-NsiULLUR late" LAMeskTSlaO thRe ts iuen fat a"Pe W th por at hatai Sta t-on mOI EVERYODY RtimIn-l NG prliat the s al. %l eisetU 1 fuiUOD *ulcor reai- Jf5m muptS Addrsss, m»tae >vS AgO &d CotorI L. Un8, ilinsuB. »L itdent et blticliOld science rmir prtdeiiet Rouas. Rej ~oI5i8 anu abil gow alf. t'ne't erso,1 i,0d. aucciifltarmer, *îr7îiaeimeker. .:'"W.Uais reblerna.' r~ .dimOs. "Rovffe KeeS *a*alti$1 on utie Imsund 'ame"-L C: rv, La- mort qruut fby le- ~S4p#-~ Q abilChil- W~kOO cueuaingtea- i -lWms"btvcciiletures. I ~IN~FTUD I TA el aie aMOM ftSuer by «P udlevbave th# w qO iupflive la the itlis $OuMMi itim lis l58t p Ion hnuAs.to gir.thl Ohn ttas ue l Il a furions ýhi"Of e" oIctlnz idees., 11l ýpoij dem abu, meaeut sacre&l ,te s omn peole ifexpresseb ~tà>ogt for whiclmve bave à> ~IÊS l rgnally a relitiouxia Wmoy 111 eteuoud Oly ha lmpfsl daait vsg ister asplied btaurn-1 E iIacirfat mrn -sired resea mme te rqpirsmtan Impotl5 'bettesaIiiun lite et the Peope. ïb[àa ila every pas Of tW lseit qDu e uepenaty et dustbl. Saqfrý the. gode. festive seàsons., vefl' aseks anal the cooklng eaU ~ ifoo"I-41 re ttended imY iaerdmbcuat tbo. Usai ansi tae o utan, ver. sot Pet- t0 est bat bad bacs ptremu mSeugIltle ekmr etpr*hbutlim ~à bslu ...flbI5 fhg tabou %, il Imm orIsaidawble ~p i aIt la a. , à- veon ska fc lponlthe people.- r*Oe NeaitadtL ..MUY AY -DE ffiQIt le;d8waiby la" Lpp'iism tic ai.Pr01UMy tât SersestIde& e afely bem a augit tbat tle, wam the iiomiao<e tha ie oa5d OýftX W» vis tà l tljmg Êe doedu sUiphuieo - modUlil but. bu"y s hm IbId fair.et gvamip di , O. ftetal MW in:@ Hfwpj5- k- ' l is tl. 4~~~~f gcs. tbe rà se. n af f lt g armm sli.tic e ,jretai'me are bg tb5re Id am iesare a dozes Lrme?. 8 o e of, O h e m r, Leoard. Ne- Ieshw.rady L- t-a MIFETOO FREE WITII AFFECTIONS, IIusIANDCHARGES Reiffld ftrt of Lake For. 0M ýSas Many Men Shared Wife's Affcto.. NAUKEOAN WOMAN SUES. uudhz tamiliaritr vllb otier tien la the charte -vblcl Reiubolal Emil lIesmas mSeifert o! Lido Parest brings autbis vite, Mande Seifert. lu lie divorebl b hobas Lileal tu circuit Mort ai wsalgas. iNe lh reprement- id by Atty. A. V. Smith. ÉWfteseMys h. an&l bis vite vers maredO ber 36, 1905 sud llved together unlil about tvo yeirs £50. laveeic esbuL ai lheLaks Fors-s aeademf,.l8 ibreaglit Auto lime suli Mestertas a Mauvitb viomnbus.ifte VAS limae. -, nemayas limainlu1916 le caused the Argent, of a a mou vbo liaa ee toit- te vitb bis vite. 11 la j9eccaordiug te Seifert, bis vite was intimaté vlimh a Lake For- ant cbauf!pamur irh- ïnme b. doe" sot knov, 1 lie Ibluksatai fer bavln.- put tmp vlili tis aileged euduci as long as ha, bas tISaI be la entitcal to a di- vOresud aise te tie cutody ot lus four ciUren vhO noV are imelua mrealfr toi ithe Lake Bluff orpiman- agi. Hie 8M sb. la paiuS for timeir <are-at I n lstitutin. - - AupiierSait Pied. mrs. Lodl5eZimmerman et Wau- kegati, tirougis Atty. A. V. Smith, b iad Liai sbill la circuit court ssk- 40g lo a dMore from ber hasianal, wilua iL. Zlmmuerln. vborn site pisirlealOs-lober 30. 1917, at Des Uoisesaa. &She myes mielived vitb blm umaIn 1six moutisago. Thme bill. chaurges Zhirnamauii th habituai ,dinkennmi. webe bnlsd-uk.ac- 1 ordins' to the bll, hé le Irritable snd lîl-tiesehi&satarlY. - -#A»D 0F gopiOUS cosTUMES Paussine ofNorthera Daimatia DiaPiap Ticir Wmeith Ie Flnary cf TViser Sar>. - berc je eue spot o!flime moderIl woild wbere thie ura -dics- gP geoamsy as Uic e rnen. Ajuen th, lgoriaebl, or peasauta of porthera DvlaumiStia. lb. enire 98g7 saol fltsiet bu.lat tNeAissuenfou ic ragayer 2LIIpassant Sarithelie orldove. lia - otlUbave remajnsi the cMme MMe W t» yeu, n, id vîIi.douI>.em CeRI làiue usclmsnged les- Juanste ce 110 vuss12 ea @oitshort a, aimas --iddenu Il-iCiaproe Mbrolderel t x, 1 lgit mies-s, with*b»M qwhite valut uMnitleliai isricmetsses-vint a Pndgirtfor the ei~rweilsu " "ô çgPi-eefor tise OrWlÀtIMg t eanaimsarsc eb »samia -S ber arna e Morbe. OUManI j e e gà a&nI bE84tie dmI * .aýsli-id usber aptes Ss- li um lii. cf ormMieoiuis aâfflseag a ~ pclloimet uip*m o f kb-lt 004. -cbe men are mord gogeous, gCI Abot Iai u 55~agdam. ksoee brees. ucriAfl il tc es1i ssi, and toppealby ea 10 4$-uawueoatflfai t bm-i lt rei; u -iige q1bpSteIBLl YalOi or .tb5y si * p b4 ulÀlig nnd c ait i ab Moakb#, ou tihe frent of l wetten decombP de 1e1 &44bar isifof aeld .shlver, *l l>imentat aasMou.9Il ri 4b5 ,li -avae4.6 orp ianaeita. 1 1-a *hOsd 6hid e d ho vii-n" * " a'k ___tête fam am by-ahe. gîrk bý wpvywibi beang OttOfMibe vpleue ircits. Furihomisor'otie q fýthrb1g ligiseare betncgsuPplant'- jW rnaller osses audlu sonte lof the. bwudtna awhcb are not th;meibebet in lëag tuimed offt. This la doue vltb A rlev ofC uttlng dovu the Civo f flshîsand his ta tsu diat ilt ount t0 etolsderabie wbeu t la !éaruud that Ibe motbily blis -for ignt as* paid merely te the Public-Serv:ce Coul- paisy total about S,5000,. *Beqdes th~ imeé'statiou !tien.!f mr- mmjsbus much of the lîglit ured OU tisé * io*veer,. tierp are certtaitz p4ats et the station that havé been llgltid nov whlch could get along vîthoué IL. *Tlheke are nov dsrk snd In cotie tas-s viere a amaili ainounit of ii.ht lais been provided. much .,rnaer iro>ea are being ua.ed. On every iband the offirers 0f lthe station are eusd4.avoring i -eni lu order that thme mousew ain'ilabi" k.-r runnixlg the. station wi ti'Se -.are i, the needs. There was a feeling of r.mification on the station Saiurday among the civilian employes wheu tlme n.' ider camse that thme wbole lot v.'." not ta hae reieasged. There ver. few dismiesis but flt of any couequeac-ý. J. E. Rialow or Chicago wau a bus- Iues 'visitor ln Ibis ci(f teday. . George-F. Nelsoni. Jr.. wbo kas been coufined to hbshoe&gala vith illneas for the past few days a lame- what imVoyed. ,Thomn" J. Killian wu a. visiter lu 'Ëighvood yesterday.. 1The Amurlcan Ace unit aund the victory uit wii fot meet this even- lnx ai the auditorium gynuasiur n acconnt et Uic dance &iveri lu the. gym by Uic Great Lakes ,îsenblYE. P. U. A il caunsseommieucng ai 5:30 viii b. dismlsaci Albert Jakoiat lias accepted a Dost- tion vitb tepko sud' Long.. Wauke- tan. joseph Eroil er Broadway ia 111 at bis boume witb typhotd tever. The vIeklF Pýresbyltriaa prayer meeting Witt be beid ibis evening at tbe home of T. K. McKinney at 71 oclcock. __plans are lSeing mgde for tbe gâme festival whlcb viii be held on Fr1- day eveuing ofthIis veel&.' A large crev la desired lut order to make the eyelllig asuccess. -Albert, Chîlders resigued bis Posi- tion witb the Ward. Baking Co. w. F.,Law. Jr.. of Chicago visited friende lu Ibis clly todaY. Joseph ' sou of Herman Kriatian is Mi ai bis bhome vith lthe mumps. miss Edltb jansen bas accepted a position vitb lthe Davis-Watkifli Co.. tbis city. P. A. Peters of 'Krtsianl aven,", au d T e n tY -fir t S tr e e t l m a ti g1 e - 1 tensive mpro veiitfl a d addition te bis borne.., aumurdann Harry Bunker snmer .,g those vho bave tbe mumiie. Tbe liUtle twoe year oid cbid of Mike Luka died atitls boume ou Mor- row avenue yesterday afternooik af- Mt a sbort iilness. About a year ago Mr; sud'Mis. Luka lest a sou., Wbo vaq.rula over sud kiied by tbe Behu boy. Eg. A. palmer of-Racine visite,& trieudu ià this clty todayà Misa Maie Kelly Whio la te-tchillu ln the Central Sebool is .on-kt <sck ist. ÀDDRM3SESWEIR FEATIJIES 0F eEVE. North Chicago asembers 0t tbe Auterican Legloli. iarvs Poit. enk- joyed.very mnacb tbe aidremstgivmi by tidge ledward aud AIeaBeau- bteu ai the Inst4l IOIiMOuday even- . Juaige Edvads b»blgt Out. hupor- taue etr ie influene for igtteg.1 iuiatidui iprovemnlot t adtlali là Il v*ali of lite. decirkug fiat tbe, Leglo mon viii alvs hâbve IL va almie Inicaryiug on the. mal~ iap st mly eof wbat tuse met dii vEIlle tby vers iql ise »W Sbut alaq 91t ho51 llt c.psp oa lupbiapiriteniidé ius e r bave returned tote er péscetai PUr- TisJýpt# he gtptNorFii Chia e «À«etatj5the mith sc1oot ye*- ~~ £ntevgd seà febmll, bela gaoial. ao P -IF 5 1 . O ? y a k e e b a il plgrlE "f 'n. lubctweeu »ë ISU cm ouina tssaon. He ac lq~~P C os*ini the POc ut isam.or piayiug with Os U~ ob fra sata sud te 0~fV si .a~n ta .s' lAX PLAÏA'S NOW C kRIEI> ON IN u.aS. Are you smtistled vif b tbe praseut systcm erployed by oui goverulueut iu nsseaalng taxation againt tb9ý peopiënt te Tatilpi Statua, ozr bp you opinidag tsat.Ipai void liketi ufabt, januw 21i et. S o'lock. the uleaubere o et - eChambet cCou-. Mme -csMvil hoà aPuruss meeti for a free dicuflomlouiassubjeet. Tiser. le' nov beug sat te lie members a ballot i lu vislibter are aaked Xe retord thoir'viébes. eitbie lu tad or oppoeed. te abont f ifteet ,Propoiton&ou the subjeet ef taxa- tion. 1On Friday Amig hl ise swJcto vili beulsd m ~bera pies eut vîli bu suaai 0' iecord. tbeur vote. - Tbe. hourd.- viitis a ami tbesevoles oU .Mèday sud mkée tieir report te tbe Cismber of comn- merce of lime United .Blatesen ou e titis cernmuuuty fada ou thime.ques- lions.- Ligbt refresisments sud cigagusviii be aerve&d itlaleexpectqd Ibat the majoriy cftishe uemnbers yuil be at tis For ,um meeting. - - au - Cern la a terra oftn useal usei for J a o ' - .& ays. . be l -lportant ere c l op ot a gîveit àA ft namy 1.01 t a kig, ibut it regiOn; IblUt in F.glta ý crn usuilli takes usev e fo t wo kis ga" .'-, - c m onus ma-en t -, lun Scotiand. ca s; lu Lb.'- "-B oita Transe lîai,!, rîy, ,ahilienlu tlis cOum- In ' aip.. 9 a. ii xe remsnità permee li tbat tbe M sugl' li thrown aipon it b. the osU. 5-d f se ofthe be hadow varies *ÇàbMg 815e',the MO= la vis4g." van D"Mc,4sAnas- f éi The jar oretalaio es W"10 ie 1ftla sot enagai. te t4e q"i Am ok, v'jrnukuovultàb« ealY babît WUs on lier de64*& 40inDot long te live. I- lEtte noved, sud hbr d*Otoe ove? lier to catch tlb us -MiOW out that st=mp et, vbisoere. tbe o! o ua wn, - Me le i bthe 'I., *' FRA-SEBAune .wns îencliug lihe fomrtb 0* H3omcflfl"Baker- Sgy 'ien one of lte wd hlow Mg b, esa lA c te bapi n ga sCrk j us a isi alcti lihe exp an aticu cif t îO rm i ta u.a~iS. O, rturs, t e toun. lu ord r to s ev, If t l ct e ic shlsm ager H u gt or a swap tha tf de rstood lier, ie nstd W lliie :Bus t woll& glyt. aiiS tS aa, iîll i o d jWeer. one.toulb t Rith'5 i shd saor as a feucs- one tîiirtl of a pi. W îie M id e Iii bù . T hé iet s vo tdil ie. 10 ferrei te qu rier. nd w bsu m taoe sudRtS lA à borne me Baker a dhi; re son, repitli: eesu e vzduel la 1w. osldt looks se làog&rmm. 4é4é44ééé4444~444ê64444IéOtt~S**4 I I I Bef ore Stock -Taking'. 1H01!.. SAL We Have Reduced Ouar Entfre Stock of Shoes 25%tg 50% Below Are à Few-of Our Wonderfud Reductions PcI(sREDUF.ON ALL MimsBs' bIek - leather asoe1 : $4085 I 98C M,ýeu n ¶ý9 valtwe, Stacy- WVonîen'a browîî caif or. ,id.vs, combination hast, kid lace boots, Cubait Or black kid shocis' igli hecto, value $13 and $12.50 $14 -$1.75 I j M sCronoett black vîci W urneî's black cblf, lace 9 i4bakkî hce ~0W m iS~ f bludîîî Cheu ale"I hoshoes lace shocu, odd sizes I $985 $8.75 $8.751I~L Men's 4-buckle Over-Il s lc afaou ~ C~ IBy b_______ calf sMIE Iwîiîen' ii a c k lace Mei's Vnu Metal Bluch- shoes -ue82 ershoffl , IW2A WaukegGn' SIioe Ste SisI. C. Urovis I ta les beLl . 1 iý . '