te s$hOl cau"se hos- ' »i otm fflOTT YELIN AR "JNES" 001< OFERSTO 0> T ber vtebdu ,nlfllNCAN* IVa 2118KW tb ha.s adaughter. lt-en. Lyon. I À *FO PR S 'ID ADDSýÀl JM s i wh offeri te go ta jail in Lyot'i hfl dagtrb he tiret marrlsag< nsd IS f 04 BU N 50 DUHELSAN ACE1TR M1FIN FIBlives in Chicago. Tua young wvoman Camn to Wankegan ta Visît har father Misa fem Lyn, Dahtor of several menthe ago, and a'hen tiiic Ln ocC!Nv8-ue Apple yield also UnusUally goodMiskn Lyn aga . waigadaodrn, LnBsc.Cl.N .leF eal v sa hl vealnga damuod rugservice viilhab hee n Wrlday Aooording to Atir.cultural 'John A. Lyon of Waukegan, aM rs.Long n utomobhiie. vou r tien W Caf pohbiio c - - Mis Lyon umUer va bld£1fornpresîdent la ig, sd 1912, Bureau of Ilinois. makes Plea to Judge. hintthenova spread that the Wsu- vode thhm eetdyta kegan Mrîs. Lyon la weatthy, whlch Ibures recolved Nov. 20. viiez bis CORNMAKE FIN SIl WIG CH LLEN E 210 MAR e .lb latter deuie. I lotdng caught airt freon a gast baor. CORNMAKE FIN SHO ING CHALE*U 2%D ARRIGE, The Lyon$ reside et 229 S. t5eniae eeBurlal vii ,bu et ut Troy.,Wls.. treet. end hhelz- store la wliereth wh~ iere Mr. Chain vas bars N"v. 1, Auavrae led i 6 ustes erms i"-IrneLyon oouidn'î jet ber BberÏ- nHouse vaes kcatedf. 82 Aa ertoaeted ftiiscr uab liipe- ather tell a fit, but iilalves hm MrsLyLon nuniber tva declares Whlle living In liiconsin 1fr. Che- acre m inicatd fo ibi tro tu lli-enaugh te be sentomaced to Ja41 lu Lyon vas doseztedil yhl& bireft-tvite du va. q, prohibition aadidate for I nais or a production of 9,100,000 buait- * hil&emi. Sh.eapeaz-ed baeora luitte vhite Ohe vas vOrlGD9ng is ieOfficerogrens. ln1882, for attei-ney goutt-ai eises compared witb 8,090,000 bushei Blabatii yseterday lu Chcago sied in ChicagoI, snd that vben hea«as dy- Iu1806. for gavez-par in1Mit, and agou pi-oduced ]mtsea er aud 10,714Me6 pleaded te ba permltted to subsi- l t'i Sd pt-actict!iy pennlE s h. for attorney generailal 1900. Aler hi# bustiele. "-te average producflon aftt tut. hersai! for John Lyon, Woukoe- h'lped hlm sand tbat attez- bis TOcov- remov&l ta Chicago lis vas a'candidats geia furmiture deaier, If hie la fund 017 ho vwu no giateful hoe vatod t0 for congres. in 1902 for Ilinoqis, for the frive year, 1914-18. la tse United' guilly of contempt of court and or- marr hber.. which îhc maya site dld attorney meoral ln 1904. and fer pri- Stastes the average : eld per %crs l dered ta joli. Ini Wlic0n miater his firtst vle dent lu 1908. Mr. Chafin vie a lac- ietfm:it'ed at 109.4 tushels oie5 cfrap Judge Sat>th granted ber reqliffltaiter In Aurai Iformed lier tba* tuz-er and vrlter on tempe sut>-ali eit 432"l.2000 busiilt s compod .nt. tbat lber fatler'c case be contlîued biMn. Lyc nuamber cote had dii-oreed Ji-ts snd the author et a set of "IAve vltb35791.00 buaiispradced27.1'hlm ta rsînarrled. of the Prosidentii." year anud a production or 382,113.000 Lyon lncurrod the vratb aet-lie i __________ _________________ busets the average of thee riv. yesrs, 'court zecentiy vhenlt devloped tirat 1114 ThlIe quaity oi the cro9 In 1 i aarsdn fWues,* A NpterIêuily Lovable Wia. lllti4 lse etimated at 80 percent of thaugih e badl estified lu hiie suitl ()r5 New York yïggmn recentiy WB à ffig Li edlain grade aud t 88.6 lunp forz-divorce tisatihe ltved ln Chicago.1lrsrda sereleyms"K thé st l ated htbut1 -' Itlaleaisea hovn the*tliez-e vis nal hail een Oly four monilha out of joli,* it le aise siath a bot 2Mm-eLyon No. twa at Waukegau !blietl'd sored four térs sfor hurgiary fetr cent of the tro rased lu Illinois Judige Sabatlt vas aifixlng hie signâ-and truc-k thlevery; his father iaid bis 15 grown for dthe emar pet a re cf -titre t e L ion'. a r e de ree at 'on neyer am e ho ne rxcept le extort Theestmaed ief pr creoftîat tinte viten lien u suled lntot uor.ey frotu hie famiiy. Ail tIsewit. aÇreblidCntlnig a crop et about 302- cur.tife lnsit that lie hsd uo enemien 004tiiî huhes s ompre wlh * " Dont aiu tbedecree," site sald,; Srt l "o f tMet mcenthink of. mny 'al * e T»11r Sr 6àopos1) bt.ijlqa oiiii ucewt ad"Father llda't tell tho trulli. Matheî- ý caRùn* anyone siould have. trted Il i . t aset yéar andl 347,537.000 bush-eI 1 IWihu v o t vas teoîtm e d aorerc' et- eyon 10u9 ieiuth Uenestes treet. a avt'ag- production of the five yeai's. len yer ve shail cross the oemau lvste -eideodrdLc 1 91418. on- lee.thsou a dey seu aIely luIn' '- t'or the United States lie glaut alrplanes ve do Dow In mnated yild per- acre is.109 hueliels or huero.*' liseh predîction '0f An- a total product ion of 3195,126,000 tisony B. 0. Foker, inventeir sud -uchets on the act cage îuanted, wlicli ganufacturer or the plane vhlchs le ta l)e compared v itIi 2917460,000 %ave Germany the air saupremac busheis, the ptoduction et 1919 and illgrin h e esly part el the vas. 27611.474,000 b ushieis, the average pro, Fakker, vth h ieivife..bai ar- .dîtction of the five S car, 1914-18. 'Ïlved lunoWv York on a business 'Ti@erepurtteof.corspon dents ludi f rip . neexplaîga ie I. t a Dut-h- rate that 7 per- cent o thle ct-op htImma and 'neta German. ____m-C » 1919 or 2,7004buehete zemained___________________ on the frz-meof the state on Novein- TeSoeo h hitttsSi b-er 1 as compared wfti 14,0-8,000 busitets iset >'ee sud 9957,800 hbuch- ets the average fara reeervesaon Nov- RECRUITINQ T.EXrm aigçaeA fre nT i cf lb1.of trii-e years, 1914-18. OS A x r m a i g r ff r e n T F'or tiie United States itlal estir-ed D~fAI trait 4.9 par. cent of te crap oai 199M U k or 142211,000 bogheis remmauas1J the farmi of the country en Novesu- T r a a e Wm t;JJ o bushels lent yeer sud 82,61,000 bush- - e, the averag of th five years, Navy recraillug station, 619 Southt 1914-18. Our reports aise lulcate tbaI 9.4 State treet, Chicago. vitlissue vie- percent of the acreage plsnlod te tari modea.asd cape ta &tl ex-zegu- corn tht. yesr lu Illinois vas eut for lar uavy men, naval reserves viae sîlage sud tiatIlie aver-age ylenf have iean discbarged aud vie have nuiage pet- acre vas 6.4 tons, Jt la estinijted that ipples la 111- nat re-enrolled sud ta otticers vita nais have made about 50 pez- cent of a may have resigued aud are nat nov normal production or saine 6,300 000 concelwt aalsrie'su bushets te b comparent vlth 4,ï43, once vh aa erie su DM 0boghets produced lu 1919. The, viii ho made toenmen teslding lu tis W U.nted States, bas produred a cricI. rcrultiug district only. cmbracing ai about 73.3 per cent of the normal lte iollovlug lez-tîot- Stale oaIl111- ' ,or about 236,187000 buahele ta e eninrho infre ysu eompared s-lt-h 147,457,000 busîtela i, nrha iofre ysu- rai.cd last yeaz. et-n boundary of Met-cet-, Henry, Stark, Acardiug te present lndlcatelouis 1 Marsalal, La Salle, Grundy sud Kan- In deemed probable IlisI the commer- rial trop ofIlîlinois amounts la abo. t kakee counties. Al others net îesid- 1.47t1,tto bazrels thiIs year as con iig lu te above uamed caunties vîli - . 4u5*d-wi.th. .50O,00& barraeld i 9 at&sssply te us-e>..rninug. eaitesm1- I. '- lu the United Stetes teaeabut 35.- cated lu thie district lu vblcl tbey ze- 417.0(0 'batrets as compared vîllilI. 114000 batrets last s'est-. ide. 1 Te cuanlity of the crop In illinois No application vii lie neceseary te lae8ettmated ai Ï3 pet- cent ot a high secure vitlory medai or ctesp. Sics- medum grade sud in, the Uited pI>. torward yout- orignal discharge btats e t 37.3 pet- cent, snd wart-service. cerlticats la tiis station and lie saut, vili be retuz-ned r .'hat Tell. te you allez- cotatiqe lias been made i e iick'.-a tiighof vial. on tor eald s ca p an buthe o ih jtiund ->ii-l ý Iiglcetval. ouryomd urdc pa ndtog ther v If ie teniperatneîst, tugetier witit power of you have nul att-eady rcceied the endurance. ighte-urciied eypbroajýs latter. Cettitled copies of jsecsarge decote sasensitive tvtsperament Thie certiticale vii letbc accepîed. aeaeeycbt-ow 1% s cocibtuatton of on Inactive Duty. blcend ed Naval resez-vea on inarîlve duty vili black.and ed. .habe saued medait, and claspi by lite commandants of thie naval districts lu ( Needed Prayer. vhicli te reserves reside. No t-- "Ware In lhee bande of n recelvet-." questu abioutit bc addressed te coi irrités a W9tet-n cîiitr. "and i ts he mandants untit dlrccted te do ga b>' Lordmak hi) dly lianfulforvlat he cmmadans cnceneI he is about te receve-Boston Tran. iu submilllng requesti for medtais script. - ait concerued are rcquested ta give fuline, addreso la tull, . e., 1R, P. D. numbez- and box, If any. go as te This In Unergivabie ln Poker. Iinsure delivery aofniedals. Thosede- D. W. Griffith sass e never played slring ta bave their dlacbarses and - éwbut one gaine of poker lu lits lire, sud var service certificates retuz-ned bs' In thntI ue he maude te nîîtake f registered mail, clîoîld enclose a .10- trumping lis partuer's sce-lndion. cent stit c10cver testo f reàIstr- apolie Star. ion, Long and Short Models Included A MAN 0F RENOWN Goats to $30 Coats to $50 Coats to $70 Aniong the notable professional men of this country Who____ fb achieved great success along strictly legitimate lines, was 0 $ hus attention to the specialty of women's diseases, he becamiei 25 a recognized authority in that lie huQdr-d 27lu. uine. His work, «I The Common Sense Medical Adviser," is Tic mont retuazkabie coat- vaiues-presoulcd lu years are her-e offez-ed. Tuez-e are long sud no noertoad afshort mdlab h * z-ldsInrcb sit tabrtcs, plain and fur trimmed vili largo cllars millin hoes hthisand antr sud cuits, Mauy aiflthe censebeing siik liied sud intertined. Without doubt lbe ctt-y's great- and Europe. At one. time X'-_________________________________ .Doctor Pieute represented his ' home district i Congress. jutfiftyroue em %o he pý tetewrd a recri k veakme aof vomen. my vometn ln evory bansikt, town or &tY ws- e yd -teatfy that Dotor Plerce', Favoite Proecription di tem a woeu of gaod. u Another of Iis giet physlcls's sucenful remedie la kuavu ase Dr. Piame'. ,Golden- Molil IDlscvm se l . he" Prescription," ianov - ý»W by&H In liquil and i tbeC w«M1s pro". by onm cvru-odela medîine, for tise IiW etm un vonm - milover tii. adv «MWhe have succeâ.fuIly undlt for Indigestion and m a bielt tde Md bubdle, moks a n monszuqtotal of thoussadu ostonucIW, « ansd bavais, latrodumsel ~~~Mturtreps fl eoemmoeZ edby thouunds &U ve of t llesNulA dvser," oves 1000 pages, bouad1 àedq mBïs (ra-e ~--~Typical.HEIN Values Are These Sale Women's $.75- Silk Jersey Bloomers and Petticoats Bloomnr. pettibaz-keri. and pcttiuoals af 311k 'Jersey vtllideep flaunces eitiovered luxury slk. Pt-et-t-y uoW -tyles in ahI calot-s. Sale Women 's- $8.00 Ginghamý House and Porch Dresses- Pretty nev styles of fine quaity ilixhama lstrîpeu, checki amd plaide, vils fane>. calt- ia- sud cssffs. -Iupretty iguasboxes for rALi&XHEIGO* "'Tha siore of the Christmnas Spirit" A Great Spec fl Selling of-ý -Silk ,and Wool Dresses Values Up to $25 in Sergée, Satins, Velours, Jer«ey,- Crepes 12.75 MJudge of te d to Donnellyllî ývol oee*ai tintes Pmt WOOdte0'k. Il mute Pic. affcsl k ."rçtreett bel wsers gulle likely "ee bié s"n rugit Judge Cil-s , e*lre s-et. lm e aud the Point Il tisa tncihviez-e ra a peu%$"of < egtie reuWntlii&c jgeBairne4 va loer-wite hli lu ate uie e-«ogy brancl leff ls5ieen 11h Lakd(maty Ur court bouse- mse l«a s scre se' 'os. a mll Ky simdtluth. com igts-gfr6gin visa O ibebt salO by Um s,4 attees.the 1 wMs- votsid M»e mb ths e epweto à&bltm $W. adli ThIa rldtculoualy loy price will buy sanie rsguarkably fine dirées grouP.d for a speclil qulck clearance. This ia n a o- »oftlnhty not frequentlyavaiable gu i ilb. lIberally patron- ies by Price-prudent vomen apîminttlng HEIN STYLES 3 t 80 10- a pres. Thers la à rery unusual range uf decidedli good- looklng modeis trom vhlch teseleet Another Shipment -i [Wmen's Extra He<wvy P*e Flannellette Gowns In Values to $2.98 at 11cr, v belleve. la the greatest flannelette gown bargain oftez-ed ln Mhe vlclnlty since the vît-. Gond full aizes of an ex- cellent quality flannelette la vanted styles and pretty coloriage and white. "THE HOME 0F LOWER PRICESPO '.Thte Stoî tre 0 h1 1 uîeSpiritl A Great Sale of Women 's- Sik Hose Af fprding Unparalleied Economies in Values Up to $2.75 a pair 8uggeste&. a au economical and appropriate glft as Wel as a vonderful vAlue for your ovu use. Tihis la vîthout doubt the mont Important hase eveut ln yeara becausé ofihe extremely ad- vantageous price on the bighest grade s11k bas. o nm@of the. muaet prominent flatioflflly advertsO uines. The. ausortment Sb-ý cludes a comprehetisive range ofclors as veli au black and -white. The savingi at thls price are mont unusual. -Ail Colorls and Ail Sizes .wes «Ver vi1.mme tiswe émre ste-te- lie sumuuoud. iu qlî» sud vIlage tisdlr care Police Msad t»n mtt-u tir Outie -o04Pi regulate tiiwsui vicse la their MU ïls-t ael tiiai e l tetudlag StudaY *Up te 8"sent: 1 Under bis dires 'Seut 3oebuorî ïMax river sud Pli' ««*-e euled lulo i . ugilti,, vers- gi re4er.lianface lIyqulcky agie 500of tier11 elose s-p $bop ai *11151 Ihe lcHe uum tise directia r Mss rberroemj q- llu on tiusfr laçwKI'ýite mua or etbs cour Tlo'lakcof*- ý i