't j~ft berciflosis end h=.u."inde, as w eivcrflavs .t gatioii of the ntecssity for zietIaionin. this direction, IISPI2nances tof theIîtiy i rd easDotallod Plans Bh' proceed as rapidly as NOh Mfrie lad Favor«- Ii "u<itsuwit will allow. toi o.f 2 report M; abus ir me» Yeu.e le Lit ru t a , Lty .lbos the pi Ws bell sot far §Otton b: i Waui b dinMary Sps wiinsuca sul table and ade- a Impoevement are pite. tiub.rcuar pavillon md. aun1 contagious unit in co n- figar Frday alternoon by tt" iih, nd o te 1 te 3 vOtd i favdr of grOlItids of the present. Coun- outherw3iuitl.hé sPýital t 1Hospital site. o. pioeed wth pis** for4 a tubercular mud contagi. Reýt1>ctfU1l ly subnitted,. et h souffîy bospital In Chas. H. Crapo With the. details given be- 1 W. Iloldridge b; liua~bb, Wsa W ýM.J. Obe bd the adloption of thie rg. Befare. presenjing Ibis resciutlofl o.cmmte Ierprted tinte that he becamé e itro work «aert nt once on theté oPia .nmitp.rahr be WIth~ ~ ~ ~~âte te dlu iwaalof uke-waril n u i uvg"t,.EueXpan- wiit thi e dIne o f Mon ofthe hospitiproeprty but since .The nijerlty of the board ho came coseIy in touch wlbb mnat- 1ters ôf the hospital h f i fiat the utgio,»unit ehould be limé had corne when the Lake cOun- t s the nfied for lbijt thoard ihould do sonthlng loieard butcedîthan for the tuber.1 the etablishbent of a tabercular bas Ig but both wiIl bo: rused ptal andti nso-% contaglous hospitll. possible. n-e feil thaian view oftlAe expressIon ýcoufty board of auperof the volers at hele hst électionl meeting held at the- Laite werîns mnyp opl ted for ;pItal Thursday atternon he establish~ment Of a tubercular In- orlininary teps for the atllutlon, It chowed what a feeling id maintenaltce f-a nfw exlsted for the estalilhment of sncb hospnald as Weil as Il con-a plae andi he belleveti that the prou. Bpila bo ne erected .11 aer oa to hanule it would be the ýr raon fle main hOspitm.1 seup.rvirs. )n the, county hoaital He saldt lat thé only problein was the finances &ad aaked Cbairmail Ver ;entation of the folowlna cos, of Highlandi Park; b end of the. fi- v Supervisàr Oharles ('ra- nne ommittee. ta express himself kegan brought tbe nater relative ta fthe: puibIity of financ- reb4nalve iscussIon af'eri ing, sncb a proposition,. lotion 'tas put over forl sidration on Frlduy nter- Con Finance Project. ('bairnusul 'terMoeesaàd tah4o efellt llke tir.CraDo, liatI.nvle the proP- te undersignedi, CeOf- or tam. for the coouty ta natri &À thet Ljake Couùnty achieverneait f t id, nviwo 1Rospital Commit- the matter befare te public eBthle viilg that -the timie rec.n.lelectIon aMd 11151bu many vo- ivred wvhen step t's adé?r<>dthm$ves u a PB alaofiom, plan. àtaken to adequate- In.apeaking,,a the mater Mt, Ver- [e-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ýo h notn 0 saîd. "It ous ta me sta wfýrth Ufot ti te-vobers have put Il to stad -fhtd'With tii- .sonitinug andl we decided on the hichGl:rdfoa W-1-0Youflv for CHave xit Iqotn Teswee; dear tome of I the Cohimbia Grafonol is die narvel ofthe age. ce i n md e im d w.amsure yiu wid, murej RNA&VI A -ma SE WTx=UOF CmamNSA AWAIf1 i I F MTN oesmtuiwx.ýAT mm MMlO $SUOte 2~. *11<1 AM LM UtTOF-in WLAIST IUGE Fa.yow odut m o.b. e mm d igetyour Cotbba 1 lowàbhuL -CMAe GItomE Nié JE,%A tion Wi the ktipd. limer th it Gi Iaiw, lt bO6U pcooc g a pnhbese burden ad' 1174. ye ,m u éliU 5~condoowdu bir ILLIAM .1. WO60 than Ili t wet. carriedt hrauit uxtder the direction of the board of. 501e.' il g0*lce3U1 5ê visors andi established ase one ofai 1 u4%b5dbrtfl*t iM il bu IOs unita of lb. coutyFiospital praperty. c d 10 William J. Wob& I, ii Fow App.-eclate Board -idotr t.. -Wa"uegm.ut Mir. Vercue vent on tb say tiat bé teit: that bat five out ora i hundred people Ini LaIcb conty reallseil abat.1 Ga" . 8.114, 2>41. consistent anti energetie wrk the A dorrep»ondene gamme 0 aed 1 board of supervlsors doea la carrytig (èorga l"ta. platte cl o'. 8 Wf on th business of the county. lRe L.W00ti Waukegan. 111. feit tlatth.boaid as &wble dce». 91ii Ail il5 i 15' e nal get credit for wlut It tdes;..- U18 23819 3021e 24.2 34.8 1"!But," he atideti "Ilbia a m i m- Il 2 4 8 7 il 14 24 -14j neis board anti that therefore I feel 18 S 81 1,l 138-28 19 Il thatIt would,,ebetter t ave atu- 514 t518é 217 il 16 eté. bercular s&airun rected and di- 3262'32423 -29 25 13 9 WV5 rected by the board of supervisar% thon by a crowd of men wba ingit PreObIQM No. Il... By W.-31, *o0 net 118 iirec(Iy assaciatedti vth le count), In ks business matlrs.' t Mr. Verco was flot backaard lt declsrîng thet h. toit tiai protes- sioni l&i en, Iiciluting iawyero. don- tare and professars are,, as a rule. net very gooti business men andt tire fore tho city'ganad the county's tnt- ý erei-t wouid ho better coneervet b), haviag th proposition handieti by 5 V J * bu.iness men such ns thie huard af supervisars. ,,People Favor Any Maie H-e sali unconclusion. 111 amnglatig * t rames up ait the recent eleçtIon B«ak-1 l, 23, 28, Kas 18, 28. 274 andi am glati Il was dteeateti because Wiite-6, Ïi, 25. 32. Kz 8. 10. 19. it gave the board of supervsr& a White o bplay anti vin chance te go ubeadi and give tbui problern thaught anti ai the saine line.- Problcm na. 112. By W. J. Wood. show the taxpayere ibat we are more- iy. carrying oui the ideas. of a large number ai voera at the election. "I have olifted i ht own anti flnd tiai uider the 1ev *0 wouid ho el- loNedte ta evy une miliion a.1100 vailun- atian. That voulti mean about $34-r 000O ayear that vw coulti ievy for thlu * VIA * purposo wheres. undor the lekin ia ietxaer wouid b. calieti upon ta raise about 880000 a yoar on t.ie U -) ~ tvo-mili bante. 8o you se. îî would b. fir botter t0 do It la luis vay h and tie iovy wooid b. fain tués.be- cause v. bave aIl the originalinl. vestrmelthere iW the.couloeii "I 11.1ev. liaI th. lime ta dola Blak- 8 81315 19 s3327 Ka 1290 NOW and Ibat vo abould bit w-ile- Wlt"-6il 2e 28 39 30 32 Ka 9 thé trou la bat. The. maiflelince 01 Biaek to play aniti - in.' sncb aunlinsttutionai aur collai7boa, qial vOmld b. e.1thaïsbaut _u much PaimN.13 yW .W as If -Il voe carrieti on by au oui- rbmN.11.MW..Wod aide orgmtaWloia such as nugit be created if the proposition vote put over under the. Giacinalav. Board Con i&av* Non.y.ci "Ticus in vh w ai the prssibillti. M of ll !ct!R g epecuse ta il ighi ar2 crue ilth plan w-ent abead under the Glackîn iaw it seems liaI the au- Pervisors ougit to act nav. vien v. are in -shapeta lave the. taXpayeu-s a lot of maniey by foliovlng Ibis course. bleve lb vouid, h seat- Mus te, doter thie iatter beeàuse in the meantiitsemethiaig mtgbtl cocue up tbat il caniti b. taken entlrely Oo th le ands'ai the, supervsera M 8ch is17 10 21 3123 24 and rus by soins Iefth organisation. Wit lm n-eartiy ufavroraibe planaof . - qi à b30n oomplotlag aur splendid unit ou bore Bsck ta play ad vin.- 1aI ti. booptai and tblnktliI we cau Soutin te PraisieniNa. log.- go abouai on the proposition of cret. r. .Wad lng a tubercular Institute as w-Ou M BlcJ. 14,od.. 7 the contagiaus bospitai liaI bas 10. bie-el 3 At Ibst pontd. -White t10 play andi draw-. tlisoituervimor Kirchnmr 6s.i 31 26 7 8 28 26 2 *matie a nlel.oh liaI lberesolulian be 27 31 Il 192 150 '2 aloPted declaring am lte ut. 50 «k 10 .26 19 20 15 l6 22 baâ been Miy oarnesi ef-re for the 11 61 01 62 -pautt.ree- years that sonlething b. Solution io Prahiem No. 109.- done vbereby we couiti ereci a tuber- Wm J. Wood. cular colony ont bere et the bospltal. lc71.192. 1 bàve re&Mezd the ioporance.ofaitlb Wblle-S.1,9. 2. and nov litIt libleore tbe board White te play andi draw. 1itakeplieasuren maklng a motion 8 3 30 26 6 2 22 24 i.a lia hle reolut.ins b. MIopred. 580 96»722 1q1 .SuPervisor Halistoîn secondedthelb. 30 29 .6 17 2214 10 31 motion aMd initIer discussion vuas 0 261 04 63 - aiowtd. AB a relt action was de-Sol tet Problem Noa. 110. terred ati FPrUba aternoon on ou Soluti.onad gestion of Su9etvior luger. Blmi. 6,11.14 Maetlier Puera Fnançing. WBlt-15,il 11 Mrt. Machtit lbaltihe nly thins BVmto1,KaS liath VM7 àa bpila be%& ue141 2 7nvean7i e mvin4 m tyW mm16 10 I9 4 14 1 2 2 i -b.in aiql to fianceIL1 oe ,815 1 914 il14 1 31 2 Cllm reo'thelu euil e6 l 25lau7330 $2 mille. fm-21 hatIbis coutl hobu bandsi____ COosatClet*u H.ndc eqlaifhd M bW ai -L sea tt Ure ln eryL Prnsmed fl W A0 bild bu uaed f t ti LLaWyesNew rgaiZal .VUMwut la tbi ime aid b. *W*«# s0 lutr* I OMM ti a bée bue ild judige»@rry L. poreffl et .Cb*mm EiItov expil lib e s h Y fteromtu nA a * nfltbceidar cely VaollE ». baons. whidi W*m fog'Uc04aa svl~iqfr ailutlla>d al 40* tglan thé!lmot t-= aSis tu VIl PIs*tutb»M re. uE. 00abIe totahe eosaI lalph Il .Alita. JolleI W P7l $8«4 i W19 m, lis e via er, SAR& JjetaW. moCa Wg1 t 1 boomtirabbtbed. Etaston; seewdtawv. J. nn Gi Ocbé i on" twti us~e blea t» fu1lifau tW t gt t* »tr ic- asei *te ai. frt iO out vil Ob t bout a uIfd vith von g. H. e o j pul,~~iw~~u. G t 10. YqWl'I1find Camhela Lo.uil.d a»y cig*rMté the iuw*Id at# prsoe b.ffusO çauiè1v.a l Tuiki*s and- holcé tobacm~ put* Camela in a c"ésaby- you toaomoko llbirmlly,,wltbut tira ingyýour tas.tol Camnels bave no unp!easant,ôig*- *retty aitertamte nor unpI«sBPt cigatotty odor!i You'I1 prefer Camnels blezsd touoither kind of' tobacco smoked straigbt 1e IL J. Reynolde ToimonoC& r- w THE -INDEPENDENT Prints A] The 0News of Lake, Couuty. 6 .9 Speed Plus. Comfort onk- THE ROAD 0F SERVICE B), 2 By ZO 24 8228 mkc. im ioa, meIcmâeiSbu lit i= *th l DiI Triis te- Chicago Daily ts FoIlos: loethe For * ~othe ul of UN au îOpr abo th Libertyille Expreu Tndnasto fChirUgo (%'bless 1 5:48 a. M. 6:03ai.m» -7: 25a.... 6à 18a. aL 6:33 iL p. 7:553a. m- 6:48a&.m. - 7:03a.m. .8:25 & M, 7: 18&Lm -7 :3..m8:55 .m. 7:46 iL m 8: 16mw. L9-.38a.m Theaevery bhm hoitg: 9:48ma. m10:03 a..m11:25m.IL 10: 18 à. 10:33a. nt 11:55m.en 11:46 a.m. 12;03 P-. ml2 55,.p m .12:18 P.-in. . 12:33 P. w.l: 55pý ., 12:49 P. m t03 P. M.2:5p4 1: 18P. m 1: 33 p, r. 2:35 p. n.> 1: 48 P. m 2:03 p.un3:25 p.w -Then every halflîourto: 4: laP.nim 4:33 p. m 55 p 4,48 pal.5:01P. m.6:25P. UL 51: lep. U. 5:33p.wý . 61.5P. m. 6: 1gpm. 6-33 p, n. 7,55P.* flua eveiy bauImahuto 7.48 P. nw..dus8:4.9: 18 and 9-48pnd ry'hothreaflera =%12:4 . .. _dei eit ftig P4 Dr*~,~qsÀ F.W. oIIut 1U i: w tbe Al, Spâ wVA Ccségo North shore&Miwue lâb4rty*IIT1skt Offce Fh b «"oey4Uê74 ti lbas Ia W. Vie lai à hae c Io City il la fret bos i1Used tbai ebavé been U Iariy la tKeboua bae rumoru nader o Oe. lilluor Md acebrdi sess Hou "eprescetai 000. Comi 9circuit ai ri of telepi a of. teep irepruet Mr a ta a rmeles 1 point IDSdg imave in t *q. pianes staEy end maname. T