CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Dec 1920, p. 12

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ciknail farm impIerints Waukyile 11( egaPkISe tcW'EfE and ail feed. This is positively ~e*e CUnSY fldeP0den~ eeI 3ULCCdLLUL a choice farrn and can give im-D e .U .nim-v ndefldetï ediate possession. T. J. Stahi Pme- en ilson has been awarrlec the Nobel i»ze beUU 1IR & Co., 226 Washington St. ' ~ j ~D g ~ a sim e was the great advocate cf pcac-'ýe 413s sould te Phone 237, 238 , 681,, 289-2t e ven a inedal f cr being thse greatest wrizer of thé-4 n7!bCOy 7 akOWI 7-Thu 1'aU FOR SALE-Eighty acre farm 7,t moentsi ilmtc circfs 01-an'bc antd it senem5 a fl.wgco nylY cli untîl the ail located close range of Grad ghame if he co et rcgiinfr .vent o hiton, wa$OSe-ol'the Ave. and Waukegan. Five W ~iII End in a Rù h fo get rcogntion ~ ~'würds gIeatest bieweries, paseed Mont hou ewar. So. A CONTof QUS HOSPITAL oday wben the Pbst mrrocmhous~ e w ar. il. hoes at These Prices A Cor e~ O N w Th l I OS H: O PIT ALyo n py oraed " ;~ t on t h a cdjs otfl th i'f l h o u se is p sit ge ,y o ll.c 3f ~cas lo a a~ y so e a l o w f uc ,Gn g to b v ictz0 Im o n.Y rr. prhon o u e anho iest i s i n this M c's Gun M etal, Button Shocs. O dd 2 7 caupaYSY, nnoUnCeI that ite UQOsizes. Readjusmn'aePie aumps, the ro:nt is raised ilhat h-»$ expericnce is a forcreful ertw h nng ofthe cpast tazhcunyeicudnr9hada *ns'aOf c t:eirpotafCeiIsptaVte or uatio wunld n,,nufac- catte, 2 good horses. ail fezcd Men's Gun Metal and Brown Blucher ý jaustationcf tle wr-ortaae cf tagLOU, ?S 5,tIthitecr cf ksvr~~~~~~~g tture, seil, and generally deal in 9,,11,.mnt.Trm hce edjsmntSl Pie U i au e a or L ! eCourty. wn 1 ec," lcorporators ti th a nrd arm im ip t . T rn S l r . . . Th it ofWauegan lias -3 CGUaol 3;sp, ,n;2ihcr new, omipanyarc W. C. Qulal 's, t b ragd osit city ~ ~~~~totney of lite Pabsat intureti, an at once. T. J. Stahi & Co., j B y'T m h w u ea lcc bus thse coulnty of Lae. JMr Oa&ndj.. Q Ites in iit.n iasPhn 27,238 83 ........ 4 8 Now, i4}y wouldn't it be a goo-t pI'tl for Lake County ta, clated vtth vQate<nis uPhe23,3863. 393 .aOS r<ajStft uabuis7n at thc' Colnty Hc*spîtaI groutds a coitac7ou5 hos- busine's. FOR SALE- 120 acre farta. The Pabst trertsCy listsit opera New6ro house. Fine Mr'-,'s $1 0.00 Black or Brown Cailf. ,àtlwhîch could ba, maintaincd i n %yabf idi hthe general tiug on i'A <t uai 5e, eitli OS) e o y . 4 and iit nu,'..ctuItitr flnear tier. well. Barn with ample roont Lpce Sliocs.a. jsmnt 9l Z tal work. c___andfr_40Readuf cament ix 0 It could bc erected off tai onesicle cMithe prapertSale (or40 hed.of.ctt...S.... . 3 outyAltbt Explaiiid. hr*a iesl. utyhouse lePc...... couId Le made one of the mo3t valijable assets oably mny a f% t< 1orui nw the rttjt: ores Fneslo PulryXomn' Baofîc insitutions in cuing for. the pooir andi needy. Pr"'«' >ý ,ýan ohr u 'idig uu l people wbo-cmii weli afford to pay for their care would welcomc stll; îî'3of 'et? lutiries %%tien jon ly faunti an a farta of this size. Metal. Button. Field Mouse Clothj it.bcas in a cesc like thre yaung lad who is founti sick with Proe' yuli, a-snt(l ni te til'o vue r vui Including the following hivr Top. Lace Shoes. Odd sizes, $7.00 beadse oraa fr iscre h-> stock and equiprnnt: 30 bead ta $ 10.00 values. Re- 9 ' mump and Ihohad frientis wbo woudpa o bscae ivit %'O r yu v'H11 aven a oa place to go. Vo ffne Ho1 enctl,4ra adjustracat Sale Price ... Efforts hati been madie to get hlii the La!ie Fortst -- _ horse, 1ý00 ead of Plymouth Wornen's- Field Mouse, Brown Kîid. Gong Girl! Sit i5 with everybotiy who bas no permanent home. if LAKErock hAMSogg, a complete set o o eu $111.00 Sale.Rie- 1$7.0Ri e a agosHstlbbefaild AEcoNYFRS Rck iknsm eDr hoes, $1 1.00 alu rie. Re 585 $....R.a. thyar aknwith a contagiouS di5e-e in Waulmugan or Lah-1 O. SLE-Two acre f machunery with an aver County there is noa place to senti theta. 1al dark soul. Five roora sppl1y of ail f eed pnd grain. Women's Black Caîf, Lace Shoes, Mili Chikis' Gun We bslieve tise supervisors couIc1 wcll afford ta establil-i house, good basement. NewlThis choice farta can bc pur- tayan 5 Sael. e t le Price ,a separate b uilding at tihe County Hospital for thre purpoSe of 1 barn, cernent_ floor. Twelve, chased a very reasonable adjustracat Sale Price.. 7c5 '"J2 rc . cae.Thse cs ftebyinqeto ieearing fruit trees. apples teraCadi oiieyaco qt»ar.g contagpous cs ae fthowyi qetinfiegbtrmpGiiel neo poves it witis great force at this trne. And there seemns no and pears. Fine driving horse te Choict stock farrns in thisô ongGr beter lac ani a btte prpety than at thse County lies- and top buggy. Chickens and 1vicinity. esnbep aIl totherctool>1s. This is a choicedown, balance as rentai ymeT.J Readjustm"r _________=iti lale can ire solti on Stahi & Co., 226 Washingtonl Misses' Bro% in thee pîrctasilflgwur of ut 'irotflpc aments. T. J. Stahl & Co., S. hoe237, 238, 683. 10 OP S UN TOthat ie fcieai reserve 226 W as ingto ii St. Phone Ph.9.3 thoreitcOfhi 289.3t ritP AL -Elve are, z1e G'l tt, tt,,,ý iged it>' re'stricios oit 237,238, 683. 289-3t FOR SALE-80 acre farm in AI FlUIiRS~ oard iHardinlg declared the lariner . À,rA~5.4 ar ~tvai~' ~ r *apl AàfhEIdIBCJ fuit)>, rely utpon te batikstiltdo al under a high state of cul' bas gaod 8-roota boume, bain%-~ Lace. Read au nmmuu I.UiI' fi pathei carrYin laover loans onl . Nw6rc .,~., stapttt cr01 for wbieh thera otiat1. ew6ror ebng-withale raari .ôr 30 VW; - itrket. providirs tte> would make low, furnace beat, runuing of cattie. cernent floor. fine rafair statemeflt 0f their condition water. Good barn. New poul- silo. Owned by non-resident eogesifta obe tlu te bankers. Wshngteso l 1 P S beesadvi atry house. Abundance f var- at ~ e y being scrÎ- le,?Ot on the Problem. i' s now. the htonorable Bill Weissit OÙS fruits, anti includiag all ficeti at $10,000, $2,500 cash. -r.Weissoitt aîîY .j roto Lowitden personal. propeity, consistiag balance as rentai. T. J. Stahi INTERESTS fARMERS HERE the conjittiiuln v, hil formalty of I horse, 1 cow, 150, ful& Co. 226 Washingtont St. ntaldttiiin a rt eltt.tat i% eai Sjtring- bodhickn, aIl feeti, anti al Phone 237, 238, 683. 2893. Wasinton-Niew û oter90,, istic t.oMt. Whis l it e cl e atutim enta This is positively FOR L-I100 acre f arm i ermfitofîtat u puttita tW5l .lo'ie u fc Novitter etiand .the choicest country homne we cos2 r g e irayslake.~~hnti.'i~ foie 0'dsrc.11.îec îi eatdw_______________ from theUicvt o f falirig priceSer nis 0fwoodstot k w l Ieprevent hâNe ever hadt t offer. Tenus and is positively a real -stock F ~ ~ ~ , t t Utintfvi i te octtcan be arrangeti with the right f arra owing ta its good loca- eutnîg heariflg hrliter tIltbe people. T. J. Stahi & Ca.. 226 tion and fine soul. W r - v» advatsce aliitc-ent, if<bwv< ctrt ann a oncret Washington St.' Phone 237, authorizetit e1thsfraa In discusaigIleqsto beforo if %%:k% a rî,sillt tattiittmalle couit- 238, 683. 289-3t $150 per acre on reasoae the comiittreysodiY iie r uclt' iîtt.'t rtde luntiefitiîecfffthe FOR SALE-Forty acre faim, terras ta a real 'amr a re tar>' ofthUe Trea ýlrusv ton ul-focrivit wttttiig prittted .o n ttese baruk coet uae ih omgv ossina n i Gos. lHardintg ot the' iedcral eserve îots of lite bi,î( tytttt.ty, lo s oGuneEihromgv psesonaaytre 1board wete o1t-tt: ttc thaf. aty cite- irtts'a t <it>'of titiwiti Ihave hiâ bouse. Fine archard. Baif ucae adsrs .J Ig matsobOast1<0 it tittletthet aie twi. lit tf. Tli i8t nîn s tt twith ample roora for 15 beati Stahi & Co., 226 Washingtonl . mgh rnrkts aii I týrta.ts titoritt5ttîu f 'i ~tioo> ttW lttof cattie. Four borses. Fine St. Phone, 237, 238, 683. * ntlhl bîo tit - ~.rrittY ti t h lt..' l w it I t i.'ru ii. Nttwiert', ex expressed the oîi"itttlhat re octal' (oept lit Crrolsrtil's Woutîerîaiî.l silo and ail in good coridition. 289-3t, t ioalovoufi tf tIlt tit i cres ovltt't'. f tttt Sou under a bigh state of cul- FOR SALE-50 acre fana la- * Eu e.tni':tlrPa ~n ncea . . ~ k~~~(.tttiltivation.lcdigI2eaio cated in close range o! i Grayslake. Se'ven roant house. Gooti barn, well andi gerteral out-buildings. Has ail djark i: soil anti is known as onc of the best lattas ia this vicinity. T. J. Stahi & C.. 226 Washingtaon St. Phon 27, 238,' 683, ttB h~ FOR SALE-1 75 acre2dai:y - 'tfarra. Gooti 8-roota bouse. ' ' - ' I ~~~heati of catte. Ëight horsts. liU IE U LC \TOOl bouse. Graaary. Silo. Il cosereine t theraiwayThe Ford Sedan is the favorite famnily car, smats five Statier. - P.7- nrzeJZ. enclosed car with permanent top, it has large windows, oin casaat- 0'< f tn -1 this changed ta a most delightfui open crwt lasa farta at $125 pet acre, $5.000 sun. In inclernent weather it is a closed car, duat-proo cAsCh, blneta s ase. irely upholstet<td. Equipped witt1tiuIet-~ trtngi balance zý-,;; _ _ aound. A rea T. J. Sta4~ & Ca., 226 Wash- afeîy drive it. It hdJlthe C0Ovteienices f en eîe ington St. Plione 237. 238, which Lacs with Frc-ti aS , 10w met of purchase pr'< 68.2893t and mainteafe. wonlIt you cg=e ia and lock at lt FOR SALE-200 acre fana. New 8-roomn bouse, strictly modern. New barn, ample -roora for 100 beati. of cattle. UKG Twa new cernent silcie. New .È É E AKG ama T acuan us W u .,UDpoultry bouse. New tac1 baume. N1 j V.....WaL I 1and D iamn lbAbundance o! fruit. Dark sou, ail untier a higb state o! cuiti- vationa. Forty acres o! virgin Blue White prfect Elgin Watdhes tumbr. Witin nc mille of Datodai1ý es Ladies' and Genta' Sheridan Road anti is positive- tttai Maket Value- inwh, green or iy a1 nc of the choicest dairy_ bogi irst of the otd in hand engvaved arms we bave W dta aller fori a long time. We aie auibôritedt - ,ér lel s' Black Cal!, Lacc. Value Ajustrki Sale 5.25 Mietal, Lacc Shcc' S LUs, Rcarljustnic.nt3,75- ; lis' Gun Me'tal. Lïce Si o,-% ntSl P e.6.85 wtt Cal! tard Gun Nlet'il xdjustment Sale 495 Wown Kid 'Vamp, Cloth Top Ijiustraat. Sale 5.75 ... . . . . linusuai Cae Pres Court Praises Erb for His Aéti CAMPBELL GETS mîbsttqtiflg fer bis fat tà circûilt court at Wt aumsînflc4asta uror. Smp»y nxed sd3 Bagb. JudgeEdwardx ri Vould lîbe t m ti no UO uch dit! icttty t, ad In setting Juron tt leed tike ecsing hlm "1wby dont YOU seni the. court sugge8ted. s "Wouli.i t De ait ri do that ' Fosberg ask W ben atturtid abat i $ald he wouldt tc gia for lits fatiter and si apemred Ila court aud, t fathfe'anme hen il. day le 'cas accttet ncw iaw case being Edwardu a s .that Foi tu mucii predît for t. 3c <'s ta accept jury si A seidiet or $100O il tugned by ajury lnici Tuesday atterfoln i V. Camp~bell, a taxi il gan, againgt lte nor The evidence .boweii diovehi.% auto titri the 'South avpbtie crt gaCfla n ,ltsd mnoi repair I it.Te autotia cd conmidem.tty. k ORE CARE 1 DRAWINEI MRES 1 Circuit Judge Pl Supervisors t( Careful in POINT OUT MAN' Jtîdge Edwards ii: ittenI ion or takIng u af the couiity boart lte nhtter of exercis cars là the aciceflon dufy. Tite dfficeuit] cbtsiiiing iîiificientt juries ta the c(amtre o temittated action- Out of the. pattet irrmen s'itiffont.titt vice on 16onday o! possible taobthalatl twelve mn.'Te excuses givra by thi abletae( gel out of One of tejurorb înaa-anotbev vas sîice-botL occupati front jurysecrvice could flot $Peak Er bati defective iteai vere oser lte age grants theunemp demnand il. Tirr.' 'chicha obtain.d Pex' All rcomnfôrtably. While an ,and may an a Minute be top protectaing against the ,f water-prOOf- cDald-proof. and ligliting mYstent aad à famnily car. Anybody cati etric car wth the econofit i, umilcost of operatimt iN - LIBERTYVIL.LE Th 4 For For SHO i AYMENTS

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