$N, hmr Gas Com. Wé S Cent Baise. W Ïowfsi an order autliorix- Oqtb Shore Gas cotupany of a to iCtrea" (lhe ra;e for eh smayment meters te, ý tboaaad feet. according t» dit, »MontSerlngtild ,lnta ti Mo.afIl.J. 0. iHart stat.'d ta- thejmeXla a ot.ofatfixe 4 lla ltý*I, to thefîrat i~Sda b4 tihe tecent vat I e cit At that Shsola as quart'îetrt Companiy bas aiu-ays amie an txra Follemwlng- in a comtplete ltotr0ftho charge of five cénts per ihouutnd for quarter, metera. '1bis tari vas cailedt t thé attention Îif the Publie Utilities commÉission. vitit the resuitl Miat the. change vas autitared t9day.: Theo now rate la effective as ut 1 ecemuber 1. t STATE TO SAVE BIG SUW P PRICE CUTS -i1-4-gflota,7Aa tMate0frilinala% wiii savo titousanda of dollars durlng, the quarter endlng December. due ta fi (-big drap laprices, the ivisIon, of utilpie andi purcitases announéert ln tir ýparîsan af figureu far te pet -tva ý efirs. The roductiona raig. front 25 ta 75 per cent on product Mtm'tate boys fer !t. maty listîtit- tdons. .During lte fInIt period of nt-xt yeur iading March 311, an addjiînhl dropt in pricos ih expecteti. Rend Lait.,CoutityleM ost Influer>- lUai wsehy-rhe Independent. mate aisé ICharged John Iika Made T1 ea Nu(Il 1r Diore ù rBOtd. John HitItafarter reSihliton etiacit roaui. not olaly tomcteed 10 Kilt bis vire, 'femola Hulau, bat Maoe titreaut 1b um te botipo. aMerMl -ati M e N -iM, for' ivorce wieilà wu, rd OU *mc g lWla ite elr- vard. lb. alto citaud tiat be cboked fier sud Ujian0»aao00aa1« 6oae lier glaee vith ie it ansd othervls. ud0 IlIre Ua1IseW0 'lCre Hulki v er. usariff uIS'$1. luis, and bave su adapteaeI&cii John' LîmIll ilIa. viore ne caldyXmisnulI ka 0151w.. lber buabani atmptai ta have. The property almo la ttloived Ia the. dtvorgo proeeding. Juage sitiardi ursnted MII. RUiMA a dvre tu-Y.-- - E sbshow youUiheCertificaste of Authen- VtCit vhîch Mabri. Momrs.y has signe&. This lis the, outatauiding fact wbich cornes to yeu oit of the m<rnorable tone-test recital given Mosiday, Novýember 29, in Libertyville Audi- torium. A new era Wnmusic is here. 'Mr. Edidn ha* ifted the phonograph to the dignity of anew art. You can no longer b. satisfied with a phonograpli that ha iitates. Now. you want a Phonograph titat equalé the *hunan voice. You know there is such a phoriagrapli. Mr. dison macle *-iastoin ct with the. Officiai Laboratory Model of the 1.ew EdÀsnt'O Prove it. Uibertyvilléleard the. New Edison - .~it . Mari Morrisey's voice ia direct comparison wtt MussMor-iaya Viving voice. S. fric. thi. New Edi- sou'a perfoumance dtatno one.intheii entire audiemie could distinsuisl it from Mfisa Mornisey's living voice. The NEW'EDISON 'YePhonlograph with a Sotil" YÔu yoorsetf cmn bave mh a phonoarapIL ' Let us show you exact rdupicate; of the. Ofiia Laboruiory Modal w"ic tri4mphed in dtI one4st. W us'nshow you di. Cà«w&ae of Auîheticity. wIieh iM oniy las lgedafter itspe- ,ng.tdxe instrument., and in'a wçh ah. doclares tutthse Ddtllnts iare lii.equals ini every respea the dk*intnea used àthte. toe-teat r YOsa ça. .uy your New Edison pn u de PAM. qWM $0sodistrlbutos the'aybs.Na# Y" U'bWlw tr*l them. D1IJ1t & HELTON Phone 55,-Libertyvie, IMI 'ead of Chioqpo 01900.$QI.- emizos Ritesat pooa Sunday at Il oclot ilt theo lIpCO- pa chth the Riigi. Rev. Chaies P'almeston êAnderson. D. D. .Bliop ot Viticag. Malle itis sanuai visilt I çonllrntquol ihe Jargest clus" elh lteê itry 0f lte ebqhqr. The cita consIta 0frS61uitombers, aid a"t The Bishopv, after perfarmtug lthe ilervice 'nt lh. layitg-aa-ot-boasds. de- liverod a very toffetul tait on lte dceds etut le citurci as--a viole. lHo sud liaI la in éi' 10 k..p titochutait constant sud groving titrougitout lte w0rd id lmalit ltast one boy ShOtti came f rein eve«y.00commullftlec <or patiuites every hhreo pears tg laite u» the vort of lb. atinlstry or hat lfimtadiatoly foe oflng man should b, 1 et frain 160 larlaitas ta carry on lthe Seilwrk. S peclaimuni ietauisnby lthe hoir dlrecled by Richard J. Evansi. A large coliaresaion vas tpre-enlta velcume- the .blshap.ý Th. Ro,- Havard E. Ganster la givlng out the notice, ar services, for te'caing vreet auiaounced the, a- aval mldnighl diiori ucharist 8cr- je teho ai il- 0'ellock Friday oveu- lng. helqS Xman ove. Tu71e fuit choir vîli be ilAattendasce. The Centlrmation Close Sart Henry LaCaunt, lari Lewisi Clark, William Allen Castimore. Jamtes eeeeeeee B TAOIN EZEH Jas. Foxley Caaitm~e. Richard &uIbert -Look,. Howard Feordlland Keele-. Vie- tor Thomnas Douglas, Harry- Edward LaCount, Verna Ethel Johinsan, Robi Edward. Hucker. M"r Luce Berg. Ai- le.i Nay Berg, Dean Willis tacon. irefle Charlatte ller. Evetyn %fat- Ion Milter, Marjodrie Pauline Trasker Cari Otto IErebm, Herriet irene enliae, Etina Iretie Stotîrnao. EldanLeltoy Cote, Albtert Walter Gerbin, Florentce %Alice Gerbin, Caret Eteanor Stralia. Melvin John Strang, Eda ard 1, La- Cauint. Grace Carmen, Caroline Louise Natalie.' EdIti, F'reda lMetz John .'ohn tonl, Hanflt illaf.fl3 r:GAi bert. Fulton. Pullmnan' tari*. Fturence Emmsa Abralian. Elizabeth lant titan- citard AIt relCyril 1lebert. Delta. le- n Heberi. Geneva Paujit ( lark. Carl Everttt Clark, H-er bort Alten *Rity. Neitie Brawn Ray, Juiau t'.ndetia Beacti. Mary Emma- Beach. <lenova ilore, John'P-.ut Dadaan, John But- ladk Mother ol Six.Chllren and Thm 0O'theor runks e Der Justice Water Taylor. iThèe r V&saUtIle vduiely la lte MMaI*lofdaiy momnag ik.up of' GPUflKo' 51 lte ple s ttation today *àiO a - ,oman rs. Mary Kolts, of M84 Market etreet Whiosald site la ILkX mottai 0f-six cildren, vla an- rO'gned vîit titre. men, ail belng 011arged vitit havlng looked upon lii. mule viteu Il;la wvii.. .iusuce Walter Taylor triai out a littUe <Leette vork cati altempted ta, finit out wvhere lte quartette got lJieir IlotUOcl" but ail four blanied il on .&enOuashar Citîcago. Nase youid ad- mut tileY gui il in Waukegaa. ithe. Markt street, but ait. eau emapiatic SaboT dental, stating ltatiIl camie from tChicago. k'oitce magistrale Taylor asked the vantan i site wanted to go to Jail -and sile Degged tu ha realeased on accouaI af lier six chiudren. Th. magistrate d'il 110E fine her but as a ltating siiot WIrlied ber If file shovel Up agamf Ilit$et4s plce etftioli arc woild go to jais for six mantfls. . Hlugtt Leoarci. 337 Wilam astreet. vas Clned 81.40 an a drm nd iidia- orwerly charge. and joo Minonis., 302 CItatn etreet, sud Jo. Aadrev, O »05 Marktlstreet, ver. llned a Ilite amaount. 4MUy uta réM AW «k xgrüave Md ~8 ba"send, go rom.*Cfaa 117ftc *itte ad oblî'a la 1l.*e=9 Mvr.rtqhn had f*bo" t tit* l 1i V rmOes ~e Or their ' fuaeke. "W o"e a bds, mte* v' iould baye moro. ruont la gger-st ffl.? tat.sa agitation tf» r its recai "I thon, devsloled aiteedikg te 4r. Towin, lt tLhey hai bau. riSilsolthie Omutiadioforin of povefanu sCOU tbIe karfes b1fhW a t , ot b.s 8*Wàttkeam bas f>o.a wolag on 010, oad'wg u@one iqtxiry ai uidmiim anad tittil nov bat îras ho admittted titat ltey verd i lgggg.%e.oat rbe h pjoew t vsaidr to give thett a41way but m@oWe.!hrete rmmna would *ve tïke ltentgrti abouft ready te aterI Ilhé aotttat' i Tus tearoane tira$"OU*= âcitias lôt Pétition*. Waa tes*M *halle. uns. belng, ofbnLA%"* -t'nd hintide 1#st weew by. -lthfe 14io of dolliars abolI ilvuorigiaaiiy pur- -Of 1i7 te aea Çàaed& Thealliar la gray and i I sen, jtbthe" potliombviii b aire là, la fine couditlbn,'iatd t4eoe lteenud of lieweigç But aýrIg oU.Tabla 01> by- ho ,lt fa b= Wèey U "ct ~ie~ Wltl aboree."rwa iears. ment made- today by one um"n c Aseda r h ey dri c ou* o ebas titen $U i0k j.e. Interdi .lu mIl dlsg~e oflarurai- coznm llIsi te temlafl oveent > sauver came bie that lte <iuoçrn 'îo lgiâl phase.hi aeboïa l100 folkof today wilog0aîofulels70 Upi-he tidp'dos thojra v1 ho Doat go la buggies but,. Inteuasià la ay Oi tlitat score. "IJtet-ut atmbiles. Accolangiy au thé re- ltaI the petiitonsi bavebienea pffla tit is tl change la the. homte lite aad ailt gtât rome ssuae tiltoai r 'of formera, the. rural undettaker. if ltle thon, for ai gaitares. 4 hi ho daesn'î owa'a muttar earse ofaunded cùul fuiiy a lauaaad ueoi hie oaa. la calid ipon ta reit %, aud from what- hhey @&y. Ubattu bqçarse front nmre neigtiboring uider- Watikogan ta ripe for a 'retai' tues vWhobas on.* tho aideramic f mm 0 of, W hiqu Peupe oftelà,have Woaderçd uhat 1 do àflookafor aDy' dlfficty ina heramne og ail the.'ptns . tat are tai "mtihe requret number Qf it 'drt pt>od or til 'ruwn ati* . IYy tht, popuitU lures and i foel confident that vi lace but tireylite P..iiy atrounet hepooiio aPt*luavt for. ii tai r t ionth la puvîta a vet'-n .They dîý3appear li-natUe irmace"ofut I of m uish iennur.tu the. earîi, etc. iLut w ý,a. jorel fcîle drawn heara. itgi18 a dl for-nt Prot,- THE INDEPffNDÉIÎT always pu osition. it dannol, .uton.atically dit- apiear «and those beautifuliy t,,rved <rityvwlle.fluet. coverînga wtich for sdo many yeas impre.itied the. public as ttîey pioied.gd ' - - déwn te atieet Io the Cvaii4,eem- teries, are thîngs whloh nobody , Ppms ta wantn and which nobody 4pei .ý î beabeIomke use of,1 1 ' a VOIVA BANK IS NOW STATE BANI( AS VOLt VA PRESIINNT CA AR A charmter waa suedl Dec. 15 for' thte Zion liant. Up tilt ye«lerday, tht ltank as a PrI,.te concera. but It Dau nov becoute a fila. UsaI s vas opea for business toàyma swsu. Vite Zian plate fi at ueorponkW. vitn a ompitl et 824.MW and a suplus or o.5104. '&,De offies of lhe istu an'. wliDur Ulsnn Vollva, Presîdeat.* %N. Hluril CtgidLnen.*Ve-Prteslet. W. J. ". ull. e*n w. J, Armstrong, Assistant cas- ter. ais Pn s Neglected Co Tek@t no ebsases. K..p ibis e Bhn op a ecal Griffl pin 3du"- guIde. lin f" tomdom,. noi LasIty-Ne Opim ts I&.5Ds sncf eir-, aeu-t W'h Lae ote pite ta *mu rte. t WILLXS IJGIrr NIANt oew~<r IJbo.tyd.,I. t CoId Wilth ~QUINNE La Grippe oia re Iimerousu riderd i.maiy hsndy for tiý ireCt saba. d ln 24 boes- Rodi.e 3-Eceilent for ii.sâ.e. tamoect. thm . bsd-C.. 1 . base3oIc« GISTS SELL IT me./K 4ftUICK capacit for had woek J6 . i stikingly cornbined with gracclul bodylines and. fne a>s pointient in the new Buick Niao- teai Twenty One cam P. -Beause of its roomy capacity -the Sw' Buick, Seven Pausenger Open Car is the. chokie of busu men c 'oid theirfinili. I Authrizcd Bick 8servce cvry- whçm ercoforoe Buick ',rd*lt~Y ýWANT 'AISEARSE ORTWO? IIEIE'S À la lter. n aWl àaor %»w do'llav t thor de *la» sb.bttt y si ale tfer tlé cas niat.u o lisfa.Y 'Wthte i dv.at '9et b usole irougit. a «èc o niee-» lias bouca- - amoetghl lali t. iratW Of Mneql meaitlu t*igiylum.da0 rusi la «erstogp bl£s 10 automobile bave. SUât s. twit e llvaonik sua eO îe W AUKEoÀn s th t l ie o u e en ; a o * W1 4.e t1 7LI 1wer ea ioe mia _____ tiy <v benohe o~esfoI liWHN BETYER AUTOM0BLE ,ARÈ BUILT, fUI '4 r. Yar ideidien survive. wie Inen r.en ore: WIiai Wdrard yye Bcr taiee y. Tle Il on i Mr.s honte l vlu Ou terpr-li for renl ta gq t4 -.>Mytd t )Ira teint 0 nia. PR. At ùi fottovil acte, .;4 rie lRat Recelve nab Po Pr. Te~ Offie Di de@. rbe. Limg, r 41. c.'. sr~ ou~ i