CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Nov 1920, p. 2

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________ 111E LUER1WILLE -W~ TMIUTE ÀT RÂYI nuLs 10W VET WASI WOIJNED IM BATILE, CaPt. John Swanbrough- Pays Glwing Tribute to, the Late Lewis H. Bryant, Friday._ Lewis H. Bryant. aged Civil ar vetersu and one of the pioneers or LEàkee Onty wlio died ln Wakegaflj fiant Wednesday rmorfias, n as turiedj with nlîtary honora ai lvanhoe ves- teuday atternoon. The ser vices ln the beautifuilIvanboe eeileti.-ry were SO=dwted by the G. A. R. î'osts of -Waukegan and UÀbertyýille, John %V. Bwall.nrough offlciating for the %nu- kegan poat and John Balard for tlit jhsbrty',tlle post. Captain John SWanbrough of Watt- keffl, wlio v-as'stanüding besiae 'Mi .ErYant nt the tinse lie wale nounded aithle baille of Chickaniaugu;a. pail a glowing tribale ta the ,teriling quality of is frend. conirade,, citi- sen and as a soldier. The tollowing obituary wzis read at the grave by Mr. Swanbruugfl: "lýewis H. Bryant was boî n June 28-11:, ln the lownoa i iianard, Uite ot.Vermonaft, Ife came west1 wtb is pairen-u nlieu 14 >eass.t age, moving ta Kal-aînazotn, \iiligan, ,w-bre tbey reavakined for One and one- hall years. and hri n lie Io Fi- mont townnship,.fan Laka tc0uni3, and ettled On d itit) cre laiiOc nil-àl .outh of lîantioe. 9'11n118b,2 lie enltsted on company ç, Pfh ll.ois rolunteers. as a pr'vate and was Pronioted ta first sergealîr, a.nd served tan that caî'aclty until tit close of the war. He was wounded ai the baelle of Cliokamagua. -On February 9, 1866, ho vis mnar- rled ta Susan llackler. who sur-vives him. Of Ibeir union four daughters were born. Annie, the wite of lier- liert Chamiberlain , vwnstbe eldei. wbo died allter a lingeing ilîlins ai Mir. Bryant's bomerne p remoBt, sev- erâl yesrs ago. leaving ber bsuband, who stili survives, and one daugbter. Mdaude Cbmlerlain, Who reide i Minneapolis. Aiso idt. tl4e w1e Russell W.' Wells, Who resides On a garni la Newport township; F-orence, wite of ilatlg., C, . Dker,.. ore- ?ie Ça ortb Chicago; and bFanny, wtfe Of [leibert C. Lusk, wbo resides at Waukegan, and witb whom lhe and lira. Bryant were making i1h, 1. at the imue of is death. "Mr. ryatsoid is fam n 1u 9i. and in 1902. moved to Llb£irtý-ville. whéeolie lived for seraI years, iben lie agent one.Year in Califoraia and two years in Norili Chicaé;q. on August 25, 1917, by reasontof Mira. BrYaBt'4 faiiing bealtb. they xoved to Waukegan and have siice made their home with their dougbter, FmyLusk. *M.Bryant iniîed wit 11e Con- gregatlonal eburcli St ivanhoe before te Civil War and durng ail of bis reaidence lanfthe îowa o! Fremont lie wa@ansuactive aid faithful worker ia that churcli and served for yoars as trustes, tressurer and superia-tendent Of the Suibday school. He wah also aCtive ln the affairs; of the township andwas always arrayed on tl.e ide 1for ad'.anccnîent and gond gavein- ment. lie served îthree years as su. pervisor of tbe town of "rmiî.lie vas a tirai bellever blnte cause ofi education andi ervei in seierai it. PaCities ia cannecttan witb tihe shools of the townshiP, aiso giving is Usugh- ters additlonal education moi-e than the achOOls Ofthie îownstîip alfordý &Y. NOVEhMa 25, 19X,. -eti b'sendlng tbem to the Valpgrades0900000000 0@-00 000»4. uensaof -Mr. sud lirà. losePh WU.SO*,S0090*SO W 0 0Ola nlelodao at Mlilburit laut TuayPoue Fl blto andEvaoonanoos. Whn l titans8of! Llbertyvllile on Sunday. 0 nigt.TlirsEE lan'Aolila anvd tovan eyioacls. WhenitedN * Mr. sud Mrs. F. Kimhark suad son G a. . B. F. Sherard bias beson very IIIthofMneCrc a s thieliethodist clurcb there. and ýiben *00 00 00 0 00 0 000 00 0 0of Xavensvood were the guests Sun- *0 0 00 0000 0 0 0 0 0 mnt week. Rome,. Nov. 20 Piope Be-ndInxy, lie rnoved ta, North Chicago lie unit- Miss Frances Sinnott rotijrned home ' da)'of*Mrs. ',,lah Adains. The Vikln#s blI a turkey nnd ducit Moat of ite teaiera vito live away ln preparlng to a.-k thé Prince or Mo.. os) wltbIthe Presllyterian oburcli at Tliuraday after a montWla visit viitt '.1 liîe Ldlth, -Toèungest iaught c -o! raffle Saturday and Sunday. froot bere willvisit their bornes thit naco lu close Ur, 1ont,! CarIa, lte tblplc, fwbc cuchh vsrelatives ila-Chicago., It iailra ts SlFitF' We. ,greatoat gamnblinkg resour thie .worla a meniber at te time-of lits deatb. lr ayRfe oIfrCi î .t nau. ,The card part y andl dance Wc.lnes Theroetil be no school Ftridày on ae. bas ever knowî 'Ebhae the poutlWr MMr.Mary yantewaFoan fornChicano, Yirik. Rd Saunders ,and T'i'lIrn t dy ni6lit as attended by a lar; 'coula of the Thsutaglving holiday. plans IbisFlot)'n, a great crusd, conscieptious Christian man. le si- Sunday, aftor a eek's iviotithait lý.fthegiiwssof!the I( M. Hèle trcn boe - iVaragainst immaraLliîy Ibrouaboat thi emlfo bsCrnta atbt iatives sud frienda in Wauconda j sunday. A unîier fattahos naed Ma-.'1.fML Yarwloio oriti beeali(.known today., Ialy Ille, even when engaged the tO Mr. and Mnra. arleY Wadoent th1Ile William Kieht returar-d hne Frlday 1- busy lie ot a farmer, lie atwaya toaih weok endi vitit Wauconda relatives. iîaving spont ten days wtth r0-etaies the lime îmmediately aItar thit' m0rn- M. W. Hughes transactoti business in Concord, Mici. Ing meai ho gather bis tanîily around' la Chicago Mondai' lMra. Timni and Mlrs. Keller ýf Glen. hlm snd read the 1Blble'and engage ln Victor Carr agent Sundai' vîfl Clii- eue, ver. lhe gueats of Mrg. R. M. prsyer. Ho and bis aged widow con- cago finonds. . Vant Thursday. I ' : , i c - inîîed tbis pi-actice up until the Flimé Misa Matie Miler sllent the woek Miss Marie Rhoder of Chicago was jof bis dealli. Ho was alwit5s o! a e ndti ih relatives lanlicIenry. te guest o! the-Fp. Horenhergor home happy', congeffiai disposition and on- Mrn. Graso andi dauglibor, Mise Es- hlriday. tirely linselfiali. The . combort sud i toila, le! I Tuesday for Parkç Ridigefili. On Friday wben Supt. Simpson vis- harpiness o! biis wfe andti ebîren f vbere they viii spend the viner schaol lie selocteti sevorai t andi of ila Irienda vas aiways bis 1 menthe. pwstera madie hy ur posters ativertis- hi chef regret was Flus inaiility tu t rago Sunday. . olieh put on exhibition ai ur stato continue la watt tpan anti tare for lirs.Stanctif! ofP:. Ainerican t fir.C a m els seIl l. tii aged vmife, and ishicfear iiat ]liiie th asitof tw the h rare hom ent er Mr andiMrs. Hennry Segirt;vilted lai cd onles wauid be ineanveniencelli MrveStIehmo!e- their son, H. iSegert. of Libertyville b aigt aefran atuu dauglitor, s.W, Sater. , freinsWednosday until Friday te past bâi) Faine tastarelor sa î si 4iOfe1 -Mr. and lira. D. L. Putniani moveti week: imbîh(an andih ,iaê-wsotuee af c,n- t d tlipe lust eeli, vhero tbey wll Mis&a Elsanor Meyer attendLit lte tierable regre11t ta lîhîîî iliai lie mas aotihe tr.cnerneof Iigli ichool eacliersata unabte ta vot'aiat the latit leciden- Tee infant tiauglter of Mr. anti lra. (isanipaiga L4 apaît wveol. S Wheloc pssei a~a Snday lra. John '1viiinihii agsent Sunday q tialelecion.île a le i teNov. 14. 'Ple funoral waa helli frontwthb ler son Christ anti lamiti'oft G.uA.l . connîys reuîtnsatnen--e' boule Tueaday afternoon. The aym- Gien View. sul out finat ionsal audsienden patby of aIl la extendedt o the young Misa Florence Adelman of Western ýonie fe n atioa adsit n parent in the logs o! their littie one. g»rings and Miss Bernice and REri A______ viiili e held at tflic - Tucker ot Highland Park vore te nunity bouse Pridai, Dec. 10. aifter- guests of Mr. and Mlrs. Cari Anderson 0000.0000-0000000 00 0 noon anti.evening. Fancy work of ail lundaF. 0 PRRE VIEW 0kinda, home made liakery gouts. etc.. December socond i theb day set fr OOOO OOOO OOOO O«ýW Iil h on sale. and the yonng ladies the annual bazaar o!flihe Preabyterlan 0000 000 000 000Qofclub viii have charge o! the cai[dy churcl i. b wilt bc~ held inathie Coli- Mfrs Koten la an thte aiiing liai. booih. - muniti' House, begj9nlng at 6 o'ciock. Mrs. W. Stanctiff spent the week James Murrai' Icît Monday for Fort Mns. Fred Horeithorger entertaineti end at Wattconda. Worth, Texas, wiîere b.lie ii speûid lra. F. Bietierstadt, lira. Henry Se. ?trs. A. Kiest is an thé sick listat aIthe s*%ter vIlli Mr. anti lra. Frank gert. lira. Erneat Iertgberger o! Park Ile homoni b ler liais nias in Ares. Murray'. Ridge anti lra. Emil Kreger o! Sher- 'rit Veron cmetey asociaion . r anti lra. Francis Wollavor and nianville on Wednostiay. li- enncmtryascainB Woliaver left lait Fridai' for Ibeir Mr. and Mlrs. Albert Claptier antidusol nw wyCml witl mect i a ie hme ai lin. Pets 50onov whomo la Elgin The Wollarer chltiren o#Chicago spent the veek ou4ýn w wh aml aIHî 0' ec .famlly bave mani' frienda liere. vWho ond vith Mlr. anti lra. Leo Seiler.. are s50 us",so rfies an, M. Iietcbberger anti famnly anti C. are aorry.t0 have tbom lbave. The P. T. A. lîtenedt l a very fia-'- .ir8t, qual ity-second, Heischberger zrn-Jfamill of .oua tjtress given hy lira William Youngmasfng la res S îndýii t th Rde ' *n00000090000 00000 o!fte State Parent Teaciiers' Associ-Cresxp t.b ofc ie uka TnAea Son aer h sa ek I<> D E FIE Datlon.and choice D=iesîtctobaccoe which Ted Masn svenftheyou'ileeceet0air.iyLDp0 Ier to either kind home, on accoutait f lis fatbor's ilII- *OOOOoooooê0000000 00000000000000000, - ,lcetai.5- re I s r.Ivn emo hiaowt I L U N 0smoked ti'aigîît 1 M.anti lis. thaltfsd b gucat o!flira.i. A. Stryker last *000V0000000000000 ' 5 lrd mks"'be ta Mr. and Mrsn.Clbas. Krueger took i Thuradal'. L'mei bed mais ibeta minstrel shov aitheb Majestic the- .HStwrFotiaudyfrLl -ealth la Waukegsu Saturdai' niglit. William kulet of Wilmelbe bas re- A f tvn oiStra'frLiy ..- wonderful mellow midne,-y aih movet isiifaml'labtinte uper fiat 1Lake, Ilii., ta geanti the vititer vîih - damirable body i hee1 And, Ç mt lir.antilra. F. Tonner attentied lthe, o Jasmes (lallova.y's bouse on Deer. is dauglitor, lira. Ralpli Taylor. q- steeCml funerai oI Mr. Tonnor's aunt, la Lake Ibid avenue. Mr. sud lira. W. B. Stevart le! t last neyer tire your taste I -Forest. Etonnent at Diamnonti Laite. Miis Eva Petts vho lias heen vie- Tbunsday for St. Petersburg, Floritia, Thei Ladies' Atti vtli meet villi lra. Iting ber parellis, Mr. anti lra. C. W. ho ipens) the vinter.- You'll appreciateCamicls. freedoin 'C. Sturmt Dec. 2. Piease brnig your i'ettls for the pasl three moulhe,r- Mli nsd lira. E. E. Denman. havtng rmaylpesntcg et le- thimhbles. Therp vili ho von for ail, sucn ber dulies wtht the National soit) their home in Liboryville. havetae run eaatcg eyoor o.iais ,-i:î ofut D'ician. Wis . ',%i id t h.eD. Young place until nextate a r nla ntcgrryo r1 OOO OOO 0000000 s.urdy.sprng vhen tley witigo on afarm. 0 H A LF D A Y 0 *Thr Convay' Comtrany finiriemi th- lMr. ant inr. E. A. Martin trans- For -.te, wpwn Lýatx.zfaction compare 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0>0 1oncrete vont on Telegrapli rosi'il estPtetibusinoesaIin L.ake ForestthIle eek pouroti the !ast asphaît. '"!,-' ComeIs ptif[ by puf wi th any ciga- The Bazaar anti chickon pie suvper rmail la nov aiea ta Evorett ant In ia pî e rettce ;-'ti.e i-.t-rld at anyprice! givon b hi'ei Ladies' Aid viii hie belli couple of veeka vii li e open cîcar lira. D. oung anti ciiltren of Wadî.-d 'a h ý . nxta Saturtiay evening. Nov. 27, in the Ilîrougit, havlnç gan.- as fer nanis as vortht suent §ODidtay with lira. James ,, DOMCTC' C..t,. ad-,,,at. - r,, , .i.y.~Jps... f20eQ. Town Hall. The supper viii hoe îerved Deerpalli avenue north sud iouth ta Jamieson. Mi) ~, '.:f*~ O~~i l~i trom 6 tu 9 oclocit. There viili e ail NItllvaaiee avenue ai Niles connet tig lilas Korr o! Lakte Villa la visiling- 1.- 1-11 the thlngi usualli' tuo eh at a a-a iti thUe Concret-.- hen istor, lira. Sprlag. 1,l. J. 9rnYNLb.-:, TODACCtI i. WnlaSla . home Canning an& oka iilewe- Saturtiai Ingnt vas voîl attendeti. nol mucl Ifmprovoment Vernon Webb corne. Ahbualwof corn, viteat or jo lra. J. A. Reicheît. Jr., attendes) a-hm atise ebicea-poz. tatoes or appei viii ail hein la, raisiig P. T. A. conference oIft.e South aide Dr andi lra. Jamhso n sd daughten the rends Jita mach as te ertcsic itcoola of Chicago on Fidai', vhIch is eeCiag -os aud o! lothiag for whch te Ladies' AddWval belit)I the qeeton"achebl. Drsvr hc« iiosSlna' lias heen huai'. AI ' ladileasvito vii li. Kanaak, w-ho lias heen IiIl -aie'be hoIr praclice ahtlite home of Mr. loi la makbag nocesam'i'reparabios sgat stiuler, la ver' loy, Hiesions, and lira. V. H. Srang last. Pridai'. corne ltulite hall on fl5nday afberimoo, Rd anti Radie, ver. cahot) home lait The Volunteer Cîsia o! the Young Nov. 26. for -many handa makelli mer- Saturday. Marries) Ladies mol vith Mlra. Cors hal c r cRa ry comvansi.." Mir. anti lra. Arthur lierner hati as Slrats SaturdaY afloanoon, la nom' h Ee e r icR Thte aervices for next Sumdai' are as Il'elr veek endi guesîs lMr. anti lra. g1miY. Fouteen members ver. la folova: *Gliltan o! Chicago. , attentiance. Chaci Scheoe t 0a rllas19BEtna Fritsch aient lise veek There viiili e a meeting of te L.a- FHvenlng service at 8:00. The ser- cndati ilRer Forest,; as the guosta or ties' Aid Dec. 2. Dinnen. Chi îactc ii 1he.heda mà. i aiMa hers ttiîtn) D.t .'- i~fo r Cri enience. mon sabject la "Mtbla Gos) Lie?"' Mis. Cavender. day aflernoon ai 3: 00 O'clock. Pirk -p-Ent Sondai' vilh Mr anti lis. Woliîiî-l'b.-î,e ihnf ail wtiiiem art Preparationi are isov on for tht'e F i ltda». @alite ithî,;l l, ieauiterent. MonaFie. Christmas muniec.ssoa 100 per cent ai- lMr. ani lira. William Carr'anti Mr. lieve la imon lieuncalttie, ant IaIlu tendance ba hopeti for, and lira. 1arr Olendorf vene the 9dfernCnlaUiEquiM. Takes xou lgflt tothe i-eart Ol Re Loop ANNUAL REPORT 0F TOWNSHIP TREASURER STATEMENT 0F THE FINANCES OF' TEE SCHOOLS OF TOWNSHIP NO. 46, RANGE NO. 11, IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FROM JULY 1ST, 1919, TO JUNE 3OTH, 1920. RECEIPTS Dust. 8 1 Dist. 24 1Dust. 521 Diat. 53 Dist. 54 DiaI. 55 1 01sf. 56 iDiat. 57 ýDist. 1161 Diat. 121 jl Total Cah n iu IÏIi , 1919.....................a le6 61$1023 731 a 395 48 181558 50 s 286 21 a 263 56j 12416 49 08 U4 771 s 144 99 $852O 15462 44 DIstribution of Trusteen.. ..... ......... . I... 62 22 53 04 ~ 57 121 1 172 38' Xxstrict Taxes'...-.... .. ................. 789 0 1730 97 843 721 1068 98 1105 87 971 07 2660 58 2467 9 1362 251 22246 921 35247 68 .uto adb uis............... ..... ..... 40 40 00 675 921i46 75 Bale or Rent of Sehool Property... ....... 168 76 la 38 j66 681 248 81 filae of Warrants, Sociale and Over. I1 dravu Accouata ..... ...........i 63 49 81 00 26318 99j 264684 lteiubraements From Board& for Voca. 9: tiilEdutoaton-.............. . .....906 26 96 5 Tailles of Transferreti Puplila.............-I___.___......__ ___994 74 [ 99474 TOTAL .........................-...... 1 a 806 061 $2794 701 $1239 201 $me,6231 $1454 301 81287 671 $6097 201 $2983 30! $1588 241 $59485 6311 $79532 53- EXPEN SITURES IsDt. 9 jDist. 24 j DIsI. 52 1 DisI. 53 1 Diat. 54 DiaI.655 camh ou Hand JuDo 3se 1930....... ... ochool Doands. Clerks, et........ Warrsats -..........-.............. 1..... '1iuhera hall Iime or MONe....... ........ Tuý boaPeniaoin ....... Tult Bocks. Statofry. Iupipllea et o m Teshers Ordora........... etc.... -- ...... Nw ameondeansd Buildings. New Ugupent ............................ .. t Iloods and istereat..................... . . .........~ ............. 80 30 69 17 -8184-511 i8-1827 625 00 856O0t 985 oOý 825 00 100 76 2034di es534 115927 637 061 ... ..._.... 0 $8337 2'1 8 340 75 0 765 001 760 00 5 0 352,011 181 $SI Det. 56Dt. 57 IDt. 116f Plat. 121 Il $1796 78 869921 8 80600 21309 62 184 00 900 001 728 00 10246 83 I677.31 f937 os 1826 si 633 38 331 66 '6804 79 188614909 64 3101 44 f1#82 029 750 M0 525 00 641989 "T>AL-.....z...... .........-. .... I osV J Ç5g F*7.................ui'>r' ""311Ot$12454087020$1983 301 81588 24 DISTRIBUTIVE FUNO NECEIPTS 'Dee.frsd f o SUW,.......... .... 3 47, Illtrbdt ed but vithitelt trop district fond (item 78 last 391 62 51050 as Tolalo'lt, 1Ibn. Total 89697 58 160 00 21309 il 677 81 8 SR $37 95 9416 41k soi6 44 8788 49 1982 192 764M 93 - 48u $594850011117958 EXPENDITURES . .... c.... ........a.. .. ........e......... . ..... ..... - 8 16920 ComPensaton o! trssurer .............. .....- .. 226 00 Trustee«' distribution o! ger caita tb ditricts reportes)--*""* ln titis Cmli'- District -No. 54 ............................. ............... .......m 22 District No. U ...-. ...,........- ...... ............. 653 04 District No. 57- *.............. ............ ............... ........ 67 12- 172.38 Apporbioneti but viiholt f rom- District No. 8 .......... -.........5 ...... ....6. e32 District No.94 .........9613s District No. 63........ ...' ......... ... ........... .212 38 District No. MI ........................ ..... l99 17 District No. 16.........,.... ...... . .... . . .....63 24-776'14 Balance nob distrihuteti nar vîtbbeld Jane 30, 1920 .................. 14 77 Total lyi'lot, 1920.«....,.. ...............-........_...8 ..........._1203 49 MP. 0CEEYVERjrovt bjg TDIaaxUfrr For t Buswm Man For Shop Mat.m Fort Dimi .,nul Trains to Chicago Daily-»a~ Follows: Le ave (,,net AI le eBuff wilh Arria. Libt" leis xiie'Trm" te 'hti, l'h(, 5:48 a. m. 6:03 a. m. 7:25 a.m. te 6:18 a. mi 6:33 a. m. 7:55 a. m. rin6:48 a. m. 7:Ô3 a. m. 8:25a'. m. 7:18 a.m. 7:33 a. m. 8:55 a.m. 7:48 a. m. 8:16 a. mi 9:38 a. m. Theisevery bal basfto: 9:48 a. m. 10:03 a.m. 11:25 a. m. 10: 18 a. mi 10:33 a.m. 11:55 a. mi 10go I: 48 a.nm. 11:03 a. m. 12:25 p.nm. 12:18 p.m. 12:33 p.m. 1l:55p. ta. 12:48 p. m 1: 03b. m.2:25p. M. 1: 18P. M. 1.33 p. m. 2:55 p.m. 1: 48P. M. 2:03 p. m. 3:25 p. m. Then every baif haurtot: 4:18 p. mi 4:33 p.M. 5:55 p. m. ie4:48 p. m. :5:03 p. m. 6:25 p. m. leor 5:18 P. m 5:33 p. M. 6:55 P.i. itre Paty 5:48P. m. 6:16 p. m.i 7:31lp. m. 6:18 p. rit6:33 p.mi 7.55 p. m Then every balE bourtot 7: 48 p. m., dme 8:48, 9: 18 and 9:48 p. m; and every bour therealter until 12:-48 a. mi Chicago North -Shore & Milwaukee R.LR Libertyvill Ticket Office Phom: Libmrtviie74, D1ETZ «C 'ibertyv&l Irsr AIN SPE( HWR BAhVE 1 Camein' fect service Libert ,.54 thon l -t 1 1 f . - rn-ilwera-n Il . ... ... ..... - 6-00, 4.4 040ae et - 1 Imm@ -1 2 909 MI 221%4 '101 212» 261 itffl 2 1 litRà 149 luiDAD Ai IER WITli MIDN16I4i Pirs. Anna Kujal. says She Was1 the Hotise'in M~ '[bat lier bipsbap wttlu n axe ai rmitin QI 'Noviemiber 12, tt hon from m ie bouse ii tit b le f requemili il liât. that ho fraqua alniosti tlainis tbrev ber viaiently ho bati a habit o! lier vhule lhe vas dl November l6, thIIs3 tvo-golifd package slnlkiag lber lu tlb. eauslng soveno beat prpsent tînie. aie li, a bill for dlii - ft et Waukeganimî,d. Soplîhe 1<111 ail i Sbe r;ii '4 i n ii i tbree >em,vi lia1, but anc Pair of ab $lefsoc a' lit ;.I, n. ced rebii ai ning lber. 1 posîins i, ilslisie ,on Cu, lien tailli Mrs. llaWI Mir 'abel A.HG maa, ioday fileiU ta 4 foi' dliçieagaIný jeromet'-J, Hm>lanc femal. imas mninage Cigan dlore. l'lie t fie i ale wmie ina 1911 F-I-R SPA RK Are Gazoline, Savena The Ne-w ands Prove, gîiez. Hoal and ili amui AfTteci Islug.

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