIi'notes, poilirait 01 Atla hani Linaco. Ten'doltar notes. por-trait of An- drew Jackson. Tiwenty-dollar noIes, portrait ct Graver Clevelandi. Fifty-dollar notes, poritrait of b'. S. Grant. flîîndred-doliar notes. portrait et Benjamin Franklin. InOorde tetamalle couniterielting more difficult. and ta> assiat te pub-0 lie lunacore re adily detaacting counier' felii, Unite'd States Trea;» rer John fluike, in conjunetlafl iitls the secret sera be department of the Ilaiteil POsates treasuat', for the last six mortha lias been endenvorlng t0 de- aide on a îîniform ceurrency issue WlahiC %;iII hase auch a distincttve t'tle ltaItiste counterfeiters , III hiave morne dlfficleity titan eser in Fe- producing bille. 1 Il la possible liant we will haie on ena l enemination a diffejent oclar seht Ile. or have large aseasi tdîf- fernft hutes, in addition te theerior- li~ait and nrimerais. Pest Woraas t. Witt. rhie ilediter:aae&n fip (knratltit capitnlni) lias for several years cnnsed ronii'derule daomage in(ireece otahle fruit axd 'cegeiiahte rops. ÔÎan Pis, apleas, péars, péachee. tiprleoujputAIIJ ChaIdtomatoes ilave ben ep~rat feta'l. No ronaildý iag yàt' ben dis. coa ereti, and ltra 5 t95 t iae been lîttl iW tnçt te prevent te c~a i WE mJueJ I AGAINS! y hree Dectors Tva o o SXMrvien .111 N. Gaeeùe St. Wa _ M.ýf 7t 109 Soutls Generoo !Striqt. Women, f Ail Aieaàad Times Askc your inother, atint, graudmother, thWy il tell you f foks àeYhave known who vere cured of thé. many distreaaing, palaful Iduaeasea vhich occetin mot vomen'a lv,, by taking Dr. Pierce's ,Favorite Prescription, whloh la saisi by druggists, in both fluid aud tabiet form. What vomen 71 *-y: rhtWest lUn 11-"Dr Pierce bas my heart's best thanks for ~hatbis alusin edicine, 'Favorite Prescription,' has doue for "i.. Il.i always recommend tis medicîne to ail auffering uoe.Sinoeusing il I1iam much inproved lu heMth. I have .M* a u ei ht and do flot have thut 'drafgy ' feeling I had C.oreY"-MISMAUDE BLIZZARD, Route8 1 Bock Igsind, 11-"sMy girlhoo daya 1 ufered froni kreW lrity aud would become ruu-down in health and my motiier tw idgivé me 'Favorite Proscription' vhenever ah. aaw that 1I coeded asapecial tonie. At on. time viien I vas suffring duriug ji.v.lopment ah. gave me a complete course of 'r~eLvtu 4YYrt Prescription,' 'Golden Medical Discovery'àad 'Pleasant I>aileta',s»1s.n tli remenaber that these medicines restored mie ta, rprfuct health, niaking me feel better ln every way.- 1I have' inre ?iwari.d and have become the mother of three cidre."-IMRS. ilE. LMARTIN 4327 Seventh Ave. Mdtint Verno, IlI-"l'arn glati to say that Dr. Pieroes Fa- jorite Prescription prov.d jWa as guod as it la advertised ta be. la vas veak snd iscked trength suad ambition. I had worked bard Mu ail poo=y.X used'the *Favorite Prescription' and ik gave me ivigLhs doenect t put nov lýkinme.-. Jaas phèaSedaIùiït did o much for me and Iam ver glad to recommend t" RS 1213W tB Our Christmas Grafonola Club We are now forming a "Grafonola Club" and during Our Stock Reducing Sale aire offering. specialterms on the pur- chase of any Grafonola. You ,,selectthe particular instru.- ment you want which is delivered to you at once or is held until Christmas, Model C-2, Oak o r Mahogany. Price $50.. Model 'A-2, Oak or X.igrn.Prite $3250. J'ay $5 down and $1'.50 per week. Crafouola Club Membership is I Limited Pay $3 down andl $1.50 per week. $3.00 DOWN andl $1.00 per week wiII purchase $5.00 DGWN and $1.50 per week will purchase $ 750) DOWN and $2.00 per week wiiI purchase an E-2 or F 2 Mode]. $15.00 DOWN andl $13.00 per week will purchase a G-2 or H-2 Macl. Model H--2. Ail finishes. Patent record ejector. Non-set Automatic StoP. Price $165. Pay $15 down and $3 per week. Model C-2. Same as above without ejector. Price $150. 'Psy $15 down and $3 per week. No Inte rest!. Mocde! D-2, Golden Oak, Ftîîncd Oak or Ma- hogany. Three Spiing Motor. Automic Non-set Stop. Price $75. Pay $7,50 down and ?00pet week. Don't Delay! Join Now! Do it Today! .No -Extras.! N IL' Im ThH Campt Se Ovet Ini etllu- CIS, ul-tia.ý- stylc3 and iljîr linixlii cial fa'r thi T You Stylish .1-e in -bel ble and s gest kind 4nd colorl Lvery Spe Model E-2. Ail finishes. Non-set Auto- matic Stop. Price $120. Pay $10 down and $2.50 pt week. Model F-2. Saine as above with patent record eWetor. Price $140, $10 down and $2.50 weekly. Model L-2. Walnut or Mahogany, 18 karat gold trimmed. Four Spring Motor. Noni-set Automatic Stop. Price $275.00. Pay $30 down and $5 per week. Model OC-2. Four Spring'Màtor. Prite $225. Pay $25 down and $5 per week.

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