CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Dec 1920, p. 4

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jw-mtoe, ÇL A. V.- SWAith, stmrtqd ut hW km*lufsdaoVo'rawi&s w" çk sedju on, luge USount of boo0ak SmOe poopi. ay my ne of whs.. "a nwv boscos W..p. âImes am Whbu ha u» "edy wh.t ev«et ourattoitney. tb6-pwâpàgçfflcs -we je nt boievo d"the is doing t for eft; w. e oev ùth bas at.d -out wiM bO~al l am 'md oss. mnqisuthé comity f'bold Sth" tsuidys'actioni.s aforortan Of nEwhat l m àwlB it M *4h. sad"4lth watmmg t.bthe e ,"to keip lb ep duripu i. aefe .hsii mal.mAtonsswa ihve où rom- -W ~%6*l411is coithse~ow, s~ dif th=.. hve beau. vooeowbus ,o.joe a epouh* yti' tha" chu. Of mo'a Who'Would Io uheai lu$the lIs w inthe bdut ChLt$Mi@S'a.otsuam wil is torul WontlOng, ho bu m-odafarina ~od$he oQ ofSqxisy thaWho is gosngtw koop à* WM Yoow.Olhruod~p in fis. %'tlehup~tIsjute . ~~toUfai. i t w fëtbsi.aLu odsmyrl* co.~opem~. ith 1. uewstatlie. ttreyn 4 17XUI met t Ua ooetatlogan ue by the Sun * o0 dsr orn*mo e hy voblo*'Âui4 ~to S u Ut. o om fa- a1u »d ipom voser 'wlIê tbey 4buélua éon- à&heuttawu M di»to. ru., the mac la in et.tR Es&d a. cbleum an ir 44meifyou dou'tballvewewo eaIl Kly. 8O.-Iu l*. sim t 6f b.campalguto Lba.!"0001% ,a report but, U«=Mn mwp»oigh«» .racýqgud i $$50,OOO tbl. yewani tia .wuPA*peru amrefouo ama of oth millons bslg bought, stol-. ~bqgu to cut'down sb. Con- ~Mu', o a sf« paar eu , bu probIbIls i ai te o tutP0IIUo. O eu ote la a 0wbàtegr M7~~~~~~~' b. ruue e lhWr.Ati wwk th e mliiu eS iiin-ouncethe et polit. poalon in Bértn. MG CýASÇPASM STO ETEY Il you "are so*ted domt O"tor about atteédisg eoeémitteée mtkffl Ttiéy are oIten A- bore. Diiring diacussioa on a moton, kéég atill.Âfter it bas pé.sed. leu everir one why th"y shout bave red Il clown, esTh ,P'orget to py youj your de.'h Punt ca gt alffl a wbl. tomrwith out YUOMt.aU ioIurias 't tr te p n«Wmetbemé Dwt doo&t voi f airé. Dary. Wheà.>toarmeMmr roli us their aleeveo ang give unsenWhl* o theirtiq md 'abllity t-w hép.tb,19 aioflg, #et Up on ou 70f htd lep, me howl. thït the post lP belugrusy a ullue. - . ,Remember-you owé no duty- or ob- ligation to a mick or dlaabled budd- your own »eraotiai comfort corne.ffusi Wtth the ba*ét bail amon séar at hand. we Vant ail Yeu. oie tans AIt il fine- adrt tahow. up and leta tart somethlag.: Thé basket balia are liar wiêttng for "Mth1sg. 10 do,,outtilla alue eaAr te Oni d op didn't dél 0f us got on tt ba. Àbail team. wé; alleuxd gét g*t-lbo boIeéoRe ath.I lética éOiléE. Thre It an*,ibIng Zilat wii do a tuasUme good 554 at wlh hé o havaemrebaqflclial Déroth$mtm D114 AVEI DrtyPaterson, SécilEditor. - CORRIDOR OPSSlP Rena Eoalng astérutand MissVaine Fils of IRound aie, ool ait aThéré are fumors Ihat va are 10 h7avé but onée éa'aVacation Chia-at- for auy ef the lucherai Iing a pr**élit- at thélLe m a à onChrai dy l 1-, thé déitéof thé a tu that ýthé vacaM ébasin os FéF hrs day précédit Christmas day. Mr'. Hemom nvm as Icol Tuesday pholographlng the "'lansd organi- salions 0f the sebool foir the mnal. %he Photographe la thé Nautillu are ouly meé 0f thb'blg féatures te, hé foinal. Evéry studant of U T. M. EL should lum ala al thé napss to Caroline Butteufflld'or toany mémber of thé Awnual staff. Tam ail thé local Joka pu hear of 10 Carlton Rushi- more, If you write maetry, ates, "*Ring Lardnér" cassaya or snytuaag, turt ein lu to Dorothy fSayéra. 'he la te, hé a story cmittoon, but dont wat for'that. Boistt he chool and averythlngt il.M GIRL&S BASKETBALI. * That thé girls are tak%*s au active Iterest An baïketball vwu éownby the large turnout. at the filrtic moêiay. Unie, the capable dIçU'tO fNa Thé". vas a rçgWiar meetig etthé teaChéra of L"e o uty laut Saturdqý , Noev. 4 LM, »8:46 a. M. Thé pburbm o f thi meeting vis ta pla haudvorlX for Christasa. ou@e u1gt 1s4 Wepk tho ma»joty et i ffthégée Aleré vér.l u I&O1* Ud eMttagé.et aaven dt -w--- -.-D q Mqa& UM w . MIVau* WI li n i. 5t, 30 j 4. 'j mIal- b*It «thé e t IY ut petgbborhébof et I.MW 0AIau 1w M. b L~ ro 0" t"reÇiittamcg fta hObasjtiu.zté ém e or nemrt uI1iowoii ï cvet ______________I_ am4 WAift ci liat o Mtuegsbp tet he 1919 tait. rme. . - AN* hi 'for pea ionbcsm- dé't b1r»t thoémesWhovbo ould daaeoeét or property cd steam jaed tti. e-o r ha1vé IugMémbara 0f- the XLégic, bit éeeie rafti mîgd tit thth vgd -OR hai'q Dlot yet Joined. 9M.w. ves ve stwlcf etcoarattops ciatidé Or -Cpok GUS»*.IPR BL-W.opae bayée &.ull year aaéd 0f1mi, 'la the qousty. petitiémi7.-foýr revtéw -ofse aa*I aiy at iég*m t.4i time to apprcaoli thein vih thé inUvIta-e ena0f9ruroad properiy have bilé e, a ime&. a .P.blWood- 'Ott tli-'tajo4. Thére ta nu, donbit tat a4i pr"aetcaly all béés 4iavoeetl'. 1No- 0îtn .. tét'it. 4-f <o isfl1tatlé18laail thaf 1lé 504.4 luu moit, i UcA vetq ailed ta .very corporation P"__________ cams; A.u ways hé ready vl*h thé ré- ibeWl»g "aia >value of lis capI. 10E #ALS-ýCtioiceréidéelots ç0'a ouet toi "Jota thle crovd.", tea t6lk. aithonil the é*.a ddioct ré- metai. Avé. xmS..Grimms. 3-U OXO.1 quire this. Ornée lred auftti, ____ Ive T aqeu1 m'satins ija Weil aI- caséssiMll, ta0lhé board wlli ha dit, O SL- s.i btortugibirly héé ténded aKdgoéite, show fliat thé M poséd <'f by-thé later Sao:BAne-m* bu e riao saésmta ivÎtÈ ns'sud that the Pest le oking' The publication of lyseéamént Wl 30 day affetrsaise. r. M, Haing&A, thoum harmonllnaiy an It h bas àhérsto- lie délaye untilithé Bord of Rév ""los.-Poy*14-J13t tr foré, &éméibér thé néit big meeting 0f -C00k couaty complétés 'tu work. VOILlt AL-x»tiymoér -romn !nd on thé thirti Tnéa4ay of thié month 1és days Viiiehéallowéd affet PUNI-li hobs. Phone 329, Llbertyvillé. sition et théeCcé'm*seWalClub. Be:e aid cation, 1à which ýtu: file Objection$é 454f ta registar yout !ots for théo-fficéra Br maillipg toUcéàe"aund chedules t ______________a'~ or thé oorntg Ymir, gel ooacantdaulcorporations thé comamsson se- *â>NTU-lée. 0r voIDéSta telle 3r.Genai vith thé embets of your pont snd of cured a large incrse tn thé numbér thons about théeouzty, aud, ab-oitILof corporation& maklng raturas. m mn fied, ad neshilors corne wlth a bit appetite, for nome of Numetous defuncl corporations, for eor'thé ennine a urw1 hosiery, of our-big béaltby comrades are golng yeari had beé au eésée. by thé fU lises for mu., vci sud chl. te est unu na abig feédt. board Of eqluilîtAtlon though tno taxas dreL-an flmnatéàdaing. W. paý -o-- I ~were collectahie therafrom. Téci-Sctihu o'aaelmo 2 o CihrIa napkeala wlth usîa ain altar .nhaalons' 1ie 0orcou-v Thetiomla r- nnt I u ir atime o $24 fo &a abslene0f ome flisa..Chtla la go- vised each Véak by coinpanion 1wl1h imé. »Ué to puit ulibat feod on thé Sat, sd. thé secretary of tatls aevén chan,<- 'Writé s traislSoka II , 'eémelaswhat h. 'once put u 1W lni'1Il Y N"rltewn. P.-- U24aîn; thé ParlaIH: oua., va can t hélp -but -Th. 'mmseion dos% Dot aiseas$- --- - ui i. think tiliait il!&* goilag t10hégréat ituff. thé alô*Of o! ni ntilé Or manufact- FOR BALE-A tew cdoice Barrad Rock -o,'vioert7. rocétera. pur. bred and £0oo numi. Tgé,ay., Dwmbar IliaI. aIthé CoM- la »revloua geaiaté n attemPt UsaMns.. 5- Abpléy, Lake Cocaty Poor merdcai Club ronflesa! Brlng à. budy' made la WnaY -cns by localums- FrIbryll.5-It - vith you. sors ta asseai the capital stock of uovratflon, Of this CI"s, nerdly thé FO)R SALEAbo t tna of lsd an-i ' tagbles beging aasééad. 'The Tax uid'dut gifalfa hay. $3000 Par, ton,.1 ' CommIssIon bus fÏ.rnshÉd the super- délwréd, ville Il lents, N. «. Bov- taot of asseéamenls andl thé e«I ars*McHRenry. 11. Philée497-11-I.r ta sE101ekinýacb counly Villi a ilot of 0S ailthae.conpoiaîlong andl tllE h-ja -.s.-.- [nS, edltor4wln.hIf- éulted lM. the Iaw bçlng observeal __________________ Dérethy Sélydaffi, Athletie Iditai-. in' Pmtaclal) ilor tie counî". The Tax Commlioui i ae-ming cororaionil dg" nfot sags,;easI i al Phlllms thé girls ara- looklng fou-yard or porsonai propérly. The ésséaedI ta aSplndidpea. * valué 0ft bis jLix.led by file locAl Pateec e aiI ave secéf orat tltaaésaors Must lha doducted f nom the the ulula as to1w8: stock bfo rathé asseunment Um«ymd Wduenay aler ebo l inma"e 117thé coission. The rii- TuéedAan d Thuraday la evening. suit la thit tli soins coantles. hv, -flday ope . thée F1cess Of liivebted capitll s éAnsed hy the Taiý Comnilestlon, à It-TERAAV SOCIETY MEETINGS -maIl. The full assesaéd value of! Wednésdây mornlng thé 02a8 0o11corporations ineludeat ht b,.vaille 1, sate nd'Athéuéumsooitiéa met in 1 of thé phyalcal property and ltie at t11a gym and théeaaaembly hall, ré- i astock.iiaIl speclirely. Progres ama bbéeenpro-, As a bast, for thé eéasnMept of psrgd,14t thé prograni comittea 1 railioade anl Ottiér Publie utilitIe. thé ioclelien. And ye .very ranch athe Tai Co-iisios han examincal ioyed 117 thé aidica. thlsrépots on file wunthéil Publie' .Thé piogram of thé Sagamon Saged Itiljtieg commission andl has ne-u-ad tollown: thé valuation of mahy railmroams ail " Piano Dut-Beatrîcé Wagner and fixeal hy thé Inleastate Conjiunr"ýe Atima Churchill. COMInsslon. As a, hasts for thé. eqail- tlaarki, 'TProses of a Lterftry zaion of refl enitaté, stalistiica havel 'Ilet- p lIalhaueu- bensecuied in uiany côtîtl- i OralolU-lohet Cingar. tîvéshlgators 'repreienllnRg ié com- Ou-iginal Story-Uarlé Fîncuttér. mission, showing thé sased valu. Rçmarks-las Phillpa. of real estaté agi comparait with ltép Ueuaika, "Roberta' Enes of Ordr- actual sale valué of iii. m rnépopén.ty Fred Butrll.This Masiesala determlnjng llthé, Thé wpogram 0of thé Âtheiéuin Sýtproperty in 4My, qae coun,,l'a1% t lety iag aun foli: sseal .below fthéeaverage 4), the Reding-KathérlnsMorne. . state. It la the Intention tu0 <'tîlecg RemarkÈI--Nla Battoa. f- ille data for a verlod of flvée years sa ,Mandolin. plano and bsiiJ>-levelnfletht thenvalue may hé takan %a an VanZpadt, Narbetb Joués.and Kathryni aveage for that zlrlod. Readng-Mias Stasdbam. ~-oc~étra * armers Can't Soul Corn; ti.j.' léiie ~~ir or îtéarySu-Pile ih Along Roadside MCook, Neb., lJéc. 3-Thoosanal -of bushela Of cora are belngDle - - alonk thé country ra"id n thla (Rd FI00L NOTES lllov) country baecau»,- of thé in- hmabllity of fariersIodiapma of thelurf t- an PA e rop.- In MenY Instance@ catie -are ,n Uy Or anskog. blng turnédintto theé 11.14. .ta 48sell &ae: Uia fmpd Md h'avé e ing . t.Hudsonmaeal "rés- à-n, Ktharine <kldJeiWllbur Grener, ure Ilai" a hébos .Disahét h11 13 of eBleré la absent on accolant T a 4iiL s metCaîtné alas Chultlaa-- * U os htuig md aita. aits.The average ff thé- lgbth Gu-Mé ,"e - FOI> ;gode"O -r., &M-a$ xoaaûo: Buaaoolde,0 erg, M1 lsel Séley, 1où4;-la 1 Ol$smalei, 5.-;GlÉdys Lii " 1; nlu Oyt. M; cfeia i hoEnGlu A. ua hava h4v* be Iry and D& Who SAL-À ~ettty of gSt me -ý Ils.MO llllsdNeer ta. d omb. Ikr Bla- in rot nte n ii ge*i- 0tiren $00. Ph0o éa "U c1u20. tg. am. fe U~torI laie 1-astué act alie-orty, iluas. is E.ue s kéréén"Aene 137sto- led ta cod 'mg déies etudmire wIM :1211 '- se eittéu die at ifin-orbIt Iliesae. vie sal . théir éte ile]tI a t thé . l10 -cilihé ath.i nldîl bla pto-, U" I al"utage. fnsa f o 411')W-r inact" eiedoru"tel in 0 h es nibt,;ioiins bWh -ut-en t hl Ib is 1- -Il1 SGIFT for Year t l ee muds * i.Fi-éd Car .4r. W. E.l1 vitrMornday. visiter on Mme, lita AbserT IXrday in mil Y4day éVmifg I 1JwLr4. larry 1 Rge* aséepnt m( Xi. and Mlr@ sSot Saturday i Geor4ge :ýpunae * & LI erfîîl. Rb ai the haie,. li,. PUtwepk, Un~. Lyl.i And Whitniey were Wi 1. the Riad diese, -OW mai~~~~~~~~.b switCOlioaoSh.oSua tIase t;cz0ntt Èu whd t .tinoUv Wéhom.4od Ek. JeiluliKon*a*Urmoe Tmm, -Who b&" ton*" qua a f.I * - t - oau tba i slck4eas t- T APE ~W.R4 Pkoi 1 mu th». ý DM e Wi ûr.rtb;w4-r,,,,L q

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