CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Dec 1920, p. 15

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r SUAL0R « 'WORST KIND WspveronLow MoitCompee it Yet Taiken.e AliEAID 0FfL YRO MERCIIATS ASSERT Holiday Trade -Up to Present Time has been UnusualIly 1Good This Year. NAS LIK(E A PIG-PttiIM ARY PRESENTS ARE SENT ~Med W#àtble malt abject KM uqtugWý fpgIuable. in %haipb aîpsle eeflditioa that micli ý and Del Weai.s. ibis cdspovmd eOne Ortise Most hrÇtlthet «Stulolf* thathba ~dvered ituthi ecent raids gtiovlaltors of the. liquor iaw. -1É »7 ý»w avenue, Ini a place ~by Andrew LAozer and fami- I~mstables rouuded up a woa- r»plverly arranged "sotilI" and f%ýtbe finemt assriments et e.thtt they have fauad 'up ta ropbt ttinte-in 'thé several raids bInve &mne on duriag the.puat e"Vrdous remiîs disclosecdl 'b : 1 ccumulation oftlitetock L egoes te malte up white a r 'masis. IR barrcla of wine. >*3-Slion 'leg of "white mule." > LWOilofl hea of *whte mule", v:eJae tnteresUng part of tbe matrwsth"t the raisins e heh' had been put ta e1 fthemfLoat qasity abat 1purciased. Aid <is. despWt l 1ta hom ore vas one u. ef:Oqualor and the famiiy of Pr% ss and tbeit father ad mth.', blfting la fiith and dirt of 5tîc!i <Icter thnt- it dae net eew n beis could exiNt ei.-n for Op>erat. Uptaims 0 Operatiafla of the whiekey 'v er. carrîed on ta the upper -he houiie; -he famniy lived *Iwer part. Il vas thece with a jUte as the bais of opera tiht tu 511lihadbeen vorkeil f or some 'timne, Suùdging èOeail aperace of the sur- oZ fficeins seized ît. in the sanie roont where a 1 if crisinsanad prunes whlch fernenting for Dmne Umen ab"Out ready for use in the 4 ,as thecç &a lhe gas la ve cogitaleu discoyered two fi pper cana and ail ili" othe' MM"ttib*%.-' ta[0Mie up a 0 1lmtublf-,4 îîinnîdiaqly pulte.l u ot uIt i habose. iuri mb Jinthe mash ut a-le ui.lm ,ileand 1.-fl a most d-eci.' 1 ý7s-d ifildren sobbing and mon ~ bat vasi gine l10ii'itlen to à mi ai tliey iiaued the equip- t oay. eo atables vf ine press was Ioundin flic ntkitcheued on uni,- set,' of sm s a iare accula.,oa of' tavegetahivua whîch Loce-r hia, lajLor the ainter. e«s7 tons la theiotihane was ai iy "nd vie as could lx.. The ÇÀI o ver thelin itve ooked lute Wesof a barn and uIle o 0-alle'i *dbeding a-ir-' aimobt unft a-ý-Vg tu sleP iîir.Li..I ng in bouse, accordin.' il) t Il i,' miler. e sta chldreto. hrhl'îii-,an4lýafld "i aad tiîey hallhi-f l iii ngie, ftq. petit. àkeoI lia-a rariy nid, r.; i.'ha m6ther sobitngiy ,aild, Siz ani :Iy gioon sevn. Shie gaîe th- a ut her childien a, , Si n', ,eNcuil l-,tbree andti 'gbtel imontiîv. Lt b ftie Ile' co,îutaLliias -cc re site was f,'dtiii h.'lu n aiuihe b*y7 dity hread and i î,ilî an-l iqMier twu fcIildren ver.' htdd!ed ellg lier, diri ysaiti as filh ly as- Seouid Inmagin.'. Shie Sui1iiiua' 1,3 ait,.'and icve-rua >ç s tit dro ear-e utaei o section man' Day-tu e,. lie woinan ealîained ifi h- T T Lu Md:work!sun a si'.ttir T5lia Il.,-- wthwesteifl but thotjcît 'h.'. Ti fiabie focr in w tu . o"e. on "thei' (Tle becaTh 1ýi' n i. vas insu!!,.- Tnt tu ..Tii.TX t '- 1' Irg fnily. than theconstRbifs qa-k d ru li l1' w" possible lie could fîndtiti;oî,Ii U07 to bby tîtesé ligli grad ii . W 'prtines, etc, la ider TII TITRT' f's and tîtuiviolat. te e Ip,- Ibiti started ccytng but s.--.-iuîd lu btk'it vas ail right fr lier litohanil a-edone en. But sie crid î,l" JW ad aked thepwhviat 'as i ang bIpen aext W~the dfficers were tiiere the. iobud cf tcourse, was ai 'toi a-ais tW le arersteti .it"r In ý'igt ilheraidstfltnt ley lhave jý-béhsâ .hole otfit waau3,iento V4iit as comnplete as any blit in ce as tiiere foind el-tti a o! uqualai' and- excecullig and 'indescibatle yuiround- slnib is oit$thack 'on low Mem qfealiae dpnotes rPaeh. back nll ialisdissc; S. Snake 1i--R 9,00d ometu t , hut ta others it fîreiells lase ley fil 'unforttîîiif c lilmiretjints. iesaake in s dc,'ain IiwfifrLTýthtt fio pretends 1a0lie a frl't.d in y ldenv~oi'iituh rtilt4 your re'p- à.To fight 5ntA-1k; Iellîl'oit atit your eneillifu.i, i ,.î,îceed t;O hou is usiîleriikki. l"eays Îdea of Mni;saa. Mty jalîih" of!tle 'ilîtNe-w ing ba hve,-.'uieiIle ii-pî'r- fi of te tioSii iîl ld , t5a 9 etilundevtsto.îul.Ti îîu.oî l'f o knock t 1,itheii. îuîlrl- ieco, "deiconî'îl" : voitl. 'lO Md 1 te se ohserîvil aire lima liit te b4I lotd plit the Itrgeast ..wlatu _.tb "deoron" land le tu exiu'.il sk#*tuIictle e aportion aoftlie Waukegszs zuercita, or et icasi a Majority of tbem. sgay thAt they have no cause to eosjpin of their boi- day truste this.year. The manager orfu asof th.e effs larget stores ao- sertsd Iis morniag thît.tbe buasess up Io the present Urne bus rua head of lait yuar. 'Moire ls » indication of a de* Pression if one may judge by the way buyiag keepa up," *There always ilte th probablitty thzt bai- ns wlllncrease as Cbistznaw draws càrer but w. would io perfecetiy lat- Similar osatemento aie made bp tii beadg of otbier stores ia the ct>. Wltbin the ne t few days the stores wiil begin ta stay open every night until Christm~as. fitla then that tbey expeet the reai rush ot Christmas traite. Tbat many people are sending their Christmas pressaissrtyir bisyear la iadicated by the arnaunt «n busi-1 ness beins don. by the postfficei ad local express compaay. Bth re-1 port a flne volume of business. J. A.1 Pickens, local agent, far the expressi company assenas that business la run- bing ahead of let yeer.j Weddinq Anniveruariee. The weddlng onniversartes or@, lirett. cotton; second. peper; third. Jeather; fourth. truit end flowers: fiuth. woodea; sixth, guger, seventh. wvooien; eightb, Iodla rubbr*. ninth,' wiliow; tenth, tin; eivntIÎ,sÎteel-; tweifth, silir end fine linea; thirteenth, lace; fourteenth, ivory; fteenth. crys- tel*, twentieth, china; twen!,-fifth. el- ver; tbirtieth. peari; feMietb>4=nb* Uitietti. goden. seventy-lfthl, diem.ro7 FULL RECORD OF EACII SOLDERr Springfield,-A compiete officiai record of every mans Who *siervd la the worid war ad lu the Mexlcan barder service le being eomplled by the wsr record division of the Ili-i nais adjutant geberarsa office. Offliciai records aofIlliliots men who served la the Civil War, compile by the adjutant gçeneral la 1866, eMbrse eight volumes. Spsnlsb American war eàcords ive volumes antd theý Mexican lnd Black Ifawk wars one volume. Tihe preseaItaili bis reaeled a point of progreus which enables Adj. Gea. Frank S. Dicks9a to 587 Biat the finished product Will requin for the national guardi. weued elflo federai service, tWo 'fluntes.thie 33dd division five volumes, Mexican border service two volumes, rmine eorpn une volume, navy four vluielq ad the army service forty-.two vol- umes, of approxmately 700 pages eadb.-1 For an Electrical -Christmas Happy indeed is the woman whojeceives eiec- tical gifts on Christrnas marn. An electrIc toaster, a vacuum cleaner, an electrical wasing machine or iron, an electrîc grill or percolator-every article named will be most pleasingly received. Profuse thanks will accompany 'such gifts for their beauty, serviceability and labor-saving Apexe Vacuum Cleaniers-Rotapex Washing Machines---Aiso Lýwge Stock of Newest Designs i Floor Lamois and Decorative Fixtures 'War-mer Electric Co. PlîONE 428 GENESEE AND CLAYTON STS. Waukegan, Miinois 1! i  While there is only 12 more days te do your Xmaa shopping, our btockis very complete. We save you money on e'verything in aur linc-25%o discount on ail furniture, except naLtionally__advertia 1ed 25%i off an ail Floor Lamps. 25%7 off on Table Lampe. The largest stock ta select from. Gate Leg Tables in solid mahogany, ivony and French gray finishes. See us for carpet sweepers, the famous Bissels make. Hoosier Cabinets Univers.! Comnination Ranges Simmon's Beds Downey Reut Springs Stesirn & Foster Mattresa Starr Pianos Starr Talikng Machines Gennett Records Cbeney Taling Machines Sée Us R et ore You Buy T' 4... vus UNIVIRSA& CAIR The Ford Sedan with electric startiag and lighting systein, with demountable rims with 3 q-inch tires aIl around, is a family car of class and comfort, bath in $ummer and in winter. For touring it is a most comfortable car. The large plate glass windows make it an open car when desired, while in case of ram and ail inclement wcather, it can bc made a most delight- ful closed car in a few minutes. Rain-probf. dust- proof. fine upholsteriag, broad. raomy scats. Simple ý, xI«ýein operation. Anybody can safly drive it. Whie it hie aIl the distinctive and economical merits of' the Ford car in operation and mainteanzce. Wo't E BA ou come inand lookit over? WILSON & OAM WAUKEGAN - LIBERTY VILLE CASH OR EASY PAYMELNTS REM---

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