h bIL t5BftO55 18 te tM Ubitte vmdd. tiheno w us oi roSstidu ai ~ rthbth"t b.d bka hi"à doge.la e. urt. Tb$ luphowu *rm TrlatIsted I.*tb. -affords efotable 9l. pasuses. wth la 4h. loaus as uw.l Tor freedofm mve. ts.sEu~~ ulti Igahisu guhgs. huit Ugbt ami ftt~hIsa~ ~de sud epalsg -'t b.*.hld W<âI~ ¶*11W* ~ 'j 29% lo'Off On 'all our Cut Glass from now unt"IlXm as. »Nww . h shFour astr. W* te Vru.é s"Pr rato, vu gthe4omsa«tbozM atePOW. pet !hW My cuil fe t? sou . mt pha s Mt-"W N., u~ ~lb. *~apeseat that hs qgiq~M ~tb».S «Mmb. Rima r.m . ~as gp*isr fet e tbê1 ,C sSou ddSE iuU lU*.im i3, Ikdi - ol g5y tr um tir%& 760 20ý N. gel -z -P -M Let y our gi<ts fbrSnim be 1useftilýard they wifl. surelybe appreciated. Frotn our selec1tioqqf halx4sçmet O,ýtfitting for- Men 4 Boys,- ther0 ate t~ay cTesra61é 'ift tany man, or oywould be dlhe dwt ILV At r chb.TIes formerir * I ë ach. Ties former- f £406 Iyejriced to 81.60.I SnrplyReduced É$inlîy gmouped for holidy selcion are four important lots of b oen,,end and squarel end slk four-mn-bandai in a wide variety of at- tractive patterns aud -coloringur. eacd. Tics former- ~a~>IY prieed to $2.50.1 * At $295 ech. estm- lyprioed to 44.00. Choioice Gîft Hosie0y Undéericed You wiII bost agre"ûiy surprié- . ïïed to (Mld "fittfry n4deratepr- ings as- 25c ùc $1YýI.50 in view of th'. 1-ILL id quabities. SfeatUred 76c Par forMen'aSiIk Fibre Socks--. a ai or Me-na Pure Tbread Silk Sock- $1 in ail the newstshades-instead of $1.25. >w ater Coati PUlR-over style, $1350 value. iriduced ta..............$9.85 jérsey Knit .beromnens. ~ $ 5 in Fleather mixtures ......... Pajainais and N~tRobes A.t'Reduced Prces Ab extensive and coniplete stock of fincy &tripes, checks aud plain colore, Outing Flaunel and Muslin Fabrics, Pa- jahias and Night Robes. Specal $10UP TO $400 Men's Ranclercbiefs A SPI4ENDIRANGE 0F SPECIAL VALUE -5C 250 35C ANDOUP TG500 In ans unusual 6rgevarey.ey special 50 O $ 1.50 Shirts For Every Waàrdrob.ý Gre«tly Inde.rprkëed Unusually interestisig are tdS holiday igift assort- ments of Men's igh <erade Shirts. Splendid fabsice in. a wide iisricty of patternis. 1.795 fon ypke p o$2,50. 2.5FOR SHIRTÈS- t 30 2; 5FOR SHIRS- t 4.0 formerly pioed up to $4.00.: 4 7 FOR FINE ALL SILK SHIRTS- fornierly pricod at $1 2.00. - -t.. H vyBla nket Bath Robeý; SPECIAALY RcJ Mut flie lu a large seletiofs to suit dme moat discrinatsng Specialiy priced $2 an st .. . . . .Up Save on- Good Glovei.. Ail Now. Reduacd Capeakin Gloves-Blsck Auto Gloires or Mies wîith Gauuilets-Mocha Glovut-F&bnicGiovsee-fmi Cloves and Silk Glovea-Fur Liued Gloves À-i l e sired styles snd cdlor-at greaty reduoed.-prkce. St snder t..iothes Tat BoysLl At Greatly ReducedPrices Boy' M.cisawsm Tbyre w*r& Co lê g& rocsny :uIn th itedieie plaid ud, fancy mxtwoe '«boys like; 8 elsto 16 y., 12.50 Value *The ew mod- -ou bis1Musd throuàhout' sfres7 to 16, i-Eve' ~ys'Suito. -IL&.S Velues 122.50 Values 12.5 j1,6,85 Besidesbeing su" splendi values,'tlmeyr. <lie iùçst smr-, ice" Msutafr boys; size 8. ta 8.aw Boys' Wqum l0~fVaAues11 OPEN~UffflL t * t t, .4 t 'Q