CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Dec 1920, p. 16

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-REU Mi IN SCIIOOLS UP TO CONVENTION Second Reading Before Con Con- Next Wtek May -FORBID CON!MENT ON BIBLE . Bibleraading in te pîir sj'chooli. PrONsidéW for on fist ieading by- the cotacî;iu iOfltdlltOîi. nbas ttll a gaumtielt t "un befoP h liasses sec- and readirg accor-ding Io sonie cf tlie convention d .gtswbo aîiprovc It I r vill *1iiI ta ie hica!küd up for reciîîd reading ti tii r.. lite p;*opo. el hich ha- occatîtored Lt w.v- p.- ittoita 10delegatea Ithan say ,oteýr !* rtir he ceortîrniitcti wai' first î"erel b-,Georgea A. larr of Joiet 1i-s propri a 'lia' the Bible migbt br, rad in public echools *'wtbouT <-otîtettî wbiciî are î-al"ous or tbao- Comnft FO: hi dO,- %Vle.n aitd upcn hy Ci convention the' pro; à ai wsa amrerd.d ho forltiî sny rouît. cnt wbatéver. Il was pasAit wtth little dabahe. in te laet moments of the Jane seasiono efurea aijourn- ment. 't liithe understandling Ihîtit C' tigl avrr il. waîîd 1ta is iiifui play upon second readiug. As iil110w stands. te proposaipr-(, aias t Nit the Bibi,',îîtas- h read in publie achools sea artîflof the datir routine. InProtestant conîmunitireil i w îutipei mu itaKinîg amis versioni or thi, Kuglisîr. or iiAnierîcan ro- vtied ' I n.wila 111 Caîbolie corn îîunî;îe-. tha teaolteT soirlit be prit-- ltc'r'J lo ivýat tram 1ihe 'lioîay ver- stan. Détit od for consttlittonal proIer tion :o: ile reading In slhoos aroFe fi uni the. state Sulireme courts ruling tll t t ;,as "support of tae minIstrv. - antd a violation of theIS170 constitu- tioin. "lha case came up fromn Scoit -county. A school teacher tera wtlh authority from the acisool directois *opened erisool feach day with a verra Ironi the King James Bible, a gospel bymnu sud te Lords prayar. Fathers Proteat Upheld Ail chiltdran In tiesa choal but one were Protestantîs. Thse fathar of thse ingle Catbollc cbi4 eniolied thea 1 hi and thse board. Rnd topped tac Btble madling, lHe complsinad ft I t ha, was comçielled against hfii -wiil-te support a place of wor- ahip."Rrcoguizirg bthe Ring Jae a Bible iu a Protestant version. the sada Supreruue court spproved bis objec- tion andt hald Bible reading a violation if the bales uPe law. ùYletide FrWilson ael or mw of tho Ant-Tabwoeuid" langue. *,eod "la st 4h Wblte Houn < the dmdara" tefmqed bp u*rTtuaft he ChniatumMais Pront mVE mem ia-Chrhtmaamailk- aMinArisa (loft) idoela" tTas.i tW>u. DEMSEY.KNOCKS OUT BRENNAN IN THE, 1ZTIIROUb TWAS LOLti 551W. £sthaat.d attendance ... 1 S00 Eslimaled................***0225,01e Dempey$ hars t.0 Iittint ln~ rhOgBiy. BEatim' a ro 15,OW ~le ii,'iiriiufaî-.ttir, iloftîîrniluve rondIII EcnSn5 *%dellen. .fbw.. 165uuo en;!neâ agret 'es)of ed us la New York,. Dec. 14-Jaci Duempsey -iiitl a atgriatnt of lut et1giu ordefanded tae pugîlist. beaNryweight tuti 5 auimlaliuiut aboaîî orîiampionuhip of the wanid, by knack- %.r v,îu ahnîît, sas tise Anio-ca '111iug ont BillItrannsp of Chicago lu I-oreatry M.a grzne. 14 len rad ttum ftise twalflh round ot a cciseduiad fît- ta proplîrly ilnliuîs-I B t-nu bhalInade iaen round bout at Madison Square ta loîok luiv-h Efka lhuer Of Mii-0 gem-dan, juat 1 minuteansd 57 seconds teoutls. Tisera it. a v.-ry rhltInct dit. atter tisa session baid atarted. fercîîce. buwever, R-îeurad gîlî A powarful rlgbt ta thse stomacis. a $ad mcisoganvy or %%:inut. This (lit- mlire powerful lefI, aIea to tisa mld- fesence lias !11th e size of te pores. section, sud a Piiht clip oi)ltie aaw cent Breàtsau down for tile coutil. le - rosaela Is iefeet as Retere Tohnnie Iiaukop countleu, tansxiéus but un- Overcorîlng Oticles. able lo carry ou, sud tisa reterce nia- ii5iui" ot. I;algc-or 8satail 10titt@ tioxied hlm to hisecprner. mai l n proportion lu is hiitglSit As tise ahouts filledtise eardeu deieraittittion ta io trt I-fj. ai raarad their satisfaction ovar ona ni iitUie mii, tlay lýoir large; if f large tae grealest heavyweight bouts as or mari. fiffiritles lî'ok sulîî n olu-n. tagad, parisoxi vith tuie isautage oft sehat T, Ct ais longs for anditwh:at licelîroposei. a.Ct [e'ha harer tliiis I o the grratern thid Il 1, frolit i ts t-'tre rt bihiti' .rc iti-epigrnir i hie 11, iilt -u-c and îîibratit - -' iîun- raît@ Andt gt l rulla, uiu eria ndiiiî 'wsc i ,'i thie î.nlaies Iti ;'. -doeil iiîlc;îgo N-u. et igricultural iicuhiies. - 's LISTEN, FELLAS! COOKIE6 0i1IN! TOXBECiIEAPER Provldlng the rebailers tollow the lead of tise wholecaler cracker sot. biscui1t mahiufacturers Christmas goffles fortise youugstars. aucil as aunimal. crackears. chocolat@ niarsil-- uîailowcsud othar delicaclas, w ill enjoy a decline ln price. Wholegale nmanufacturera an- nounîueed baday a eut of f nana 2 ta 5 cents a pound on animal. grailam sud meal crackrers cacoanut bars. vanille waters. gInger anaps. fig bars, chocolats mnarsilmnllows Lnd othar klnds of cookies, whicil le ex- pected to maire ati east that mucb diffarence lu tise retail price. Among thoca who announe he decreasa are thle National Biscuit campait!, tise Looas-Wlles Biscuit company and a number of othar 'In- depaqldant concerne. Package goada have not bean reduced. 1 *a Sîlver Rleiof Lite. *"ýp- n-) '>evil of anymi!na, only gooî.' would If pracllced b! ail men ail the lime. w orir a mant-elous revolu. lion lni soclilrelationis, ona most ileed. ed t:'-'*".te nult ual conihd' i-e, now i ________________________ Holiday, Gift Reminders Bisseil Carpet Swgepers $6.00 to 7.50 Unniversal Vac uum Sweeper $37.50 Ï Carving. Sets $5.00 to 15.00 Gillette Auto Strap,,Gem Ever Ready, 'Enders Safety Razors $1.00 to 8.00 -Coa'ter Wagons 4.50, to 11.00 7., -i $ et Pocket Knives 75c to- 4.50 SHELLE» CORN 6IVYa EN KIWANIS, TREE: "R1uss" Edwards Takes Up a Dare Made by Local Man; Gets, Ail Corn Necesary. PROMISE NAVY ORCKESRA VhilIe Dot a great deal bus béen hebr4 about Indications now point to the tact th ie Xmas celebration beinx arrangadi by thé liwania Club at tue Aî'uzory thea day betore XV948 'tii ha a vîry-fiotablui thinir for the litUle iotfi of Wtakegan. Decision lias iscen Made that the dg" Illnit Will e udue years. No cildren ovec that aie wili be expect- ed te Bih,' advautaga of the Kiwanis ielub. entarîainîîzpnt because, l tla f00114 tu a plîyslcal i niposslbiliry tb Drovide thte giltsfor &H icldren lu the City unles the rige hé re@trlctecl. A regular ganta Claus, dacorated 2masi rac etc. B; bclng arrangad and It la expected thattha affaîr.witi pro%'e e, big cuccas-q. . Indicating tha luterest halng chown by ilwani- Club mnembers Russell Ed- wards on Monday told thse club that coma friand ilad told hlm be would do- .lie 100 pound 61 ahelled pPopcrn if Ruasei.would do the lame tbing. "l'Il go you, lIlI give 100 pounds of Corn 50 tiîet make 200 pounds fer the kiddies.' cald Mr Edwarita and accordlugly wivas of nmambars of tise club are going to pop 200 pounds cf; enough lu give mu'"c pop coiu tu every kiddie in towii. Reports of te aolicitlug ccmmnitiaa on Sunday sitowed tbat fully three or four hundrait dollars alresdy bcd heen ralcad ta meet the espenses of titis Xxii» autetaitment. Cispt. Wurtsbaugis commuuicatadi Wth the omimtte tiisweek alt isità he "wouid ha glad tu furulsh au orcotieatra ho play ou thse day the Xmas Tree la arrauged for thbC hild. ren unlass coma unforseen circuzo- stances hiould occur his doîni so."a And tisus it seems certain thata fine orchestra will Come up from Great Lattea to helq maire the occas- ion a mêmorabie one,. IIARRY PORETSKY IWINS JIONOR FOR ATJILETIC PROWESS Harry Poretsky eft t itisdy snd a trehmau t Lake Feoreat Collage ta among the members of thse football 511uad wbo bave recelved 'ltRie "L r' lettars for dlctingilhel service lu gmres thîs season. le lo a niamber of thse collage easm, witch li acwon five out of uine games played. the last on1e with Carroll Collage. Waulrasba. Wle.. belng a viclory for Lake Forest bv a score of 35 t0 6. Ltt.nquastion w betherIItles cil barder to serve two masters thisit l to mnaster lwo crvants-Boston El- ,mil, Trau.scrlpt. VICTOR. VICWROLA A REAL - OHIIS.TMAS OIFT FOR THE HO0ME US, -$35, $50, $75 $125, $150 BIDINGER or the large. bhlidnr progtam *bikh tiue alite c0D' teinPl&tes for next year tas Increase lff egecOtive appropriia- tiane and oluer necessary expendi. turcs, tlle stats tax rate reuna t 40 cents on the $100 valuatioit the samae as asat yeai'. The tai levy boards Con stir.g. or U<w. Lowden, IStte 'A reassurer Sterling anitStntc Auditor Itucliell. tixed the rate tilla afteracon. i"romn 40 cents .16 1-3 cents wililieh for revenue, or geneal state ourposes: 14 1-2 cents for achools; 0 1-3 cents for the U'niversity of Illinois, and 2 1-2 cents for v/aterwaya. 'It was astlmated,' Director Omar JI. %Vrigttt department of finance, mad. that thse rate could be fied at :15 cents wlthout bsflpering the opera- tions of file state tn any way. Large Comands tor axecutional liaads. bow- evOr, will ho Presentiid ta the next goberai asecmbly The rate& for achool aud unlveraits pUrPosei, are fixed b! law, but b! providing Nberalliy for the revenue Noi t j wlll ha possible ta m5et Increaese.. "Tise rate will be* suffîcient te pro- video<or the coOsâtruetion or nmsny new. buildings, wnrk on whlch baS beau de- îayag beecause of economic conditions. uver $6.000.000 la Sel aids for Dow bllllings lin1the budget. wbîcb baIs, belleve, l tie only state wihhsfound it possible during ile luat aUr Years ta decrease lts tax rate. sinca 1917 hiers h"a been a decrease o! aPIproxlmatelY 33 1-3 per centIat Years rate being the lowast flîed in Many yaars. .le tact IMat i1istO la uow a bal- ance of $15.743,091 fi the revenue landl. as colnpared wlth-pratlcglly Do balance wllateiter four yeaan ago. 15 sUfticleilt proof that the rate was r #t tac, low.11 5 Don't postpone tomorrow. SAIL DI3EMBER 23'9 6iLAS4W ÂÀSSEM4BLY Waukegan Girl Honored as on-. ly U. S. -Stuclent Represen- tative, to Address 4,000. CONFERENCE BEGINS JAN. 4 iLis Mildred Wolch daughte,'of the laie John 0. Welch, sttideut of the lJuiv9rmitY Of Illinois. hlghlY lîonored by being aPpontéd delegati 'o the National Britli Student Volunteêr Banul Confereucp, wîil ail rin -.mNew York on Decembai' 23rd for Gln'jgow, Scotlaud. wiserîa 'ha conventiIon willieh feld front Jan" f la 9. Misla Wetch. Who ia the only stu- dent ùuderpraduabe frozo the nltoed étates toi be prescut et the conte,.- ence. wJ il lion ltae U.S. S. imîper- ator, a oted captured Germen vassal. $he will daliver au cddraca. it laehî'ing astimatad tisat the atiendoeawill be apprnîimnaiely 4,000, f ha coat of IdisWelch trip wa8 liuancad largal),lisru the Epworth League of Waukagan. ot whlch se la a manîbar, the National Euvelope company, wisere sia was eniployait beture aulening scisool. and hy lhar oncle. James G. Weleh. Sinca tha deatis of ber sumbanîl, lIrs. John %V. Welcb, incter of Mliss Mlldred Welch us takemi up lier rt-sI- denceaat Detroit, Midi..1 The Attends club et school ont WOUlOstiai veï is f banqitet and present,94 sâ gram for their giaals-of Il giating of mezobers uttbFIii board. facults aud county .mUw tendent and-Mra. T. Arthur ShIp The. programl was as follows: j Vialley of the Diamonda. -- .M'is. R.* m Q'ed Qarite*t *........ Trhe Pyramide......... H. L. 9% Piano Duet,... i... ... larjorle MIS.Ireno Crystaliiatiol . Miss CectilO0 Three Part Song . Bi Minerais...Mr. T. A. I Piano Solo., .EveiYn McCu Hume Viltues ...Mr£.,Ney 4 232,000 Mlleé of Flshieo c.îialla lias the mn e Cinlsve mi best coluiîîrachl flSbIlng2 wol ln the %worid, luelurling 5.(M000 t* Attanlit, and 7.ffl0 milles of coait, and l220,(X'" iluara 'O ci dut Whalt "For Short?" ZIîtUs4 have a ractom uf namine elid (rotil Moie eint int occurrta tha tie r îîen the clild l iva irn. x (,Dg ugo a elld-'Nlaltiic broilg tu ile rt-gisItry on at day whieua s1 liail Wrt-'rrup<si trallie un lii. raile lHe î' 1-giveiith i )11 Uîhla> lise wht lle îîwntoppeil the tîsI4 Wh'lîIn yO1 8uPumf they e%,cr atit S hop Hereý Nôw!jc your Christmas Shopping - :;tart 5While we are always desirous of marking our iner- chandise as low as' we pos-ibly can, yet we neyer let price interfère with quality. You can feel certain, hwever, that any article bought here will be marked according to today's low replacement value, and will be of a quality that will give satisfaction. Box Han&erchiefs as low as 35c a box and Box Handkerchiefs up to $329 Handk erchýiîs Always Find a Plac o-1 the Gifi List We have never before eic udn ti a comprebhenive KLiaOi-til(>itti cfdoi- eud importait Kerci-befi.S,-. im- - play yuu w il ar', 1ih j.î re ara ideal 1,re,4enli for Iriendl Io eii e5(c otiier. Our Fancy Work offers many charming novelties for holiday giving. Fancy Dreser Scarfa, Embroidered Huck Towcls. Embroidered Turkish Towels, Fancy Table Run- ners, Fancy Embroidered Pillow Cases. Good- Hosiery Makes Good Gifts ExceptiRnal values in Silk, Wool Cpçtton. .414,ies' Black Fibre Silk ý 59c pair. See the LLadies' Black, Silk $2.00 wiIl buy. WE CLOSE SATURDAYS AT 9 P. M. Innes Dr.y Goods Cg The Moit for thc.-Least ' - But A 1w aysa for Cash Iand Houe, Aluminum War Roasters, Dish Pans, Double Boilers, Preser-Ving-,Ketties, Sauce Pays, Ladies, Cake Pans, Pie Tins, Muffin Pans, Pyrex Casse- roles, Baking Dishes and Stands, Electric Toasters,,Grilles, Curl- ing Irons. We bave an endiess amount.of suitable presents. Corne in and see G. EL WATROUS SONS NDI . ýi

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