,,Su me s ut' uhg bat " .Baid-of Review did nOt 4 gut &Àu'*just. ijht elie 200 wbo paid for suit Uersi t - idmul court.' WWA9 thé.. texpaet tLake County wli-o oû the ii add.d tal Impmedi ~~~e& ~ V inaiu a4vst the. lilgier cout on the. tealcallU tht Ra. ýfl1m-a àemE oi e . bupi, et days toonlaMe to fnfly eompy iththe AR Othm aoin'My. ÎDM the taxes as kJaqfla in ai'w4maevfth the ,d of UiO' ruing, 'wbergas, flics. m emum"d «ped tlg1% Item. list >o e-bjetors who won and lessened the tai reelpte Of Lake-county Mr Ilt'icfollova. Mtartin Abrahîam k a. Dair6!oly Ik.,Baker RH, .Beach Ji.tJ Beckm'.n A C.Berry. lillian M. Berry- .ACBerry J-%c. tBerry May E. Berry. -Mma J. C. 1dn- F. J. lurk. * ..Biumberg. IL Bl .lradhii,- L.lly l3rown. Aida E. Brow n. Viola, burge. Jlohn J. Rui lic. Mary 1.. iuike. NV. Bura Wî.Casihn.uîo,. Sr. Coiy ('asteîion L. G. C u .h .Mixy. Couai Nellie Cona.! C. W. ram i.:d 34rs. J. R. txilY >Frank Datiy .Sarali Donîp- y E. h Donahos, C. %V. l)oUglia 311. J. P. iDoye i£ilovil * Mary rew Pi. G. Doebeekc, liernard Biewi * el"zbeth Laguift 11 , J. Buning L.. M. Eddv IL. C. Edwaîds. .larry Ellid. Catherine Fallon Mary Ganiash Mlrs. C. B. (eorgii R. Goeidnev C. M. Corhai Itloma8 Grady. 3fargaret Eh ady 1) .Grlidv 11 .Edwirds S.F.(reenieat. Elienli.. lilad Chas. Harter 1)ofny Hll MIary ilogan. ChIi is lfolsti-n flu6i loinquilst Kateh. 1l.îp .1<w Hrni.îg. )IRY C.. Hull x:uîîm Kele' IV. S. t'sh E. P.inýn.n i. .LiL Nf!. ý , Fone s Claroa VE. t'rao:i. 1 .. ienc (lîeitn Cail WAUKÉGAaS Mary Jenkitison )ane Kirk, Ahton in Davtd Kaasa Authony Krepas John Lfrson Gea. Linroutis W. Lndstrtam Frak ledescy Wm.McCauiey Ellen McDermot Peter McGrâla Carl Martin N. C. Martin. Jacobi Martin 'I. A. Melody Auîibrore J. %Ier- 'liant.- 1 î. e' chant .1. D. Mreliauit J,.. C t. Muî. t .lay Micî:ei .Michael Nloiaun ].izzie Mouzin James Nelley Maud Odey> ,reid Iiiigh 0<ýùte M4. Oltilsky E.A..tti Ceo. Patterion ]'erciv-al Peace t'las, t'etlzcvek Mabel Pt .Ailes Porter Wrn. Porter ].ynan Poiler C'lOntun E. f'Olter iirs. Geo. N. 1ow- Margaret Fundt Ilarriot L. Purdy %V. Hi. Qîien -Ent. J. kaiing Aqygusçta Rnhiing 31.Ji. Salwun W. J. Saînbno lE"dw. D. Sargent k'îancis Sauter An Sos i.r Saua Soîdenfeld Mainnie stugart Rtuth R. Sirnonsi Geo. K. Spoor 0. L.,3tanley Mary Swanson Tho&. F. Tobuin I .orqlie 'otterdeil il. m. L'ndervood Aq tnui AVit C. D. Warner John Wessendort .11rs. Lymaii Wept Bilanchle IOver. idge Nicholas wlirzel HIGHLAND PARKC karry DeSpair Ahibeit 1. Cai Pelne ë.Ssad l.eslie MPherson Est. Anna S. jobw "on E:Verts Xrefl Rtichard Hawkins y*. P. ffawkuîli 1. Goldiserg N.A. wlnk Vi go b. seiiel derU.ri M,'riii M ary W. Cae C. uW . V Dof Chas. wetzei John W"alu Charlotte. Wtll- .:,Ts. *'!î Wallin John woltord Fred Wright Louisa Westen F.. Ya;npolsky C.P. Larson M . arson .1 1.Paîpe M.rs. E. D. Desley E'la V. Strang itrîtBarnum re. I. Sheridtan t ;'e leIlaksle Ir. 't. .1lkin- et a. J. G. Keller G. Ji. Lyon -(Il. Lon F ha3î. I. Lyn %Vux. 1. Lyça 1 1, . arf e 3tilanifred Pearce Es;t W. S. Peurce XI-. W.W. Pel'Tce Saru'lcwntz sc. r. leydecker Mr. P Ingersol j. L hGoodiiont 'Murlon M. Ltbeî pranik Wbapple. flîndali W. llutvn Lesli. P. Banna Ullve E.. Haupa Phlilp Bisk B. Elsenborg wv. $- Ilgloy M. H. Romeabitim Eloanor Finlke!- Stein. AV .Ileydeceke" 1-. v. (iri.i El.a V. Orvim lîcrb.'t A-. ihe-1 F. J. lleydeck,,r n-ank C. llçIit E:nî,y MmOîî. Hat al 1m . '. N (,On MsA. W. lion. Wm. Moctier May C. vollinie mrm.A. E. ir'tin Gertrude Cole W.. Witten Chas C. Duluoh E. L. Mfflar W. B. Egai L, il. egyit Purity Ici' AL.Re- frig. CO. Frank G. Cslr.Pr Rat .J. iddelten D. c. PUIady& Son 1).,C.puld'y Earl H. Ilied «v Arthuor 1. Purdly ia' id E. Crav ('ai erne NI. Rc.h- le K. Bockrun Rebeýcca r. J. Roi,. ElaSie C. atkmlts LI.,D:McBlowell JUVENILE COURT GURNEE QUINTET :IN LÂKE COUNTY TR1UMPlI OVER ONE 0F FIVE IN U. S. WAUKEQ'N 1)ODOERS Imlce Co. lhasComplied with aDne. Oî eukga -Move to Provide Proper gain lay 4 inthe busket halh Probation for Kiddies. scoo ymsln in whlcb thie loual basket toiseraerned the short end of il 19 estiliateil, o.,tIlle baeij of a 12 &o Z4 score. The. bîttot factor In quetionau'ce iudli made by the Chld- I ilyecc examiuiatons are being ex. l~asiuirecau 0 the U. S. Depari. .1 e. m*algenî ethodi werked out imient 0i1 abrtsat li&,00 clidren Dy the best courts are being a4gpted wom re i-ougit lMore curts, n h1e. V. tenosog. t.-Peratiosx btween the~ ai. na year. 0f these 50000 OitaS r 'COUrts Undotfler'giodai egencles las e1me ilefore courtspOt adapted ie'b tilen Increai'ing, and lI soute instal- AMbo uzla eveiy state excepi 01nue- 'Iéoara im h% m heorsTEACIES BUNI>TO~ ati rit . h and faiily rumtne,00>A EY S MIIriwa an ialttlCondition. lty,tl amaiitowsand ruraif iiWc u fla eUttilubl.cted ta jarts iDe.22-2eeing wtuhoul cyeâ 1*î17id, ttfttfliit wbirtitie fl% preilicteai Iy Dr., sarigoule. le cvrt cas dOtped to re- ', ýid a baiad ManaY be trade i mii milt tno ai e. me tsekin of Dis face,, dcat inD uceniie court *ork. & b illre whlch he can train to de- m qe 8; . e%eop t». ancient property o belig usd ocialiora ailiecten by Iight e<xacIIi s a pirto- - rilDpie plate. t la Itdeltted lan tUr, *ànagouie Iept fis eyea igbt- 6 hécaes« ty loud lùot 'fty bomsand.recogisi- ofit te rwawati, - psgdl ek>dls asikele Mad seCisor, tt AiMa Smllar ixietis eDaWItbl j cAnnounceng- THE $1395 with G ord1 Tires The new Nash Four, a product of expert engineering and ex- pertnmanufactureis now shown for your inspection. It is a quality motor car, hight in weight but strongly and finely built to endure the bard- est service. Like the Nash Six, it has two conspicuous and outstanding features-unustial power, due to its Nash Perfected Valve-mn- Head Motor and really excep- tional beauty of design a hd fiish. Notable, too, le, the low operat- ing cost,-of thiscar., TestsScveringany thousands Of miles have.denontrated that the Nash Fouris unusuaflyMsv- ink of gasoline. oùl and tiite& The character of the Nash Four may be judged, not only by sturdy excellence of cons truc- tion but i the fineness of the many ùmportant details which make for -superior comfort and convenience. It wîll be produced in a new Nash factory at Milwaukee, a plantpecially constructed and equipped ta produce this car. When operating at full capacity, this new plant will equal in voime of output the present big'Nash -factory at Kenosha, where 50,00«, Nash' Sîxes amc being buîlt this year. We wil welcome the opportu- .nity ta show you theNash Four at your earliest convenÎenMe Lake County Dealer. PHONE 1723 213 WATER S0T rs Candi in', Polio BOAT 1, i e e lm a"ke te. M« buthýtimei ire the' michlî IEIhUne nid m orti a&W dey. The, off upe Bnihave ivno distrea. 0rt of none. ta wie glt ,NORTHl Mike Waui Mill sit Back without M ÉARING 0ON h le Roi >nod thse l'uN Ir pernimaao rate the iMeV îthe pot 0£ l-e, incduding kiUt up wMbat 1 Sfight of ay I n Epite or rvas given1 Miraes andl b 'CRics la Wl.. ffng the ut the Buatgor s The. North SI àled the raUre crasse,-0f fart or a -tare of 3l o, t*io do i ent a mie foi "éring viii ta diird comoil., eber 30. City Attorney ti attend in the W.alty, repleal ' With rqîlwaj ites 1p don re acaGt ioDd mue," lie sald. FFICIAL LlV ESTA &XE CO. TITI Nàsoiic Terni De c. 22, »129. W. B.latsi i1). 41.00, E Newpor~t fwp J. B. Legnild td. Doed $1.0 otnty SI., hi 1 Narcia..a N. T 10. Toliuan ai racres W. o! iè, 6. DerOi U.d. 2:, 1920. C. A. NeWcori uwaskt and wif b.-lok 44. ml îîlth. W. D..si , North veut s . .onbbin Meilormtdk. îb 't. lot 284 ieliry Kie thois W. D. leins Sab. ini U»maie Kieiue WLliy W. D. ec., 1 Grand. T, .,lmoai Prost 'rat and vile e IL a .Cai .aeth T. Co Macres in N