TON NMIAL R.prt. bythe North ~? onuatr a*ue- gan',PoiloDepartment. ILBOAT CO. IN 1HUIT. Waika'tpent.e ware emli h5tgt be'. a conductor on the lie ho reported liay- 5103015 el!109distresa M xithlget. about tWO miles forth 6b lm111steambeat company'a boat bà lm5 couemalutt*port -about il ai that tinethet wam-ant. Tltey use t* ii.Mihlsa1j$Càty, Chktago and U"ulm ke tésIDArNeff, andti he Mdirli ne steamers Indian nruti l- on, moi-du ami souail boucui ragpea- rery. The. officers of thuse nteaul- I'V ulnes bave ecelved Dno informa- Stn " af iiatresa amoeig tiseir bool» 4glthduse beper A. J. Dayenport M no0 ditress sigaa andi hal rit- ir of non.e. IL la bcitevcîi the Éa were.thoe fworkue.pcun the t Ie lise fILL NuTFMOIT NORTIl IIRE PLEA MOR A RATE BOSI gike Waukegan, Kenosha vii sit Back and AUow boost without Making a Fight. ÉARING 0ON DECEMBER 30 u1hen tMe %ort'sSbore railicatîiep. riedthe uP ublie 'Uîlilîk.s of Illinois rpermiiilon a t.iIcriCI l8eiairat feathe Me %V* lit tli oipCtitioTi lthe port of »ernri Dort h ibhore utup wMt was proluîbiy the liard- i îlit or any et Ible mqîniottaiIiie' t: lapite o!t (bis baille the ral-l #a vins gien peiiiitsslon t ta.iae Fraies and bas putiteplanti o E!titls la Wiaeonaln ajpar(t iy a1 king the lpelti'ion for unhirev Ibo Ba4ger siâte ila ua.r,n:,ttc-r $atum ligiti. LItes to tbis fri.uthie KEMoma lb. Noth ShoTre iairtay fias P00l lad tbe raUlroad cçmmiisi.n fur au ýresse,-f fare. Th f l 0.1! 'aîk-9 r a tareo! 3 12 ceU;ï.a .Ile fur aS. *bo dti, flt Ly a titkei.mind4 ,i a mile for , buse w ho du. 1 hc trmg gi itake placa oe te l1,ud cOmmiw ion at Madisen. 13cr- auer 30. ity Attorney John C. Ïiiater, glen! à"d Ibuimorliasg ifl te were tong Sattend iD thee lteresttaof thi muni pâ1117. repleit tbat lie was nou.. -Wîtisriway fui es up, andi hotei tet 1p Idon't thillk the civ 1.111 ff. actmteudint; te on tbi5 ',mail ue," lie salit. FFICIAL LIST 0F REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Fuished By kE Co. TITLE AND TRUST CO. asosýic Temple Bldg.-Phone 4 ,ec. 22,î. - W. B. l'r and ailt. îî WIls, l 1) . 0 - ý .', secr. Newport fWp). . J3. Legliîrd et ai tu NVSi.I. rd, D)eed $1.00. Lui On %N. ide eunty si., b, fi. S. «ci tr it, Wau- Narci2sa N. Thornî- and ti ituÀtnd to 10. Toliuan andi wîfe, W. Il. îi, -acres W. of Ride.- Roud WL,;W',L e. 6. tteer8ield TwP. Ied. £3l 1920. C. A. ,Çewconib, Jr., Io Antin Sel- tiki andt gîte. Dv-.)810.0 Lot > Biock 44. WashburD Park, Noth Litage. 1.31311 Jolinatoe et ai tu W. J. uitis. W .1$.LOO. lPart Lut t, Block N4orth west aid. Waukegan. . .oRtbuns ai g ife tu Neilie &iormick, W.1). 5.000.0.Part *ý5 t. lot 284 Lake Peret hor Kile andi gife to Beri ha L. -huls W. D. $10.00. Lots 8 and 9 ltue Ssb. in Sec. 1, Grant Twp. »mal ie ie.And abandt t J. A. ilàby W. D> i0A. Lot In N Ii bc., 1 Grand Tnl. t .R 4ijmouIFrost and ifeto E R mt and nI!, W. D, 810.00, 80 acres :Nw,4 sec. 32. Deerfeld Twp. AIa& IL Camp.esai huaband to1 Iabeth T. W. I. $875000. » acres in NEI4, Sec. 28. Deerfieit J>ONEILT TO QUlI YEAR.*SAYS LETE 'Veteran iurist Send's Out Lat. ter to Friend Declaring Ris Intentîonsma*e. WANTS SHUifTLEFF INSTEAD Jutigo Charles H. Donneily, of Wool atocl. in a persumai hter tb Lit Belvidore pubIL lier at Theo teptîbIb cmia, Ralle%: '*il laàzMy Intention te remsiu as utretit jago en or about île jrm ofet bymasud 1 bope tinît Rd Shur laitnWl le apinti My ntcisor. ' WlulIe st bas bruitreltertesl trois variaiS ources (t et ige Da-l>zcl. nouhit relira frflt:.a boch chonait la the, finit tntemîent ec<nlng îirectix ctrom tUe lu-lt, LTne'!f tàa. e4t ww.ld lake IJUS inuporaD t e t.p iI.LYI, 0 4 te 0var. Thse retirement of juiUc DoLueli> viai caîja. a fféai-g olJ;4er Ute r4roq féopg !ti beitéte ! wa .îtienfis ça adjunigta tb't0,lgl.ytit Utc ri.en...aih ItillialLiuté Tîsaole %Woodbt4o< uriet lbma mmd &L Ibisail udso. l'h a" seoul mi 5<4r -Ii PtgàAOeaas, le sîi;il ica'.a r..r-l f eteetlok arit honorabl ertgf.aucg. gritltottà AifljeDmarkh.Leas.- ite rnany 1«11 D! bu petili.Seri». a 0183,31and a terndil t &ecc &CImdanedurlng mon- ametnt îo.i.isa "damoWthrui public afflice, "I.eViii Le 150£ rputt 15 the! imuet s1chaibis ilstIea t e.@ ucIs mgr'»sat aithe. aame . du. mhal Siarlees J s t isidgs Doeeelly. la a Soria: a:"d pusesasi saJ.ft. Danhly la a eom.saiie Prince amagi lots. %wlfe ha ha&, raced tue Lencli itI da* raidl tmoeetau ianty vlan pSiformm*g 0fficia 4Ul.;&5,Cîc0 est-i aide the coutemus Lte wuutt "40 aado the cldicial w"ntie andi"ergme .kiaô.& eiali aabor andi citlali baptpy groetttuà v)t, iesr' a and go-. 5ètiiag char.iaieî.lss ybkIsmad ' hlm popibi al JIa i-ali awiom bej 5..ttt.tla eaia Thoe and otber fine q.i..itte ared is u 10 li oreý moaI Ly bis laluta'es andt iote wvho: kn.w blet boet..1 Juidt DLoaely's 'raliement wil,' pro-ie a distinct loge to tise be-cli. 41i, fhiode wlll be pleaed Lo lincwl tlit iho îè net ratlgoiog aiîoge.bcr tLe cause 91 peur beaitis. Fir- s »LMber, or yeaag paitho auffered ffroui rbeuj-, ana bu hiea tih la sow bctter I t aisLia onfer a long lime. Juti.d onn' feels tilat lie ha& given aoeugb ut bii lfir o public service and i itcî.-u e ntjoy goui heil1handit e rjmxed fer many ycara JE tbe incIte wm"i ïj fbis îboja.idv ef frttinds. Cal' Fer Hen. 9. D. Shu'tief If lion. E. D. Sburlett con be Ia- dureit toe ccePt thea appointront as Judge Daan2e!iy's successor lie viii bi nsaed te f111 thse vacancy liirGover- lier Loviten, Mr. Sburtie!! ubeetan' reluetant te accept thse lonor but h"a beau ielaged wnuL demnanda trou ail parts ut tie district aid v iiipb- abiy yilii totise public cail.' a" it ievatlee wtetise boncla woialît Ag stated l InTisa lpîiblcas Te- ceniiy thse Marango lawyer pos-sesse.% qualifications to an unusual degree win tLe- beanty approval af DotolY the bar gier.iiîy but (tise li:c aî Jutige Batiîva, or Woodstoci. viso asplred tu te circuit bench. '.erY Mr. Simurtina srecent la-un of thse Wo9itatock Repebtican, leavizg à clear fieldt for Mfr. Slsartleff. Mr. Siitltef! s iilot Le lible i' the appolntimentutl ibisterni as a legisiator endsa3&dte icontitution expressiy prhbt3 te autpotoLovnt of a ieniber af thse egisviîurj 10 ait office other Ibm ite oae he' itoii, during bis terni of office. so that Mfr. Sisaruieff could not iegaiiy ac'pt the ludgeshlp tinta is ieterni of o(tce aE a leis..ater antisvitich N% i le situn tise lncenlng unembars 01 the ibouse and saenate, are admnlistered i1ne oat et office by a justice of thse îuîprCtt- cour tau jauary 5 matI. Covernor Ltsvdeu. gill bave at ieast ie days in tise executie office aller tisat date. durdag vIscis limelite %%I probably have au opportunity lu place thse jadiclai robes on te tittengO lai ruiser anti former speaker. HE IS TAKEN TO ELGIN. VirgillYung, 31 Years -01d, Made Attack upon Mrs. - Lima Youg. i irgîi toung, si years 01>1 andi în- maRrrivol, attackei his mollir, 5fr.. LImEa touag. at 3210 Ezra avenue. k5unaaY ngît, andth ie Zion police voe ecaliletu a suduse lto. 'î]oung amcrdiig to loonibers of due family bas beea et amis ilîliis na- ther for tttree yearandsofo laie hsal been acting queeriY. Banday niglil le attempted to cemPel, bie motiier wo aulmt thatIlh vas lber famit (bey cout B«t get aiong. and finally le becante vlatent. y oung vai t lousît to Waikegten thi15 morning by a Zian police office»., leromFenied by. Justice Josephi L. tii-stiOP. ha was given a sauity heat. MUg DefOre Judige P. L.. Permons. Dr. IL. IL1. t.Nestitt anti Chartes Uebt Oemg tise examning plitysleians, ai.î, ad3tiged Insane.1 tice sît ite Otien io lwn Iotttctttï. isy a ua-putîy sitemf.' STARTING TOMOIRROW-' January Clearance Sales of i ,Women's andMisses' Outer Ap~ JAXUARY CLEARANCE SALE of REMNANTS, TI the Bargain Thîseinent Store. TeBe,çt store -on he North show,' on *e .makn Foor , -Bring Many 'Very Untistial Müiey Savig Opportilitiiel :Beginuning tomorrow morning theu. January Clearance Sales cf 1921 will be tii.' indtsmnational frein the standpoint o! va», Pv- ingandshap piceslahig v hae eoeannounced. The women'la apparel mentioied here in ail froin our regular -stocks. It ih @f L tat ihg'dsadr ul o hits section insoi0 favorably known. Every woman or young woman la niied of outer appard ahouldslc rmtis sotet.T profit thereby is certain. January Clearance- Women's Plush Coats S37.050 to049.75. ]tler-( is an oi.pî>trtiiitv tuiy bcýatLtiful coat of fine soft plusi at a priee thai W( oîld scauirc-l jay-fo r the îîîakiîîg. - Iio(lels aud Mie fuîll leîîgth styles are seen ini gî-at assortuincuts. Tht-v arc, divuded unto two groupus anîd prieed nt about 111w hafflf teir re-gîlar nu'rk- 1A 50 are Plush Coats that t $37 formerly sold Up to $69.75. At 9 are Plush Coats that V~ ' ~formerly sold Up to Mfany of ihese PliFh Coat!! aie' fur hini nrd, oiben, self tri 11neti. Ail ar-e lin" ti a i cuL-. end othi.r spitt iditi Si (dring taieIilaii. ilî 4' e te In r çi l 't cit (XIC~# t~ A January Clearance- Women's Cloth Comte, 27.50, 39.50, 49*75, 59s75ýý Okîly hy attending tîs sales v-an tîne Cfilly *appreciate thc treincndous valiies pi-vsented here. Thîe c1tality ofr the fabries arc excellent. -Thse %\ orkmanslîip) is perfect. Nlany of iliese enats are fur triiînnîîdi, litied anud iint-rliniel. The desiruiilityv of- flic mokles gocli withoit i- ig At $27.50 are Coata, that formne lysold up to $50.00. At A 7 are Coats that former- e"ly sold Up to $79.76., At $59.7IS are Coata that former- l"~ y iold up ta $95.MO. 44jU Januûry Clearance- - i.1 -¼~ ~Women's.Suits 50c on the $1 -New, s-mart voiîlifîîil uiols. 1Long., 'o tc'd andî belted styles-, triuiîied Nvith collai-s and eiiffs 'sud bands of fur or siuîPly tailoî-cd witkout tî uhsnlnuig. inspection is nccessarîy to couviinec rois of the possiî binîties of this sale. The worknsanshisip tof there sîîits, is f fic ev t. The different înateîi'sstli they arcenMade-i-c al of a quislitv huit w il ii ihI it Jnuary Clearance- rj)Women's Fur Coats 50-c on theDllr l iuar t fîuri îxîtis .are,«i hatiui e otir ui JanrIifid ii tart-.i1<.rce ~îelîh iont-t 'Ii t esis riclicst pelts. M:iiîv aretrininieà with. o AulitAlau-e Iiiiedl throug-hout with 1heuîîîtiftil Inâ'terials. l'le faet tit tîtese eoa-ts ean. lÀ- vb oilta 0 n*tedla . 1)iillsot ' 1snain 1:11 eu 11 sal ~Womnen's Wool & Silk Dresses $18.75 and, $35 At $18.75 is a groîup of dresses that sold reg-- At $3.9 is a group of dresses thât have iîlarly iiup to $60. Materials are tiiotine, sold iip to $75-00. The styles aîre nîost desir- Poircet Twill, Freni-'l Seurge, Silks and Satin-, able anîd thcv aie nindc of trieotine, serge, inî desirable i'.lou-s. The styles are uc-w ansd Pioret Twill, ~liianid Satinis of a suiperior beOnuuiing. -qîîaliti-. January Clearance- Party and Dancing Frocks $45 Valu«s to $75 ý .1-i n ~I.eof 1) hsidks.the'tc froc ks possess ~bot h m a gr-aee. ll' aîh a i i vnn b4sadiice it'- tivt' style a no te of iikdivitluahlty is sounded. Th(', widc assort- meni ndds cîp~~z to tlit, rcniarkable values. January Clearance- T rimmed Hats - îudd 2*98 a his î pe l oCfl1îali ais ( as . of~l- ajui otite). ilost (tgsixahé l'iâîtei'iils. January Clearatice- Wemen' s fladand.Sie Sit This gî'oup cotisist of odd ots aî"d-broken unes, of' w«à SlI-S ade -o! fauey and st'1d -oeuatrl.-Cb thîe cîîtii'e îsrtifleiît go-oit Sale . January Clearance-. Fur.Scarfs & Muifs. At /Off 01i- enit irte tîîtk of tiiAu euIsai ui arnelluded inu tiis sale. Tlicv are mtade (or" 1 111(4 Siîesl tl Al -, are, pcu'fetIy - îîsatcliod îand sk iIIfIillv b1-ésded., Choice- is ivd idthe saving i ecdi 1su e is i4 oIff the eua rei.- -j