IS NEEFOLLQWUER - mmead kIN of-fliOe4 »"mm ff* OUfbeom a MS pupese àê ieloyeti W muse te .do evo'- ,,y f« -tffle ff l waît 1 ' tInm" foeM. <bl= te do, pro-7 e 'tII. W»e - --ka-boyho -&-e--a i ~ ~ u o ' ~ t e a d l e - W ~ f U E I t O I 1 s '% W m n da u s 1 0 1 t h # k..wtG.sai 1adeu&day a£ the stria.. ,Roports. hg _ U a re-ji& N 5obP the tuicitts iseres lelvOli Nï sors ùr u )l ~totindtWt l 1(1orafood4"h ~ ~UU7 t~ajr* mwgiMd. blak uq#*eà 110b . *Iuchl I0" 4 ~ ~~ and 4au ait SofSuli4 i ~ jtlgaisopportuij a .~v pa nesZ 1dealtnga la *oîélpth & 5(Cwl o bu IUOI ep and th tata oi U an . 4in Isa1a ix B.ut asit th e i.Uala111 O itk8WIordr lcldc4I aise, the e ie lt u»Uae r eaIm~llies g e llatter pmese msuoOe- 1-300MWlt uutas vs sam for- lag Ibat saury, barMWsoetel -0. - '-y ont!tea te Ifctan "O . bIq et toris libAtriomSM r so.leppo' ..tatte yae smi ka CigU.I The girls a ho :,xmt.t mm ossâaaet . lm v i betvsa*t Rhw A e k. It -1 te "É bori w th kWh «hg" Wb, a- j ana sil 12t.k1o96 f l te 1W. 01ther and Lee casthattue dows f(otace e t as regiar prison" ~côa. iss Ieiaattê, rut tecePrincipal ICelar vua moue te de- .ýspe ioeure rab eev« task, teflc o erisâ bt1. a aUe Ub sr AfhMes! serI l e t.indail*. seve à«tlecraps becamesrecently 7. Vsmad and ImlP te develop a ma- , en ho, aki rte tESwli hnose- i,- CPol"cy, ,b *%*Il put, go, mm bS tweed.5b» 4«8 -*m'amG hubm. esor tic .m los J dlwslni ait8 UlS074 iS5t ,-Uat, got ora ny ether lbrusor eaus hrilled a wamuieg itiel . Wb* »h .wet; w1,ieh shoaths, b.orgailsdiarived opta the spot the 'E«MplIted orgenubsj$ber AMM1. p- mai thelr a8gtork bh" lssed to '17 respMSslIe foraIlw 4l*st asIAtes. mmfly. iuca*fnt, %I lat buI V1-dwiBOII dl fretli5dUwt'i (15111 eli dA&M a4 crj .i~ e%loI 711efflusg y private and publie 'UP- îiWspraoIsoer the iandîcape. The Biar- étittm. irow-:~ esescape broke up the rolhîni ~tas level Si a somae "tic"n las st 4%M wish «r«eshat In gla »Il 4utte att wes.a-ir. Chautn Au- 'Thc'ns.xolé.,luju1ê inhtel .sl'.ieB x0t, la no% t Ils ,tato'mi thelicraâ el, forru Raejt n rel e.tmisC bauly Uaime iftho and jst orteu tender If,, guer 1 wri awsys où early riser. Hppy aRi ttm@Wiffl eS Dot m0bpile ro. an- wlseWBrerry nsorMa« ey 5wl' e" h Ii <tbe.nevog 'c1teieele bin with a vlr5l-I ali IitBIBçfbCby theft, the wifp eofbMous, and Iuate. T e moi an d uvwemt an rapea* ~- a eututtns. 1k.tii sld.iMai4î1l. *11JIhave Ibete ipp '-1.1' , s boielo. IouâaI. tive' cluck :ç,o Shrt çut and veryl fancy kv 'A - r IV..ert Exrafnc RE«JI* lIAIS IIEAIF~ST ~ON SWEE~ !I~IU3 NJK JEAN SA~TmK IONI!U~SISROAST NC~NICUAIS 4 lIyTearofThrlft d SL -.Means a yeat of ùseLfl ift9., The big ê, êorner Genesee adClayton$teishWMlo useful gfts *at wiil be welcome and apprecated ini any home. See our large d*play w indows. 8kboa* il ltiatiou at rischt in mof "the roi)coin- f4rt gifts of tbl year »«R» et tâm. maunes01Ith compOss , me -à& ta u Te beat tG. bedreom a les malesnt lammG. tuuu gmm t 'Te b helahabO Tb bilet fie 4uue ~'Te bene lkesamuam et rail- ymd coconsg fls T"jeat uulall eme. nauet m- m i seele tto ________________________ i Floor and Boudoir Lamps Vwt aour Iarfld &v&y of F6«orasA.I Budoir laps Mmse vn w,1Imsue Leme tat yots wi i 1hbe L ave a largoandaoe complet. stok u in"lin. mi.yewtd" ever Ou bI..Ownew LMm of Lanaps ad Fiua« i4at- tmctingt he attention.of peope froni'à1 ov« e .Co ty.&4 Sftamits aia e ere. ýcae Beauty i, 1*~. sus butbh. br. U-b a-të"ry' 1d040iIte ptrwes met i « fa nàé LI~ 1.8 I ec~ Rlftfr and S~L4N STEAK 1k ?U~S~K Uc IIAIBURE, 3 LIS 25~ LAMft~IIOl'S ~I8c 1'EALClIOPS~ 22c ~flES-31c' VEAJI~REAS Z3c~'~ 1k 2k.' 11~'c w b.~. ~ etc. v -J 1 1 - r--i . - or.