- .W.Ctrcllceevd odthe0000i~G oe000 $LTw.F~e I erv s. er - btI0 001. 000000000.0.000 en Satd hÀ of th woe p sel* fuit wa th ou- iAs agrDSaO aTH boerat tenl-ist w bôni throun the<ii TeCremaexpicis0a OL 1)11 iesI.liends or H. J Barber a C ru. E, 0.tChbrutaI ., U Si c opal 8u.nday Sehool were held ifin the atie ossln bu h 9-4 I .Cltcil.ii or Do*Wner Gravie'evisitlng their tery.I Guild Hlati Moeday evenîng. the 27th.1 1t aepseso bu le W rîiL-nt Ms Mri .E, -,ý e 9 £L y, ~ji~ ie ~nce tr~ng~ .. nt, Mis IL~egsn.Borna . M.and Mri. )emar Town~- lit pite of the cold weat er tue, hafl O ~raY Dvu ,EwsglIffll3 T#,0ror"1 >f t.j f-Pde. dvéni ng, ec29 J.: dr.sIn Chicagoa.fe aeo. Wboy. P.Dcebr 9h, y~eniag conulsted of recitations andt lPeter$On "e gena irdY 5 -' f LakeF«. é 0 0 O 0.0.o..0 0 a 0 I. ahaV e a#anaddition buM Mmra.Plil ?vterson of 1Huntiey 'ens .1 n oithw Suzday Sehool: also d rya i ore ag ulbro atrd LK VIL ntu41e hôuse.wgh4 ~will b. e $. as apleasomt visiter among uld iriendÏ l itle play Calkd 'Tb.>Nxtivity" whleh is >ouuiefripnds were la atteiduëe' O ;~e uenas sI g oaltei. -iere bMonday. wsAe I c odtne -t16 0 a iso*o a 0 0 o 0 f xetdtafiail t5lot, Mr.and ) m.. Cauncey Jeps nand vrograin 8atC tscm wtipe itresiuaents were servail. Mr. F. 1 ~LeW t)6yeWrned ¶ eblîrest et Rifngwood spent New Yeu' t CLScaltil ady #44 pcoTa baflefor al,. MaesAea n o1t% ~ riorsuçe liath a o! Sîlver « Mr-.. NirM. Water Tayloro WHlkr of Wax,'~la*eie4O *b it ...I r ob Mt-Lae Lpnt. a few 4*lfut week with fr1ta.bîcaL ý a1 1i ' loIidaý a at Ibeir liorne Iere. a aÔuntry sM My li s4415 P oliays. ll.îia atu umberedt kegail scient Christmnas wfth Âtioeh i #Ta.Marae lasf tfhfgwUfo MaéPre .l rts, Pottor. II' ohn woeenk..Mo et1&i a Dnil:wiia i L*t i 9, John Nadr entertalifed a fron thef aLMthall ti thek wo1Iod fl eaivs bswekI blaowtbhs jub i lci. ~f~~l i brbos ededy !UrebUligCIail uso Of Eli i* - -Ur. a r. Frank Taylor of Chf ers-ni.ll eut lata u e oew de ay of Iia>' it h IV.D Vois.ttwtieahev loniy.th rIç&g Pet S* y itbte torm-!I-lHowardfRadiock. Who waz opeyateiftAluelo W~'~'~hk. a aur rau kL=z an imCùyait *ew tes otir. 4W for app0fldicltfa tliree weektt. mgo, I nie aoret Il $ b,ýthra fytheiCsooua a few dayastM1.N1dIlnteLuifeil woe v or;dtal$liashmebeslemud r eitum AIDui aIapat !Bds *xpects ta ho' able te roturu ta bis, -1 aMn gol **6. = ieur mor,***,the fl.etl#t mp ericor. ondui f WiIUIOt.Wi. eaIied d Atlcb omï e Clatter pari o! tbf. weeL . me puble, la r india slrit r eeiz~ oe~I~~~< tnd, uLay 1L 11Mia, Arthuar Hadloçk spelt Mondai? tlulga. ha 0 *y Ur, and Uro n ;lute bar i nci ,U. a le out 01timnm W k were: Lee Beawell oet Chtek, George Bear A. D. oleft ad a 4arty of Boy la Antiocb.0 ioihkrtat iw, Arthur bgrQett, Wllliamu. M. LUXez w-4j tekr.vr fChicago vistitdsis. Ma1'e1 the son o-1' 1 tecor *a wbo wwelve IliAlabmnu. 1120 Bdnuand Bgtriett tp4 dbaekwarsi'd EweII'a the trat of the week. M fLoufa. teuulieln wuu a Chi- *inying o g 1 adaauiaaddlat taW ie ~-Bn.4ay iohool at 1:30 Mmd cburdb h y ne sexediemay.WICI>SI .0 Ult0abatb Ouests.milfou ..to.tie ie. fluor- « aerothorii a :1 auUrîtM. mmdli.John Parkçl of Chi- ' Âf b th at * Heu byut ont. i. totng Io trtaane rora. o« utoR-16 tr..rs o b Wdcage sput chrUatWM vUiS U. EP. ILW cm reuf.i. be reoistir urh.siedo! « KrrTht Ld4ilioie W~U ltTudà ouhf nttpoi f le~ Camipbell and fmSiy. e-11Ittu tbis lots Ici the we.etMd of tIiwu. WalVel ageoed. Ï - u1n old t awx Thrady, aaîto Mii. WillIam Kla i~on h e &aaea hrought gond pricea.l iîat. isaaho iane of11 01.o rV a h e ~ ae ,iotii e w*uee s t, tis commuaity. as 1 M11r»lre.oug ely1nf u UEIN lira. F. M. ailer Tl2 th*d Newi@WLs. «eesudtU.eand Mo thegeKally and ultti ,açet the. week 0asli tlira. verï. ros.rather bail for aWl. inyru.rank a ia sthe edtor o! tbewonl ~~o aia Wa.m. us i*aW Matbewg, HUrflaiMiler Ogplat giaydU ort hang r e * hi asr, vIai ipk ta usu n es oecagiofl.o. lb UiçiITUi u e at5>adb0 ld M., trdfreniliat 1.luc.siddn. - .e.1 wlh I ad lita. Willam elly.ç%iwy wl b ttmte Frank Clark hamied 1kin a ry0M Ottd-n e rsat* Clrkmaa bswa irnlirtytde2 O0ihonte over theIthe wu 1!! 01ttb.v. Clark! viiitedaile Wlitonwr?4o. I 9tERFIELD> îCbratmasholiday. bthe u0oderendsaisoliOll0lWlcg Wis I5- boti gau.honte inteo a bospiofi. s.,.~. 'bE n 1'lUmeft Tuestaa o ta Oe Jarnear# a ne'Jr,-tes ri, loia. $&ae W hY ua nuoaavailibile 0sCI ls t8 le A>te*,dàyareoee»Uy at ber homenl e qutolm. '%teeinis luh le Jutnaitt3a- s!etiY lfn"Tuayaf .e mari- liM tr44aureofl -- dramE uae U apeo Ch aS4'.fliii '--~and..latany ! Chomi.aW aa i or leiV melt no oge* Wiptot-MçP' wCedar, Lake. . ie dancing jusl nov. do yon, Ji*U- 849amas$toi saLUd .. udB 4. lln uol rltv. ui reml.» 100 at0fUO o«tvl terorefttheva.- 40 tiges their i»&U«nntrip, s"d'are ai ' Miss Andersen spigt the honfli&li ks resta i umber of eue i o, : r.ea- ba" e siotaue i Lbertyvilia&a U.LweMmrdebviter S imoe oDe l1üê h Uo ut n er 5;; w*& ieWiz 0 ott ý0 # tu . home la th e imnacotae i? eepwîit ber Mother. lira .. . *çCauàay. uîes Intown toit vîtb Me-ais here. 0$1010"Ilti8ifori0MW& bs $Wb.- Laie,.lira. Lowe o lu rr irM. andl Mn. George Kofiek enter-, rVateb ni,4t ti, ai-observei by. i l, Thi i MieHeleti and Clare Drom . ç XftoanboymunId Laefèei.Soeote-tahaed relatives oor S=aty. r ojult î.,'nigai a.t:îe oiVt-of ICÉrfue agpent over No ew r'm sviiivn s ai oau vo nCic*aind eroGrttrds WOIWasPont a few day.Misa Mary ffDe eli tieb oi- mowwt. sonse. Rer. Thomlta Bocu5'd tbeir parentsaMli nsd li. jake pelo iam e~~.IL. W. ilsWicnin édys with trelis. axeu *aIgeM stroin t heCity. DBrou.mitaeé*ttet ~441s .. e.*. se B> -a mtakela sUOdct ine veek wheui his team bre oIdie«Imm Sipada>the Unitîid BreusiCahcIlera Tuestday moraing telllng o!f te smaiasea» tlu a r on »M teau fBY H.O BoObaiatsae sofsdyfleUitdEanelalamj eeposmesgevsreevd11e «duw u iati -. - an..o!ofIsr~o!~ lte til.Pest nBar Fcows fe «ss 4 uni Preulatau echurchels hll a moit ilhat1à, « Ir-.MN. Rhodes of thlt. Prlace.l out the Pa.oo Jauayii. S A tha etBila1~lottmu Put Ozal. m a u a»Urth ieva@wlil put j> T. Ci I ,lPgluecharge of men ftroan tj wub caori.d ala - aaut*rnl a l ot havelu*e.Ug, the *OtIt M ah UOpdà Io the orfite.. lU esot wuabrokea off. te* ths eog r.'*4 il R. M. Vaut u*peut luat 1wy wm f1 opi md My vitt *ail*0h Mm ie ly rcoi rSuWa"a Chilcago ner off Ml ir.Wnters' pe&boh u15.*0SilidayWitb Ms. W. H. la vritnta bis hlM Ur101MmW Saiet haaccoaiat ôsi«-o A Pictuire oahvsdMeoilWttaI halli #W"vrtstppeobmlatoi uiI pe udasMajo aaru on PUPÈlulogra atetaled ise eat theg J btjala veai, Fy Ailpbh rnyiltekr lainte yod i sat of dfar te Hwey, wb le h.renuaued ber. l'U JCVSY elom.thteluhiefil bouse. - s4ou dslnTaad8y. or(M ar ve st e ek 1ita'carapromluaapieuateveoslaiteal eta ".ab.- osrtrelt Bowling FrdWadll i K. J. Murrle bias aî5agprage und y ai bis writlag. Oee4 t y., Tuoaday ad 9. A. Molé0 eOuIdroB 6! edWiiaeki Moit bouse batttuto e r8 ud0 i.oCuioel e~elghmt1BfgUrJj.Smly ims ccoulator a%,ti 'lot. g n 1hi$Goe.Cash. usaIolira. Ruila Kuiaik ami rhWO lira. ilynnrnl»e la slieldiug thi. Mn Keho. utamiyaotlmi! n't<bIaoaotte eol endi .4 Wayue jiaVrreJilaon thtek" eu viii béJamtaoufamuiy at MII-,a uiIatlybr. . E-hiZ .t.Kum. Ié a . 1. .1taln ; turhe. * lra. Doenk entertalueil ber dolugbter lieaaouS le ?mion and Dor-otY- WaloeOir m lr. ueaMMmulnfi re-heu for u fois'days, - jRelcet reiuruieil ta DeKal lait Sil-! p-,Waffsse e' umteil lu a -i da f cify diinner luiZty Nevalad. M iss DDlly Lmi set Suab is> il 5y Tbes iiie on Lie VleBka ndC 1w~.?. 5iuef adavite ud . Peter LUX ani faxll. liatil. Blealmei of Chifcao~ fm. Teeie lr.WilzC adn udVfssdoagter atl.ITom Abriglit was.li lovta"a oe' nit t he . ven i oith ber relatives. tà6»0ttl da amnil>' reunion la Waarnsia- 'f ay b.woi Iër. aDind . H. Me'yer Vers tht mai*M . -N.Thomu, >110o tbehe o o a*eo n N A-es of cmard garties viii ho glv gm«estiof, Wn. WH. Willnet Is Wasa- ~nv IISI ii pmt . eesvtbyeaets day. on by St Patrick', pmnl.ih on, Fi!» IkanuWeuieeay. t p~,(t W.Tlouis.. etini01fO'Mma. Joba 14,dr sud Mh.ifmsu" Bc sreng, Jaüu&ris 7. 14, 21, 28 ad Pe". Ur. ad Wrs.Fred ilorouberger bail y mnusato liîrboue ui11*ve. hicgoviltoa o4aa 5.Ait are Invite& a4 s lthe M,«ý ev ous giaeatar. and, 1,0ep060lw r.Mn.sd lira. . J. Ronger sud dbil- lMra E.Hasse la iltng reflive. amrGeorge fSchneider undi chudren'. vthb bis -i g ybtTur-30u poit eurneiliuiiamveiabut> icago a -t- o r ueaai -C ta paît W hy Te10pIIar of dW rh. tirpt 10 Wlvauke»euà tt058t i rs. ioopti 'and fie chiliren rema rnil u b hm ! Usat r. Mnd salr. S. P. HittciDsoOt peut O1ý Ochoseller The docter tbougbt*tite dut.1ue" evening.th ««Me a lairi hl o aiols. butttPr«-, The-Laiie» &Wd wuuentertaied fby'ln.Nc asst u AjOOt 1lebu iprormamatr ale a *SMICa halai tanr a , uifbeiebrdauiater. M R DyIeedg;. t Mr%. Cih M Yals 'al tht ceeklate atiCîgbuolëu Baar o t dli FruitiaiiDlIfl viiigeset the 15515 aU aie uiMe o!flr M 1 a tilasau*as intend- ,u.rUr. adMlin," hugave te- germanIdaliho. fonr nmit!hu ag-~, ~ i.*u,~ ht.ByB. g WodkAalÏ ill y iasilr d a t <oir hooxiratter saedias ulaten jA r iiiii osute i lAm a ritoy or fita e. Y __M- tii. eholfdays.vititbesltire. Miss Mag<s. aeb ilu- »M o oflta 31. Ths inthetfi Mva.Yo i. isasBloomagimie 0la1l1 *t f g aii lealde. pmil invift PIffa et ME 1km ocalIssu b~p ot.~ it t I SI'T ARof. Shea. Tlatre vau Do aciol lait York. speut 1*0 iolhilaYi at the-o me1- 9 am 0 ib t a tu s box lm, %ak cut, ty. Ilinol TA.Ranc _.__41 SO N - *** ** .q gO 5 @ 19,aIaC1919gOpublatto*eis(i t vils, ail.tg ta their discreilît. f1%ej Anale E. Stewart watt borin i l l Wb.ay __ _ - e!t i a be . i . abea naboa W loo!P40*1111sTntf. v e ii R ampntlia .lar ithe tonimontaI ta No. t67. for au icrease ix fat"' - ligsa olgila au a starter. A Y*lilflarum. ila 5"pale uas a ariêd îta e. IL LIU RN n*I Blifti t. 56b0 on.t1..lou Wefrd- nres i aie e 'M W htbi Cgol enfor DOW jol H. g ichs wo passed wa 0a0 00a 0a0 n0aesla o!ais ea. wolvdwt 03e6ls 1 eth .e ehuiug. f1115 , yetrsa"o. Their home vu I.M..Lzielto u **e O 0O o mt er amilsae. -,vnh inveil vihli j Met Jlouuoe*1veWa MtPressent lillbumathrty yearsanmuinlaLake Vil-M LarnStWitoGusealthi o-n-tv-B.O;rte !Hgi-ILàJ.A7Ea' «Moo4d u msuW ute Mlo y att . la tbinty-de yeaia. bie la aurvirtil sertiral sys vitb lier broiller andui te- vo&i. dtemo*U siDateraoon and vas ichnimg.oeu-bute11.' h iem..ia-4' X. Ilb ýos Antki-er sud attondoil the fintral~o b bried Wednodltay 41111116011ut aNorth- 'Au omesia veol vwuthm t>lilll rni. *O, a.unei, or RfEeiertsdsi. sinter-l-l,t. ia. iu l Lavalia.tu fileld tilm t banth « u k-.- 114er D.HA Md fmai uf1baeAlahma... R orbS >!Rialto. Chîcom- li - sd l t G 1.baI ma isal uvi bi'. frottii»-Ortlvlhl. CsIl!ornla sudme daugbter. MM R. lira ul SoatHuthl ie d ~at tor Enuuua oSf DtO e.threv.iating expenflPacu i "»Ms jetat IlIAlthe <M1ou"i«&. Logas. Ather iaubter.Mlra. ber homo la Laie Villa Tuaalay end ehsilgaage b! Mn mafl Mn. ...L.. " aua nd" h wsbridT -$y CLea * ~ Emaai' 5~~l5 i~a* R.LStresaâtooflilÉbUir. imfOd *W&Y ' ng. bcva u.oil hirais> m- i ebaln. iMWsrfe mo.m of cw cnie a M6sut in la ilttis tovu. 1* la tour Yeu-ago.A. uase-u iuiura cemlery- Mn..Horse fpd. im.. la sd ls Uio ve. --- 1 uay toe re boutt affafr «« ns. ebrother . ia .H Dmnr .erly.lved ai Millbuu. onqe Mater, lin. tho e "enÇjiueab 0 iIY¶OUiejyfr diio < ola Galukeý dm au e. fh«>fUILStewart, sud j. 1' ~Stewart eo!fit. J. -H.LBonner. mand a brother. W. 8 Ru11111iler Of C o tidegO - t W afl 04«ti lt %»P5I et bis vos tom vPoo11541l. PA»untour -grMaicbllsouuasd Stetoart., live I Milîburfi. -I e.mi *. huuaetepail'dmnt fti onuiyk so~ il 191e fietà au fltaa.' It retgadlld~ .H. Stewart o!flLaie alfgrut ! iledagbtoDr. 5oWs 5 _Wa.ig - s ift te lisPaie -- Mmt» lra Hghes 'ai a flabor ô'! the hum. Stevaan ud failamdi oft th, Probyttl-n botiltaIl Ted lqm~a ioutme 84 uni Cruli hnl e ety1 er.StewosI ad mmdlnstrout TaYlor atee-t "cetil 2 Ils tii. vea 5 im Se im' for- go le. fe. 4 ril aiîoSrlira. Hughes. '-,M. and William eTh Co isontidcdjt6 it llMd theK111ilsa aler su lîlneaio! a yoek ot mote. gmo- Leos StauaofSBt. Johnu. li., speie 511.20.1 ueula on Teut oL..a,. an i tell.sud von lorlugly coed for dur- aa sort LIîne vIth i&hlmbrother, V. "derm la- . 20, 1920, 'a& the aftm snk-d la ler f le. k ie OUi-lAUah Srahd.55de hie usgransuiluoIt lira. Bmisabt lro a subSUtduingsbtuiili L , w&~UWil rntsugytbe, Mn.9"0d lire.R A ioga n a n eraI ',tlng la i* llghvood mbool II ~t W~- 1iLls T»teieel'aihl Ue ft ou eGeorge clociktt and Misa IéJ«WWveei. naad 'Vai bie t I r.olake Gaina'i o!ftc"o speuttheii. vetme - mm ru . C.d suaitames Biedoiatail dpw e gt *idb? tdm Y MARIceT coüta short ""enc. BuriafwvaSwvth the.latter'. Parent&. * -'Vpte at o i.si o. 11ev- 1 at ihîbuI.WOtugateieaihlSI A arytlparty vu lhonirGbbs of ighadPaiBtuIy tai uulag o! as voerethy s vlosA idlaewa eelg iMas r Cnl.a=Zisst e eue'effective iaMuary il 19?1 a& rhk -~ ,~ ~ su umauy frhda niosu, - *1k . h al". O*lm laves so $1onDoner.'ville. v Iii o I~ L t otieu w oàe.ly .a *.s -~"" ' and iilyblenda bae mam rles Ia.Oos alBalan trc ud aturdaover the drai atoreme eeneWP-cn twil nb. air aa r em MIaira e!flier vitom V e r bel& installat ion At thior hall1 on ira.Aui mi sugaerfaiSe te y*a'aci. aintà. are aodw libmIpeilaa A -hlt etiiDortoil t,t A. iM. Stewart .1t trIÈhig andofethe lier'5tyd John lutteoth **A**,.B ~S * 0 *S000 itId Mhlmin la MluMr.- asd nli-JandithuarWattnsd - o cpOet ~<oiu t lyi~~eN.A. ibtlm Isactod bufaC= tphea= 0kuivi% a.sd .:l,....s., is. riâtI4~~u , A IF -DAY 0 Chicg the Pt we"-- j4Qc5r o lhodvs' * 8** *0 6 le é*O' 0. Thte Vofunfen ir u f ht->n. .POolre tC diu ioe U Thesertijà 1 u toi Smdà:. Jauarr il Sal is 1p«ea Partyrai theh oe g>esit 0 Preese EUuàdAthe Tit ndJ0~t Ss'M~.JauUf zr.n" MI. F. Wts Mha lu ilae a ill> uaIlte- 8481. u ai- p in. ini en tertifled at .1 - '~le ce his e W M" 15 Tu'hmueil teav-0la Mner o!ber ,w4 vIE ~ a atg f un*od id gladiuez Ivenew et ,04ola00»Y'UE Aceand Mm,. galn Lancés and Mr. *PU nv84 Li nd ARaeamauin the i lhie s. muatouanid &Ughter Mm L&MRum voitintWr mm Mr& *. lOt.@wir 110n3 sunTh Odiahe et-Md a- nd ight,- au cg put ear, NIIP w gauUv vlitaieC te taa f 'bbto 01 Urf. mud ia bult 1 tlio toans