CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Feb 1921, p. 12

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'~1OOOStock of, Ready-to-W ear At ÇleanJ-Up Prices 16.50 Dresses 7098, Feb. Dress Clean-Up Hundreds of -New Styles Priced at 7Wl 137519529- '-The announcen"?..? if thi î.-all .a'întatldre,,,,.it-t' 'iy. sctlvify in our doe-. .ecijn titan we inîagined waes îi-.The nio.,î itaîîî.lon,,e style creaflons of a r.ew season are abundantiy pre~e.ed i ail their tenipft ng liewness of fashlor. - nmode of decoration anS extreine .sigiee~ ae pri"-s' whillin lmany case' are ile î(han hall r"ýgular Ipricei. k eb. Sale- Sweaters $5.98 Wool i-aver sweaters, $3.98. $7.28 Wool slip-over and surplice .sweat- ers. 65.911L $12.50 Eeavy wool sweaters, 87.00 Bruabed wool and lntted tams. scars and caps te,8Q at $1.49. Brusbed -bol scarfa underpriced ai $2.98, $5.00 and 07.1& Cildrens 5$4 sweaters. special. 52.08 Childrens 5$5 brushed wool cap-aaif-scari sets, $2.98. Cîlilin' $6.98 and S5ukDit sets Ot cal, s-a.aters and leggins st $498. Bathrobes I1l i il Iren a bath tubes, $1.39. 14 schiîîdens cuddicitan sets of slip l'e s tinù robe at $2.49. $4 clii ii cati bath robest at $2.69. S 5, ij4 liilen's bath robes at $3.79. $376 %onien s flalinelette kinonas, $1.69. 34 51 Fiannelette kuimonas, $269. 1594 Bath, Robes t $3.69. $6.5o % ioniens bath robes 54.50. 8Mi) onien iai. mýrobes $5.98. ;,0 ' 5oniena bath robes $7.98. Underwear Women'a $2 Flee&ed union suits $1.39. $3 Fieeced union suite, $1.65. 53.510 andSi 4union suite $2.75. $4.511) and $5 union suite 02.98., $1.5() Fleeced tests, 51.00. $1L25 Fleeced pante. 794. Children' s 11.5) Union E tti9.-15 $2 and $2.50 union so.t.-, $1.39. S2 and $z.50 union suits. $1.39. 13.251 andi 13 noo! unionzuits, 52.00 Petticoats $l'bu wite mnusli DOld a tkg eeul of colored sateefn petUCoti la Pretty. styles. sery apeclai at5.0 #x.00 asabroidered wite PettlcOBtS la tb. Janua5817Same ai $1M. ta eofU 51.50 and $3 white pettîcaLtbsIlSi a-, .*9 mo1264satesa bloouaS. 51. .~ ~ wit 550 £er.*l 4,q4' to $10O Wool Plaid- SKiRTS pretty shirts ln wantad wool plaide la ne- colora and styles at an excePtion- aIy mali prlce. 1350 Skirts 7.98 $25 SIkirts 12.75 The akirtsa a- 17.98 and $12.76 là- clud. those of fine aillEs as well as .@Oft Scotch woolens lnaside, lEnife. box and amcrdian pleated effectd la llght ad darbr .àonilueS Bringing the Most Advanta!geouse, Bargain of the Lake County~s Greateat Store for Womeitsan'd Childrent.. Wolmen'i $1J 5Y Muili Chemise Flcslî and White 79c Pretty mus;qil envelope chemise la white and flesh, ln ail sîzel with bodîcO o or *bu ltuP shoulder: LVa luet to $().50 in- SiIkPongee Blousesý (hildreui.a 69c Itaeced f f f Vests& Pants L$2o A wide variety of pretty styleâ are grouzieuin la ilk ongee for thîs verY loWV price. Of course there are many other pretty blouses la .11k crepes at tiIsridiC- 29 a gar. ulously low price. chilurenà V-As sanl pantâ a inses 1 te 8, fleece finel: D~~relse nec*)g-niz@edai the peer3 fa womena toi misaeê' dreitias. handelonx.1y bI ,beauti* fully made of vert' fine quality iab-ic3 3:11v-Y .rcasonsbly priced are nw un displiy, here excu'fvI i e Waukegan. Feb. Clearance of Suitsý S.îits to 4?59Silits to j9.50,Suit8 ta $100) 39- 3 75-525 . Neyer la the history of Waukegan merchandisinig have sucb reinarkable valuea been offered. At $13.75 you rnay select front woOl velours, suite. serges, and wooJ jerseys la advance Sprlng styles. Then at $39.75 anS $52.50 are may et our finest suite elaborately trimmed wtb-fur anS em'braldery. $1.50 Blouse% at 79c Voile blouseg, ailghtly mnussed or soléie~ fro'n displaying. but lat good stylef. -81.50 Blouse at 5.69 Silk georgette. crepes. aillE crepif de chine& ,etriped taffetas and wool per..7 Uie back blouties ln znany wanted stylel and colora. Sfik Blouses to -18.50 9.75 This.>assortiflent La claties mnan y *f the tinest styles of a great bl ouse-asasoil elaborately dseveloped in âfne Georgettel. tîcolette3. etc., wilh handarne heaï anS s11k exti lrol 4h'r.' Gloves 1.5Chamol.ette leiabstcor et 98C. trnporte-d fabrlc and genula. chamoiS gloves ln gauntUet or regular style' Wo 53.98 ai 01.98. $3.99 Chamsl gloves, white anS natural, $2.98 Brushéd wool &nti kaît gitaves. 81. Fe'b. :Coat, Cle-an-up Coats to 22.50 Coats to 42.50 Coats to 79.50 Coats to $15o. .50 '$9' Seldonsif ever before have yeu- been offered sncb remarkable values in sncb higb clase REIN'S Coats are known tg be. The coats at 5$.0 are otda and ends front aur higher priced line s and incluSe many excellent styles and naterials. At the other prîces te asuurtnents are really marirerous. Their value, style anS quallty ef materlal are unapproachable. There are long and short Coais of avery deaeriptiofl. plaýin and fur trîmmed. Fur Conts- le -Ta 100 New, Mrbd te Citer et 497. 50 En tire Year- $2 Wool & Silk Ho. A spécial purcltase and sale of rnena wool and ailk liose la ail C ore and sites. Chlldrents SOC ribbed boue. 3 3 Wornst 69C Une ho ai 390.. Worn'iSOCUic sk boot boue 5no. 1. WOrOna$ 2.50 and 83 .11k and wool bhmn at 01.00. Mul fashloaed millE, wool and sIllsai. wooi bo"e W 14 aLt. POU. IFeb.Sa] Coats la tbese varions collections rumi wlu find smre wondertul bargs.ina la ail aszes and materlals, Mnaay aI whlcls at the hîglier priceo. are fur trlrnmed. Coûgts Vo S$10 at- S 5.98 - coats Vo 16.50 at- 9.75 Coûais Vo 19.50 at-" 12.50, Gin gham amf Percale Dresses Vp Vo $4 at 2.49 Cli ldrens gigaul dreî sesli s Bzes to 14 la many ier; beeoui ng styes and colorings for quick dis p ta ai$2.49 Wash Dresses Ulp Io 3.5i0 1.79- Sizes to 8 ln pretty styles and good quallty glnghatne mnd per- cales. SikPoplin Dresses to $ 10' on. large rackE of those allk poplin dresses la ail coloreandilSla st al sizes marke d for clearansce. 2.50 Flanelet Gowns $1.39' Thse greatest -ffannelette gown bar- gains in town. Al sizes ta i7l na avr gond quality. e< 3.50 Flannelette Gowns $1.98 Wonen's ext.ra beatty fiannelette nîglsi gowns ln al sîzes, marked for imnirediate clearance. Brassiere to 3.98 "B. & XI illE jersey, satIn BBM- tud-lace brassieres in asm tta .« S fine treco brasnlere« ln im ;q 54. Corne la whlte-and fink, J- Women 's- Slip-Over Sweaters Up Vo $6.00 [2.0391 MIoît all coons inSLipovar and %oute tle-back st>les in sweatera and sweater blouses are here for yotlr chooceine at thia very 10w prica Dresses to 32.50 "LOVE COT DECLARE~ Motner of Actress Mrs. William Pr Resents Vamp ilia .' KwMss ali'i. an, and P 11-1 Il, l a e il I . 44>. iait 0 f. fý îmsk'ciipi y!i, Ila NI1 . -- t'10 41 1-~l(4' li 441.> ii ,li- Irsi,î 'i Head of. Realt, , -lo ) , Ii. : i ,i -ilige .,,1 lte a1, tkn. , l ...F 1 lài l 1, I -tiugh li *" ,g 41fhliitf 0il^ d . dThey ksW a aiskî i Nî.l'h'îî . Iail. 'e la- . iti l . i RB'eal'îi l j ktit w al st iit 14JRICULT1i~ .&SSN. VS 1I CANADIAP :Shortage of Hous Country, Said t4 the Chief F I .4IllinisflO la i cul mias notll'ied Illiînois n1nimbers ofthtle Wax, aubte hat ij 1 l ot i oin mlwr f <I-11C* liat thse iltan ufactIUri n -Canada % s 0niole'il -;attdo î- t 'tan upnifi:.on' if lit,. T1ie ni Sande. il 1e r ,i î t of thi .o tlin i tul t 4 Itît!oýlï , . it Th Uat i teIl tt r. 1,411 on n d ilf:tcto r o llt i.' u tîn. t i. fiiha t ti tani f\- tiais gltit ï)59,6844 on the conl lartming istates whie loads lu one year. ihat has been talked sand feet. thus th(- ïhat ibis lumber bill linois would be to ,ucr costs approxtnit * INFORMATIONS F AULEGIED L -o0 Omaseles iilIe * i.iagara Falls in c ,*'moi-V i-titio Atfrt, %, A . V in v4? ' ' t' li .4 tt i 4 0 :-t4 t Onlv l Sîti l u.nty lits;,ni tît i. ;tivçey leg fo sinl iou Ilr againti Corsets! Up to $4 at ThsIs a speclal lot Of Corseta la good styles that are belng grouped for clea rance before tnventory. There are most ail sizea ln the lot. Corsets to 8.50 .$5 il i nely flished 'Cor3eL3 la front and hack laced modela la wanted styes la whte and flesh. marked for mrediate cearancea et $5.A Great Annual Feb. Apron Sale Kitcenîn e, (orcral and Gr-tclien Nei Fudge Hoii.y-Drc8s Apron8 [p to KPC Aprotîsfo VA prIns Only1 . to $2.98 59c $1 $1.19 $1.69- ICtcenApon ~A sen3ational pricing on A ver-y pretty new fudge An extraordlnary colhen- . bp Arn* iIýo antdtore new aprons la Apron. hanS enibroldered tion of bouse dress aprons without l3 ngùùd Ci7 sIaip-over, %sh an.d Graîýh4n and comeLn white, rose, 'ln belted and sash styles, ail and prtty little IcaSp! - tyle:s. blue, tan. ooa 1

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