'v24Q a ylirea "if'fl oft l,,Pmevtiio n d Caseiir.eP eMh re ort bî tt ,*IColaep, j-ýtb né-t bof Aq. a. . ypvlr. l a erme, hlm i 'Op- -g thao rail lMr. -Auftui. iUUUd sof« m5 oooJlOI befOrs ter :'tn tat tii. oui *lakdrawing- theYti . , u Ear. A repqrt«i a Iê# mente ,le nribillthe .Y.M.C.aea. ocesta u r. Austin oe dayl.abd te "petate ,i tu U as id lhe vould likO te taik ever the «- 4a -Umer- liait aiad la- perirgeu thi eras».had UNIe le fbo stution lui b'irqpê as Lincokns bodygUard. 'Wol, Yçie bible long BSwUQlit w vil1 bave te do It enon. MY bcy.» lMr. 011ý -Autin iepiieti. "eecause ruin lu.gà ïo,-4M«i aiudngoXr, r.,Âuitiuvssou. WUiI5s0. Anetin Os %W dû ýr4ch te neot'bas beau Planis*te unove to Calig îý,lWb nq bohip the feruis for Omore ime. Ma 7fothersas-, ect05 tPchldten saho 'tehiDi nettlong 550: "Son, 1gitoe YOV 'the mon 'and vomi4b of ean't go outil vinter." Just a te* days lioe7Mr. Austin laid! "Wills 1 ,awes of central gnot U0s you wui't be able toegÉ> until t atepted the. terasurshlp p SPif&" adl iunds'lwll ho e ent lthougb 1e knew ho did net have i to lie Europoafl Relief long to live. Mr. &uotin neyer corn* plalned. and not are. mambers of is re G>Harding v rîtes as famtly knew that ho was suff:ring 4 OuiS ;les iing for our- deatb vithin a short ime. fWu ~~~~ Mr.li ii ieu Austin truly vas on.fwu & sureal'Oywlt vle ' e" skEang grand aid men anid bis met»- bgadnuy If e eRreory vill live long in the hearts of the tuols iu acts o! synîPsthy thousnds of cbldren te whom he .,5ehewshlp. 1i vish 1011talked aud admoniiahed 1te hopatrie.~ "eh*cit m eeal alew te tic antd upright. oif. 011 Sgreatpeople,.1 Fustlal Tuesday, afternoon. ai 2 g tou it ma plck for 1110 o'lock 5àtiiheBaptint churchl #i 111542446o1aYo iiII Oi% rnd Arn laincharge tho sàervicesa Immed jor ffloing he E inha $talQT'en del- charge of the ites'ai,' the grave. lieDr0a f lb... huril iin Qakwood ýeeniet 0ry. fenmiseetaîT fi -EAD WITII BAÀR 00AT Iiaep1, AtorCompIah"sAganst 4 J. ~wJa a w JoBonh >4or. 41î Hictory treet., Wauiimgsn mai24 a compiaint te the. tf.police Sturdsy igluL-Dember 24. o tho ve s5 attackpd snd honte* o*-r ~ lii, Jend vltb a cupitiofler in 1tbe 4<dso J. W. mtaianotema ~~ fiS'a "Ontie" car on lUe noms idep uine. .t*1e et t ti *Office. f Dr. Pea vbeia It'v.wu eomry te take ji,4 'ma eteeh- n bis 11bi. ~èuu, nu* ecrmg te tbe sqpry aId the Po- pn ~eu.ceby Morthtiss ad bleu noose ar- of «Mnt bhtveen hlm andiozie over <tiie matter qf chrnige. Tua .argumýent 18 atithn vo eut 0 wvllet th Street car vas 112.aI travelingha' everi blôck&. Vlnally,- au- Wa. a ruai p*trtt ordina te Alor. ho vasatruck ovor P&ftet hs liasealea bod vttiithecoltrollerwitle icttébuet041 ho vas mt lookiug. 1uekm 'b.Police, qnestioned othai- vt- 1 - hltI0uy Ç"»«but wve.no'le teheta emucli bU rnO a ête fl& .olb n sht was b&okrùf the *mb,. Mllhevltmeases nndKinxlegp. » A U X 0 0 t e o s 4 u t e l o u t l i a n d i i . h e i i g *5< iZlu v arli la dp ie . lMtu ii. mo im . t9 iOiW$ * theMor ad lscdle ctas. te . hande , fé* dy except la ie sutathrnyMad '441i ft f, e» PrAwi t thepolice station. Fie Di0 l 1 i1 , ea*ked. ta., luis the' liaI o *0 tiez-ew -naé *gat 1tei theý4âatsto>uet orfedi ~-«W -al lsvu, toi A -temfie auIn. ~>' frrpaton gainth-Mnie. lu comlty It deméiopuaI. .htei.m, ot, Cisrea. troci of 1706 Grand ave., »ud hiother oetMMs.P're 1Punkhi~ 4ov the manager for the. aukit pallty' 4f JClIoth. on* ef hé well knowxl Northi Shore aubur5.. Mr. Streef. accordtpfly la tbe on. fi Wauxegn lmailn inio la fililu tue positIe almla te24Wb",taies> Igixi. mvoctft tied in A'matait lu ,Waukuga*throe vOua*41ag-.. t liaI tim. Wekegan, dlscumex tesive- Ir the managrilplân of goveru- mnt, but tie propetion vas tnrued dovu. the. bellef balai. t tiWauke- "in vau t. irg.t..smae ltatex- perlmefltal lforaim .Od~ti1 Itôvever, NMi. 1Stmed kgradin- atm of an engineering acipot aud af- ter inveotiksatln 9g ls bitle« .the charge of liat municlpslity a n- aitr. 0f course Mr. Streetilih"'o tbilg tô do vtti..thO legiolative end, o! the govarnmot but han efttire charge , ofdirecting Suunicibal atr ta tra. Thsis lath iif rsIUime tht Rouui$ovth lias been under thestan- azerial fora, vtf goverfihient andn- levati» Citenn' and offIieais are vaciadeveloPimenIts titii han> Interest. Mr. Sirfé euspt Chviismab vîti hl.. rrlixtiveq in Woukég"ansdwite lic tg reutcat la dýlicsigthé. pto- gregof toat *is~rtà Of goveriiieftlt n nhe ighborlng cR17Y. 7r..Streed aYa la Deems to be workïng out ver>' Bat- LIUTINE6,SYSTEM -City couolAot Rosoltion fo«.71nstlsto; Public Hearlng in two weoku. AKler sto .p.li the in'ts ofa.ino taito Monday nigit whien thse Cty couinitl ndopied' a rosolutioxi te In- 'stai wite coberete poats.- it vas al- se ststedltaI City, enlg!néerbotit'i vou.id have the 1estimatoit coal ready lu >two veeka, viieh i atle, tinieseit. for a public iugrîng oun te malter Mayor J. P. Bidinger and ail te other ciauncl ienibera ezPreased pret erice ucor thea vldie e0011Me posta. Tixero are naany styles sud the o Rsit; as loy as a au other post TieJIlgipg saysem. i, lch n ns (Os- tered'by the Mhàmber o! Comerce vili be a deided inlpravernent for the davu towfl section, incildint (>ene- se. Bfreet troin Relvidéeefttreet te Grand a venue and i ltevaecttl.ug sreets agt Weil AsaWashtagton otreet troul %prlng stî-eeita Utica. sîreet: aiea Sheridan rfiad snd County street lu tie doawnvu ection. ithe oW la i. 10ho mrb UichPraP erty ýovuors on vioseefrontage the liglitixif systeux i viiibelinstalt-du. Englacer Douthitt la vorkiug ou thei" a~nnd sneclflcatioits. Syra- c**j. 14. Y.'lias au ornemintai lblt-, lug sytn hich the local .xiomnals globes contain tvo lIigts: a large globe le tihe bottovundl a amai one amrm tlietop. Wlt t ie t olsf utbù. amwautsr on. casu be.. féd *fier a certain liant and "tili proP vide sufficent liglt f« il pr*olleW ouvpoffl aud aime reducs pieratllia expéues. Tbaimmlepëobalikia vid coppér band oi'Wieh the nWfla flho il "i ai lu i "pela 0 vote shoai prtAllingi t balig 90c0 lova: *InAll Ctel tot the électilon foilovu:, i. 18 lie caleoluplan 180., taory 1 Itoi mât gtve reas and saaugget remdies 1.5-....................... v No........................i tori suervervbig c nt oo andlic- Be...tâe.......... .......... 513 tia ervLrlclai bigio he sdlunch mot resturat auteadthéclî voulî foodchoosed. At. H1 Ssioa CUetola. 12 -gt ha omo seliilal t he o st e t Iskk veryasl u#w fayopemtào bou.lunc ro0s Itieach lodl.and ii. ilioe toirl e onctghadçftoe.alt i 1004 ered.sZne kpii8 h plathe ertarebot L'O. esate tevW'. go op uteir lunthe lnh Mntpro.ition upuuerreresua oteo 50 tudes ie11afeing audth tat hee abuts 500ulai t silm lui tak. thi lnch ilowier licpJKtia Twho re vaitanbilevset;itdier at tii pdat salcerat h o a izembesato mrtic avsenbimen t tl the lunch t- vrontie propoito and lé w5 Vo-0 linexepôrtes otila loti ha eîîuft o dogctpate hatheultednaoang ibIsî lind. Itoeter oug n ipienida vho apeTuthe a ler lu denicrl éias sal alhroad elis' ctio.uige oreti duti luahroluh é m aatho ihropofled Il:aI oterettlg aion lou 111< tp anidet-by h et t6n tOÙ etheïrw nAeçiglymorens= vere shodape bs.a lte faoulty, dclaéd ia by 1h. andýaniouseression, 0f e tue tilntprwoeed vu ifs ouhe fcodunth'lunch room l h 66816 39tent I ble ii ten' Mayras a ust iS siN.liai apped ca ndi e. ervbod fre. and bonsworÀ aeglattor-lud t May -o Mead, Just70o 1Nelson ieaaced bUnte.récentODgBnd. jr weandboid o eàn,»lsvy erafutCu Mtnaora E ccit .ceaot roo at Chiea, wurnentn onthef ie o bu unai s m!pretela ii.hlsîpy of the auuamt isi70 f 7eonsi# Iondct in ofhythe ectchgrandeia Mayor ed@&: w att ol norIli Chcaoidvanon. o h4WI&» rab csld nl rs-ed pi on '" ' o!b bad "am Otetom" ahi"gatt" lv u o- A"lu rathpr attai 4sfe -0 d'iaof and han beeis.seut toh. cau*uy poor The. case pI AIffot Glane. ehargel ~wli .fisault viit a sesifty veqK wlîo took »"n i tots ai Chbief uf Pouceé nrnge <m o t4<LAbppPreat vins ha rseled aroot, vs. e boaing f1iay onU.. Thie aruluuisut -et ivo scote ii- fmS kikivýod= oet4ii Vhlca nd Wa*ogom a 10k up more thmn an hiioci "tiiot. Ail gave bOnd for 81.00 eual.."ô 4 tle frealved Qft.'r. piua of *"not gulity." Theï àié-kcsaere tii be ar:;Uod lti.-day arnlng.- MTiER SEARCIIS FOR IÉR SON; îEî LII3ES IIES IlR Racine Woman Ask8 the Sunj to HeIp Her Locate floy *on Some Farm. U- - anct knwwlie viereaboutaý nti rani heloney toue vb.o loft hUre August i5111 or about taI ltime? Wa nal'e reesa osi 0itrliçwtaI . Wlm ou s far ini the ficinity orffasuke' ffl n 40nepreferred tai i M*10 cCty l! e. mlWa 1 oila aIW*dibai ar. Oîig Ditleayez,, fà1In tiaiat.H. vas a gCod »oigt vorklng lad ai. vayà no devote eqI24bis mioller. We teel smure le Ua. vrtt#â &ad. bis lefl or vent astraye We havent beard a vorc. Auyon. ao vhi ati about" niaajtîe.let lm knwt sud 1 Iviii rf01vel>. gratefnl to lieu. Xy add"u s l: Lucet. staage, lm0 u.-enrey dut, Récel,Wlo.. il xl Aar. feknlm ii al tg 5fl etme 31 7UW ot 5<<li xx yuars. atia Ïleho wugrpefl MéS IMos -u f iucorFnCe lt. li turo et .a iUn$.on b5 ni*fte 1;xw ,"wlvet o0fWiaukotan. HO.mts5ulsel Age itom taiu sid thd extas kostead on- ag mtels o trmnIn au mcieftis10<wauk aSgaa 'nillwva. atum l lIt. suter 00(à bty . J. SiUW theistle- mis Ovrubuaae vasý Ùr«Mlitmou vnslà* tw èâtabliob aueàiaiyautho vS. SeR St. mud Ha. sexlon are e1"n on a> tripta Cuba ta "aped leuLbotyIleUr Kili Th at CoIdWith CASCARA UININE Ceidu C.uIs aLa Grippe - ýNeIcted CMS«0Demom. Tâbia. <bas. .. K * .eptmdad rumdy lad ~ f ass Bruée C> a cold in 24 boorm- Rd&WOs G* 1113 dey-ZafS c Ut(o mdamé. Quits l ai.fquidom nos afet *h h.-Cnlebm o ter AUL »RUGGISTS SELL IT New Year's Eve mn Chicago .i1via, The NORTH 'SHORE.LINE 'Traies to Chicago Daily s Foilows: For the B"uuns mmi For as F rt ' P.o Lib.rtyville Epress Trai*ta eo 5:48 a.m. 60ai 6-.48a. M. 7.03a& m. 7: le a. m. 7:3.a.m 7:48 a. m 8:16a. m Thon evoey half hmta to: 9:48 a. m 10:Ù3a. m r 0.- 48 a. m. 11:03 m lZ:.nl 12:3P. M, 12:18 P. m Mt:3poem 1:18 P.mt. Il:33 p. m .1-46 p. m 2:03p.m 2 11Mn every houaitlo : 4. 18fp. 433> . 4; *P~. 5io3p.m 5 - 18p. M. 5,33 P. 5.. *î~e - ý6.6p Luaton ru- as Lin-, Ansive , 7:25 a D 7.55 a a 8.25 a n 0.,55.. 9: 38 ~ i 11:-55 .m 12:5p 2:55 p. . 3:.25 P * s. iii -ot the deiti l1 wvbab wuile Igele a *ee. *to Ire la0tory muI mone' p5<ymdi veok0 . Pl bf ~erp reldent of Wi .à- 1 haw, nt