th Ie League et Nations to ,ftm il le et urdur Dom- m rton em at&"tan. DU STONKNOWING TRUTH Io Ibo. longue et mations te induce the' SeUuiu geveramfni te ,perit Autcnt- latg ttith as te conditios b eIManff' as cablesi SatuerdaY te -É dltof the lbage il ejt-oen!t&tlve WIliti E. blason of uibis.Rèpemetatvemaseit pro Igaist the, British ation la reueftimé lavise the passltrts Of mei- bets Of the. Amern coeniuisAiin- tiang conltgIn larsand. ~ye?! asiyour ellsgues el Gene- -va- cm do much te asivale. the is5uss fMasnae ith th. e mmon ýpe! oflie verld by affirming In- * Wtblty et inter national rcemmuni- emim no! tact a"niniteon as the - ademeatal reuisite oft ktrnatiotl- ai udersiandlnugnd volrid ieae,"I ttapresatatlve 5tason-deciaredini. is * ,,a thé pssent Instance the Ieague et minsla afforded eitmrodOri epgrt«lEity te prove te -AutrMmres -lus-freedesa Immn British domination by induelng the. Brtish goYerment to Pernt the t u te h. knewite Xe ele te conditions la Irelansi "Amerresnede fnt seept the. le- msaneou irom Leudes as te the trtt of the. stiotion. andi until the :Brit- ish Sge.rnntnuvouciiats toetbû peoples efthrie world the ri5itt o!fiee aduntrammeled emmunicatiea tlre ANercan people vi], k n my Opinon. cotnue te conider the world a vent ai teto viich thteiBritish goierament t Chu. gISubject. lbvetln hý paînilng dffls nat lo. Pi>' tih Invention or thé subjeet, for. thti u esmmfly tsupplieS b te reet M hlbsterien. ltIi respfet te the. -ebiee, neostbjet can b propos' that i0 not generaily lnterslng.t * * -b Iteio amuat bh. soetitlng, chier In Ut action or lmute objet, lu ilcb 50 aerg nniedaly concerned., andi vilci poertully stken upon the elile uytpty.-By Sir Jeebuq Reînols 3f ~ASWOWu- FOR11JNE WILL111 SPUNT IIERE FOR XMAS PR3SENTS $79e73.65 le Acaumulated ,in Chrismas Savings Clubs; Most to Go for Présents. MUCII WILL-STAY IN BANKS, fleveaty-nin tiiousansi, titre. hun- dred seneaty-tbree dollar. and . sut>' Xve ffntu or the. blgger portion ter.- et. vili be apent in Waukegaa for Chistmas jàtubente this year. Thtis becaja, knovn ioda>' upen a cempliaor O!tiietotal- amouat et ciiecis mallesib>' the. Wukagau banks te i&ernbers et -the. Ebtiatias Poiteno. imeltiier the. FIret Natbin ai %nor thePeople* batiks diS mot cou. Y WIII1Iqv a' Cri f..lola mTour Home Thi$ For Her ammtnasift This Genuine Colum-. bia, Case of Golden endi Furned Oak, Ma- hogany or Walnut. with 6 selections of your p choioe $2 ,ll$fr... 4k This model with 10 selections, for.. $155 Chri il aies? 'k! . t'. a This smre Columbia, baud- Adam Period' case, finished in fumed oak, solid walnut and solid rnahogany, with 181 selections of your choice for $ 3 only..... $ 3 Join aCbistmiaà Grafonola .Club nqmake our tint ppynzt d we'il delivVour Grafonola Chrlatmas >Ev.,This, a elust week for,' CI mbers. You' maolvetu i~nIt <pi Spdc1 Tenus01 ilsweýk. TlrêeNtônally Pr mli t hr.tpe-t roim tj riced ModeIs te Cboose F'o d, 40*, CouMny Seat MWodefl6;- White Hove. ét-t~oDad.'-thi.esueIet to opmrte- built in lt "rwo. W, orly -à-* that Ion corne ini and el iusïfumeut, a14d you will wustno other. 1K' I -w ~ Grat LaMs Sallorl worth MdI- HmonsNew Sseks Relase 4 fos~'Local SM~on.- PLANS Aël AIAPLANE PLANT Lgo e beundlng main et tii. . et 1u. aval Tnlalng.Station le fle l 0moance vlth the ansAioiir et Oer»a4 T. ]Reminton. 1ne Win C:fqwt'I ~ Eima>'r redea hbis salary et$4a VSMt ,.0 ani if tbaylionly le t hbiak 'tek te WAmmo 0l *nk1 *9 ty the Iay là - itiibmeutv n e ctary Iou»ibien WorM sa te demexrst> roii .*ualo 1.1te malteens. m«t X bis navy p>y stops. 'j~i.JLetauve -Plans have been drava duct clubs titis year; couseqâ«etly the $79,373.63 vas pa t ntby the À A )nough Wlll lDe Waukegan National and th#)S.ctirity a.ui1ienit&0br a- batiks. A tOofo1,W5 club meiniers MMUU elistd.tolea i receivcd checirs. , ( irjutY ikobtaiaing a diècbaige Recifients of chiecks began Satu r beu he bal conipletes blis educatien. d"y te present litent 'for payment, H@e la the *on or Mns. W. Schuyler but _anydis not get arounsi unil Volknarew1e Hayen, Conn., vie today. Wbie a large ainounet fthe nowv iTEm*Lake Forest te h. moaeytm the clubs yl go into hlm. Lust Septeinher be married insa th. ciannels ot trati, here tuer. le Uérice Clark.. much of it that wl» ?emalinIn the. If De ca't act a ditcbprge h. vill ýbUnka. Eployes etfithe ivo batiks PetItIOB fer a furlougi. ,which maintalned clubs Uay tltat sv- eral club inemtbers at once appliesi the! N. Pt" , .. PlMere. money frrnm their -ctecks e n thelirj Tiiuiof otSew EnglakdIta a.< savingsajcounts. > r "dte rural oemmunities, nor te I is, tatesi that the. lubs tiis year the ilîerte-not ýy UDF mamne et ver. considerably larger than asat meana. An&iit' s a, te aasir*t the Feir as the Idea appear te be gWov- re.der; if a New Englmndelr, viii .0 kng nie.pepular. indications Qre proesét the. "sny omnet et meOibs" that nuit year te celuuia wili be eeu nWhosaim hodein .~inddoesaDot baby larger for magy memitOrs have al- il a "cnp Sshort doseoe. hbat ready filed their applIcations. People bta-tnr san ik4lsigaccordlng te batik oftici- W~E 55bSîe Wa g aie. ttiat memberip la one of the5e e oudnvlng atT l ' as staple su boboS clubs solveis the problem et iiev te beras en Sonda fernint, and Wii5s Plent>' of Chrlsýmas moue>' vithout are yeu gitoltô ni@1 er lea n Ssi having te atrain tii. purs. strIngo. liaary.-flOaitlm<-n e SpecialTe=t. Chib Fpfr u om $98iA Player Piano up frorn $468 I Terme, $1 ( per month With eah orpia o , pa piano ie included ator: o Lench with musc comportime nt, $carf, tuning, musmc and de- livcry. No extras. We Wal Holà Any Piano or Player-Plano for Xima Delivery lu Q5TGEEE S TEWAUKEGÀN, Dl * k lima lé.duua cab 'Wb> tie a *»roceni>'i lu mefial 1 t. Çmtie i etioo vith a 1 sweev ta 0lat 1; iltaasen, dr' os the t siotiirles la bis lusigeme b>' t» ,depiatu -Buc Ivesti U nfelS et as tofleva UrA N EW DAMi iorge W. Di a byajry l LakeForeat plaintifita iad but the. jury T, evrthe set, Cu ar. j detendants ini tien ojr a ne- SThe. evidern son vas <livl eigit cylluder Atzuck ovni Lumiier cornu dan 1 oad une fae roadway Tii. Davidpon Ing damaged verdict.,lield pet biaving t! vau clear bef oad. lit la- saisi ,-Miti or, per e maccideE embilouglti )ueir, a pas es".u At les tu thé. car * etrIed Anoi The T.cas. IVaUa(es et q.-, ')Fine Comfort - tor MXen, Wornen and Oidren, *all newest designs. - The Christ- Mas resnt hatiii appréciatid, Inore than any other. - It is a gift that reniinds your friends of you- everyday in the year. Slippers. Speial une tiffine,, ail-silk and * *al-wool 19.osiery for Xixîas gift. - '9 mN.. ,Soi -tbro Witd Moi bc* -The of 1 uem c $&mmL RDALDWI& Plaine andPlayr PianClub.