LIBERTWYILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, J.2NUARY 27, 1921 Some-Wag Slips Themn a Sug- gestion to Seli Sun Se Stock, and They Tried "iONLY HAVE $$5,000" w5W eiI nute-i was a'irean tlek. vasnt it lb. 11.1 meirodi 4ulled on .Andrews & Company'et Chirago, tire telopirone brokerage etila nyi'ltci iras pursucdth ie telephone nrlethod et seling stock lu LaIte counti' for thie plut couple et yeari'? For. by again sipping thunthtie siame ofthtie editer ofthlie Sun whicb cest thein a lenk telcepholie charge Tucadai' atternoon and aisecd the irepes et & young salesmafi nameti Et- warda 10tirte pint airere he feit sure ire lad ene ortbis best prospects -that lad corne toliris car lu mani' a "yai. tbey titi se. Some "vaeln Waukegan wlio p rebalîy lad been cailed hi' Andrews & Companyi evidenti>' suggeted tiraI they railiW. j. Emitir ut No. 1. cx- plaing tirat "lie lai! iorne mouci' an mdprobabli' veuld mnakc an inveal- ment in stock." Tre>' probabli' con- elutietiw-at tire editor efthlie Sun veQulti sai' te Andrews & Coampany' because the. Sun bas btat se irait>' ar- ticles et various tiares &bouit tire inetlioda ibisé conlpaîr>'as purruet lu trying tu cm-l sirck ut ci ihe tele- phione. But the Waukcgalit"a ag" Wasr *reng fer tire reasoî t hat thte SUa8 follovcd & ditterent plan this tiuuq tirn ai usal. In the paSt people have * manageti te get Andrews & ContIitnl tb connect up wilh tire Sun office and lnîîoentti' put ttreir proposition to aoreehdy ln thi loffice antiat thje end oet tir t'talk t îey weü lîrfornret tiat tire>'-hlldieentalkiîîg te a inewspaper reporter" andi theIruirgli was on tirent. But lu tire case Tuestia>'Edwtards vas allowedt t go airead anti exploit bhts proposition on tesale ot soute liotel stock en tire Calitoruitl roaI anti a nurnier of otirer thinga anti la thc course of tire conversation thîe editon o! tic Sun matie tire rentark. *,WeilI lv. onl>' get ahout $65.000 ln cash and I have heecît îinktîtg 1 wouldi putt ilh baaiîî torigages ru- irer Uian tock." Tiat -65,000 it cat-ir" renark gave Salesnian Edwards palpitation of the ires'rt te sur-h an citlent tirat wev.coult ainrost lîcar ri e-.tiirg over the telepirone. Sees Bik MoncV. Sixtytfive theusanti dollars it n itl -alniest lu bus grasp't! Hie speech lncrtased w Ith rapidrt'. Iis voic* ralsed intensel>' andi he hegan pIcad- lng fon a tsaie et stock tîkeIre irai neyer pleadeti befoei. Tisat $65,000 looketi big teui; hi' jurt hat te bave moule et Il.tirat wattail. "But. my dean oan.' raid lie U lie pleadeti iis cause. *"n Yii c-tnîlke far morer oire>'oui tofthisti tel stock trian yuu can oit ta ri Itort- gages. -I uni positit e Outbi th. ait iTy itor! for il; 1 iItir,« ara;inm talktng about. Thins s !se'rc-u-rIt wviîcwhciave a liited(Tiipioti tIPiýn Rilqd ycrrt ou rîbt i 111Yi l r . 'I iri * $65,1)0t) w-lit double Ilt - 'iti' n& few eai.i. I atru cci fidri c f ir 'Anti so tic 'rn'Cî itItrl il tleire terriri l t.leimîne oentir;tir or tig to ge iai iraI n uccd ijt-rtretlri ci otPart 'f.) 1t$ Seni it tt limnstire suuit fire fnrtrr- 'ia- c-tnt vulset wlt tie Il rdtirheditr( tr z-' attnn u. 000 in -cuil mnnîc-y'. 1ttc-y bail ticver Ituard surît in nirtrti t '.1-n nf t-r> rerîstiw1y iùfre-oi in il--tcr IuC r trI'tir'- ort. ti tlir i tt tI)o ritle Z 65.000Ir lcilie planninrg fur 1nvesýiiic jr tutil i i ' nii rrt 11:rt1rî luitn1.t au 't 4 - 'of 01 r' t-In Prîlta tIi wr)ittr u' l o nill.- t 11;Lr1 zone a rii lke z-tooi'eoft!lutmP, t* boi 'admnics. Phone ComtnYiTvPofitr3 .nirutlire ttian.nrtr ir ,;t turing for ,soîrtuMIIrIut' anrd lire ncaspitter nian'c idea was tri sec lii- - itiit proi t rouhnîbc liven S teIlite Cînleago Tt-ictr.irle ni r..Y Ir>' Ir -rp ili lere sa i t li n uI ille trici it!ofthtie rrire'. 'rte itnt knoc t týugbil IIt r'tmie lnr- ýn Iuc- rtit- teen minutes. At tire c.nil li-lnIltie editor îtrmidr- tire ri-mtat-k thia if tire1t1u1A rt would gi e Iis i rire ui'nhcr ireo quould tlt.k l -ti-ro 'r nirr- cd m oo- sîhl cai r aile lkltrr. "TitsJi:t t tititînr)utli n ttlta rÀlotro! -to ietlc ui nr it,"t r off tilI lcîairoc to'! tir-r uti teton bate. Inta-a -t . s e have i'l>' a nient lin.e o t stct toffl itu ar-e dtinîg a lot of urit ,a '"il ougitttri ut> Dow. By Irle Nrttr>' rvbi nd o! bus- iness a,'e yiuî i M r. Sittih :' sald * tire caleanuh, %\ IerPuliuît IIre editor buutg up tire recéiser. -.. And, aip te tiuin iirt',e Salh-3niar El- r varda prealiy tinte0nrtkîIcw- lIraI solucirodtiii trngt rat-d Irir1d,1t - up aga tjn atI iî 1)ails M r ofice antd ail et lig b'tîr land i ettnri-e, Quetia mateti. But tic lratue" ar" bc tir-1I Ont îi"p lust nigirt r'liii iris vlrmr tiioe a paît oet tiat $65.000 li'.rbeadddln~ On ls. ga#r fir? r lfe lcr- et birls fet -i, .rrrid ' -îal lktd se(lt ie u it i l,1t, li e rrt e bittlteia linticular ILîri r.'t 'jrr Jlitid ilnew <'ilt niy In ther.' j -COV. ered walls of the l8îllulbrr and gite Tewr or f telire *lOrderg, Il thf 014 Veoiq qiîslrrtîulte. Iteîîî:ý4rte Ow -jmpi"t' ne oeeb!-tJl.î44, à4iii ARNOLD T. (DUKE). "DUKE" NOLAN NOW IDID BLOW ON HIEAD NOLAN AND LAKE A BENEDIGT CAUSE TUEf MENTAL FOREST GIRL WED.________ CONDITION Of BOY ~WE BA VE ANDREWS AND CO WITII US AT NRI HIAONWS SUN OFFICE AM AIN, S tNOR THCI G Ottt y ieraleeN g -uE t mAETEAIE Mr. Kroli ltastracers leokirg for tireFrosDso os ta PARET TACHES ýai, irîd ne dloui, tier oiera wililbe ELECT OFFICERS; tt'reheo e>îog Wins Pretty Songbird for' A t'A ~UIT I lrr1 CJT RRI~FSVteran Restauranteur WMANUAL NU v R wazIi q'hos. J. Killian las attetrduîîg le A lange numtelr of parente attend- Mdaster Plombers' conivention ati ed thre Parent-Teadliers association Springfield thil week. He expt>etls meeting at the Central scirool. North te lie back Fiday or Salurdat'. Chicago, yesterday atternoon. A very Tii. Great LaItes AuxillarY of the lnteresting prograni vas rendt'red E. F. TT. cfitia clty 'n'll have a very liy tire pupils Of the Varions grades. important meeting et the ¶t,'Oedtnan The, Gice club, composed et mcmi- club reorms ont Thurrday evenlpg cf lier$ of tire seventh and eigbhl grade this ,wek. Elertion Otfoffîrers vili turnialied several choruaca whuir takre place. Refreshinietits and a so. ahowed exceptional musical talent clal beur- wifi bieireid. Ail i'ntibct'5 The numbers were directed by Miss.tara urged te attend. Elfe 'Sali hthre music Intrurtor L. E. Long and J. S. Youug ef- vlio deserves muicl crédit. Tlie fifth Waehijigten, D. C .. called on f riends and sixth grades gave a pantomîne. la titis citi' ycaterda>'. reeuscllatlng actuai accIdents,. acli as drowning. a child catching on ftre Tire league gante of indoor yentcr ete. Thre démonstrat ion vwas verylday afteruoon was somew'iat oee inîpressive andi slswed lie chilîdren 1stddth ie Central tttnlool deteating were well verser! enougir that thiey the Hou' Resat'y acheoolb' a score 09 coti save their frtends if 23-1, "Mîkey" Hart and "Hue5" Fer' such accidents ahoulti eccur. Very ry rtferred thle gaine. cllever folk dances were put on hy Misa Elizabeth Streeti vire bas the second grade pupils. been vltiting Mne. ?red Grotir of Chii- After tire completton ef' te Vro- cago for sevenal days bas returned int gram, the butincats meeting tollowed. be'r hmmelu thia diY. witlt election of ottîrera. Tii. fol- Mrs. Albiert Beland of Lakte For- toving cofficere vere elected: est'upent yesterday w-th brer Master Pretdeît-'Nfrs. L.. B. Jolci. Mie. George Mfiler cf hls iacIY. Vlce-preaideîul--Mrm. Wnt. toi The iy-law ronîiittlccoftthe Rd- bright. creatioital associationt meet at thie Treanure Mrt. A.E. Iles office of tire Auditorium building Scresrr-Ms. fiArie. elly . last evening and drew np a set etfliy Dooglinul s Marife Kerl. latta achici wil! lie presenteti at the after tqeeian ife w1e ervednext nmeeting of the apsortatiofl. Feli. watt spent. Twentyone rePorted an ' Herbiert Dav-te te aile tn lie out enio>ablc afternoon. again atter a coule of dayB'.ilines. Edtrard Gai îleY lias acePted a PO- ~ CL B lAS itioir wiîh Jarcob Kaplan ok Co.,tat MEN' CLU HASA very Insti'uctitOe lantel n slrîtC or sir op."rsatrona EXCITINfi AML lecture waus given isatronu EXCITIG G - tire Nrth schooi, shuwlg Paul Ré- saine lecture willi lie given ttua even- Tht PresirytertanNMenos rlubbiad iîng. Everybodi' is cotdilly ilitt-tcd a very lntereating gante cf volley biail t attend. - Monday cveîting ait the local gymna- N,rs. jetf Goldbet'g of Chicago ta stuttii, F. E. Deyoe'a teani deteatlng tisiting lier parents Mr. and Mrs. Huhert Hentys team. by a score of A. Johnson oettia City. 4 te 2. l'ire lineup of te teanis fol- Harold OgleRbY wvlo iras heen li loy: atiisiromie w iti chicken pox vas F. E. Deyoè, Calit., r. Gaitlier. ;-ont yesterday for tire tîrat time. Datis, E. VlacIt. A. Mcelii, G. Brali- Gordon Pearce le on thc stck liat. en, ttub. IThre toretiten th ie varionts depart H Hetrry. Capt.. H. Davis- A. E.-'mente fteCiao Hrwr Illeir. A. lrtytr, G. Katt% itz. It. Ferry,. Foundryctire yclieai thardoare Fui. r thlIe lat@ John Shervin oo! lttgh- land Park lasI ever-ing. Harry M. Powtel, athiettie director i.ilurned te tir% ll ty yesterday c-en- ATTENDS DANCE, l ig after a ott visit at bis home lnCea Rapide. MI* Powell watt ilL~ AR T i~i<~ caied irone on accouut of thre illnet'e HIS CAR LXEN cf lits nretier. 'iren ire teft, irer _______condition vas pomewhat tmproved- .Xfc ttnriiirng la' îtg dnce Vtm. Benrnett ofShridant mari ira Jtti ii uring ayl atrîd e-arceited a positioin iti Chicago on tire* 'irne. uît urlrshl, Satur-îty cane Federal board. iiii, seve hrol tf tis ct ame Tire local scltools çlurred tirisa ater- errt totr l Ii. uext Elcrrr to drive 0000 l olndy norniig. Tire hontie. but cîtauged llts mnrt. 'rere taell _l ateda n-ruitiy tcaci- tsa.irio cu-rto ire founti. Whlen lie o- etn tLk l'l.* ( Ltit lf itO ththall about9 noclock. Highlanid Park Thirttr.d and Fridai'. lielef tlt- 1lacjnstan1ding ii fi-ont -K.F E. etarsin0& tinrnati, rcalicet f te builinrg, f-elig ptîtud ut tri-n un rienda in this citi' todayr. t--pur lehrrratndlimut"lutky ire v-ar, Thre Joli"it It air'fstriY ',tie tli.nt int ri atnis ru -r'%%alk. Et iduitl iyar1trtti te-trattîtd that 1cr sout1e rruc'li ls rinýlzl rt ue fact and u' the cladre n . rilie 2rltty <ni ,ris able i atrrte tha tîrt t, ;ame areiellith irilagtiplr'ite ll irirrit i li lu-trtt ir'ain talk. Trîrs ieerrarrtmi'cr t:atutilrg. Tlîey %%ete oniy aboiut tilt ie grallotnstut of 'exe r ie rrt Nue a fer rolire inth ie iurahiriii lnitirlîileftt ds>ntobc!i N il, but Ille h indiaprohatnly found M2wiss Strilirn N it-îtilii it I tirat oitt bie utIr ry Ute ru aile to hunte otr srutlit Li ien irt 'oct - g(-t voiyr. ir aute bmvgrilfar ~i-t&TInrft al tr i vin un île-trne togethî-r S IABD DI 5 TIMES %nîr lioliccr tn nW.rl .wIo it ti,- osriat.trometan pi ItiriCCi ini i ih r IN STREET FIGlTe VICTIM MAY DIE1F!MRWUEA MAN4 INVEI'IS l'Ai- ENT RAIL WAY 6ATEI MEN HD WEPONSHarry W. Butler Saidýo Have BOTH 'E A EPN Discovered Invention which laglrtnr el I ! ~f Has Made Him Rich Orak Firei, w-S)ris n-ln505 fue.niiIy tab, ripil i dearit> Irirtit te lhand cuoîn- INFORMATION INDEFINITE ter wtitiii'necf luIs rountrymnfl t -* 711 South it teî't.It roati. laie Tues- Accidting lu an unsîgneti continu- daW aIltenoon. Kr Iter Ga,, aged i ncrtien sent te tire Sun utîder date 34, et W - SIo i avenue lu-s blîCocf tIre 24(h, }Iarry W. Butler, a for- plar-ed untier art-eestYtir teoilce an mer Waukegan lesident has just pro- iras bett i argerl wIth the ,ttact. lHe duceti une e! tire moat important ap- i. bill,-itr tei tIlIeW'aulegtitfll tn itcî lances for.safegttardtg tire publie stiatit'it unner ironn'ru ot$,r.Ir Is case. en ratroadi' tlitIbave liecu Inventeti haviug huen cOnttnu.ed ten da>'s te luniait> years. It ia sote sent et an avait irle Oî ofc HagoP'an'o con- automtit gale for a cromsiing anti lm duiti... sonîetl.-lîg of a characten whlcli rail- Vl're n'ition f ltiagoptitO la re- iroads have always vauteti aceording gartict as (.uie t t'titral. île recels- 1 te the comîmunicant. .-..- eri fi' ;o hkntýe ountis-Ottal Inte Tire vriter states that Mnr. Butltr stkoUlier, twaIn itte r an sd twe iras secureti a patent en lie sanie andi et ili.e tack. Thte %'Ovundsis n the that judgiug treni tie offers ire al b.el.-'t'jc regrtrd lir teIneat tFer- rcady iras receIvcd fer his Invention ir~ia s iretr an indiicationtht i le'îseaelly vortit frotta $300,000 ti tira tictimuta lungî e wee puncttiieti* 8400,000. Acerdîng te tire commiu- il"efl :r-h,tg cli nri ttirhe Atiitri nicault Butler alrcady la making tire 1 '.rj Iapplance and la sellini l -outrigirt 'i . -11.uer-t c .r lcoulter Iras net te ralîroada vîth thre resuit that he i et ietan eatiied hi' the plice. As iras aireadi' cleaneti up a censider- tiray a. ,an bu tound there iratiaile antount. b-ýen "Lad irîoti" iewvedutire twe ,Tic communIcant, la very cuthua- men. 'h l'u'> rt haîl a tigîtt last Sun- 'lamtic ever Butîer's prospecta andi de' day and a:lfriin'tttltoitgit te "fight: clares tirat liaslinvention ls going ln i, eut" Tuesat!-eeing. ilagotîlan 'make huni a vealthr>mni. Tic con- itasarni~ thl "brasa knuncles" munîcant talîcti te explaîn jusI irov wilitilct inflirteti cota on Gag'. te automatic gaite operates. osians ierîll'ie knife useti by Gag-_________ osian Irt -ltbeen tounti. At 5i:1( ocleck TiOeda>' atternooli tire polie recrit d a raIl tbnt a fight Chic-f Ailment. I 't'a lui'rgrett t 51 Suli Shrt A ige proporttii e of or-trouble tvin tproa. i'itc1nJei lit-le a uteti b'tteemuci boue ln the v orîlu anuri srccnal poticeman Lt'uin lietisuît net ennigh4-lutire bgek.--Cio I-crliel r r)onded. 'wrhcu' tiey ar-j luttittie tit.C.) itpe<'cd. rive lgcîianinrait i ien ahit(l In- te a irouse whc-r his iniurnes wre beti'g careti for hi' Dr. Gourle>'. Land oftihe Y.rie 1RosI. Byulandera saidt U MKIir G ag- Oi'iis-root. vhiclitlauaeu scia a bl- val tiwute uBAIa5i~tIttd ad il gens ofa Intnnz .pnedt 18 ~00ebt "V - -.-' ______a"iin.tu. t ia.5 J TO RESIDE'IN WAUKEGAN.j Philosophera c a u' OW start revahîp- iag the oid saylngs Gatronomicaly apeakIng. Somebedi' Once satti lie way te reacir a m&n's heart la tîrrough lia stonrc a irît remaitied for Ar- noldi T. (Duke) Nolail. veteran rca- taurahiteur of Waukegani, te Win ile heart of a çaptitatlng lttie Lake Fr-t est danisel the sanie Way. i Lâs nearly et'erlrbady vire ever lved ln or vent Ilinnugir taîikegan kuowa Dalle Nolan unUil a tew menthe age con<tucted the Boston Houa.. Tire fragrance etfiis celelirated steaks travelled fen. Six mentis mgo Miss Naomi Vickseillet Lake Foeta songliird and musicien, rame te Watt- kegan. Sie loaged for a nice, tenl- der portenhouse steak.,tnhicli Cas pro- clalmeti as lire day's spécial et the' Boston lieuse. Dalle Ntolan, on. of NWaqkegan'a most jovial gentil and bebt known native sons. believes in paqAing thea time of day viti ina custemèe as a business asset. lie vwas lt f ront dertk viren Mieas 'irlr'ell camniu. Now Duke aerved ieliti montlis ot-erseas as a second lieutenant of infantri' but tire Frencht girls net er tacinated it lias did tItis fair stinger. Brit ahi keep tire ilear reader ln suspens-lire vei- ding teck place loday at Iligir-noun et Hoty Sanie ('athedra), Curcage Miss Vicli.4eil bat ing returnurd tol Galeairurg,waiete tucsiited ieitr faîher. Jamtes E. V'reki:eIl, tio tt il leate son çn a iraineËsatrip tri Stt eten. .Ir. Nlan is tire son ut Mri. Peter Netrin. He lda ipîurntor tf Noirtut Lunch on Washlington eti-cet anti une of the lies known Young brusiess men un tihe North Sire. Mn. and M~rs. Nolan wili jrlîlde ai 3Ù9 Nortît Coinuy street. wlierelire bas a furnijhedtifiai, vhich tirci wili occupy atter tieir return froni a brtef honeynroon. The wedding el-rurcny watt rer formed lii'tire Rut - Fathen Dunn andi te Young roupie acre atientiedi ir MitssWinitred 0Ollurn anri Ctilers O'Leary, bcth cf (trîcrigoi $1,500OOGREAT LAKES PROJECT NOT ABANDONED Admirai C. W. Parks of Wash- ington States" Plans Are Merely Being. Modified GIVES REAýONS FOR DELAY As ura1ce uthattire 4lrtt0 liai trur prtoject at Gireat haltes liras Oct hren abnndoureri and tiât tIre plans ar,. Ont. betnginrudilted andi ids wll b' rrlicitird at tut eai ly date. is th-, stiryrent moarie by Atirri C. %V. Pnuil, (b iief of itle Itureau of Yardrs anti Dock-t. Washirngtuon, D. C. to lier, mtan C'-hitr-htieId. o! Wat'gan, Chu liras jus, ruturnet i ii rîtire caital w-itelie roterceureti for- anti a'ied tire luotf'u50 cO itilian enîttiol s ai the naval traininig staton wtri thrC'were ht lai're-nttac-îli, ciuraer. Adirîil l'ar ksa trtil tilut tire rea- son tire uida ere rejucter ltast ennui mer iN..s tue tact tirait tey were lui excusaofuthtîe estimare andtihie ip propi atiun. With tire mortfiratrî of <lue plans, thé rtueauicr 1aber '.1 inateriala. Admiîrai Parks asttsactor) bitis unîiouitetly wiii be icceived. Tuhe appropritation sas s6triade tirai $500.000 of tire, million anti a haitl dotlars 18aaatable wlien tie. work siarta andi tire-lest la to& be atitro priaied aut thre project urogressea. Tihe assurance given iry Admirat Parka turiher streirgtirens tire state. nient cf Secretari' Danlels tiat tic tiavi' teîartmient lias ne Intention 10 abtantion Great LaItes as a natal train lmg station. ac i-_._ Mani. A 'r - n4kingt, once asl.u'il a 'niý whit ii Inl of liensoît lie uiînahir't vas ii' most perfect, vttiîn Iti vriri'; ttc ri-' If ail men woîld inittte. "Ti Most perfect ufan," lsr it] tho lse o-' man, 'lis iàtlhe viresecouaig-nomt pet fect, Lut ire vira nut ont' Is aidett discevèrthluiie Is imPcrfect. luit i-. stnives tîrongfli ui9c1M t ienqil lii teni1r-r tucir a't. ttt'lirle." Grains M*ny Nma 'corn 1q a terni otten useliîu fnt tir t'" rantcereal cropîof ;r sen ei' sID Englnîl <cri .ll *t nScotlandr. Il% Int lcy. while la cu foaLeaves Agîlm. Mhe owls are gr. tonger r-I rblt lonEtI. lîit modet r cornesr ,,-)rd frolp Yw York. . l iea rup ICh'- ;ttr ai -ng ve* or. Veteran Waukegan ltestauranteur, who Won Pretly Lake Forcît Songblrd withaýone et 'bts F:mous Boaton Hliuse Porîerirouse Steaks. Wcdding took place Today aIt111gb Neon, Hley Fanrîli' Cathedral, Chil- CONVICTION ON 23 COUNTS IS ASKED IN MADRUII CASE Sailors Testif y to Having Purà*- chased Drinks in Saloon; Girl Clerk Also Testifies CASE TO JURY AT il. A. M. BULLIETIN. John Madruh titis sfternooa wus fouit! g'nltY On tipTee countu i the Lake County court, two coats be' i for violation of the prohibitory law and the other for maintaininq a nuisance. .. Convictionin Uùjhs. in' stance carrnes a fine or lai! sentence or both and! the nuisance court rives te authorities the ight te close hîs place,- e business until he putu up aR $5.000 cash bond insuing agains further violatiens. citt itioli on ail or lie tvenr '- tlrre e oun ntire indictment Cns arrketi hy mstatto irney Siutitlr iu hi, ciositt a rgumefli. to tiru Jirytotiay rn lin'> case et John 'iadruir. chaiîgîci witi violtilont of tire liquor law. 'llei case w-as9 given tr irie jury hitorIlY trefore elcvn orclock. Te-e nepn in unitonm PlelareiOn the stand birthe tfire 5h'lestifiedte le ra lrtg purchaseti two ri nksecrl t atthre Madrtuh place. A youung vonran wîto tuttitied le hLIrng aur ketiin Ir-, Mt rti trrc- ai-o i rli tif la s n9 senti iquer r tt, l aepis i t' i triurc1 netr front Nl-antiuil. tilt-, t-nit inrroxicaîtion tiqurîrti ae.soin ilitri c dur I 'r0orci a Irtrrg ll-munI i o -r o" Sheldion Cce iteO1 'lir e ,c.rr'o f c;ic'sirit0 tri Fouri aiii t. ýia -; w î- t-tnin i 1 rur tire M11111r11ilt lty thall relîrîd. Ti r-- aork o!f elling,'1a jui>l inr-r-' rarridlyr. "liec ilji iillit i lthtie iit don crisecontairrr 'rirtr icrunts tte getier witir a nur iru cr irtnt w hirl askiitIrai Sti Ittns plie ot luzrn,- btc r-toti. PRACTICMJ0KER TELLS WOMAN lIER IIUSBAND IS DEAD- 1 1 __________' -Attention~- rrrCr.. OiP-rrtiti er;.fy o , 1 tI on ýtlr oli r icfa lt ne stl .- rrc. fen-er!liý ti,, jr. ltrr tuti heti r- -I If tI, 1s trpi trr twt can tflr lits lai r1t'rt , k 'i .*dJ it wltt da ieu-' rip ai.rcréorabest.i. u woulint lotiz w ___________ - North Shore Auto Radiator An I l lrtcat- rîr'l a I ii crrt W 'orks., atlli fiuild, lbut vtry popuinîr ln Ile 119 E. 'Water St. mîrtîlie agps îrrtr tIlle lute. At IllCe' prement eday Il? et .- ctrui~ lcn 18 Vaukeganl the iiinriol'irs i h4l but .ntrl'y mtîip' liintelt. he s tre *îd tf treWork Cal!ed for and Deiivered bl<'jrs, et -n'in tt ' ty nnni,'-el iffl Was lit rlut'ed iry lî aracclis nt lb. I U i oftlflC .f ie epltrar. 'o ii flil iil grndtiaily epreati t-ti-r 1-urojie, . at4------------------- =~là TiIsthe Time, df-Year,.to' '-av Your Car Repaiired MWe dlo Cylinder Reboring, Make New Pistons, Piston Rings, m~ngs Etc. For Any'Make of Car. Our Work la Guaranteed Too. rHEWESGARAEEIi GRAND AVE. AND GENESEE STPoo - w an .13",., 1 Inpaired Mcntality of John Police Seekinq ta Locate Man Johnson Dâted from Vsit Who CalIed Mis. J. Behri to Chicago Last Fali on Telephone Tuesday SOUHT TOBE PRIZEFIGHTER NO BASIS TO T14E REPORT. That file mnîtal condition ef Johin Ire. Y. 1Belin a North Chilcago Wo* Johurrun mai, have been brought man. but tormerly of Waukegan, wal about as fire reaîîlt of a blow or a falInéietire victim Of a crlllPraCtical Wa9t tiere lirer unusual developnient jolie Tuesda>' sfternoon. The matter today ln i lison.sîrt unusual case,. us been rtrpuitedl te tire police a"s Jolinaonj a youthf of 19 years. waî an effort la being made te locale the trled foir bIs sanlty ln ecounty court gullty paity. at Waukegan this week, was adjudg- The teluluhone la the Belinhome cd Insane and wag econitItted te tie rang. state liospital for the Insane -at El. '1ello. la titis Mns. Delin." askoîl w gin. Johinson admitted having slept marin on te other end of teUic wîe. lni bed wlth bit dead father. He IMrs. Bein replied la the. affirma- addéd that before lie left t he houge'ltite.1 In.tlie morni.'ig lie xyobbed lis fathers *"Weil did you ktiov tbat yorrirrbut% dèad body. hveband wa dcad." vualte itaitlting question. Physîclana b WIlaukcgan Whio hae Mrs.Bein aearly talnted but lîled examined the youth sy he appears tu learn more detalle. Bhleplurd ler to have the ntentality of a boy of Inforumnt ui4Ii loveraI queuUon». seven or eight 3ears. *"That's ail Ieau tel! you," wattthe ]ise IdahIimmelreicb. humane ef- reply. "q jut knop lthaI h. la desti fier. bias been wathing the cae anti that ai I t er la te It."' for some tinte. It final vas allcd toeMt-s. Item reeledbastk tnt ni thé' lier attention wlien neiglibors Inter- teephone. Friends volunteerurd t1 emted hetl n thre nusual detaîls. As lelp lier oblain more detafis. In vain nearly as Milss linimnelrelcli r<nîld liiy callr- up thre police .undertakins learni young Johns.on possemted an av. est'rllszbmenq,. etc.. Tliey could leats erage mentallty of a yolith of iris agefl othtng about the affair. FilnaIly0 up to la8t tait. Prout of thl- w-as got hld od f Meier Dein, a son Dê forîîid in te far t liailie bildgrad .. k-- ':il1.1 locattrgbis jalher uated fronithtie ciglitît grade anti rit'r' -'4 t' lflitedtt bail recelved a salkary oft $1-- a mwîek corps a peirron would expect tu flua4. at tire îannt'ny. 3ttml>ers of the Bellatamlly a- Lat fail. accrîdlrg te flice inoi- tribut. lhe act te nme of thir' ene. niation Matirurd hy Mirser Hiiîil Ilies. aaying tUry wauid atoop ai, noth- riech someotie bfld Johnson ta liaiIe 1lng te gi-t revenge. The Belina con- %-ast t7o big a ftilow tutbc waeing r duet a giocery and fruit mtote on li, talents ut on i jk-thL-t'y ld hurt'Mirow ai t-nue, Northi Chicago. lie siiould go ln for jrize-flglîtirig.1 The ide& appealed bo Joionr ad Van Ourena Attar ef Roes. ie svent o hic-ago tri take up a '1.1 jr cf sitar ot romeswhIclt itu ciIe of trainng. Aftr'r a.fiehur'e prescîtted PMentii Van Buren whtenlb. rctu,-ned honte. For tire firlrt tinte il vasPesîdent ad whida wr.a for a watt noted that his mentallty was af- tine on eibitioiin la thé patent ollce fected. Ife complained cf a contant ws stoien itirmn a few yers of be- pain at the hae f the. lrai. HMis tns placd ihere. Tbe hz e dce t Hinitelrt-ich touk a deep Intereet ilieîietla.ntknw ateitofg t h e case ad si-serai tîn es m atie ar- pr bb y 1bdw een 18 0 a t! î1 %o. rangenients te take Johinson 10 lhepr Psychiopathie Intittute fl i<hcaigo where ire %wat to be exanritued by Dr. Hazlitt,$ Conversatlon. Adler. The boy's notther dld ntr îiiairIrrof hlta via n.rir, r!ý 'ce n tle iruk è klîdly tou fic prop o -to" te ti itt 10s I nn. r versaîiîtii -us 1>0 lion and dld tnt ftke hlm 1te M ISp crilitr3 r u 111 he thc.iillit of H ir im ëlre ic i ct h e t t c x a t i i raii u i cyia tî r.Le V ' i ' ' Il Wv 5a -rn cr foule p lace. ttrvi1lttrt> terft'tl IL. ' rr t') Miïsriiflurneire-ir h ihinke îtroniy s%îeak e'u~ tîîthfor irî-r'!à Ut tirai a fail a ilt" hîrxtng n (hiî-ngîrl l ctlîrl .nr m an i , h a v r ca irîe d J ori n s o ron r id lt to n rt. tîtîr t, irC C'. lîcr w tir'f - rr TrVr ta.. -patron. tr 1ný,i ti .' r-.uti-j.. Men ils tc -L t.thlt 'Il-q, , lr- - rtrt î . r i rrrt rr r 1 The ReaGe'-. 'k rne C OTtiS Two Sour Se'icn nr.t- jriitr rrt ir. ttri ilN Onesce st. Wankeran. Al. litrir r',rî r J--rn 1Qý Sonutht Genesce S.ret. t in rr ' e Kriskor Gaqosian HeId in Bond of $5,000; Kanark Hago- ni1 in h Unqnit2i St r011 Iter dtie Iy rèea -L Làà à bk- ThM Onie lottif 4 at 39e anti 5 salie 1pite. 2,0>00 yards villre 50(., 8 36 inceh. ait 'raltît, )Oc t 1-l'ie Cî at ........ Womei One lot -values, mi W'hite Sb to be aold 40 inch W $.00, t.0 Dark BIt $4 to $. se inch 1 18, inch sale-prie ro ceIO lit waultlesan, alanom