CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Nov 1920, p. 6

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went home and vlalted wth Mr. lIe no worse tlîan ordinarily aud at- p,~uma~.cordlngly her sudden pasîng caine1at OLD siiock to lier hiusband anid friendij.- ER T41 OL il lien lie found that she liait becom& :ck, Mr. Brean called a doctor but t waa ilien found rhe %as verv critie- ELR;FINED $251 alii i and beyond humitnbelli. For and jet, deapie ýth.t at l . - aa kranue to Crowd of Men 011 close student of local mattios of th ~$uhSie Proves CoStly bible, etc., .îî'sir î'an ta,, borniin London in to James Andonoff. 1850 sliewent to Woukegan wljen, ~msAudonof. 307 Kennârd street, and lias been a resldent ot Waukegaki mà, was arreated at SaturdàN, ever sînce. «btat 10:30 *,hen policeman Ed1 Sjîe was a great tudent, of the ",MUSc found loin ai . th corneriBible and apent a gleat deai ocilnet rTnth etreet and MlcAtîieî leeflto tifie along iliose lines. a «bg crowd ut men'f. 'nie offitSîe leaves 10 mouin irabaad SIgeda fanihi' . r tioie lrtther, ti,4,si.-îeîs-Mrs. Anna ~4oo« liae tî~~iaeîî nij. 1, Barniiiiiî. .Miss M. R. W'osslold, and liaL Snet belipeein cw iii. iîIl Pi il A. %W foda]ofCa lna. Olaced attlitaili the 1 d Yo'ea f iet ,,i niunt -îiI-AD T O OPFROM ~Frl1l bld Andonoff in W aukegan po C ' RT CiAI O ce court. 'l)epol'itiiiof l o goodi C .vIa OC AI O gàgling al ithe' c îd of a îîîpî If ame "Ç est afly more tîoîn îî(,ilu kinîl rýf-L 6 HE P OU eau rest assuî'ed %jou a il, g't ait "ta13 ee ine o l. Fred Schreiber who got Wood- rd-myb 11;Itd'()l il l. wt en Leg from Waukegan leecs feti yArfowI Very Grateful. aid Ïlt this lie a tess-o 0ou." Po- TaiIo tnPed Slri ol o Mlaitie TaýItr îaid. 'I 0i 'hoîu the liaily 8un nsent îho' w uaien jrebrough4 in a-l a ilhoi l~ eg ahicii lie Cniliuit1 Si o;' had 5jua in Jait oi youioffei'ed foi sale, appreciates wl,li ta' Andorofi iv ul,'i-been donc loi- iîîi. is îndjî'aied Ilb % a lc'11îîIo Nis. A. K. Bowes. luesident ofiiit e W'onia n s < dw tîo 'r ci% ,t scli.iel.e's Itrof appeiii askin.. ITTENDS" CHURCD îihtsonîem)y 'end Ilîi he w egTh IN EVENING, DIES aui.ecialion anud J iii. i w h'-, il çevesucti la'ioluand in Iii"- FE IOURS LATER 0Iio> ie îIdelhoiantnfr âres in 'alloînni anud Naîking down »Wa te nmail ihemi Mrs . George Brean f Waukegan. ýiinîlay ej ening. de- MMed ab nould aunnd service at 'weeyterian ctiurcli Slîe cent to the »I'Vice and sqasnn unuesiedl aor- e mldnigbî. !çleck she heramue ih-and she dire -Ier ilîness,, l inied os'ec a long lriod' bul on Sîindss 'lie aeenscd l hiper focrIthe entile trograns She VICTIMS IoSy,Iiver, bladder and uri c ad oble are moet danggrous be- au of their in*idous attacks. o4 the first warnîng they give at "hypW. attention by taking wi icli Mca ltome* icciieC. alleur Sch rîT ilien luad bî'c'n gi <'n th,'e om t-n tlez ls letcr ' u oNv. i s.12. -J> heau i i.-nîl Iideel:VoiT (Ion[, kno-s i.Isu ibonkful 1 amn in "iirLeii ug u n-îpe-~ lez: tuhc a clild cecrîi ngaut(;l andl a o lu M. W'. J. Snoi. îi~ laua bIc-s-i hiii in celui n. Ila- urus iai uTf[ Tii iu. X îîîn;ir- clili out XXuk.îgali ii-Cî TiiuiiiS liî ,nl)nîi. 'V.1I Sui iiî, srrhinu.' suiuu ,ih a ni iii,.-UWîi"r 'lanksgi i I-ut itiîa >Mice vtrIi r iu. andn athappyis'Newi î'ar.i u r.'îusîi 'îiîui. iil>'. FIILIzîîREII "Noie.t1n ahkiroîuuchairi i iiliai. blii I nr !0-îii i gel ui-eil tui Ti lid c out of duirca.uuîo.- MMNY INVENTIONS ARE PERFECTED BY LAKE COUNTY MEN Patents Have Just Been tssued to Five Lake Co. Men, 3 of t ~ ~.,Ib., Whom Live in Waukegan. ~eeee, ~llalen ar of Iem Si That Waukeean and [Lake caunty éqelead0 -nb.fte body agalnst haîe more Iban ibeir aliare 0f in- 11411I1116Thf-mel, &U Ildfiiàbi ventis ia indlcated by reporta n- 40 lt* ceiîed bere o! patens mtOh ave been granted by the patent office ai Vash-r ington. A nur aIo patents have i DU. . L. TAYLOR beei granted ta Lake counl> mea . qula b - Ndei k""awiliin tbe 1851 weelc or tno. a Sute A patent on a rail ancbor Irts jusi uou:-]ta :80 and 7Itue8 P. lu been issued la the late Iirin i.I IIII1deM> e nBmo. oppôulto e ~Slonenburg 'of Gurnee . Nir. Span- leesvlli, diol,. enbucg pefected a rail anchok Ibsu inasnid ta prevent creeping of the ------- - rails. a M- 0m. . P mrI*TERMpI D .John A. Mtier 0f Waukegau a been granied a patent on a t"ain si;- YUI'EhlUIIAE! SURGEON. naling and train cantrol syatemn. Mr. aW1111ASIr TATZ TUirn mA.auo. Miller lias asalgned if ta L R Wider. NUs NI. Rosendalil o! W'ntlirop Lmioêvty,1. Hlno, arbor bas just been gcanîedl a pst- ent on a Street fuilier and oil dia- EKMNA yCOLBY tributor and spraying Machine. Thomsas P. Spilîmann ofWsuicegaîi Ateiiey.t.Lew bas been granîedl a patent Gonua pipe J 11111ieat Homle, Cook Av. PbonlO8J attacl,,inpnt o! use la plumibers. A bîlel technical description of ils. MMUTVV~ILLE. - ILNOIS. patent fullows' "A support foc pipes comlrlsing an etongated subslmintialy reciai'gular LYEIL LiLMORRIS bodly îîovided 'uiî ait crew lsîadel A~!O5EY-AT-LAW opeflhtg Tadjacenut Ciwfi tsliendsTula il Lîberyvîle titnois ecrlly pi'ojecting ring.r forînedi nteý- Librtylll Ilinois alm'aIt>-îîuit he hods silaOdemîclintii- LUCe uIdIn posed belween tirei enIerepi.,I,'on o,. ms P an1-. 01t Fc betth îe body and a scet-sltîîeuîied utien- t-oo uinluland adapttîlolis emeuir' lipa., ihaî'etbrough. iandl seti-cei-aiecelv- ]PAUL MAC GUFFN. ablieInsthie sqrcw ilireiderl oleningsc AVTOENEY AV LAW. foc adaustithe T i-dstance ard cela- Uberyvile, llinos tii' iositiou Of ihe body 10 a base.' Pnoiu saShemman a Ilationce o \'auke- Pueie 88gan lias becn granteil a îuuîw ieîun i 1' luneliicuoîi itable. 53e%'t asnsain'editu e' luo the Chicago I-aras-are ounidry D R. C. 0 L N E Y comîany of North Chicago, - ,,* - .~ hu i I ih uT raIdeacription flii,' YeteiUin, ý Iîlj ru' i ,i r -i i TIÉLEPHONES 35 AND 36 lJi l tua ;iecombination of .a Offlewuti.Fart r. -ivrs i g'. eacli forflied silli Ofiewt amBureau , î- iu iircentral verticail ki TVLEILLINOIS I .!T ii'ý n h, hilIon'rectaiigjiar lIan' ~ iiiduuTî ut niher havlng down-1 u1ilîýtn r i l2 iiii Ile tillon' tectangu- o T. BAIRSTOW -!'foi-ni, I lueipai-'s'rbeing Inlegrally lornit-di ai-a singu iti iece caitln£r, manui.DAcTUottA 0or central cunn'cuung giider lix-' Ivat i S lacheul ta i t î'upper tindu If<ýif"wfi and Granite saicentr al cr îîtucinîbers. i ia- gilI fraine of an angle ori im ' 1. > dnaflfI section secured ho te ulupel end, ou salol central vertical nîe¶llîers. and a table top resting on said g,îi ainsi o>Work of Ever> Iîania and girder." Dîtterent Thermsmetrîc Scaies, nc o.ia,.eê t The gwaie enîîîtoyeîi hy n tltermomnte ~ br le .l 'ndletd by )ne .f theIiIl readtly cenverted Into those of n- C. DBRM e ther. .I'llowlng I heîr relablonulp: AUW6m-a."w190 degea FI. equais sIOD degrees 0.. »Ut @quai& 80 degrees FL Tberi'fore 1 - , . m Ir. eque sftre-nlntbs ef e -de- pe O. equals tour-nicnthaetfIld. '-'.~-ar-Psge1*f~- îéI I PUCIN ROBDERY SUSPECT 1I ILD TO iRAND JURY MIr. and Mrs. Andro Pucin posi- tive John C. Heape forced hlm to openthe Safe. Posiiively Idenbifled as îîe 'bandit who placed t.wo guns againat the body o! Andro t'îcifl, Elevenbb and Sheri- dan road merc-lant, whoae place wan rohbed o! $13,000 lin cash and soverat thtisand dollars' worbh o! checks. Jolin C. Heapa today was hetd îo the Latke county grand jur-y before Jlus- tice Walter A. Taylor..Fls bond was placed au. $10,00o by Assistant Sbate'S Attorney %Villianî A. Deane. Only Mr. and iMca'. Pucl Weî-e cal led to testif>'. "I lîad juat gone îiVstai's fis 'pper -wlen my ilaugli- jet., Siepliafie, aeed 9, came -rinnilig 11,4 cî'yipg, declaiing ihat aoisebody iras creaimng a diaburùàbance." 'Pnucifl tesiified. 'WNhen I ran loto the pool Tocuni I1n'as coîered by t'eo tevol' ver.. by ibis man Indicating IHeapsl, wlîo () *deied nie 10 open î1w sali-. Anoulier guîniiimn, asmaît. lient halî'ed îimn, n'amstanding near Ime. Ocdered te Open Safe, Ileaps i-dered nie 10o open tie sait and 1 aked hlm wbat lieniesut." " i messu busilness; l'mn a burgtar. t-lirrsuîp îand open that saie.' he saiîl. 1 started tu argue witbh bni anti a lait fellow in the fi'ont o!the Ijuîilding sbouted: *Hlt himt on the hcad.' likaps slîotInlto the floor two limes. 1 oîîened the sale. They took $111000 bin oe package tlîat I liai in thie sale and saveral thousand dol' lacs bin he cash regîster, inciuding $1,106 1 lîad Just counted- liucin saldt lie identbfied Ilotaps in t he Fillmnore avenlue piolice station, ('lirmigo. Mc.Pucîn suhstinLiatly cç..rub)oî uied lier lîîsband's testiiuoiiy. 51w le sLified cliti 'i>twed ber liusbaniî don iistaiî s and e tien shle entered thc dour 2asa'hil I)or 1> juemaons 0 inith- suit'eii'd il, ,îgainst itle souu1i wall.1 n ii eHi apts %W rs coi eîing aliebus-j band a ils UWo gufls, - il lu tr, lir'iI d aIme 1, irsi fil,' Ilvi-ls ie ino mn ebo siiii(tl;l beiilu h îiald os or tihe lîad %iTi l er ici ute 0 li,,rght hand aitluirceli liiîs lu01o Tpe hesale, aller n hici sîne gL.toidIii iii byt ii aloi nd iiiipîured hinîî nuiu[ o alioutibeihusa nd, Mc&. Pucin Net Motested. ,W'ien al i Ne orueleed iîuu h-ý bivetnieni 1 aslui e moÇn il 1 lîadl îo go, tou. and be aaid il wouîd not be nt-cessaiy if 1 behavcd iiyseli. '"X'hîen they ri.n to thie door 1 fu,l lümed îhem sund saw lliem gel inoa çac weitli side curtaina and iNatcbed lîmn drive ni lb." Mca. Pucin tes- Iified the î'obbei'y occurced utI.-:35 o'clocli. Pilinohadit eatified it îoak place au i$r45. Alterwacîls ne ,rn îîîîned 10 1the Ieane & Taylor office wbuie 1-1epc peliminary exanuinaUoTn Iook pîlace and dieclared lie was mis- taken. Ihat 'lie lime wab 5rji.That n'as afler Mra. Pucin bad 10<1 lb. witness stand. 'L.ooks lîke a frameuji on me." shouted l'leaps. fils attorney ordeî'ed hlm to âilence. 'rliy mad-' a niove ta bave lIsebonu î'edîîced,OUIut theassisbant sâîw-'5a at torney declared thal n'as the antount State's Attorney James G. Weicb asked for, and wbenever the defend- antisl able to furniali a bond theo miauter coutl be adJusî;ed then, Heapa was cenîsnded la the cualody of L'ndersberbff Elvin j. Grillîn. WAUUI4I REPORT- ER, IN RMiS, iETS A WELCOMNE IN CIIURCII John Ryckman, of Waukegan, Employed on Chicago Paper, Tells of His Experiences. Duoes thin1 cloilîca mal-eie he an? Would a mtan be received as waiîm' y 10intaiashhonable cbuîrcu If lue ip- penurediliere in shabhy situe as il dre.-iediniithle lic guit or fasînitiii Thle edilor of sP 'tuica9o îuaîo'i vwaut- idlc to indOcl ,so ho assigneil Johtnt1 E. ltycktosn, son of Andcaw Ryck- iwm ,t formier aeil-known Waukegan co". ractor and brother of George ltyi't,,ttan, of the Waukegals lIre di, Mi 'rent, as oIt- of sevecal allier rt' iror. la aule uesetves as shah. pl slossible and vsit diiterent 'imurclios laist Sunday. Mrc. Ryckinan. irbo liî'ed in Wau it-.ian iimuur 'ars. attîed lilnibelf mas qi "down'ai'itît- beal," unkempt sîrýan- gel' amnd allended services, In thte follue ingsg gntlaurticle lia tiils bila cxiii lances: ".Ilfn'as cold inî St. Chr-ysostemn's Episcopal churclu aI 1424 Northi Dear- born sîceet Iast Sunday andI tn'a, chilled t10 my soul, I bail on two pairs o! Iroîîsers and a sweater under m:y cat, tua, but soniehow I jusl coult net keep n'arn, WiFVteen minutes before thue aeiv- ,ces began I eased my n'ay îliraigb the. front door te lie confromted on the insant b5' an uslher. ïFor f ull 30 seconds lie lockrd me ever, trout Ibe lips of my ancient eboes upward. thon iii. lice broke buto a gzIbn ot greeting. i-oo ggrui«.," sabd lie, and '311îlled brosSer than ever. ".Thaesaue b yeu," snId 1 sud wailied. ,lut lits hesilltiont If thore wasa"u. bail disappeared sud he waved a band wItli a sweeping motion over the rows of Peire. asked. "Near tob rsdiatoir" 1 *ald.uand 1 lieant il mot .sinceraly. Nîit Ow, Front We vmIked op the Mile a ide hij ai à o-i.' ,Mb 'w -qm1.wlere- lie ae&tedme. sud then walked Oacg' te bis position nsât the door. J looked around after a time and met bts eyes. but lie didn't. amile agaîn. 1 tblnk I'd lîke that usher lmmensely. Iwas aeated on the#it'ight liait- sidea te uiccuren. InIlle nliddO section. a row la front aofnie,est an elderly wblte-halred man %earing glasses. Be loolced at me sisveial tties and then seeios Ibat 1 wat; bunched up as mucl ias possible for Protection against an open window neacby, ie. amied and his lIps ioinind the Question, *'Cold?- 1 nodded vii;- oosly. l'ine minutes later the javitor oc soojeone came wltb a window pole and saved my lîfe. foi' 1 was close t0 deaul f romt chilIs. The old gèntle' ""an îîcrose the way looiked up fromi is prayer book as the window pole disaPpearpd lbrougbi a door in the fr9n1 part of tbe churcb and again hismllted aImre. "TIsat'sbetter," said hteienlutesame silent way. ý .ChurcW iFilîs Rapidly. Thiie were prabably two dozen Pei sons Jn the St. h'rysostew's wheni I irved, but as the tiotir bar tIhe opeuing of the service dî'ew nar Ille. hclîî'l filled Up raptdlyn. Bevies ut yu:inggir-ls Infur coals anid wel di ei'aed mations sîî'eanicd ti and we'ie usbered tu ibeir pews. No une 'Poke t l i. althougliàmili wbo 88Itne iiiy way looked me alec îjiitfc tare- fully. 1 don't bbink ilie>iiased an iteii fr001 ,bY blue- si.aiuced sileater riPPed Up Itie entice leoigtli of une aide, 10 tthe terrible red uand blue. knor nf a lie t wore about thie collar of niy blue deninu shirt, *A 45 1 sat loaking thriomgt a bymn book an usiier whoni i1liailot seeli tretore came up and 'asiluîae if 1 woudn'b niove tb nie nexî peu 1In the icar. lie looked St fniecîoidly, aiý thougîs h-- was pole etuuugh and t acose and dld as lie îeiîuested. 1 wasn't at. ail entbiisiaslic ibuit the change. Il meant wainîlng aiîîiiler seat aund t liAs3 cold enomgli the way At iiac. I"caiT ie ltai a lbjn'i S ' or a 4'eslonse madle, thei'itî'.ili stood tap. I stood up a iiii theo -es, andl 1 eer flt so couslîicîuoi. i, ii I le. Il seenicd lu tie T ho i c la tiieaiber of l ie uîrngregaitouiti piiched outi asingle %a hi>kelul I îî a'e-k's growth and was,,*,,*r,,n lî i1: lixcilly. 'lien, tuai, I w as lie .,;l ht- 'son anniuy poa".id ul iit i li'ed i lii feî-liîig aloug. tc~r'r t O. Diog.Lr. Hutton1 Prea Che6. Rev. Nor'man Hutoli rî1c'lth'. .sermion, ahicli vas ahali ioi,,a..n oui.hfares and 'reimndn.':, iî-aniig îvay4 and enda. Rev. liiheri Kîîiî'r ie'îd the lessons from the Bible. Once during the se! 'vices t, auan, Who 1 later learned mas Mr. .lîg ginson., leftidhe aeat several cows in the cear of me and hLided me a hyn book open ai the place wlîere the aong beine sung ai the tiaie waLs prl.nted. 1 tbanked hlm and began to sing. W4tlîout doubt I made a horrible fizzle of!lit, but nune saldt anytbîng or turned arounad ii look< au -me, so'l aang lthe thing Ibrougli to the end- serices close« wltb a byjun andl 1 started immediately for thse door. Klmber stood obaklng liande wlth menibeca af the congregation. I walked paat Dr. Kiauber a& tliougb ni liadn't seen hinm, but he came righî Up 10 nme and put out tais hazid. "How are You?" lie nId. "L soe jfou are a newcomer. Corne back thle afternoon. We have a pariali me.t- ing and the folks get acquainted eaâier." MrIl. Hlgglneon je Kind. Again 1 started for tbe door. wheu a hjand tapped nie on the ahoulder. 1 luned 10 face a klndly faced, flice- iooking woman. "I am Mrt. Higginson." she an. nounced. *My husband and 1 notlced you in church. Did you 11ke the ger- mon 9" 1 told ber I dld-that 1 bailded- rlved quile a great deal of benefit from it. "*You muat meet Dr. Etite h@ sald. and plloted me over to where lie waîstsanding ialklng te several Electricity On EVery Farm E VEY cofortandelp fri lctric light and power la made pasble D every farm by Willys Lght. A practical, econotulcal edec- tric plant for use on farms. le aircool4dWly,.,Knight elce've-valve engine burns keroace, craaks, rune and stops tsclL Counuouu use lniprovea ita action. U~t us denoostrate. Or wite for detale information BIifi SUCCESS AT IJLLSDALE, MIdI. Former Athletic Coach at Wau- kegan High School, Heads Football Winners. William Rennie, former .aibletic coach ai the Waukegan township bigh &;chool, but wlio now la director of thse athletlc department of itillidate cul' lege, Hilladale, Mich., K- naklng a big succesa of bIs wock tliccu, according, 10 John Haye$. 0f North Chicuago. nl'îî la atending achoot Iller-e ils seaqon. The Hlladale booih"nllt iai v roetd Ils geasonSatturday' a'll six'x'lc'. one deleai anul onele, wtien 11w> de leated Ypsllaiibi. The Iîieniumenal recorîd of thm luit.' date footnball i "am n'Ts ta rge'Iî <li' la I thestcîîteglet((c 'Tofmlesuti1 nit', a a Iltue teaui la as."oi n oui a tir lnarly trong -e. ao bit as maq-i- iuîl goca , ailiolIi il i 'oi i l u t h lion. SEE STOLEN CARS FIS1IED FROM IMND Frank Peterison and w'e ad , lard Wlard and aile. 'wineasýed a ,3 range sigh' alîlle miiinîg thiîugh Elgi5n Suîîday afteroil. Ai the souti end' of the clly thici e . uilai gepont,. wtlich . exiremeli dî Vnnî"çq had magt suc'eeîIlei1 fi"iu'g seviT r abandoned auIoiiniobl<' i lit of flen pond. Tticy mare machires et rît. had bt-en sioten asit sîti i olt, ru Inssîîiânce. ii persons. Sti .i tsl -" tiTi' i'rfiliî"i T thie sIoillier, ITo 1'h!1i t a,, nînat elfec(iiîe W,,i fT i iiii0Lniîa 0' son' sattention iùnd u iotveî1Ilu *'Very gîad i14) îru" 0-Jai and never Pe'n Iloked atr, ii' i'ohu" ('001f agHits ionie liiii ;0'fiit nouin. The ys iiig tîî'îîl.' ii'ar'i fave a îieî'irtra iniTr rt Vi hi' gliîd T se'," id luoi a fia iii Tfi1:,ai i 11 w no ne 1- >urrtrTi'T il so 1 waake'id ii 1.wî î " ;,Il jil Ille Stiret H-al a 1Ut 'cifiîîîiitilie- i i'. r' Mr. Maismn. niy nianaginru' IT. never recognized lue ni 'il. I guess I looked prel'ty 'l INSAXE faMIY 6JSOL SINCE 6iOV'T OiRANT ON RAILROAD TRACK A ccording to a Chicago paper, the1 îtîeiY lime Ppte Sawver, 30e Mi'- land whlcti Edward Masleraon bas jusit ket strept gîla drîînk lie t ries to go turned nier t thie navy department to sleep on the, rallroad track. à week bas been in the Masterson fanslly avec ago lie was arregted when apecial offi- ctose on ta 400 Yearti. On ibis thie cers in the employ of tlîe E. 1. and E. îaper says: ratlh'oad - outîd hlm anooalng'away on Four hundred years aga 'oday. wh e tk, bis lb PillIoVd on a rail. jbuil<ay nigbt the omfiers wer. at- the Plîgrlima landed. a relative o! thi'. tracted by theie saund of deep nortng. man came wltb tb em. 'lbey foîînd thiat Sawyer l'ad gene te Not miany years later hfsý great "'-i on the tracka. 'Ysur flae wftI great-great-grandparents touk itle ita: be 7.40-the flext lime yau gel timâth about 1.10 acres of land. a portion of' "1) Uw5V rani the tracks." tba pt- wliich now la part of! hie Great Lake. llca lflaSlRtrate said. Sawyer oeiIy Naval Training atation- gi untedbut <id flot seem 10n b. fln. Tille to the land remalnod wih pressed deeply. Masterson and bii ,î in il Utncle SainT coîamandered iliv anIl lu enlarge x 0exo0a x x x x x o x x CrêailakTHO 1E II4DEPENDENT la thiee .Nas4erson and it ,s tîioak refuge 0. Most wldoly u'ead newepap.r in k wî'h n' iglithots. The> wî.rt toil the.' o Lake couflty. . e lanid woiitd lie etuîînef aller 11w war. a x x x x 0ex 0x. 0 x . J Kili That CoId With CASCARA QUININE Coa, cugis 0 tv La Grippe Neglcled Colds arrc Déngerous Taire no chance. Keep tiis an 4 id rrimu y bandy for lth. tirsi Blen.. Breaks up " CuLIt in .24 l'ourui - ITaiev.s Grippe in 3 days-Exclent for Hoedache Quiine in tbis form nes oea00 affect tbe head-Caacara i. beal Tooto Laaative-N'o Opiti in Hils. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT f Thmodore H. Durit, Presîdent w. 9. Smith, Vice, President F.W, Churchill, Secretary and Ma,,age-r. TELEPHONE 81 SE ECURJTrY« TITLE & TRUST CO. AYRATSOF TITLE - TITLES GUARANTEED Capital: $125,.000.00 WAUKEGAN - :ILLINOIS ï 1 1 t UIL---,' k Tjl~ B UI.UK Ce, G. .WENBAN 4& SON, SALES AND SERVICE - 125 Washington Street lesîoîDeerpath Avenue WAÙKEGAN ' LAKÉ FOREST' Phone 728 Phone 22 WHEN BETTÉ.R AUTOMORILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD TH-IM 1 Warren Lit Ovet' to Unt Rearrented court Wed1ne been treï4d embezzlc'd Express Coli Warrn Ut vife was i court room more 5Tn.T poîacy naurl lorn'y Jmîlo tuted ta-fwie lot' I>1 i.i Ilaîpîr', di 'l em îîelojecilb3 he "u I ii' i and l il)71 an.., mu Ta> hl.ebeing ccii Shét-nu IlT wl e acconnîr r i y Il lvjai I. 1 hiîr un 1)w - ing theafahi liai," Mari lî'aîned im rf"' Tiuey lw i,.,,s , i un I'going ini Jormebodv ceh for 'iny-u'lt mle b 000000, 0o 00 NUSOO ilu'son"TJacku WILS GITANM X L

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