r * gi tqaW Uq about WUt - h wih fli 01e tee tUN ! pesile ts thir aY te tbeu.. becm ea oflser atyc i'1 ocditkon 4-N.. the MoVey vle lainiai& orge et idrbe les "beaesa eemtmd ota tb a Y er. lhe woit cSlditia as Sooeti la tie 1o4181 arboqrwlere tic -lme INati pletiup t a aconalderable .0011sof litecnaity ,de fnt be IlevO the TalVOy la ta *& especlal daa*ý ser and tbtey aré boiemu that. the lit. ti» i tfI wI lieaititae tradiatc lit belOte v'ilong. Mut>' W"m ungrocers vite iad beeft bepaudittg upon te Hill bbat ta bring fluait supplies tiis jnçrning bail 40 disaplolnt patrons. È.:<idOlift 6uppantald Laits. An rletùcrat!c musical ns.riunxet. MI.8tl>Ju d. but very popular ilate 'Ilkaidde ages wns the lute. At tile fflfflit ddiy lu'direct tscednt- -tb. mandllat bas al 'but intireIy tup. -Plantd it. The lue athadm oif te 'Maori. evesi la lite ery nare-eI.'ud * wilch -means mefýy "*'e wood." Tt d au lotttodttOOd b>' te Saracnefl It th me et th lb invasion, lirom Spain It fr4uly spt.ad ovec Europe as 01l0 Iliscontemp (eslite, 'gltt&tt AIltitreawere favorite f ixemnt* n nelvpI lEurope tandins nl our admirallea ror émeai, uséa ur longhtg tir girl». g»r talentst. tiare iMs&aedowrnintpo claiouu aes bMUdcohurnon enge. IL -hMM net ear litte teavous, n« despea , orah ct.,$ ' ' o m !7, -" h u l t ts ttcb a l. 'n.eraare moteolais W kInds se ,mtis te le foa<l 'al ovete 'worid. *o0f te» are marine or eea-dweiI. doinr10. titougit seveal apecie are -"Ioud near iodes otf fresit watef, l"k tie Great Ltikes and otiter, .1miad md eu Xs ter# araemnny kMndeof sali., ». Im e lte' ave man>'nuames, Mmre ci W*lcIdîposmrems rui hara sud Inter. et. Aoag ten are thte aretle guli, the «g uit.ie iherring or aliter>' *the fiiuglisjoli. and tue mamewu. J'TM colora etfisolat teinsare 'more 4WlacM fugitive. Titt a, under cet.' Wu, , lrcttmtancea l(bey'are lfable te Indie TaItewo tables exacti>' atm.. Paraat eue la te dan, id leate Si. allier exqioastito funisunaligt sui at thce ega of'two joust lIer. il W a tt diâllet l<eree btweea tite ealit iis beaua npoed te the 'lglit vili b. e lded" Iy 09« tiàtahe .Qtier. Simrurrecite a" lai. * £*rPetl wlt bot iemeflda and »mu, t.PhIrrs a m nets almc vllitutraUgNer.- 'whtlle ite case cf rite topai. eon- Illlt ends b>' dlrnrnpg and dullng the rilir ort ilis prelt tmeala. Nutrtive Value a otte.Tb!it OeCtpatleuL Tite nutritive value 'ai oiatOs '1 1198ittle1-ee.4attOd t0t88 as vimit. blght. But berausa lt>e oMtit It ri. tttg'la the U tc UDI* ,Mo " nèn t t usitie MinÇ-81salta.jtld iacdm.»addeti barn. wltere mre ttieà i tLerhlearlng le tltir _dIghtfui. flavor, totintosg - "51.ptO 1ot for lier. brother. "*- 'have beenme' ver>' iltè i n a 'rti. mwe: reltnered wIitoë bita nit «Widi céet cf oed.,Tomatocs are compocati 93e tint tere tiitt'tpoboetera oaly of neurly Ob par- cent wtater, WtavipgseaVo ecl" '. torjr littie 10111 food ta Contla'lte eletuonts lat give lte gremtest nutri- mofl> , .03kane tu.surit as proteln, u la, ca rte~s lli te o1ddcslgnaioo. nm er 1 eue' fm. > dfi1wordimerrg dontmtmea i lis rePl>' of à yoangler tu te qiiont SD arfeailSO.a butarjop thuxs01 "err Ltle dthet ms u Ma rane u v er>' p.oud. and n4* »WMulêl pna bte ia" tint lu e llked vafarlg dreasea made rôm Wd uns a 6xpleasaut oIt>' 'bulit lis. bier m~4 rseld i embnou m ietMite&ade ap !.veu, or blit'ra . maw ieé er vbabY brotiter fer thetlrsi_______ lime Me remýarlie to lier father: I wonder hwleeI l He veariluou cli wesa e @W-lhilerhty Ceux - éliothieai Obr *m ie la lis -.as. We usecitg a t,. . Hov tunus clU. Ireà lave thieji" Now. ho ba correct, onte say%"Titey biaverj't any,,edildres 1pae t he>' "altloagit "Tere 1. eut PIoem Lits. ' Y, Ir ~odrenrn of itsnging Ajeali!1 tk- nlfy Ibat a mrlonslîestrceM smaeonq joti lov" "r It iuy b. gras dctt~"' . lyfÇ~' for '-' i.gy- -baa. wbroesi la &apau tfotim . Abs' Ilus. * -fl eand r r Leoi t roi bIm Stua itm li mina or., varia tre Mud sectsdedhabit, veatcu a s. itlblled a-particular llig-r <*JSd aulvenslt>'. Iteccutîli te>'baveata' 'lmled a nev colol»' iu fIe Ity'ui.> ered valls pf tic Bodflien libran>' ai tce Tover et te Vive Orders, la tý 014 Ecboolaquadrangle. dmerienb Pe 0 ilbary Mlt noit occasloeall>'lii rinizalloatfrevàtW ier dtles by- ras- eulng te youttg hirdtwhIch 1ud tit VS>'d" tlo it 10 i vetttaut, ef, ts quatdrangle aai ae tnable te Ait up thi thetr %st&. lb <h. a pleceor are u0 wu. g ten w'pg M~ les tirausi s'. I litalaci b>' preulas la .5 ~l1e. 'itêdefeadant 1-0lIafewc 21241"Iéimtgot peOrmtai ie bey 10 aI, t~4 sciaitan libe subasits 10 tac- elutin. ' Oit- vas flied by At- #4'oW It S",t..cu la Hir. meU~lwt lts four.ycais. Std Fyoàwir aoderlnglyvatilie thelI mu e tqp Ont on tIhebaleound stan ZIbïe mtf or lthe ottgiing tratu *broue à a ..giphmee. Witeuth*leau. poueceriW*bed.aud rMcupned hW M t58 te youagstt ?pulled, *1 -bis mote>U ud. *%Ob,- maimme," aie îL" SeY ae ,uve *eut à =ire -a rtim alItdslêaa AU-r .1.1 M& .0U io~tO1*IIS1 Ibo, omat tle Un nhl sal Ufimtatea i»i *9n -"- u- 18dmStaulbop" Si'ýv Issst. le>' p4v wifwtt d~atmwa li lâ he 4tiai cq- aeer a raiti -e hm LOuae ON if * ait Iii a tit ir soll m Jel w Goum tiuWUi .1 p iiifafl iyer Eebioss eenmtd twq. atb mil' 5 Kqwmos; fui Usêci lit, JULItTO NA1~M8 6 I '>~ LhSIOO3~ &ut Toeuorrow You May -* You may. not want 'to, buy aything today. But ,fomorro,,Wyou may., * . Ande you qiwaI tték fw wheretogtQ ý.«t-th i most for your mney, 'anci apprx- iÈatey the prioeyouwý-i01have topa-Y. * Read the adyertisements. Rad em -to.knôw what's wht in he t, t. t' '---s 't, 't. rm.'-,. Good 1 ro ..... ... We bu wff nomi iem qul S35.0 GOT OT 00 L-