CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Jan 1921, p. 4

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. e Ville i 7_ -O ItTI5 AN'D JtRIE MIPAN BPligNES3ý ,ýatke tactthât John Nieuii was tonaguiIt7 Iln(3reuit (Court 4etimge of conducttng a gambling bouse suid that it m'as l woeg hich carnes with it a $M.O fine andêlixnieflthâ ýýDSwce # aiafta Ufipeiiadty, Ought t t caMsegiunbleî% in W--i;to itup sud "take iiotiee tha. the, tne appeus to ~.~uêWhgémamig in. uWaulcgau la dàogerous pructice. 1-athe tmoe et Tiei ias had bpen arrstoand wfeud it ria* Mér W& ,be faced the c«urt lie wu ain a difer- ~~Inttu the1 average gambien wba la baled luoto the Cli' 4'&Itsenat,ýve but tO give the maximum l>smue It la hissecond Wu%, Tbus,1if tbM spsealtyla iiupused. upon bim laof gïu1Içént ft meeuse $il oiber nmèe lu Wank5gau Who folet)*tilla c i 4age their "modeof operitjou" and- realize bat à&egan lu î dangeroup place in Ilreh tû openate 4 gaitbbng tm 14ke Villa, Stte o D11"14 &Cttii. dlse etbusin.s s the. [aum d Discounts ............. . ......................... . ~G76 U. &. toveritnet Investements ....... ............ ...... 6,M 800 80"4 g ~ooa, Frniture and Fxuures............................10,154 71 Ds tem DamkmCas, Exchangeiý Checks and Collections ...10M0284 & otlRegources...............» . ... ............................... .4 $.lsd fl Ditt t) ............. . ......... 1......................5 biWb ..............-........... ...-....;... r.............. 10 ,4 7 pl*idmm Unpoid .........................p........................... 6w000 L i Im . ..................... .......................... ......181.a748 a4 ~KkIu1aPt~4~tOtJNù.VillaTrustww 8474w UMgs an de true ta the i.ei of -*y knoaiedge *iiEbed ar «mm o'I befoe me tuis iSdi day of Jmnury 191. D. Etict M໫f,.Notary Publie. ar rClearance Sale ~7-F mmd Av !W of .u .. mi oeU&UU, a Lait Shesmn$02value, Meus Browa Fagisit Lut Shom, $9.0 value, $0 bWs' Brown EngliMtLamt Siom ,$8.00 value. sale ooe . $7.00 MW BmownBlucher Show. $10 value, 80 Mats Brow luhr Soes.$9 vay", _70 MW$ 0"ac Bluer 5%M.$8.50 value, $0 ý-«wWOU maIMRS U L ml i m %A PAZR am ma F.5ARE ALL Iu*JLo si»9& A A eW HisHed %ffl. bmow or black $5 i4a&W MU" P"eSWses, bmen or black. , O smS Vauel es, 1>rsowi &C. 1pm S«le Prim 6"*d'tns. Eau %mo&, $,50 value, t~ ciii Autici, $5.5O Vaiue Alimy Arclica, A lnube, IsWN" SMII YOLO u- ff SsWeiug or im. aClixt. $100-pes t Dion Cmett ot iuse. mm pio, l. aS 1-flr J olf trylan, fernderoi., Ii b Sta. tnk wbotlues wersIn* wek . sU ala pqtiie lx vank- totluhie uto?bratdaytu teP~ CIuio the P lYtoUlau etheou wa waltlsg fab.rpoutt enthe liata cbrtw e idlnth ertSO aII&t 1H11r 7,sterds MdOhcourt aey,"m rutg he an's t.An buîtls vre par: and itryalwbaVered M in dtw tectuba$W«a Ucb11%i h JI lt the edtaa~eM of outed m el Thutaa 111 tbrO aé aea moulen atr aEdwin reprtetalroneathe g Hat rry piwrdisud"oer attcks rau t tOW haote sudiefouad Cta- porcue» pniou t.o, r ed.. r It$10a 000IoNtaIlasputl lu bie bad lmaitt tan sudr 1 mi4ofahe . lu au adu hem reo n roe M mm aTiie peutitems] e ifmu d r" Âw l Krde * flguret astb aestreg Pd. l h vnt ed Tbe hoerofthectm iio-~eaboatik. rujit oof ldwiu D.eelty anduthe btme un1.10 vlalty andooaiooed "Vtii. rices o fr pprciiau ws of01the. lu tstte o h leta tandt ca"igita iftatlu.. lust wek tg t& tlty befote the gra.nd jury M.n-11,jia Ca a ai llmer J. Coutrymsu. formcr cash- lgr aoftii detuùet Union State Bauk ai D4I;ou atnd wiia forurly canuCeluc s îari n autii. Jack, symomd Place Sua* omt ef Vola. Lake coiltY. aCUait tuylumu ent broke tbrough the. Pitk ohms, a! a $190.000 bull.raeetl eony of lMr. Braciwsy w«s r.IuuMSi-. -bie laMll>'lorthtii. irsery lndlctmtei relturued by the. grand Jury gtunst t»a former baukor. Tiîa.î ws.-re ad- d iqllouta Sdltnents fer itice. ansd eiabeslemont.- -. Amati otiier secuirities Cotattrymmu bad depol.d wth beh Mate trema- tirer a trust deed for 19.000. Suspi. clos cased offkcIaIsta cDommpnîucat.s wltii circuit don Brockway as il &P- paared that the de hsd been me carded bore., Asý--a reenît t was "raed that thie deed was forigod.- ..ýThe.deed purportei to na% e Dram xecorded on page A, book 209 aif mattgages, bobs uocuoaut lta.a14 mand gave evidence of haNintt lieen filei Nov. 30, 1917. Exaîaina,îiou of the. Lake Couuty accords tby Mr. B.'<&kway s4aw.d that the. dead nad nat beu fled ai the tti and In the book stted. Furtiierntor,? po'k 20P la a 'uco of citatielntu.r4gees rather than trust dfleed. atii urth- et proof af the torgery in aeeu iin the fqct tlîat athouga the docuniet n ail- ber was giVen as of Nov. 30, 191Z7.the fh gu amber ludlcated Nai, not reaC4a tai -until the. latte pait I' j ,f last voar. The .farm couducted by Country- mian lut Lae Couuty weakà ~dat ou. ai the fluest tn ti"he t u'.f î,ab tiers that the hauous 11:11 'îas I-»i.maoltiottie., Crcuit Clerk Bi-ipckwiy wM lb. calJI- ed to testitia lu crcuitt-ui? lken th%, case core. up for ital. Mr. Mdai rm, P. 8. DoWh 0ouled on u. Bryant sud Mm soret Luin Un. J. L. Chamb*rli bas besa l, 9eaiu ga t 0w iys a Ares wftt bet soD. Charlle, and wt.. Mr. oui Nr9.Geoiga Prmjner4 vis. .ted the,-WtWenr'sparents lu Aria lut iSunday. UM Hi xmq DeBOM qSnt BMtorday amsdOil S ay WwltI aftesi lal berty. 41IOe uAiN5' Cenetery Society Ie therewaraudey maet gWit~h Ea , isLoWm Afsméem r@turnto btohe f ehootluinthe Miyers dstrict lut 'ýJ . SE& àyndCI 'D' et1U î .t Md Fioe uli through these $1 600 te $2( arFe Wort thas ta çkeanup 00 a fleing thes1 inventory and at anly Ai@, sem, Men's Trousers Wonk and drus trousers. otn wool ixà d sud woilwortedm, serges, cassmerÉs. et. The meot of diese oods run from 40 wal5t UP. $12.68 Values g....... ... .$7.46 $10.40Vains g. aL -.,. J'site Valesgo aL..... 857 SU V" ealu . ..... .. Well meade Cordury Trousers, enàd weit. daik color, A-i g8ods 58.00 valuies $5 tut to. . ...... .._ à im" à" ofk. y MEUACINAW COUTS Me's *col Macitnaw Coati, val- ues ta $17.00; sid'cedý for titis sale t.$$2M0 M ,a ofte mubndàto Ile hâdur ~& Compare prie ud goods, wid Ob vScuits, UNDAm Er WEmAir rolsut M ENS ANODOS IM. A glat. Have Men's 2-pece Cottos rlbbe u.nderwear. bave, eifmn~mec Jenseelliâz *t$1.50 aaarme t: r scldegaul sale pnce ..... ...... . ea for ifrontMeos2-piece cottin fleeceui wterwear I98e 0.00. and they Men's 2-piece 1ol ixed underwear, vahued puce, tSe; but.- at $2.50 and. $3.00; 1 .0 n t"e we are cut ta $1.85 and.................. at ti" big. pre- Mus. two-piece underwear, first gradie, ail clearance sale lunds. wool, were $5.00 a gar- $32 ment; sale pie.... .- 75s Men'$ Cotton ribbedunion suits.,heavy weught. regular prie. $2.50; sale price ......1.75 .vermjSyles Me's."oI muxed union suitt, good qualîty, regulair price $3.50; sale Price. $230 MW& s eavy wool union muitsae been seil- iug for $5.00 a soit. sale pie........... $ 3.20 Bffl* WooI Mixed Union Suits.,recluced ta ............ . 1....5. Boys' Cotton RbbU nio 0 ait ...o.......... ..... e*OES e PRICES OKNMEW'S AMD DOT'ES S IiLIED TO TI% DOUE Men'. brown and blàck work 3boes every pair madle to gve good service;- have been selling at $5.50 the pair; sale price--..f.-,---ý..... ..1.............. Me's black and brown work shotw, a good, solid dm.; wdI stand bard wear; rîeal value $6,.50,;41 Sale Price .........m..... - --u----- Men's A-i blak dres h mei toian tesd last, a g alI-ar<iud caif shoe. reWuar priée $7.00; but diy are cut 2aàMw4 for tLts sale t per pair ........ MWns black caif dress. sha.. Eqglisb la*. a dandy- at the - ,regular Priée o'$8.(X), but ta move thérn, quckly we'are offeringte $53 <Btter ge yens QUICIC for tlaey wom't blat .) Boys' dreua shoes, black or brown, Englisit last onily; tliese are 'tbe PEM'R famous Weatber Bird brand, a salid leathet. dressy serviceable boy's dress sboe tbat lias been $ 5 selling for $6 and 7. but ta dlean up tbey go at. $ .5 Al sizes frot 2to5V2. Yauths' black dress sbi;es. English Iast; tbese are the, sa-ie -quality shoes as the boys' and bave sold ail *ver for $4.90 a pair. We bave sizes iu tbese fronti2!2 ta 2. and w4 offer thcrn at tbis dearancalae at onlY .......- . ...... These are pre-war pricca you cannot afford tao overloo. à% é m * mIl l é milm llke only reason we have in effering these DARGAI PRICES aIt, ic» .is that we wioda .ose e i mu WDiTEISTOCK qiehy, amd before we te.-mu mud mêe eFonwwluuay lit. Therere have fergottos * profit «demirely ami ae tamg a blaierder t. sceos- pmi UL -. - ..SWEATERS Every Sweater intbe store pis reduced to cost for tdis sale. The wholesale price af sweaters bas mot been materially reducedbut in order ta dispos of what we bave we are ôffering them at these barsain pric&$300in uip f rom.- 30 Blue, Iisht aud clark.grey, ý,naoon aud heathier mixed CW coat style, in it nmc uand-beavy weight. Corne early. as tht stock is limited. Mes.flauel shirts in voy, br'owu and blue colaus; $9 ailwoo, h.svy weegt, jersey $600 kait dhjtt, redQced . $5.00 anlwool. ane&iumweiot jersey~ $30 $400 v"lue wa ptL 22 $3.00 value woo ea .. 1 Màswfyslirta&. Jane.lllle "eai. blue osud 9>rey cbam- bray. ibmh .riped&M Md u "t'mg,'wdL madle..A-I w* b ô Med als salew et 9*-,. 3. - iU .ntesnsleemat- s discusau, ami Pl"$s Stautl Igthm ho tii. m«eu. tvltatta l beied téanai e ai lii. oaqasnty lb- ho YiTn vii a W t :REDUCTfiON n PIC ES Ï *i" mina.this .âv«Omined ae eIyla fow. -O.r 4mde.m se ive us remete nme the orgw CUTSI emife Muet ye. i id DAIGAM in luevuèy COMEARLY, WMIE Tht iJS WU fto Mer" JonM Vu'ilber of i Neimtber af Oumbr 0f Total trumbi Total lmoui ODuduem ha wIrth 1fla am Tii. tollo*I PO.aruult demis: Qriud aveue~ * ltdlcted 16,0 .deed for $10.4 ,ias, Co. 00 elandi avef Frrank R. Luctit D, Orv " t~Street Jo i4treet fOr -$6.1 *Peter J. 1 ea«de bouglit on Sotai de of suaderlin $4.90,. Andr'eW J07, -the Patruaka pi-escott stirfee S treet for $4. ffdgar 0. 1 t* ii.Goldachli Hickory etrP noinalScoflRý tu LibertT and C. R. ScIh J. s1 fage 60 mc etîcumbrancp. ia Kiehwo an sd wlff ho, property onY h t etuhor Harris, hougi Brown Place in West I hatugtit the E indleated $2! luamettons dleatfd 8139 bcuglt the F $5660. la West à .smmS. Weber 1.4 Sectionl 3 * for $3.500, italilliJuil Mi. l'r.1 meniflgilieii mis. carl of mis- Etuil p rlday. Mrmr.Cutii nie«dav wîth A. F. Me coueilita ofIlia. S, A wati'- gr( m;onlay and *Ca.'. s alurd %11.;LiUgf .ix &rlock Mies .î*n noon at the? The RoYa the Waodm Tburiday e K. W. La Michigan (Ok JOUPII 0.unI~Y 0,16*1 6.0 4 0 0 e*l "q

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