CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Dec 1920, p. 1

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RTYVI¾LLE ItDNW PEDî( AOC e. ~. rn. Y a ..suPoUOing a u*ete liât or the t " Nkieg om m" thegrand jury orhtch haé juat fin- * lahed its work &fiter the longeat ses- SÎ~ Ai Q T'* n1..I1.h1story of Lakte coiluty.- 'N med' io me _iik.M fty r.ou t tisée laigest nuniber or hiI,~ 91uvni-.a I IS- 8 IY ndictrnents tu tbhito- r h â htlcted for ViolatO f Q " 91 ug ndLiilr aW ttn~ens: - - ELLINO INTOXICATINC LIQUOFL a bombgieil was hurled into municipal affair of Watukegan and North Chica- 1 No, bill when it became known1 thatilhe Grand Jury had indicted the Mayor orNorth "Y 'P'maoes k eag, a promînent Justice of the Peace, aud North Chicago 's former Chief of Po- John Madruh Mtbew Ogrin as wefl as tbe Asitant Chef of Police of Waukegan, ail beiîîg charged with miâ- >yCîea MOMxm Iit ini office and thus, ail facing the predWianent of having to go to trial before Vctor Colombine, MiSe Parbil wv in Circuit Court and defend the.miq4-es against the chargies whieh the State 's AFrUDudek . YankhPaetssl srney's office bas lîigeu aaiLsLt em i n the îndicbients whit-h the Grand J1r.y Tiordora ravelli Grace 'Marie Paule. returned. Tony Pavelli PhIip Pink, Frank- Garta Audro Pucin The f our. promnent men thùs, indicted on thé charge of misia-t auîduct of. office are riaink Girgoi George Shwldon Qlows: FueGvli JlnSfe _E. C. MEADE, Mayor of North Chicago, W~ho ia nowv serviîig his second termn. Steve Gr-vlch John Siaaituns JOHN NEIlON, Justice of the Peace or -North Chicago foi- sevéral years. I nico ew elaVal RALPIII EMMICK, Chief of Police for a-few years, wht,îetired iteentIv ïfio - Krou Joeph Walya sog tbe Pueiui robbery, -ýafter Mayor Meade and other couneiinien had. demaiided ,willamn Leonard Waler Wa-yüaa lrancb Livariaek John Zuat- ~esigntiou Ar-teair George Zo.'pZink AS8T. CIEF 0F POLICE THOS. TYRELL, of Wuk;.ýî,Sho hasbei Blaz lhn-i George zubon tiied with the Police Department for about.35 years past. KEERINC. CONSION GAM!> And, it develops furt.her that it was only by a, hair'sbreadith that every aider- Fisaard Dtoyle John NIem- i n the North Chicago Couneil éscaped being indieted on the sanie charge, namely, Michael Diethiei Joeeph Paule e fton icrans Grace Marie Paule iondüct lu office, and a report la current about town tht it would have required 4'k MeDOIrSU oisaoh Praakl the.switching of but one vote on the Grand Jury to have brought about an indiet- Michae meoas lgnntz stolarski sto heflow oncmen against whonî the Grand Jury finaily returned no"" B Michll 1J>pl Tei"c D eteOsOII fl.a.Ralpi Remmicis Thorn"a 'yrcll Jmph otoma Edin C. Mead John Neloa ~ '~>4>Uoyd Tiompeon Marvlu Johnson .~hou.umsulhnsi i sud that b«' ekirta were cleaner than î G OlILDe BNONN of the lut and at n i.i h n n h of chanceof belng lndicted wlthh LaIa. eiu Amiouncement that the Grand Jury had returned. indictments againgt the Pesnyma5,r loenaGilmor. çVè named. men produced the biggrest sensation1 that bas ever been precipitated in L4 MONeI incmauw & ffairea ad they mndicate tMat, at te next tern of court, Lake County peo- Sam DM 1 Soit. B. MUte b e . a taste of real scandai in the methods of permitting blind pigs to op- JosubDlek *~ VI iund te and als as to how gamblers have bef n given protection li carrying on their lino e» xcloChtes hon wtivityà ____________________ ibI mosaton f te Gandlur 0h15C. Heppe Laurmnce poulain aie bu hein pog-as___ North Chff blinffplggers, soine Mayor Meade, ad it vas lie, vite, ASSAULT WITi1 OEAOLY WRAPON g amoa ca veha ssa. cme ~~bock, ba!pald lier $50 te f vue Cbia f fPolird vwaslta thse Audro Albert Glose John Norths thse amioucerneli ee htR w IL C. Meadie of North Chîcago them permission to opel-te. tbrubnits vent thereand cbaaaed R hrwth John Nselsona ieadiug However, lt nov seems tbat thethe crovd. tncludlng thse chief. mb Scottî Garnei Frederick Garnuer ecf th. e .e<o Noth ÇhirÀLgo. Grand Jury probe came on beture the tihe batement Mid madie their escape: DISORDERILY IOUSE seconnd anarter bad beau nate ia and Hemmck's- revolver and.lub vere Grace Marie PauleJoseph Paule FAib Hmmik. hio è,polceotiser inaetlgtlonsiaS serveS te pt4tken avay triambhlm by the bandits 11e di' cfNor b. hlcago d a top to the planas auctton'-d hi'th,- before tsi' fôrceS him lato lth basa- Ois mot agle,hbeai, nctd1Nerths Chcago cisa- ,ment sud this w as one titing visicit th uye h charge of "Mi& Accrdingli', lie state it la aaid, wiitl1b-iouiht about suds. a Semand hi' AI- «ue o o ham tllvlg i-J rofirceed on the Proposition that .tis, e tiaaBuri' taelthemayer of iNorth lailia liates ttoiss' c. . uth Chicago Mayor, ex-Chiat. snd'C hicago Ibat if ilemmick wvas not iithavt isassstarnt. nOLAl- Justice, sactioned the open violation turced lu realgu Br' vould band is et a irest he ass isetGand ult the- iquor la, hi' glving protection resignasUon in as alderman. tya li-al -Seatecftevterand hlg buthe operating ot blînil pige prorid- The mayor accordingli' demnandeS >s et a tise othicago cun- ng tise uperatora pailut-ar tu tise dCiy Hemmick'o resignation, forcing hlm tu 1 uptheNorh Cicao Cun-a certain arnsunt uf muney at a apeca- Quit. Albert Gaiehbas beffu acting as ,*4ti bavlag umade direct airange- lied time, Ciesialce tbat time. Hemmicis bas kt vitis liemou oresune According te repots former Chief utf- iot entereil ani' nev lise uf vans, but i pIe luNorls ChcaguPolice Hemnlnlck practicalli' turneti according lu the Grand Jurys ation -t~ ates tvdec belote tihe Grand le sud a-eotber officiaI53 named willli kWlp c tui enlretedurey9f Jury In glying ail the details and othèr hve 10njrt do for sins tine tru on. «eb crnclusivestralgisteni ohe Cie vift»nçe between North Chicagocityoff iciais vhaeee suhpoenaed con utYÙgt tagee u h »&andthebelnd N oeorthC sîcagu conteaseil lu a surlrlelag citent, vartous conditionas hicis Iboy now olal an lisblid pg o[eraslItit balet ba-ug that they inight he f id tieinseives lu. itdd o emc es a lefI off eaasie in authse final prosecution . - - - hi. nditiuets u hosacren if tht-y did su. Huwvetr, It vas ex- WacbardiiXKig e eor hesibý- ;~esIa tb~ iemr atLANDSCAPE (iARD13N ret u v ote. ould have buought t tht stifhaed n baIaI, ut tise Mt indctnustsagaistet tisi-cof tthe ' woulr rt av ousu eariug 8eusER IT V RDC 1 R Mb Chicago comiilmen; usaruel y ut - tieai ,.stiasuonyV-was gi ohPotouki'. George Pillhip,5andî 1 atraightu f rrm ties auuidei. I ffazu (>Aw -0 fllal AppiovedlanArrangemnent Known Long"' I RUVINI U LJAIE i-Sding te report, thc North Cit. The fiudiug ou the indicurnanle cossclunen lthIbecotientsudajab't ufflef ais ramne as a bg sensa- 1pv crab tie op teatorta tblti on and as a big nsurprise telu n Wmtig ofMayo %latd drew ,jp ltutas yeî i-castrs lu tise affect msuy Verdict is îteturneu gintW $an areS Ihebpeator f ehey vuotti asu arrangemont-'va. lu uperation Gregory Suta elr amre tatifI-i ou d huoben curreuit for sone lime.past.Srt, Wely M dovu 'te tise'Poice station - W nnbaau~rpr Broker at Highland Park. bt qarter aS appear heore Jus- l atflYtomnhsauarpr ,,...,,oi and w $5 etise J stmo te eun 1te effect Ihat l t ualsSoI adcjsgree WNrhChiaoofiiiswud a enerai undertndlag âameng ualsnralnaaegree isîin<lpig operetore tisait toy wae t tIligthianti Park, vas varded dans- Rkinlir oie, a: tbe salo of bousa go ta tise justice aI lite flNt-of ev eri'raut $226l132against W, reo0 eve vet m fr tsaIit asquarter, pay hlm a certain lao i~ mia, aa 5tli'ChICag oki-railiv ti e oaen ta infma ' ncaordpace vîit a Secialen eltu-ig aîrHighland Park. hi' a jury iâ eirý '~cuncil and thereby get perrànltmlcp w cuit court ai Watakegan FriSai' Olcr -IrlnWrnàIttee, adoteS tise plan oe"nm Sie pYte#t *eae nouand.An eltert *" maSe te eh tci- up the thevience aiovea tisaI rioai-i bd ~ally tiseisll-plgerant gel &#71>04Y te stand batik et lut ' flinilser. nclude.t In thse verk "aw a% ictAd oioi aatheti tsa W"eld15 ftisveSotsemthsae & lmaspuld e hai bs ard eprobe luth the.5oWb whinh5DtWg,« etriahcry ManStise flflig- Ys*B.ohitehav a- ~~had o uleruhtm oubSi'thse Stateu Ib of a rivII. halrist bom ctte1 h8-ASycied &tfsY*0». isieiinteasmts Ulili 1100tepsy tise bil pro- - ut bofMayor )m; estitea b SOi, o_ isegrounS tiat the sasse es5t ~ l Ollit atie ON»egegarmeaac l peeal te do -bfOhr e s tloo he re'lecq*ilth hta femWifk made .LY1Ot MOAh tISho i* oulld do the 'wrt on te OIssuS isêhnéelokn hem t*vas elected mayor o oute out pl tue -'me* ~ - miae Norti h Ioegq otire ica S tuad sa UntsfI it ~t a ta osi tre setn0t W\eup avste voir' hlm about ti cool r-. of 14oras Chicme,-là »r01eetatise 10sf ele«",osaud hau tain pologaItse"'.saauor la b.~o ie ctmnneIsver been regardeS as a a - itIvan vnkve oele loy le ac Y a io. %ttin thas heothe: Ua b *- fteniS te jVy 5sor~t .Re 'V6515et ts h iessu * liard& sbrnitted a bil. 40epntme U àdofetWsasl'ou&vJ'iaat àMS wuempiorp' Foin WBsâ4ya h" Magt eoa viegebDgued htie d tiUse vbss Sovue liiro t eS ut w ntoetul iei U 1sfatg #M -the uutrieem ,the Wd*siaick vwa Olel ef police ter Jury' indiade o i unnt'.t aI ireVer' where-- et lout tweety saine tInte. haliag ben -npmoit.d hi' cent aince last Juli'. 4,t . EVERY SUPERVISOR IN, SEAT FOR HmIS TIRE IN MANY YEARS lvery ninmber qf the board il super visera was in bis seat Thursday. It W saffl titis was te first urne inl a great înany years that ne memnber was absent from a session. Leave Dady,' Salary Sarne. The special commlttee recommend- Pd an increase et $600 to the assis- tant states attorney, making 6100a year. Sup*-nisuv Eger feit that, bec#!,se ofth tushortage of finances iI CounftY mausters the Àalary shuuld reinain at J24».le h-l t hat the board Abouli retrenh. lie aniended the report to leave i iltt hat figure, arguing that he tahIllew assi'i*aflt statOs attorneyl abould nt receive as much as tbea ccoUfty ju'igae wlo Lr paid tut $3000.1 Trhe bourd. coteil uniaalmously tbat the salaiy t'Faaiu aý $2400. làs connection witb the iring of Philo Bargess as superintendent et fie county tarw t Thîu-sday. Il derel- opa that but two ballots wrere tagen. thé ganjida.itn being Mr. Burgess and policeman Ir4onia8 Booth of W#u. kegffl and Il en rvLauence of Liber- tyville. The t- lue Ioilovs, Mr. Bur- gesa beiog eaitutailon the secondi Dalloe. P4io -uges .......... l FHein7 Laurence ............. 9I ThaoaB ooth.........4 .sSecond Blo phlo ïess.............. . Heàry urnc............ Thooa'ooth............. The board voted to aWlropriste 1150 for farmers Institate Sud ualt $10 worth of Redl Cross Xfnae -tMups le p«erhasei. T-he bil of Dr. Ston& foi,*1fo crias for ýmalpog 00". woë re, ferred to committee te- outwer al -ct>-Tio--dtenln1,the '~oo~bl of the munJclllflty ait tbenn Repott lm"oh usetPIu1' INDEPENDEýNT 's Buu ela WAUKECGAN WEEKYYSUN W.hsww MjmIu mm- NERAL RELF County Jud8e Baron ani AUl Factions Unite in 'Favor of t Mon. E. 0. Shurtleff. Accordlng to a report fiat commesi froin MHenry çounty. tise Hon. E. D.t Slaurtieff. for yem thle represenlat Uv. ýfrein thisi, tise elgbth Senatorial1 district ailSpringfield, and for honete yeffs $poker la the House of Iepre- -sîoàttî*«es la lated tW ble circuiti Judge tu the, tise 111h ludîclal districti.1 It lmi recalled lihat rurnors vere atioat soins weeks aga, liat Mr. Shurtlefi migisllie conalderôd a candidate lu1 thse officé viicWis v ieb. ecated iii1 Judge Dfloly. vis seati llas been kuovu for smre tînse voutld foi, justifi' bis reenterîng the electioq titis kipring. Fievever. Mi-. Sbertreft atnuotfine bt-caine a candidate for the office soi was onu' as a resuit of the pet ai l1ent-sôictatîon of bis friend,Iluat hi s saldt 10 bave tiuahly consente,i1 nta to refuse acceptance ut the ésueur i in, case il vas tendered lu iini.f Andi, tthat's exactly wbat i.s ruina f tu te dune, accurdb'g tu rpu fstrona Mclieni-y county, namely, iHast Mr, Shuitteiirwili ho teflierd aie eulpoini- n-itut cita cait juSte to tit :. ýaccauci' whlcth wliha eauàec a itea Judge i)t nr-a-ti' t uho isii lt h i . ýigùnu troin the beccb. Th(- .poput- jeant thus made by Golemnur L.wdeu visich pute Mr. Bhurtieff as uns bft tise judgee of lie district. wiscn4L camne lime for éection there wil b. **notblflg te it." tis Ibis connection Il bas beau ru- pented -for Mm in ie taI Counhi Juds Chéiles Drne% of Woodsteck vould aise lie a caufiae for ceh- eIl Jdes. ti u #peSuallUMul tisat Judge Drn as geWucoinsle bu a celliais but *» ila v tev f d- vcâgýit avesula moHnur. ceu fi aoseo tiinJdus Basmutla fer Mr. OburlisIl oves Ses,.'hola f«r 1Wius aéked d eday vsathelstatua et teé Iàdusslemotter Wos, Judas Bara"s sO& IS. 1Mr. Bhurffletla te s& candidats, 1 am for hlm firai, lom anS aIl tti rn." Am n atise ame spirit came reports~ frein aiu ori Molisisry counti'. noms. hi'. te tise effect that If'N Mn.SiUrtlO vifi imcpt lise appolntrnitthere la a feeling thisnlaMéFenri' county-ind aa" b' the district that Il vlibDt given hm. Shurtieff le Rticent. Mr. Shurtief! ba soben visrYreli- cent and rallher rnodest b' Ibis Jfldg- matter. Tic Sun spoke la hlm tise cicer day and lbe iusated ItatIl vas a dllctt llg tir bhlm 1 dîsceuas an dînslsted that ho vas net a can- didate for tic office. Hovever, thinga have shaped thoa- selves aince b' suds a way that il ta generalli' teit among frleuds ut Mr. seurtleff ail u"er the district that the nice way tu baasdle the niatter, seelur that Judge Douuelly le Dot gohng to sesis re-electioti. woul4 ha for tise Jedge Iu rt-igu, wvicl would necsmltata an appoiutment hy 00v- orner Lowda-n. Nov tiero la ne mans lu tise district wbuni Govai-uer Loy- den vonld5 ratlier appoint lu a Puai- tion of suris houer than Mr. Shert- uef t who bas lonaglbeau a leader is Illnois pliltics. bitlamaecogized that Mi-, Shurtlatts elevation lu tbe bencb yl amet vith generai satisfactiun tttroughult te rdistrict. Tisere ls no, mn in tise ts tata visu la recognized as moi-c cap- 1able ln legal maltera tissu Mr. Sbeurt- i efft And atter ail these years la tstaie ploitics it wlll ho a nIIce com- pliment for hilm lu get thia îecognl- tdon .ifta-r lie bas retlred fa-orntise tegailaturia- for il las recalta-d he waa potu a candiciatea- a the last election,l sud lhait intentlptl tu quiet' parsue pris a1e pt-,cica- ut 15w.1 PULLY I'ALLSFS MTY FEL7T,*DITS ISACK 0F' IqAN ePÀALYZED Chsarles Hacher, $2, son e! WIlliami Hacher of roi tAise met l vl suun- nusai an« vitlMai' prove fatal ac- Oident etatli-aie lite-PrIi' afeer. Neckser va? worklug aetichemorri las Sos" sud wvsaon the grocnd vitu a large puller velgisina about îe pound fell f..einlietop of tise building. ilaciser iappcned te tous up ad sec t oolug anSendesavorei to gel out of tise vii'butwvas attable te do se hefore ho vas caugisuamil burleS te tie gromad. Tis ,pue at hlm lu tise bacis ,a mcâa wvq liai ie vas imbdia rnial4* lane h m MidPr. eelt ý,, etoiltlai ntfsu to b f AWAKUNING TO ARS. VItILfM .BENOITSIW TUE KLED!-f FARX J1STITUTE 'FR01_InIAtN 1 Fparanera §througnout the county areHligKUJId * taklag a lively "ntrut la thse comg lustitute work. Thse tanner begis- sMd FMidte ssF nlng t a"met o«97the avantages a'-'W ki 01 organisation and co-operatiou, but thse neceasaty of vçrklag together, If- their condition le to b. lrnproved and Mr@- Virgil Morse, wbuo» thelr- efforts justly revsrded. 'Thse viat la knuowa a i e farmer clame anebeainaing to réalse. tarin, about touir lile=o that tiey are.snnualiy costributlng coud&Ma, et a trille iN the sepoqrt of an excoedingly latte eroOls. sbOa va am.lslg- clan of noa-produours. Tbey ses tiat band tu tthe bern ltit te ese tisouands of, dollars are sent ouý of tlty Of OatS, wWeih th" *ume the coenty evcry year in exchagte for tu tise MIi n MdUeRy, 1 &«e.ede. isathey have-it ou good au. tu dOlng mou. VhiC thority that berne grOwn seeds pr- She 'asfl dr »gi k 1< duce superlor resulta W seeda 0fflor- the edge of tie" loft, pui aigu production. dunsped 0Db' lths vases wM Tbey are egnnng to soe. t.atUhe watiIfl# bmkV ndU, U *1 weath of0 e onty ocid be incras- ber foot ceught m-on icsui cd andsu - aee aaInlmes d ber te ftSbakvand.atructAg hyPi' ealgrth15meonsi' zai ome. 'beyon tieesenfuoIt of100 e co are demandlngIbot benceforti a part wai' below. ot thse voris of lie nstitule be de. Mr. Morris Imme"ltewil voted to the promotion er methoda bis vifes assistance, but ltiv moat lllcely te increase the efficie.ncy that ber skitvas otimiiel. and Profits oft thir labor sud InsOt- dled la &bout hait sn ioutVI tuent. ginliig çcusscinesa. The tai-mer bas discovered that bkis Coroner Taylor-vas a" business ia the amui' b'dustry in tise held an hhquest MondaT id clvillzed vorld tisat la not no thoroti' verdict beilncimtslalt organlzed sas b becoble a puwFer vhen. Sbe la survlved ivber MW ever It aserts ltseit. Hes han aimo dis- thmé cbidea.Tie MonoS covered thai unorganlaed agriculturat hlvad in Lake. Ocouf Ote i Industries have become an easy prey sPrlflg. omrig b ef r* 1rü 0 toerganif.d effort. a Illinois; Mr. NoUS bal 5e Hie secsone ra ainfun ieCisase1 the Ueêncu="n te market iPrlce of bis produce and an At ticelUme et goWa ul PM5 other ditatlng vhat price ha must Pay Ii st&118 alUBwtU fer for even thse neoerea of ide.e, ral cOuldbe'lAiseS Th mepoerful dictatorial oigsnhsa- tiens1 ruilas tiat tbey munitlouve the tîaner éluas a living, for vtiout hlu t AT3TA#A tii coud not criai.À T I I out lina sfftichesi-mers"hae ,or- TO U IN goaumd am are aaaat0 os e ot là vtbbwlg bfenticernsrket u"r hast ulbeu te I" t o ut c WMt mbiUm e the ed f am ON il vil ie ma is o it uor tle fns.'b u N. dtS f6orm ua mieepaers tad~Orum ceBunntis ganie. aMnr ogaa matl amss vilI n1181*Poe. mmaen v" tr» it la nere#Ulmg __ ---e-tlta arle tsprostet f vuntite itursi t lhea ed MmsSe mate pri e îUcm ad. auls ho mad be o - amenhbie i a Te t w e Uni»aîrt -fumer saSest am 1w. - 1-y cenr«J MMmtsh e 81%uga gaime lntered lu ti sdvan e. i- *- à"vas e 1%Qtd." Be rah ,nepie i M Duuelatte ai m Wrge flt.uesas meetigs o ticl'arer.'hn.tti qe il s, "the ict e »tSbu vch y: uldppeaitic_. h n ern.toso 5eaaeli~ chaoi oftrde ndtheprdemaoë. no-0 ceuntleai suply ud edm fo ev, vii b rataa"I meein s I Yth e P rme nttt IANlaW bat he eowdb whie wil aPea in he>Indpe even us et aimI&lilin dema nat em" & 'Teriteiii be sufficic' CnuicBYTilIIER CHU H M E builidings, voris on vsisb, - - lnyed-becoause of oeconotae Ç IJver $6,OOt,ttOO ls set selde The Presbytarlan cherch ha& out- bulidiugaim ltse budget. growu the presetit quartera. aller even -Ilinhfois, i bentsv.. littise m the extensive repaira and enlargingil vitii lias . l. tpishlse& of tlirao ycaro ago. The Sundayji lust tour sten to eeue i* li Scbool bas shovu remrakable grovth iinStcs loi? tisere bas beis snd au during tise ast 7ye atplitOilmtély 33 1-8 pu sud a hait. The Junior detartinent be- yeatir atae Mg the. lovia came next 40 an uffissbity becauaêialuy yeus45- uf .vercrowding nearli' six uMpfths -file tact. OU thelcsis- Muo, and lience thé ouhy solution vas suce 0of, $16.743,t0 lu tise an nlagin etthebuidin.tend, as topau'cd witbh C an elarlugut ta bildng.batance visatever four yýi Tise kitchen at the rosi- of tise auitelnt Proout )bat tise r tu church fbas bei-n extendod arrosa telb. IW. bacli ut the whole building. maklng a _______ .iornapproinaiely ulacteen hi' twen-i .ty-iive feat las extenLTh rie presail en-! .trance vilI be tram tIle eut room fUN0IlIIIIS NOW Il thse hasement. The new room la large9 ;enuguh to add a handball court andjJ ItI~ l apace enougis for otier strenuou ýE4iIST , gaines. hlveryr depcrtment ut tbe 1'resby. terlan eburcb le growlng sud develop- resorted id tbe apectacuhat',but, de-- Chîcago--lihinols no* but penidng upun tbe quiet anSd *overfhlt tsigeaI télépe, eauluO0*x -t appeai of a sim ple gospel, bas ona- , i n lu point of s atantla- andl gradualli' grovu te thse, Wieuu the Chfci@;i strong. vorising chumcli latItIlela&t1 pani'a Cmv d" 4,80 present. The Preabytertans are flm pî-eprtiee ut the (Vbisuw resoiVei tisat the oid building lis nphsonle Comspay more ff It$ lest extension, anS thse s move sutccrlherg wCT will lie a new chumbi. AU tihe laor 0ci&trtnulng tise itoi thse bey aunex bui bccu Smtary.-no soidated MD -oý 1tilat thse ocei bas been nomniaL rmiilon rnsz. ti Tb- piatèr. tic as,.Mari C. Morgan. e» Aa leau an seact oriser la tic cIn».of hm ahancis, ad la .ver 4Mua'ioasi la band t thse other qhunlbt* et thé «vsllli 9late, asneiasllst ai' 0y1cr hau1 t o tP 1endeavor looing in lie battemuent e o n e tl tconditions -for the, peupla et libertyr- whié .154mo vins. met t,-D 1 A trolley vire crashed cou n el, asbOl" eelectrie car tusar lilglawood Saturdiy paules. thtp%* 1 austd a "short" and for a thftterer ttltipp u vas great scurrylng amouIg p4mn-i -ges . amusés whorn vasMiaHelen 'Tlslefea Cooke oe W slegau. O as naçtaP- tiç a 'iuo r Sd fitisaI tise car isunscflbut tIn bIs îutb t-a eitruoe-lt vai sCOt-Oteda ttle16. MW In

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