*1 NOWM Clos tor the au wom 'sEfty4vu am 15 la De"tepoesry t!IM vU -. * City xseuveu tummmaw mu. e gacturera, OUAI et met"e u Ugi * Vei ~a NSlWItaIf very etdy, town au Vliflle. 9 ftbe wMthde -eg sleolaelMlad wla taetdrueslaorbais. fuctoIe i« dulafttg eo.mWte« n tof *» "eLglsliamot ol gal »n tilb tbidiamblef mien am *ou* witk 'Christus eattaimeu b 1"6W' Wii ba *ur10rvekyamirsla the mIo l luaUtutou.' SuA" John V. Ciliaua. the sei o oMmander.. j -fhl loyal epsffllouve< do everYthigPossibe to e ja tbek -a affUclai vith ilWhoai tromi vouais la fwgëttheir to To Mike lie A tile to mm eueIi snd lot thei kuov tuaifome rades have Dnt frgotten hml u mOtto. That.. vilat the Loes vid formed for-eOere M.r be l q a-. e- -8 The By'Gf tr WVith snow and frost, expected the. tiue- will be ripe for skating, Iti johad to keep the average healthy youngster in, thé louse. Let -hin go, but~~~~~ ce h eiswiÀylothecL Eery moth- er kiçiews that our Ovei!£!bti a4& -Mackinawa' will keep.their bôys waii3ù1oM aàtterhbow cold the. weather. Trio b " wiflspeit ta nuch as any Gift you cold make hlm.- se.ou arge s:ta*kof Bo'1 W.rin App"rol 0.5.1 at Cost Prim i I5med SÈ*ctacle >6oWs tedqhToteL£aus inaÎ #~W~?WD~R% If~~ara iu»ét- "Vitte~d u I wai u"ofIu »asesr Coat emmt t4f Wt = i~hieis i b*iWery errsssiu Wochs oefs bakwci ut * U- i~ior, s.., a"., W". Ibilefu mgecally priosi et Clu uni Upo2. 98a Thlp aaaouaen.at aboule I tres a ouat4st. Thege Il'. 4 I aad U-Sh>rt Styles Cpat.'CI tr4 i ob$115 !IUIS Cot utek ud sylesaretaBusroughSoutb*,dW*mdty Wbilss boduteir tue bSI~t aus br oeeéaa*yeid dUbttheif, tless a W bave U lng shrtUniWmp»c"oula n, oUma oiipano ogosytria -BYNow 1,,. hLs Great Saleii 'GONew Woo I &E Dresses I -00~ ff~3 ç 'I SI.. 51at hI84 sbleWa b$t0 ffot arua littisoui !m< vinter m mortg. '5 oa pretty robe vlt% v peru tp matchls, ew hou,. timCOe 4m. The I liait a Âbo when 1 ago a as wefl 4tuetîn, My n C orney la ireturne tliIows: ._.C. JOBi AM8 amtied v And, la in the konduct the.swi tftb.e àe and à getivityà w bis a" m vhieh Dg siDiOt thýte &MCl w ILE. XI 0-e wlth oe. fthe W.e City o9 Ka suoatb Me jury o1 wet of m deVelolie t, wg that st soith wlth iamto u9 t] Mlt bavtal vith 1h. 14 pie lanXb M. sueb çon iwveuçe be pWolaund t kt d14 aot --e Indici bat Oie thr s.ncoordilr orna" vel ut hldctnao