-A- f v ua oi ou t' tii. f Ilur labéb h o i nsa the o1*14 Nb@" Vtir, lignas.eu. That ri rght la ti.vib W. lar yUsZu by the ilIOphS - Vur!~0018108 07 hal ton< ben# iiwaathil ft4hit- qéutr peodUetWau, yuwl ILyylthie j80.. ba r AetW"va" oone oe. IbÏ *umomotdn. dieWititt » -a#n «atig" otbt ere.vga dus W04plO fer i» berglog, s,ýe, Dpb. Ilic Mtor car Oôr ls»., sud th mmenauce=sB tCar tb suit the lopular Mneel. theliis Otheb. Jrt carst8b bf LAd »MOdeUOI01oileved tiat y, tbt0rgvu msicflation of t. Irhus, laa cousartlvely 'a the fmitory bas 'expul4d MC no> tever thmabois, taits pOar #nOeptanc. or Dort cars Ce etzad d rsed comno- ile -to Cal fer oves btli thotise o! the catory Théeoore, dectsjon se to.buid Lb. Most nModern Lb. industry. serenry acre tred Iu the. hadustrai Cnter sud grouad was broken in ig tut Abe Ars; unit, wiob7 *tce i l a acorruptton ct ttebw QaT bard ahlp there. Idt of vatees-the leng' tent hr oura"d 8 niethodg- li t-0. beurs., but. trictly a qe wîtc fees four houri,. iwtstvbig ré, 1w. short *» frm a4 10o 6ilýu f 88n te odier frme, . t4 8 a Wtir e prev lit te. tie e si- I ~.utfrein Lmat ;"du. os zveuteen aftended a "pi r' uoame, sud 1usd tirat the od uous-two brais rails run- mc lte stage. ne suspiecte 1 ïý yWaz , alce et usuil4t. merP;os the two brails rails, m&elt cod te rap. Tours &, Ibis tarli experînent lu- uc mete w.bi4 Ud, 1a" td the automatie systein pi 't t pou bora 44 a pue 100 '1 a mamSoet- ia a*. Thb* th ire o eu rdeke te tx' bth b a hvY p mg atil a r wu1 "lma .p11, 1"1 ý 0 net atiler 1I cetap ier8 cOlliu," said o». 'fleqseno.tr-r ame aul b"ie.ao tis.m ckvt Ie &jt adsqealod <li ehpge$.BijoyAt mlglt si ber ite. tir. 11 *ttouird ajvoi. briglAi bine foitr ilain»t a a cia ,white pular te take borne to Mmr. D31ine jay ** iro àguai urnttbLWg thek nov Sgtlng bhon.. Tlhe. ustit tb*a' anotul or rifflew covilips lo put outuhde hi. Uiny brooin ot4gr9eem Im it îI uhIcir b sweep avay the re 1aunto Mdl oistcis al Over te eb-or et thbit vinter boe. Tisere vers bans« cf bruIgt strwïm t ciscaet. buftlies onos fer l b",ba lest tiroir volees, amli nv:,.eatiror toi &U Ibo fadeti aé be.damgetl 05Ws. Atlat'Ut bmbIvusab .MaY. Ud tire Littie PI*k Bird bld boue giron ne eut .Thre i veni Out otte tpm av>, *mn m Maw t~ ridtue et !tbe Ittie l" it %WI. TOMM bie 8w tkat ber thym bll ne »gapg. AII*vrr ltut *ong, nov drems., or.tie fer, ito the t6.1 11014 Woigan ,lu rov." on- overel the bird vifrr1the sveetest T4SAU*OWTI OUT ÀL~V te. ma. slgu 15, maler o Sée ber *Wh& 00 woe... rulL and Ma11 lier i 10k 111am8llas i Croint ISON v otirhe'ther birdsi ih bfouma .aad - gic riluit TZo itUe Finir dIIteck hier, Dearlâagg te a 11r mb or a pink-, moer d Ueo, an flmade a ne sent vireoDo ose abatolI me. iDar atter daY .10 eI bar treaUlef CbiP; cip, cblp, b«eke 8ai the- boli, snd t lsaîtin t 'brd, asf wfflt as A 0-5. perl Dot ban"t l et bal p1 h Ut. t.I. tic FPni Brd is ban taring 0ci,ier melrbr bu. tye ii n1rbiÉJuI ville i;iPMIutao.sire m@aaed. 4 1h.neoprue o &*&y ato thé air t. tome »Mbe giuluw m i oéenjvmmiaiou tij cmli. *lUt 1 boer )àn virer. &t méL t e irtebd,,* à- tu Poiec riua t Wl geo. An4 àthé eme o!tire 1Lttis Fini srd'iayo noe,r b3,s'tbaiestiros. A vmi on.j' 11Wle me ,TUI -'-t -i *a~-. 1.1 'g. 11,465!!. M. suwday n»IgisI.ottire cIfurgof. i prking. bis sutomsobile et the. 'ceret o!Watbym t et end sbiIth m wtras A*ih -9t àe- P. S.-YOU tteto te ipoies Itb*t b. bd ake the automobile amay f rom tKe o IIl station wmibotpermissoa.ne IL. humi ev.a «pr àétéed îpiard $ Iew Gymnasiun and Overseer WiII Get He LSO BELIEVE Zion, MI. On Tui as ôpened ln ibis neet gymnaziunra i ad out.,ide of two lUes, it lassai d to t gorth Shore. Thre 1 b TventY-seven.nf tit adjacent to tI ullding. It in 60 1 sait droasing rooma Kblie meetings, se apeî întendent's off i On thre south wtai oriuln there la a ,Christ in ail and jr g je styled by 0, 510h tducatIonal 1E Tiser. vas a large .dicatory service he Zion band PlaYe M ire galler]i, and od several $cripturq Ise AWostlet. and a ,lcated thre build tld wh the sPec tobe uifed for ey ad that Oment MICIEU class ustIU lowie or God'à toi tain loi. recreation. Tbere Laa erUnuI115 allery. vitil abu ie. Overneer %ü l AUù pouadsa nd lie ght wben lie ana eqUid rma around uorblng et Icat 21 Lated that ILt vas uIlid a natatorluin »", m.and tiw lb quipped mtir magi fls. -"rma s rtabeliev à* overseer. Paul La iRose, lai lgtve at. basbe 61and physial di u.dy that the g «ItntL&Ibars, pai tLaU bars, etc. ant. isaet bail and otir »'Tbis la a place 1 e. body" said rthe 0 iO Zioti peuple 'eloped, vpirit. Pju etrical training tal sthre temple or the PieetureIn Stud j Ifromnth.. (l t<v,,ne l',rî* trLiul .cf resuira, jng (i i. I* t 1cr bt a iritii' iuîh etFioi@n1. %i1- sublir e 4 ýtfi litl R: uivOf ilird"i "pnrf r ifld .r- Q mu - Grand Ave and Gmoei.St I SO8LE DIBTRIBUoeQM FOR IÂIÇ£ COUNTY. are cordJally invite& to make 1¶ewes'ý Garage yur'eduresdrn h hw l'yOt 17t»e -aàgf <LIO A WU*.p. - - - -- - - - - - Too WeAr Ail Coing T &.qa uoSo - 's j ÔY'ER~LAND FOUR - Easy e Triplez Sprh~ See --TIiw h s ,Cars on disp~ PLt~ j'. .AIRID 18- i9th j' *1 <'1 ~1' '(~i1 $tMThg 5Witbl.usé 1~ .rci ,ai beautiful 1 those <of (.0: point ()f st0 ytitU 1i dlesign fnu i et 1,1 (tt (1 ThèdA u î~ WA.ta k MOBLE The CornorCu _- 21 1 1 lit 1 . ' iý