CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Dec 1920, p. 13

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,- -u7 7 det-WaukagnWeekIy Sum Lm& totto ium wwhehiu of h.w MMUN * ge MWbms blle Ile mmd P.POW o W U-à- - ,h-i làemW, umafr i. owm wwuiiptRhm.ho. .opoeatoes ai0 io. t h .e oub IntMl o eero iu. 1mt- -bo4try basinong i» note4b.)Tirc-fo0l. ofor Amca ~ p1V1.,.Th. lmeic cma0. VIV-tutimorlefymntof ijgé £aiU oi ucn elor t . s (L-) Tbref-tethe , fr e o - ct r . an OIrOlItr Mmcenoat D .) T -o eiý b reno . SU? «Doi t. dcat sn - a cti o >' ffeuanmcuvatosft»t é tic. e eaeh utfotes and heet fS a Mt Uth ie t a oooiggm-f0 tcboCtras 0fes ent llt. dic b>'.f v m âiweOr BAgicu wî ie oo't . b. pali i en ticeort WccaU bg eeatte f. o t»reas. ao*ata i aael reur oaife a trVp oe fil, M a e :k rhrt4lU f tprovi or the ip ic r ImmBut&t fordthenaatranWnpartitiontionrl * Çca~ea eprtnut etdgu - ciTle o ete b le.forýgingt Maeïs a ftacpreadeU a binWàh îet 101*cieatom lut p rwte un@qu ratio n t 'OBufa' éduaton catheon . 19oo éltei me nte t pane m ofuureso f Ic, udis illaaat WUld et, théproper 0dcof the cdt louus Butmu aollb carfo t dmtio 0 atmbledutoteah ;a Croes dpamc tmt f edu. f8cilt«fo tr edprop e . eafgoingC 1utla , ozi he departanent e oto i l a ill O D[UOUl ed or te ficli th0 ua f Educa tio ma repor or a tic lu r the nited Satesn 1m a a appori o e]resdea ti i v 0f and euctiOu vuund e ceanti-u , uc ýthr ffce ad1 qaute000d felePoPer ucaionsuse nd bisJodemet so .l b 0 i a n- Sed te aiOreo for xbe dt'teac eo-a t»p ataetn dt of0 hcaton. f- uai o h po nesiaine a»t-vs t iatin@ancouie l e n acul ,. m nacie.o 274DAMES IN, SuIThR#WIN6 iOUI 0f AUTO ACCIDEIN Gos. W.- 'D;on Recove rsnae to Auto whÎct Ca*w d ooMotorrl**k. NEW DAM AGE. SUIT TOWA Danuallos df $754 were awarde-d1 CsoMre W. Davtdson ,of Lake Btu ,'by a0jcny lui circuit court at bec toUa,. Tic damiages, wrd aglnbr i Lake Forest Lumber compan>'. I plaintifinfad al mked 33000 damai butthfe jury meret>' gave a verdict" o cer etAlutal rdamays*gA b ho JD -&R aiartnige Mho represmeuteilt defendants immeciatelr made a s tien for a new trial. r The eridence staowed t0sf !.r-. ta aun was drhling ber husband's fit eigit cy)tuden Apporson car norti Seraldailroài soutb of! Laie Blu ÀAzuci owued b>' fie Laieeomre .Lumber compan>' drove imb Sih du soad unexpectedi>' front thep vaiVoe roadway IeMbs'g 10 MIAzdusi< The. Dusid,'on car crasiel Ato Ilt Ing damaged hady. The jury, b>'1 verdict.,Iel the tomPauy lhablef pot biaving ascestnsned fiat the roi wua dean before diivi ng onto a me road. l ,it la- ai l'at a' ltast t['so th v- uisor, pendAigas 4%nisui f o! gaine accident, one or thei,- lat oas brougt b>' Mn. Fanklyn »uUhier. a passenger in the Davids car. 'Sic waii hurt in tthe accide ïd. a lua seiiug permonol lulury da Ume. At lesat one other pasaeng lu tic car la seeking damîages. 7p «UPeCOcit tiat bol), of tieze cam *W be thol.ied af the preenst serte Anotlhor Case on Trial. *The case ef Auguist Feigenhai Ifs. ward W. Riley and Ensinef -1.7, Io un triAl today lu inlrcuitcou 2imma(eî ef 110,000 are, souglît.T So re wîtb Feit tbr nhU9110 othmeS -z wtleatr aso le s. Most styles are nib- riee i<ea fu~ll 'rangé of sime in each of cace laone wlsere trespatas Wchargeil the apectile charge being fhat Felgen- hauer and famrlIy *wore forced out of t feiX home on & farta in the towfl f Cuha in order [bat Enirnet Rite>' aUsht. live there. The fanm belogai Tin Edaail lley, Emme's fatier. ÎT elgeuhauerRlearied the plice. Nutritive Value of Tommeos. In ls nutritive value f toniatoes le ligit. Butneeugihe>'rontain TRI- t fli-r d,-ligwlfuilEnver, tf"uatssee huve tiécorne lery plîUlar as an ati- ci ee of food. TOoroca ire Counpooe 0fnlarlY 1)5 per cit anti-r. leuviaig verY lilsie aolid food to conteain the to elesientii liait. ie pgrealet nuIrA- tuf i flu, ai 1RéasProllave rbinrae IOland fil;,. the rhe fea WB DISUE GIASU £AINS mal lue 4f f. Mine Dootoz Two Bour BervicA ost, 111N.«,Oebetee 91, Wankeman.M, eri- 109 Soufi, Geneo Street. re isli. SELEC "rTTE VICTOR FOR THE CHUIStMAS 6111 BeginingTomorrow This Store 'WiII Be OpenI Evenings Until Chritmas ' ..ýeBet 8tore -On Me Notth Shoeu Christ1mas Goods Purchased Bere will 1w Pm,&t'dI geoy SNtp, if Des fred. 7I Service is Free. COMFORTERS Are Spleid Gàft Fuatured -anong gift sugges- tions are these attractive -eor- forters. They are -the kind on(, takes genuiue pleasure in- giv- ing. M[ade of Bilkoline - and Sateen. In beaptiful designs and #,pm- bination colors. They-.are UdIe with pure dean cotton and the values 'are unusual. Priced froni $3.75 to$175U At $17M0 la a large size com-. for#er mnade of àaphndid quality SateeuR in combmatiouL figned and~ plain colore. They are down filled and ane reiwebIe'va1ue. Wool Blànkits For Chràstm s SArc gifts that one miay choosc Ivifl assurance of weeome. - They will'provide comfort and warinth on thucsie et-là&winfer nligts I Beautiful ]Plaid Patterns They arc intsiiallyattr4etive. Edges are well finishcd. -Thie values are splendid. $13.50 f0 $26.5 0 Cotton Blankets ini pretty plaids. Priced from $5 to $10 WooI finished Blankets ini plaid patterns $8.00 to $1350 Beacon Bath Robe Blan- j kets. Priced from $5.85 to $9.00 'IeetCovered Pillows- Thèse are inost desirable as a. ('hri8tmais gift, 0f special inter- est is, th, faet titat each one hi 8PECIAILY PICD Reundi pilIowvs in A desirable olr. The velv et 19 of a fie <1îality. $4050to $698 (S3ec.ond- Floor South) Ekcrké Portable Lamps Lainîs so individual in design> at sueh utoderate prieings are not oftc'n to be had. Many Iovely larnps with. Shadea of Silks and Art Glam that will harinonie with the fuir- iiishinds of the living roins. - -And .the selection froîn which fo choeis ivide. $8.75 19 35.00 *Beautiful patteruls. Oftbe vwdll kîîown Phoenix quality.- Tue I prieings are v'ery special. Redue- ed to 1 . The Charmrng arnd New in Lovely SlknUndergarments Mttractively Priced Thiere is always a plaue on the gift list for silkehn undéý.gar- mnts, espeeially the sort of thèse. The inost satisfaetory choos,- ing, is, offçt-cd ini this- display of IPIGET Daf28,ENVELOPE CHEMM8E ANDCAMMOIMW ii cas-h instance the values are noteworthy. Thcy are inade of lovely silks and satins ini white and flesh color and are attrec- tivelv trimmed. -Assssrtrnents are wonderfully complete at this finie: .$1.4tO $15 -Statuary to Adorn the Home At Frices Within Reach of Ail (-Oift seekers will~ find in these displays niany vallnabl e stiggesf- tions. The selection is very extensive and earh- sciceetion i.4 Most advi.,able. Statuai-y beconîigio the homie. IN IRENESBES 0F WORLD-RENOWNED OHLARACTERS THÂT NEED NO INTRODUCTION Tiueis a multitude of niodels as Nveli as-niany odîl, artistiv, pie<ees. Ail are finely cxecuted and attractiveir' vfiuîislîd. -.The% s-an1 is lad iiimany sizes at prices raiiîrziniLfrou;î $1.00 fo $2500 GREAILTEDU L D CHlý]ARMING FUR COATS' INA SPECIAL OHEMiA»S SELLING j These are gifts oue înay well;be pi-oiud to give., Forthi, re4Il worth and beaufy are certain f0 makc 't a greafly apprc-iit- ed presenf. *Theégi-cat re-diwetîons offer ;M opportinnîtv 'iieti, m-e bülievec(ailiot bce equalled7- M ADE Ô0F THE FINEST PEICTS EXPERTLY SeBUCTED Eat-h <ia -pceîs h n'n in výalue gix iiig.. Tlîcy ae silk liiied thi-ougliout aid hav îl-hilined is--.EaI -esled~imi . discd-Prired frusîs Fur Muffs and Scarfs are specially j*iced M. $e7.50 to $93.01 Childreuýs Fur Sets are reed to prices ratgln from *3.75-to- (cond F!obr> SILK PETTICOATS Interèstingly Priced To thosé chooaing gifIR, il laI mdfed gratifvl1g Io Sud silk petticussts as cbarassng a- île',- ai uch low prices. In Plain Colora and Combinations Thcs san be had aIn all deeirable sAilks and -11k uomliiiatoRfs. Colorinis art Most $3751,$1 4.50 At $898 as apeciait>' pricel andi groupesi, 4% telecti n '3f poffêcopfa made of *iik jersey, atin, changeable amd novetty .,tkx. V'AýS ire rema;rk -'. TEA APRONS Splendid Valutes Mueh in demand for gifts are these becomnig whité tea api-îs.They re ijnda ty, yet ex- triml -iic vîaetieal. Many Style IFm Which to Choose Mide of fine, w~hite laNvn, or- gaudie and dotf cd Swiss Ntl finiied and friinnneid.with f'ne lace. V'alues are remàrlable. 59ecto S2.25 Noted is a part&ularly lovuIy- and rutie at ...... fi lor Christmas :Tesoreudtlwearsng'qualit les of pioebix ai1k hose arc go weol nown t>iey »"d "na l- trodu ttion bero. They are always PnVugRe- eeptssbl, and et double fl! ere*t l le-atoOI Iricea Rave B ee Educe offersug ibe git moeeker ihe greateSt valt. to be liid for sedýr.l years. Tkey te bai hail bereun a Wide choice Of tibo fftaf nn bern in 1tdestrable h.ides. .Peior VSO they are prIced frm .$1.35 mair. WonaenIa SAik eunoue . etisr IteS &pnicci rom 011 te So Sb2u i seeui in this shiowinig of (1hrWifwa _!cardm. The e aeka ge ,Sc and JOC L à

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