CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Dec 1920, p. 6

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Pmtiae i al t kwua hlddem in <k. if fbasemeilt S" imuis Delta Valle.,JMarkset atreet ~ (IAISPool Maonpraprietor, Négro. vIe re- L& F etlt »madaibalncsfr e- bdio Villa band, lhad tour baiels, ai'at ol"that lookeeatly 11<0 a~ lIffinso Down nradera. in additiS o epvrlbottIns of 19 ver cent dopé. Ofie HpDono ighwodWoman Seized Mijt tffltNoi Chi- Ii~h loprôyed to b aréel ~>and fighwôod.ý ot10 be a day etf rest Wai a day af arreat, tîve. ûne a wbinan biiig 14ellerais uou ten mao.-aken lu liat'village. Tony Comea's si anda blindplgerif 0un Market "place not only yieded tiresarrais ami eall atret. auke and ug eroral jugi eofvifle, but -alto a êj»-Ud.ýeu-h tret. aukganbarr and a tub ot maoh. Whieltiwau Noth b Ciago. sud Highwood, bY desl nyedwth keroeene. IflEirner J. Green and seven con-' A ý,rdlng tii neiglibors, Faust Cra- e.. poIce offIcers 'and deDiles> re!' iad been actio 'upmre and at i iiace'Îhé afflera 80usd 17 gai- Bât*rday night and Sunday re- we.=i hait lot 5. blckl 60, Norti Ci - ~ lth.molireet .50, gllo~ cge; wàrranty aied; $6850. tW5f whlkeywvilte mni - W hait. . Sidney Wallace and elfe 10 tilla F. ie and bitterasvti a trong Talhot. lot 23,.block 2. Paîrett'q Ad- tl dition, Lake Villa; warrant3 deed: àvbfg raids were taged upon the, E. F Lad d and wite, to A. F. 1 Beau- »o litpte iioffice of tate's i Dcember 3, 1020. ~ A. V.Imi Who viodaY tart- R. A. Turner. ga vite tif R. P. 0 ý ctviie gaù1st tis, Rcardson. 20 acres lu m-out half 4~brs taltier men winfMn aecion a4. WVair-a township, ra ty deed; $1. laet ýîvèk. C. A. Blanchard andi vite ut Nichoa laid Madrpb's _Sturday Niglitj las iretscimer and vitle, loIt.ti andi ho reaismore insitgateai hy the igin, veat 5i .feet block 2, Cancicettr atatls attorney who on the very j llette ave. suabdivision, Waiakegan. ha entered office. , deslred to ss warranty dped, $10., .Wbat a lIttho moue o. Iis id 'Ions of vine. M joval-aid he gt more titan, Al ike Favelli and i wlfe, Theo bte d , bc. e as qut.stis- idora, were cau it ilithree harrels »utbfu, ho Ît mare tIan hl'an d'20egallons of vine ln jugs, tva Sth isi HieMie day's harvest,. ýuarts of white mule, a quantiiy of imtablées Delbert A. Weae and raisin mmml, andi a'cot, but the raid- ape-.Iicîs members o0( th&o ers couldn't find any still. lU or n Saturday nigt raid-i1 Victore Colambii's looraDom yield- tbe -lace af John Madruh, 10321 ed six botter ait vine of DePein. ria reai. vherc-e se Ozed six The wark Involved -ln the raids mi et beer. snd tour tlve-zallon t100h ap thée ntire day. aid mifter the r' e *ine. boom. anaiprîncipals vere brouglt ta pdy the ridfi re. eaded by Waukegn for -arraigament betore coaislugoiL~nstbl5 imîeeLea F. Faraier. All verel abn7,ouedI ls<upe n WM e1cm 'Odian <D 0 l t la ý'a&rI meth ~ou>m LYU no .8M& le. Assistant h!ch t-fplaçoil aniler *2,.0d iac esci e o -don reen, William __________ Id Nottinghsam, -vop- H Math Oriin lae a U 'lI etAUTUMATICt.FEEDERC las lin taatelaMdIIIILI D JL raient preaaled wvisilo B OZE fiçe ad pror-et ah Iis place pya ~~uae rtinent ibwte tlatofrte oas F IJbJ11 AI~ lima i l =UIlerm 16S eR NDlb.Ivol RAIDS parontly 8o i d nd-arlai0 d Il on, a trie aid bat id auled lî tua 80«MJohn Madmuh Place Eq*lped titais a s pace-~ *, With, secret Opemng Î h ieff ettie ut vlbv la coanasclon ils lthe raid ai the .a lois ul a et Wa jobs. Méaluh, p#ae 1032 Skseldaieg a ,Uitty5 I 1m vas read. NartisCiitac'm the offlo ut! koEai ?toa-Mk'*oM dieoodluaiMeuîtfficnîty imiung < h, prb et utet ils reiMrboted good0.Il vasa ida en P Sboriff bai litAlwa l s tais 1.casts aidhalveen tlfflt v1 irt imoi an4 wlis.'rTe *. aayemseved pava5a by lifting'Up a botr u â aralalnâj *d rlue. lUe bMM barals aid va anarrangeil lie büttios '1: U'llrbi 1 bigla ig th. lai,.bte othse oflnga mttomaticallY as Other ipss a o. lae.tiey ver. nemoo'J. diidd __________ C~SgibioClaeac E.Hcks '1took ied sevE a, * mtise wearch'ng Paryv bi ét sable HcksarM ondté hoards ef <ceD riti the oor.fle pedupthe radiater. -111 ralu k» »daIr taéS9p. an uner vlicfla ltomebeard vas loufai. rosuai.. M v~ ,ui .m luasns. placme. ibia Tels vere go tait. - , dwy. ope" arslarge tisey wotild go titrougihie bouses1 '~*' ">~- ioara. One etfIliosovua i tho Pet- rePutatil lov oITot er mon clameil ta piietors ha lite ownuor nfmoaf thevine Sceai aIt the Petovaek pues at 716 aid 720 ileve ti Ety @MWUM. Maret l ,îa nosî. e 1.voesal190ar- plans ta rested. Thoit-uaines- vers gvon s States LUR UUUhRAU&P. George, 5arenekl suai Chartes 111. yfré vi] irh lw t. At tise Peter Wember placé. ltis and day ima - --------- no1n treel, North Chicago beer. id progri vin te aid vblakey vu astlii, beoî vil, let -W. C Y cleverly concealed. A baie bail beanu jose t meyaî-.avamwed .througi thse clilag Jut tise er cons« %ltlc. viore tise lialuarva, ih4bei. latti0'm 00at Ave. Pitome 108- A pocullar ftalre or theoRiiabvedaobm p t' IlLNQIB. raids vas tisetact tat i lb.he , a an&ppe vas storeil tu cellars. bToe flicmrm se.o...woe..e.. ver. uable ta resove lit vihbout greai ditticulty. ouy Mmstoemr.L "n H. MORIS of Wau<e&an avenue, Higlaveod. vasu U aléo taloen lita custeair. He operae s- * iflinois a fruit aid enatabis store. Hoe lafIms thevine fôuil tises-e va fer 146. et~ il ovAuusé. oRme1k3%iS Thei- anmt4 agaluft thi. varions l I ..pesonia vs» maie out te:*V Costable Hika agaist Louis Della vaine. mariolshreh. Mr 49 L&V. soerlft Emor J. Greenaw agmiat'Pecult Peter Wensber. .5 lavai Conralable iksa ganut math. counîF ____________ Cousetale Hika agalual Charies '0loliisi Fl aid George Zmeaualit. and Uri .. OL U£ T Shériff Green éaninslMatronsaurs olI. vhs ~y ~m.~ omblii lllgbvood. - ceading, fitfleniIOsn .aiaIntTony Pave- ôe ON£& a6 AND W, 4U1and vite. Tter.. Riuiir"- ago end fh Faimi Sursa Canstatalle ,ttoaaantJonMi ? P~le-tkoa5Ol. 'Market mSet éhamui URS OW aganst nisghti bed h vag~igingw o, s of 'Pr, W= la* Vb SfiIj (jgii t tliol- quipulent. 13« spelIer. are çt~ ot ail if attempti, ta moye tlie atf t 2uI OINWEUI-S- tl? arr-fats vilii ollow. ofi raua Ha <kw V-Kran*hlle tise -dogan.of lise 9-pris *Eig~@I bvvg.ibitmy leadera s e-!nltiY nation" 111 ic WfflS- »OiCituc !ebe t s sa 11isý -0,,h: ls-approou 1" ta Jia i't tin Alage »uta- iqIuit-tt,,y kW 41lmsei. mlon ela.' amnaged î1. t.emn bulu l wM tIa b90sermon Ihai ho hala tr Whou Si ait ie tpsers ltuté,, ~ c.tmc ~ s" amitaniaaoîelaeai tie îaii. basi ai el O ue. is emBal vidii John Reardon 1Lssu -' Smo Go'gTtwo*gt Nori QChi-* cao165 m1utes Iatr'ý mobile owfled by Jolin fiard of e Cary. ar.Wiakezn, *ad tblqn 't- urday &bout 7:45 pnm, accorâtgj a uert mUs eta theWaulega,- le. Ah olgitl o'look a* autenlo- bile whlch maaerod théiieription «t lir. Ream',a isinov" se-nu toing throngh Nerths Chicago. That was lie laut seoet fb.hecar. Mr'. Reardon hâdleit tse car ferl oul a a1f", mtnutee snd thînks the tileveé inuit bave beeivatching te see vien he lof tI .ledlately afler receiving tb. complaint the Waukegau police thrnv out a drgg- Qet. leguesoting tbe police et ai cies aioug tie Worth shor tram ChilcagO ta Klaute.ta be on the, leakoutl lni caasethe car passed tbrougS .'- Whether thse V'asreally toen or whether Il vwu taken by Joyriderp h"tas10 yet been determined but the boi iare ileal dta bollieye lat joy. ridera madie off vîth the car. takdng a reouÈdlOeut course to 'Cicaga so0 thlîy voutai ual b.detected. Tiey are Inclined to ha ink that tii. car wl bce ubaudoneai la Chicago.and uhey lok for a report tatil has, been piekeai up liv lhe polite. o MIOONSIIINERS AND. BLINflPI§QiRS ARE JW ýIIFP COV FR /UUd WFI0 fGreen figures that raids lve. Caùsed themf to Cease Operation. rc3nduttd by the sieaitf's et- dby the Waeogau pagce 'de- hn againat gambling bouses, as and moumlille sîlills. ap- yitave sti-uel terrar anta' lie of, evîl doue sfer the af- assebtt Ibat se far as th"e are ).nMA Waukea ana North a.t ho mention Other points &'radius of elglit or tenatoiles. sd the ligbteal lbey baye b»en pu litae. re may ha more stilslit Wau- and North Ciîcag anad tie ly are, bat I ams couvinceil éy are mal nov la oual, 1Green aaasrted loday- Thae lte raids le* bave eoniluclei r'baa -boa pre*d brehicest Lîe tenait that alerators of Mille bayévebome trigbteaed don thoir 'apparatus. W. ils- 'eral plae. ibhis vetviee dassurance thore ver. sli 1net <lad any. W. bloend te iit aller thein evever. and Id tem ut aiy lime tioy 117 lna -Chiotlya'relli tes the saieý mliii bouse ofquestlonable on. Hoe figures that the pro- ai ofIl thaese places h&veý uperattans aid i. does net b.- aey viii Il'y tu resmte as lio Lo eep a clos, vatols an tsein. as attoruoy-eiect A. V Smih 11l assume bis dutlenoxt Mou- %o lae xpoctod te enforce a rig- graino a1w enfoi-cemenî viticis uep ait questianabe Dace. tirougiiout histerisoftoffice. neetlnz la Jai35ry. yull ha ao approlu lal SA.oW andl asd alo vIlhb.made -for Ibu STER "PAENTS .1ear circaimstances aurraoni mit begua tcday, la tse làke circuit et Waulloan, 'là loba Button. 3 s o - -oad ia le' sulng for laminer, Mr. ro. Micbsael Bolger, oet er. o lok hlm tea talse. prouut leave hlm, lu thetr yl e te Wouttan. Frle tItevite dledwSomieà.r@ itu hot ff'l loft Btlten on- I. oiaer rounarrlpd. lii. %se Thse @un "p -Juxt reebvyedi vuwscar QUaai tfnt paper andal youhlin- tey cot!' AudhIo long 46 youethiath* ts pamipet ili lapt tube Sun. at 'Abc rats vêr ýwepriaing f rom teas ltgslxtol pages a da>, tluVp givlflgWaUlkegau be otand. best paper. t. bils Wll. borê'ar e u e toeitifi- 1l~w Ottby oetyour pertisal. be&ame l s5Lpol*,ttiiirun a aewapaper no* in laukegaa, Ir tales a Wlofacaxi. dmtatfo the Paver buils bave ta lie met Here am.aoiné, figures perlsinting te the vIo c@44oadà of paPer: '. L-The extra amnditad pur the Vet laer nld vîteh i mt s'hare,; uucerWtlai ti-ui reight tlleups. 2. Tii. cars ot paper ieprfetutd a, .051 t #Ç937. t. 'rit 4autunt of pler will la5t the Sunt about l81 dat-s.1 4. Thein eans abouît ý8f<>a.daytu prîit pape.&loue'. Î A higiser' rité was paai lu nider la care foi the acute -periol, in tie winter. Anai so. you cee. hIl ieas orne, tiing tee days tu be runnlng a news paper In Waukegan Il rnt iluetheia tintas Of a ev yenrc ujgo vieA a Ci- load or ppser ift iabout .8710Wf0 $1850 and could b hada with ease, ta, tact. sale,imenq oicitedalthe bui;iness..whea'e as novwi.iey neyer ry tu selli ntead il is the newmpaper whiclî urga',theicl ta, snd it a shipment. The generaI expe£se of runîInng a paper la Waukegan îoday lanai lion tu te ciii oft1the aper ts',ii. la about $250 s day. It cost, approxi- inaiely about $125 pIer -day tui- every day te Sun oierates. EiRALE HOME is EiIYEN TO CIIARJTY FOR DYNURSERY1 Widow of famfous Oculist deeds Valuable Property te the Barweil Club. On -ith, seilnetftthernay loyal ciltl- mons et Waukeamn lie ame aifJira racaie Gi-all aoulai appear iamy np '*Bs.diit for Waulegan." ."Becauso thora la a Hattie Birvell goeqatllovshlp club, à Waukegan cty clb,0 u e,ôce I brea orgaLs- naionsaoft rue-bluao Waukessan omeu vlaoeo efforts are tu help lte friand- le"s. teamafcted aid lIbe uns jporert# lira. Graile Inovi boy mmcli lhon. vomen do for Waukegmfl m&aiboy quletly *Bd daustlesly tiot,-e"arry «,". Tbeetom itanma the.ork emalor and Ibm worry Isuanaidtg b.Ip tîphuilil sud uplitI. alto bat ilcei- ed, ber beautifui olil borneon the corner of Marlon mreet and Soti avenue tu ith Hatte Barvîll Goiltl- loaslip club Por the pjreseat t il llihe ta 'an lyr as a "day nurseeni.' And wviat la aday, nursery? It ilaa veltare nsovmlntnt for tie ourpose et making il passibe for a voaîan te' earu a Ullhood far ber faily In case lie fatiser la deail or lucapicateil aidvice versa lu case et maut. About a year ac it vas sug5et iy thie Hattis liarwell Goodtelowahiu club tintt e cl ty club coprite vAit lio eta ltia day uursery vîtis ai lte dantagez et regularly estiblisi- ed day nursery te prove *bether audit au, or le not neïc cesiary in' ur clîr. Tho Hattie Bar- vpll Gaodielevsahip. club openeil tus doormetofil. sclub on Marlon street. attering ilta b housed, as. necesia&ry. witltout charge, e nu lurintg iigm1 aid béat, snd, tise clhyr club bas mNt tié apons.eofthtRe uurseet ahtie rate ot $20. a weel. Thse City club isa ags-oed tlitprovide oofeolfr. hie chi- drou.. 1 * arwell Club Overtaxod Thse reacmn the orme ~hoine Je nIodeal for the day nursery vark te ha- cause tiie Iat.vhlclub la nov over-- lassai. Tbàro astedally tros 90'- te 100 Persansinlathe.varions classes v-he are lanuI 10miev Mmd cou* anal wltb h ismuefy 4min tlhlb.But-elI club il ln'aiy tau e. boy there la rosultait ecustamon. etc. 4 Il la iurprisig te note boy Ibis venture, lb. dey .maws"ryplan., lia Quise->'tated wft cae* ugfor Iire"e cUdi<On. The greateet WOuls*ý, etcbdfflulgh b- soomta- k ien pare *, la"Wedi? 1ta<hdrty aMd w. .aaté ..,aumte .. t a 5l5*. la »Ma 1hat~,Il Oudtg>oeaip clb and b neot lb. actual 'pooess or et maylblmg excèept twIviec« lb. new.4plt. Kitebsa ulenifails. . Dlalng roSm turntshiffgs Pleures. tus lact .everyhbling Ibal le necea- sary la thiémaintenance et a lieume. A detfLits Plan yull hieoullieilfor tht. fuonds vitfi rtich Mtecar- ry on lthe, wark.* With uch neeutîtai gr-oundis, Ideai tor chiîdrens 11play- Xrognd andi much a comrùodtou4 bim. Il proporiy supported,, coula Ise aibl- ýtà Care for at jlet siaîy chlalcel for evsry votlt gday ln tue Veek. A Wel lnewn Place. The -Gradie pOmperly liq adjacent ta thc sauth ofthle. Barwelt club. il le cité nt the old Places nt thte City andi 'oas n onf theic teutifli hontes la tbe Umies vhen the. suth mudtnoar vhere It As locateilvm tie cmaI r-"Idencçe scLtinofthe iety. For there vas such aAunie. even iiaougb niany tolko <lo bot reanember i-l. The mot a ide useal 10 lie Itle ahaw piace. the. rosi- dence section lf the City years agît. For yeasrm the Cradies hve lnd i the place an question. Dr. Graie. vita dieiî soile 3eais ago, loted tthe nid honi,, and 100k grekt ellini l keepirig JI. tp. Andi nowlits widow bas scen fil tV add il 10 tie City'$ charitable Institutions snd, the bause, wvietconains soie rittaea <1-ooms andi about an aca.eaI' landai. vite a 1110 il taltiable atiet iu the work tiat goî.d worueu of tite ciîy are cai'rying out. "ý.W'S"eAWARVED TO MEMBERS 0F 111TE fOOTBALL TEAM Bslara'- a mass :nleetng of lie Wmu- -<egan iigi schooi mînionts Prlday atteïnoon tise meut bers efthtie igis obanl football toant vpe.t or«eed vils "W'S". Coach Kraft beslev- cal tise leu-a upoa aie ffntlawing HARRY HALL-Capt m- in anl Ici DAéULDREW-Rigtt t18db CLilwORD PUBIC'l'-Rlghl end. XREL OLSEN-Ceuter. JOB UNWInTZ-Full liscl.. BRIC JOHNSO-Rugishl aît e. kmlirrffOWMN-Lef I eni. ALVIN ADROi-îltguard. THOMAS TAGRI-Right guari. IIALPH «'STANG-Left end. JAMES MOOR-Quarterback. JOHN WELMINSKI- Lott guard. Atter tise proaentition of tise lot. tors the men lemvlng acisool ti year ver. called spon t10 niakospeechea viticitthor dM anililmucli pplauste. ,Thoee leaving.ih11 yoar are. Rall. Drev. OIson, Stang. Owens, Maore and Anilerson.'. Beniles ibis Iliero vas a fine prik gr4m. Plier. tise Clu- deait -body aidspeeches hi Edmunid Bucy. BeseoGustafin.sud Rer., M. M. Ganitor. Tise baniaid the beys gles b. alsa conîrtbuedoilhlb ejayue ntiet -lte eiwinli. lu Rail, thlis.rnsloesson.eofthlb greateat ail-round Alliletea ««oturft- ed out laulii iehoel'sIisoiKr if bus proved ibis nsay liMes la fottisail. 'baâketb@Jl aid baseball. Drew, Moore Oison. tatg' Qvea& and Anderson,*-al ilvlI be long 'a-- membceil fer their stellar vark on tise grial. Alter tie prograithtie ans met andi electeai a captaîn for tis. 1921 peaonJoe'Ut'Unevita. vau the lucky mn and il alagree fI vas a vis echolce. "Jee" lea a ibtl- lin isack. viths plant>' e ginger aMd endtxraiteandibis51.couple ,tbl 1 bree yomri of exlfeience sté êbis tise mou. logical chs fer lise PI- lot job.- I th r ...4e at' aW,Ç eéj Im t*e vaPe ateroo et ûLbeh entbm l lu rpW' ier b <ls1%iere la a gretler. IWof ' ' - 1 Publie. Utitiite @NilSieIt. Tis I pi thougb thie hiliProuire1111611 aha*e that the oefor le et a lump. tian îirouigh, tbe-I>w gnasuu bI". dy1aivtèr* p5*-wdl r~ai n meffuate eou"-T ai aio laid inlu ci .00Ylmm.ii4i the. fInat dtiuito idim tom<3 &le arofi CMIt cn III. f41 the.aéagmrt .tl aimap go î t ~ tIt ai e »ot e 1 Mfa" f iML the7 5 effipetyImki l <safio ils repethrdt fthCam, teu" g lt aoeae k4efeundrwhéthermorsi *ýcorporatig Cuillel Arhur FSuIktc T I e eat 0 aiilth ' la imuçb eed peer thexrullugmt, ia IIUi Tltcy usES 1mar[? ate publie utilitt*oi coainuniiný m1t of the commapYaeg Atlw otp0ft gatiag"t5iàr>V the iioetk$lî 1151155iU Wb iffle 0.o%4UitSI Gia cegpauar telInondase-,là rate tua Biply sas tu ei4 aqli 541?411Doe~ tt.BppMr iSe oubg i' et. tianel--bon ',la lita potY. litaWagig Wotibe tbe cewmunion The i. céton weoapltoIy s My, t*uilley litomtended tk!t Wpulookedtheeé argmenta k0WeIrer, àa8 kefafl s uiiette alfewm(almad the Rmenrate tffe ' tbroogl raafii a moh sathe sas .Ompaay ont Ibe couaty. Kil Tht CId With QJINlNE CASM.- CoIu$,Coula * i.3 ta Gr ippe Noglatd Caldsamre !ingerçua 'Te .n noces.KseIis standard iredy bandy for the 8Ar5a nses beks up a cold izx 24 honni - RsU.evs GOV* ppe ipSdyb-7EMCellaaifOff HesdsCbo = inot ibis atm doma noeAff.c ti.hésad-Casçara la hat ?oni aale-No Opt i w. 1 ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT wtT J bôuns hoa crav alleys ?rom Tru, ii river vs fteEare sW » Ut te Rid ait the chai thein romp thie cat lU trees. alayi lt.ters. 'the tene thela- cheei ifloln andi Pasis Thoeei <bey are a litthere tventy pau ga-sat WvIit' Duâriagit dom.uas i tvo boi boum .etet aled prote rive atterma SGeserllu Writ girls geste tuS out. ad ewiatle. O 84,d aan elsould loi Ridse Par eut ber. ai I.Tiaey "Hovag te Ridge F at'Ridge Fi £staed toui t.aila t XI&M 07 l Ibs daughi Tb"wgrint aué ar la a « pi * l0mopa * iY Ok ",s ci uv~ *co~ - t t No I U'bri6ry, la *b. lgtif.l. 1 ThC.dore Il. Osire, Prosicient_ W. a. Smitha, Vice Prewl*nl F. W. ChwuchiII, Secrotary and Manage. SECURJTY TIE,& TRUST CO. -ABSRCTrS 0F TITE - TITLS GAIaIIT capital: $125.00.OO WAUERGaJ<::'11 ..........

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