CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Dec 1920, p. 5

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1t t ol ý et« f4r"lbeata e. Phumi oTe o et uklorwi t1< Comuet>, 137ele om les netg ami srê. li. te el 1e0ha - e Ibis go. so Lycteus, car~s um tw et tu aaubw O »»'i boms sint Slm4ay wI:b W lia 4erviuie, ailfor adalace Frlday oe e M"atif A li*&e E1EW E-~rnE~ YIK the bottis et0< lt. Motzerte parents, Mr, 1 niu~ ait .1 1. wu.. Haertiws Waùkegan; ~ ~mmdlit. A Hui. Un. W. U. Attridge ls I oo10mlng. visiter Monday. Shat Iem.of speta Irtsr~t o ibetyvllePeole Jaek Clark, of Charleston, III., ;re VIS- W. t, en. Afchbl o ore..Newberryavenue. j ira. I.e . Clearkme dfthefome'<»liO D.Ii ekVstu e ag. icelCl a11S u oe Mi K. Fiet Cagqat tho hoXmelà!,thes.fJoh Crle Smoth . lir.a Georpe Smih and daugbor, lMr. 4~d Mra. Fred Jochheiuu werc Mia Frd Cruy seatMouaylu ii'. JhnCol sput lay nhght er.or,. C. M: Fuier, »108es PluRe o9 Ares, iiýed at the Chicago viiehori Tuesdsy. Chicago. - lu Waukegein witb ber dighter, Mrn. Mlre. Paul liacOuffinsddagtr George Sffail home Tuesday. li.D«UyHî>l a a lits W.E. ker as C.TyrrlL Noma b teirhom ~n Fred JOchei"'u, Jr., who lis emPiOye<1 keganNIisitor iouday.' Vtetor Moda. M r. and Mrn. Fores.t H. Smithb voie Liborîp'ville Mouday front the 111gb- l'in £mohe, vilied lis parents, MI. Si taron nleê S t U CIcza;iiie home., hr .ln Park haspital. and Uie. Frend Jochheiiii, Tuesday. Wifiatu Gerdos wae among the Ch" visiter On go"y. ~Bilas WâigbeCMr. sud Mn.. 8.J. hMisMart e Englebi echt W cgo isfieT i vnig PCdon iteben andî Anthônou- Wsuî- oun sud Uies Clestia YouugW gueil t «bher sister, li. Jo. Peddleý . J. W. Brown vtited friends ln Norru' 11itroWoAb sdi'Loeva aCh cdgo ,,i .o6dayed v. a îbi - oWukguMa.a !nfg1 et Highland !Park liouday eveuing.* Cicgo Wedoeaday evenug. YIaIt4W 051 Wi5Oadty. a.~o léouday evenune Humorftque" et the AiadOrnyi. .1 . . Sb1 yl- irl. Cu elame- *iaAn Lie iie lnei lie.îî ra. John Whitney aveniuh!iÏy «r#. .,hli et is naMllrvsid ied n lira.Roy PcIon ti so Wardo! 3W. Doylewbo reeentl rô4 Ë o agMoUs> 'e«eau t the homte ol Highland Park Monday evealug. Gin' lvauku a poit,4ùnday' vith lmira. i"<rtlle r1tom Hubbgrd Woods, b- Mlrd. Jiighlûd Parg. Siles Wrght sluGasaen lis Phiolla ewbore opent last Procîor'e fatberi Orvlle HaVeo. fimettest«Iyorepaira on- tiýe houde.atl ras eo 1141y VeulaI Waukegan.dbibhrcetypcadroJ. George 14, the 11111.- son of Prof. Wednesday, the guest of friands. Miss ue in orenc. fHuber C. Rilly. sand liM 149" o yd aicon! luod teudlr.L.H btn vr jir. arrY Hall and lils Vau Of Chicago apent ithseveek Mdar. i. u ie ~.P.llmu h R>bueo oout0 ae~ aeauvilrs MoHuWhty veniu 19asPsent Mauday ln Chicago. .JO Mr. nlilaik VDU.tjand Frs. lP. . fo Coni,ls. let oyer Mises ai i Motrriu Ete opinât Saturda aftetomrlnalukedurisseshGérgieterolehein .aMn. std19MRaRymiond F. Preuder- Staiti vOte in Waukegsn Wded li. udlia.WIlim ool e Missaes Géoralsi"ol t tdeMaaret yl spend the major part ot the tUle gaat of Chica9Go &pent Itle week eud.r.t eveuing. ~nt Satunay alneSan lDiWgoe- gdî sôîudedeasho. the ehocedilMi.asd M ,G. F. Langeda emtY TheAter in Waukegsu let Fnlday iifa ig udtIaee. tehm fM ag Geref . neâ arigo u$eeigon Lake atr.e*. l isaseasliayme sudHiflida Hapite or * ~ ~ eoe funràBsruîuvseeln. . .Thero la a newcandidate for sdtPo- 1. .'agaît vlsltednnalaLbry *&Libertytiille businese 1visitor Tue- lr.L Gliguuewn no llu ibtepbi SrV cMolI ts eeting -et the Lake County' Ille.'T."dy. efrndinLbty eratioii lant vsok at the Wesley Me-1 4on s aflue boy' haviug been hortsut i Fair Agssocito, beld at the Farm kie (Gr-e. I tomer-noutChicago iisited. morial hospital lu Chicago. She jelMr. a nd lire. Gus Krumiuory. Thei Bureau office Weduosd&y, the follow- Miss Annsa#ikofer of Evanaton vis- ai the Kaîse§t-(hmne a fPw daye the gettlng alonug icely. Y-olngaer arrived lant Sunday, l7ecem I1 lag offitiers vers elecî.-d, belug th ited.Buuday et the home of ber motb- past wepic bern5t h.Lfb Issue. set Of Offlcors uho liaid charge or, Mrs, S. Alkofor. n- Un LtêAtdtewsan M. i ' l entW. Ce. ,T t', fento, iii bs fontd lis resu- b i ring the pent yer, wvnen such sasg- ý The Royal Nelghhors willtserve,-. lir. LluiAa.gew sn lia. ea-1e metin unTuedaysllnnon.Delj Âaitepâ, te sup er ndb111e utýal suuce wuvas&sd-of the fait resmn Ilb odnu 1neè Whitney were Waukegan visitors lest celuber 14. ait h homeo! lira. Eobt. atu~ i uprsdbia tPelet idGab ia ie pbida' alht e Wmben 1. Prcè'eed atss..Lili. onu'lm Cout.Iatho ItantSaturday eveniug vere. rsiet ýàGab;fn ie rdyngt eebr1.Poed W. E.LDocker sud fsrnily. lira. Maude prcsdout, H. Flood; 'Ind vice pt5'si jfor the benefit of the public iibrsry. Lusis, Mies Jenule Keru, lira. Charlea dent. George Bairstow; seuieîary. W._ _ _ _- Kaiser and daughter, Misis 1îorta E. Watklus; Izeasnrér, John H. Ilouse. tftRESTED FOR KILLINO F1811 Kaiser. G.T uB h Cîre h n Y DYNAMITE IN DES PLAINESý IBurglars broie into the big boude ~opi flast-veek frots avis.t te hie ranch, TWO well kî:oîî îîWàkiîkigan nie., t he' Samuel lusuilifsrm, soutb o! Lib- about thirty miles w, -,tof Bllnge,.1wCi*' plfted u.dc. arrest lasi weck erîyvile.¶'uesday nlgbt. Etrance vai Mont.. broughl vlth hîrncrefn lor, dynamitlug (ie~ DesPlaines rivet 8ei fleur gtao G ndurnet and sillinj< tre ish gained y hreaklug the glisea of a babe- seieao ~aosadolu Th, Ivo vere taken by Sher!f imner mient Uidow, sud then. usîug as jimrny one would *Wtsb toeaue The poitons J. Geen snd Ganie Warden. lenry on s door in the basemnent. Bo fer as. were rasièt ou is o%, r aflh white( Kein alt1er they bail escaped iu a Ioud bo learned uotbing of value was the oujons ver. the produtct uf a neigh-! searcb along the river. The otfilei. taken. bore ranch. The specîrorna o! both and îiîîî' wer.- eauaht Ahen.iey st I TjeWomnsMieiosrxSoîet oIere abutormaill large, yctI smoothj cdola ~ o theM. . curc inplanin tedon à ud symetrically formied. GilhIsnt Residelit in tie riier nfili-ixilty.ud rclte leigto 5Oftett sys .hat a fairly sntiop ranssraiser! .have iteen disirbed nby fls dlyna- Chrstraa ox 0 he slabsd j~etou bis ranch the Puit seasun aud Ébati mitons for .'everal Sîglîls. 'lhç- fi< Mission. Chicago. An> one wsaing 0the ' cou- aorlb ny thln u b i. f ur eesî bears an air ofl lowing day they round laxîe nnirbet. ý,)rOàerItY.of deait srnal fish inithe wati-i. Lýt NekeAbles, fruit. caudy.1o)>. etc.. vili : ui iîghl the blatting-again wao 'néant ir.ease leave samle at tie cburch hoe- The pli»ougnaPh tudustry bas aont. and the maltpr report ed to W.lidtn fore Wedneaday. tiecember 15. -gr<awflthe one-Miusu klau, t fsupremac)y Kern aud She-'-tf fGreen. sud in fact gains torwar ant do5raîid NTC Ahtruy 'au MeGffl ciersed 1a rate 1ha1 at present il hide tair te The Milîburn lusurance asssessmrenle; Tm -Mummutethe arrivai home at his nov djaugheer.! outsîlg even the automobile industi>. are due. 1I 'eili hie at Farn Bureau Norma Lorraine, by giving a dinner TeBuswic.ak Oaturday. Bec. 11, te colleet for iwame tlatg s ap rm Monday eliening et the home o! Dr., !Ciaobsdueutc oadd>Lihertyville sud Shields tovubia. ~6eCWtDtF1 Chas. R.Galoway, on SouthMlvnîgbiotboui (meto.b' E. HARRIS, Collecter. 50.1- ke. avenue. The officen sund directorè: rather, emulatton for ibis Company - - --"I of the Lake County National Banuk' hs on the present-day marketoln u ______________ were the guets o! honor. * qtrument vhIch letids tht-m ail. Leati Miles J. Couvay, aged 55 ,year4,! 'as featurces:. died las t w eek ai bis borne lu St. k'aul. . A siupèrîor cabinet. For 76 yeari M Nu. Wvdnesday the remains wr mairers o!f the finest furnitune in the vereved. 1 brorieht la the home o! bis brother, VIIND ont fat the foone arm of the în.,(îsy l odu..trrî 2. A pbonograph witb a superior 4phniogriph OffTrid tà ycüail mdc of. Vteethe body sisken Evereit, .unqalsodle4 séC S orenickel platedfte afimi ALL whr nri evie ei el inaesud Minus the scratcbiug, Btr- i e r t y DRASS (like a cornet) because ALL h ieh.Burjalwas lun :A ouer motonr. Ask your IBRASS (drawn to shape by hydrs.ulic dealer. pressure) gives s mtCchise tonal qualitv. 4. . Ultona, ,vblch la an integral part ha r l -aert,, Allbert Andrews, aged 7 of tbe Brtmsvickýý la Most makes of phonogrpha--other Ceils. 6 mouilus andi 4 days, died ir 15. The Brunswick Oval Touse Ani- than Sonora-the toue arms are Ma&e of lits home in Lake Vila Mondayi after O»lifter,. wblch la an aii-vood ton,: FIA N ;i RA an Ilinesa of several veeka, the coau i chauiher. .RDY AD SI!JFA zinc-Iesd cutinge Zinc-lead castings are - O f deatlî diseuses incident to aid age. THE BRUNSWICK 19 THE LAS'r DECEBER 10 MND 11 - porous, brittie, and ame used because they He was boi in the stste a! New Yaîk: EVOLUTION 0F THEý PHONO- M'LEAN & MAY ln are éA*ap. Thely give an infedor .n. ansd was the sou o! Newton sud Jer GRAPE. the instr-ument.«o today sud milma Bush Andrevs. The funersi tomnorrov. "WHAT'S YOU1t IIISWAD -You want ALL BRASS and mc azinc- vais held Wednesdap'. îthbhu rilI aIt -DOING"' led asin fr tut am.Waodwortb. Wisconsin. I____ ieadcasingfor tOC a1R.A.number- of t h jrendes ad rets- Sonora ia the instruiment Which- ires of lira. C. Uclîlmanu gat hereti you take pride ipobcmsng. lue t ber borne wediteadiy eveulug, the i- UDY EEBR1 toute, design sud vital feacures Sonon . £fair being a surprise ptarty. A vory ET LCAYO n deligbuful time vas bsd. Ang tho8e EHLCATNi 10 mUpreflie. prlimet euvoe: lira. C. Johbustoislianti 11 3hCM ADET J. B. 91ORSE 4- CO. daughter, Doroihye lins Caril Isfu sud - Phone 14 clîildreu o!fl)eerfleld; Mns. A. M.Cas- Lib.rtyîiie, ttinoisey, lin. C. 1. Casey. li. Eda Du L i b rt v il e , M i n i sd ic k s u d c b ild re u . lin s . J . J .WMsa ansd children sud lire. S. J'1 ouug~ n o rry ofLibertyvîlle. e I > fA.eÀ- e-w, - -, SeL -- sqsa. 5u~s.5l.U.u. I~Auieggud&, *?pUsssiuy ~ MIMés masuuua ANY AND ALLS51ZES $PECIAL S£E&çMADE- 7'O ORDEft A ýÇ$»RT OTLCE L-W. ROBUINS WOOD WORKNGGO. At the regular mieetug e!fi e Liber- tyvitle bsud,. the boys ver. treated Li s surprise lu tb. form of a.ubstautial foo.d. RossI h.! sndwiches, l'vue- lin" pie sud ail fie trbmmlaps ver. served aller tb. busipeas meetingthse heavy vork belsg dloue b> Noel Younng sudi 1hil Protine. .Aotber feaiture of the evebing's euttrtalamteat vas e1oug festival, aIl_ uroseul shoiai e«00> thouai ablilt> as vocallstms. Iu addio to heing experts vlth e "brasa." Frank Dusienberry, vho fite puat yra>or longer bas heeu emPlWe4 b> Ale Chicago & Norbvesteru raillmad as. wittcîman. et Sared Neort qisosa' 14.'i m ileo sud a quarter soutb o! Lae> Porest, vas stricken wlth vhat vas beýileve o behoparalysis. Tuesday oven- lut, falbag over masi tar golng Lnto the boue.: ps'ovdedby the comusuny for shttez. Ite v a to 0bis home nearby by tbevstobuan on the Norh Mhore ermeuli.g aItise isse point, su pet t0 be& Tobsu oapparent lmprovememst ln bis uidiRoAthe. foi- loviag mos'ulg, ho vAs »m u meli. Allater boWWta, Waukegsà, v*hers hie couâMiinla sud 0 beo Illoa. So $4»ed for yes tÉte trwigoi d'la ,thts oity «*,,"oo lIier bo uo Tlisuksglvlà; 4Mr sud -wua bers- 40 on Monday, the, daY hefore lho vas stnocku Your A nd4 Our Bank To invest your money safely and to à advantage, copsýIt this batik as o your mente. We reco mmend and. can sueply co"y- FIIIST MORTGAGELOMANS to y!Ml.. TAX FMEEGOV'T. DOBSt bI ~ FIMSTMORTGAGE DONU$ te yb1d 6% SHORT TERM Id.-, 7% tg We maintain a speci al department for 'l" -furniehing îhem, with Mortgagei Mid - coIecting interest aud othet1 .Of investments. free of' expe .nese. When you have znoney to inveot,. calli«M with U's. It wiIl coot you rothîng w profit you miiClÉ. 1- NATURALLY WE WANT Y1-U R g t NESS. "NE WILL D~O ÂNY REASORA91 THING WITHIN. OUR, POWER TêSICI IT. Our buying facilities, our ability iu building materil liMe ~îequai of any in the fiel. - The bigtalme téy« inuersrViS la the deure «vewM t M vt m w. It vwiII unean youar-satisfactioh, willsave yo U m a c in the end. - L Philip Jaeger s~' Gieneral -Pr~ Cominion aa rslie Merçhant -Fle tsA Try a"lWam Ad,, b eI.épAiaig p On'New Goods, and New Low Pr FYrïeaVand' ?JecemécrMusb ýSetwn, PMUW Tubing. -,mu; SWe IOtA ana' 11W ,Witheaeh JACK HL BRADFORD TH1E "(NITED" STOÔRE 9b anc, Lam s au t u use. Hemn-Stitched. Sheets andCovers Good Values in. White BW Spresb Home-Mode Bed CQmforts Extra Large WoÔl Diaflets Baby Blanets, WWie and Colon W. W. CARROLL'&: SONS'- Co - 'b 1

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