SLEEPS MUCtI NOW Qikt Who Talked Almost con. r -stntly for 240 Heurs Re% -; axs from .Severe Strain <TALIC IS NORMAL AGAIN t tira Rubin, elght'year old daugli- ter et -Mr. and Mrs. A. M. llobiu,a32 Glllette avenue. who talked alindSi ez kcessenhly for 240 hours before hic .0I4&iied relief from lier strange "1talk- ing si knflas"today continued ta lm- PrOve iu a verystisfactary inanner. LcRst lghit slip sept almost cantin- nially sd was grcatly efresiied thfi iueflIlg. Slip ias brlgbt s ani for- t, able Ibis imomint. s 'rcîegraras couttnupd ta pour lu ta-j date oflerigasdvict'. 1ven Mayor Bi- dituger taoday received as ix page ]et- te r frOni agOman In Detrol with et- etcc to the case of Minant. t Relaxlng trom flie terrifiec train isader nhicli she liai talked alniost SIncessatit1y for. 240 hjr-',. Niriii * ',Unvday atemnqofl slept ninîci Cou- l'ituaily. Duing several ghnt in- liev5is of r 'fuflr.%IMiaiarpsmt- e* efclinily and carried au only ,lor mial converratinlfl. Slip iaird sie- leit n pain wltst-wever. In the cv- *ening she asked fon cone le ccatou amlg fruit ud. relishel It. 3freisgraduai recôvery Wliaitn' 0Ie1leved ta lie asured. lie- ,sentq, -fitenLd, and Dr. -Pauil . 1cc cbl-rop4etar, and Dr. R. If: T. 'Nes- bitt ftel certain. Doctée' opinionsClagsh. 1.amnit.allopatbi; and bonîso- u ina r a a riendly cash oaioppa- 'u ifiqteapetbis and chiropra- 1 'trst Ie.,real csusc or, relief blie _1o MIrili. D. Nesblt, wbo super-' *#M~Id4the diet of Mdiiaand pre- ,-e IbE the cediines ta keep up 10iam1's physical atrengtb, jagix. en1 due redit for accompitbilg this * I Dr. Berger. Dr. Berger adminhs- tesçl spinal treatnentt hi supýn9 1. i >»lace two pati! mlsallgiicd wt tobra, ;nd then tolbowed au bhoum '-iad.fort va 11minutes of ereshilfl pUjlhsr trektinentfi bY D. Berger. dIe. dli!siNce last Saturday bave ogt continued relief. Dr. Ber- ew "temag5that thè seond verte- .e&,Md pressure upon the litVe IWemroled the .power 0f speech ýh11o the ifth Vertebrae. aisa pare Vmliigiied, caused pressure On rfeau fIat braugbt about t, ePains 0,1Ie arcrà and sbouldel'5 e en sbe katwleame i, Pebrua" 4th. i»ïtba declared thaithle nerves oàtilag speech beadina f rom the ton are Mot Iocated near the sec- MI Vertebae of the spinal colunn 4, therefore the dimailgnmeflt bad r6ttai gte'do gitti the eau", ý,t Mir W, incessant taîkina f-' 212 cou- ~~tIe breTbey , tenld that kesq narres are ,e* aied by na* ire tîat out w , ittions cannot meet, them. - declai'e that liriams rc,, e- %, as fhlereult «overwr,- nerves, and cOuld ave l <uced troinover-eer- J" f ýclOseattentiOn to studio@. ýmc» other causes. Sf111 da&im tbat Dr. Berger toal .reof thte case just at the, Urne nt lie crIsis lnutiianin conidition. estel iii the- eserit3 et, apati, 0&, iIdaPai x pertom i. and thst ah. just «"lappcned' f0 f0eopatbylind eblrous*tc. -lenis bave a turn for the better, tbere be if riamn sat up a while tdday and at»m Mr. -8ubln toay ainf expresm lng1 a cri4is ta ev ery severe cas of lier dinner et fIe toi tableluit e s'Pedaluet the biademe sbowbl ro mu . S I. aiso waà Il a îl i ek bZ t 4 .U dr9ds -« peo pile fropi ±ba 1fliess. downstaIrsasnd eturn ta ber room a leatb cund brddt thfe la r Specialtagts, wM mnade teêothe fic ew Mnuiftes hâter. * I m M-that 0f the f~fY ~a nervea. thic spInal, bbod.braie, fai,_T- weýty*two letters. *moite of. theus trie"& 1 c0 ta gi-e the parents anysouio peclal d*1very. were rèetivel by -Mr. au& Mrs. Lou Bsnett, ai 1Forest of lUtiOfi fr Ruba In unc mail taday froM per- Ctp',Ark, arrieS Ilsat >uIt, Mr«.1 0f cufe.sans off"sing uggestins lnd .*vice. ]Barett a a sister of Mrs.' RubIn. Meautime %MiranuIslegraduaUy t- Dr. Patl 0. ËBerger, I*1. viiae the Jpuioijacabusteku, of Newlart, ArI., a proving and telegrams frap'I Maine dIscovery that restrel Mria tIcth brother, alo arrivedlen latiglit. and ta Cailtrnia, Minnesota to Texas, control et b vol"e today recivel au Milt.p laicobetein, almo a brofla, et are pourtnS ln firam persohu Inter'- order for a 200-vord ss'tiee to be QuIney, arrived taday. Waukegan's Leadmng Vaudevile Show 6, High-Class Acts. of V audevillDe and a Merry MusicalCpme4y' Pretty. Girls, and Ciever eCbmbdians Every'Satudayand 'S;nday RNEW SHOW$ Ott EAQI DAYý SUPPORTE D BY Orpheu mypony rhsr ADMISSION: Aduitsi 50c; Tax 5o-OhfIdrefl,1 5c; Tax 2c, FOOD NOW ON SALE AT THE Army& Navy Store 221 South ,Genesee Street. REICENTLY PACKED - FINEST GOVeRNMENT FOOD - STUFFS GOV'T BACON Mýaâ . order Filed 11. 8. Ârrny Sheep li~ed Coats. New........11.95 Havy Wool 8oz 59c 1~nmh1a - - oovÈRIKENT BlIQ38 AN§7OT tEClAIMED RUSSETS- Will aUt NEW FMED SNBRS.àA goal 0 »P- Z I OUS; saf 7 à ATT ~~ ~ 615 leather, 0ordavin. on«.75 &~r Al.isPair ...... .. . . . 5 Easily worth 40e a lb- pc<d ii U-Ibca. EXTRA $1>ECIÂL - 12.POUNUSFVM .. $L%9 Go't9Çorncled 3f,ànd lCab-,IGvtP~r u I bago, 1 lb 14 ouriS 9c SU»O dou taWgOWod. *19C cari. per can .....1C12-lb can, pMr cam New.Wo hra 3.75 Wle *iylust GO v'tWol rbes â Wol 8~fU - Lawl &kt ar hrutijpr *i'Iu O. . %9ot, w 12» bolLd, ut( G0VT BREICHYSGN»UL&W OT 0. D. Breeehes fa OMvbcA135 Kbaki Breeches 1.9 .....O... lie ra b Pair Wool lseketi FOIù1 DUCXIC BAUCTII. 27 (Ail rishIeOi....--- ARMY COMIORTERS (Cloth TOP>-------------........ GOVT SMRTS A-lkool .».r@- lainufu; perft f0?1« asa 1A - GOV'T WOOL v»UÈWARÀ p(e e b. ave cpu h*, utaefdt1 . iN.ews o' Oas Pcb. tn Ail ~ isOlai' uui~Itarabie pou., For' Sa,ýturday I MensHansorne Suit& g: .' With 2Pair f ot -s Suis TatSoId Regularly.., At, $70*00 These art wonderful suits-aS classy and deptndab1e as any n=man nwi4. lZr>r Youl fecognize in an Instant th'-: the extra pai of pants means double wf-r-* practicAwl cuts the cost riht. in half. -TIwYere teproduct of Ameui- ca s most famous de- signers and art tailored f for a king. -The fabricet patterns and shades arc the best to'.'t miss the opportur.ity and TUAI EXTRA P AIR 0F PANTS SAVES Yod THE PICE OF ANOTER SUIT -2 P.'1 SUI'I'S O II'f~R ) 1-% G Wt-iî or Young Flosnh c:mus wi-ar Iiil smiller r4709, atLa O&h« StylisA is AT FROM $17M50te 4 Mi.T N W ¶L SAVE' Ov erconts froin the' bt knou ma nkea ýutd al iazm es.$ satifflally priced att frei 11.50-t 4 RiiYr 9BR8 I~ WEATERS NO UT iiagct array of Patty .op at,' $754)e. Wan They're in variole col.- ~eoeniDt!ons, 7 0 )EY'S lgKNOX VÉ LÉ; Me.w i mueD. i I Very soedl h m Mti pajamâ pati seu» ais woe t c* u âiSmes au. cecI. i~itTW~CAS àtemi . V. oui b bdyce bd o t - Pure lm seolplgvj 1 aU ta o h M ,4rm..04 o ti Baie a Isil ua Go luit t I ze in1-.te "est mtrIaI ~~eut refluct a Ses reeelvcd by areMil. taIL Cetbelug mal, lutinuer.s face ai Vaîing $$en bruine bus kt. fIat h me anc struck b R.Ittier blase nlaation. hc says àsmn fairs. DESMRI "DotedwMMd tlsom auaatest,Ans e Omoca Pb. 6, and v toty t"Yaî e.wU jerter. 1Wa*exan autlis pent wut made te Hla i.reported u receutly to a Plail IW bqHev.d be ba Mmu>s-ievlig Mes -p»szs lS, snd hi be opins le ltas *vlii. f0 s"cape de ýi - 1 o V-ERýNMENT