______________ NDMiWDLLT.* THURSDÂÀY, FEBRUARY 17, 1921- TO START TRA IN. ý NIN IJS GYMI Iew Gymnasium Is Dedicated and Overseer Is One Who WiIl Get Hard-Boiled LSO BËLIEVES IN BATH Zien, 11. On Tuesday night there ras ôpened ln Iis city One cft1the iest gymniacumsin Lake County, ad out.,ide of two Chicago Univer. 4tes, It la ca d to bceftic best on the ortb Shore. The building la located b Twenty-seren.n8turerand Ilada- tot adjacent to the Zion College uidiug. It in 60 by 12), hait- excel- nt dreasing ronis, a fine rooni for Kblie meetings, social, etc., and a apet intendent'a office. On the south wal inside the audl- orluin there la a ScriptUral Mtte 'Christ ln ail and ln ait." Thte buill- g je styled by Overseer Voliva as lion Educatlonal Buiding, No. 2.*' SThere was a large aîl<ndance at ite .dlcatery âer Ice Tuerday niglit. te Mion band payed a few it cions a the gallery, and Ovei ser toliva ld oeveral $cripture passages i tad by Ise Aposile. and after lrsycr. ir ,icated the building tu Ai.igLty f, wh the specithe sAiili t fiat it ~te be ufed 1,,r i;d's hvliiiand iand that n u-m!itrof the- gym- ailûialusses must net n-git-çt (od's lowie or Godà woik in 1tir nt-nan- tmn lori.rtcreation. .Tbere la a runuing track aîound tha fallery, with about 23 laps te the ile. Overdeer t la wis h about luù pounde and he raua,.-d a rtir lar-r lgt wben he announeed niat fie 'equd rua around the- tracir evef>' orbing t iat 21 tinter. lie algo iated that IL vas i5intention te ild a natatorlum, next te thtt gym., »",lm and tis' building wuuld be quipVed witih magnîficenr svimaung "rsa Ornmbeliever ie a bath" s aid M. overceer. Paul La fteite, late 0f the ( hic-&go 1*vestY bcbee- apontd man- goet "Yph asicaldector. llý tated &.dsy tat 1the g>mnnaýuai yl De ko-izontal bars, parallel bars, bucks, kiaf bars, etc. and titete wll ho Wàket hail and oter games. ý »Thic s a aPlace for flitc training or "e body" sald the (>ers-'Çi. i want 'eloped, spirit. soul and body-. ')i-m ietrical training takein th ie body>. It theb temple of!thlily îly -îiit.'ý Pifasure In Studying Bird Life. i t,.<qertiti I of ird, ',Ii f ini, chfio l-di q 'f 'i ,r;ý1. tîay ulUui -f recuits, al; otr utir'etnnd- Ig of li <i-i f. cr r' Wam li ~ ttsI f Fiolîn1. t I, - ri tiff fl if Il îiiI R: ni v 0 btills i l4i IA î'i.-'i,îre pnrf r ind i rr-' I. .tfncl ,: . tri lrly >lf:"r.t*'~ f 'o' :A. 'P r te r. 'v il uiiattt'r cif f~:î't tilor"-c'au, " lm[lu 's \\ Jhol 0 p>. 111v icitiîil' t hlit t i 1 110w heIîclîu.r lhuwl i'ai tbi"sc<f <-or-it- %-ai .11.1 point ()f stt le 1111 -fit - C '(oli i n 1(lh-t li s - * yoil tIi-iý lîiliqli< b>l denigu îî iîboiled lpoil - I,tln 1)i'î'i <- 11!-i-i i î i i-titilti IThté. Ato hw WAIIY£GAN TT'REETT AUTO Co. )'re Leadon - at Woman9s- Party Convention hre wMene l , pPIoiaent part i during the National WO!naD's PartY Cân'vettII~ lit Washington. Pcb. 16-19, are. (loft) fr. Lawrence Lewis 0f Philadelphie. ebairman ot a tom-1 mte, C01 100 WOmeD Who vill have charte ci the presentatfen et tesuffrage memorWalstatue te ýthe United Btatés gevernment. (centei> Jane Addamsc of Chlcago, who will prestde over the pfeSttAts tien ceremonles, and (right) Mr@. James M. Rector of Columbus. 0., wii pres.de et the conventionl meUsIen et whieb the parti's future program yuilib.c cdedI upon. -at te Show Seeing zs belieivimg! Examine these cars critically. Compare values at the Show, where everything is displayedL . Studebsicer cars are of exclusive Studebaiter design-conceived by Studebaker engineers and built complete ln Sttsdebaiaer factories. S'udehaker's reputation predclde the building of cheap cars or th~e makring of suhbttEtio tlower costs, sud therefore, these cars contain the best-known grades of steel, kather, uplolstery, fimishing paintsansd cuamels, tires snd Accesoes as Weil as the flnest of workmanship 5-passenger -40.horsepower -1 12incb wheelbase Cord ltri St andard Equipment Tounng. $1485. Laada.Roater. $1650, Sedan, $2150. Prices 1. ob. South. Bend 5-passnger - 50-horsepower - 1 19-inch wheelbase Cord 7rs« St.uderd £uipment Tuuuing, $1750;. Two-Pasmenger Roadster. $1750; Four-Pamancer-Roedater, $1750; Coupe, $2650. Sedan, $2750. Price&f.i.o. b.Dettoit. 7-passen3eï ' - ors3cwer - 126-inch wh-eelba C~-d Trres Standcrd Equipmcnt Tt',t. ~ N- ef. o0 bL Det-i Ai i-A ýdt 'nl3lare ça displ.y ai ACHEIN - WLLS MIOTOR CO. 217 N. Genesee St.. Phone 568, WAUKEGAN "fThis is a gËtudebaker. Year" Il, -I Majestic Theatre Monday, Feb;^ 21 THE TWO STAR COMBINATION The Theatrical Treat and Social Event of the Season CECIL LEA-N ln His Latest and Greatest Musical Comedy Triumph "Look Who 'sHere" WHIRL 0F JOY NOTABLE CAST AP4D FAMOUS CECIL LEAN CHORUS 0F WONDERFUL YOUTHFUL GIRLS TOPS 'EM ALL Wxtl te Radnt "AmercsBeauty CLEO MAYFIELD. PRICES--si .00 TO $2,50 PLUS WAR TAX -NOTE :-Because of the îînusualdemd iI for seqts for this engage ment it us adi isable to purchanc your seats at the box off ice NON to secure choiee ociw~tons or make your reservations by PHNE'% at No. 888 ELCAR Look for these models of the 1921 ELCAR-6 -at the Waukegan Auto ShoW February 17, 18 and 19 LEO W. GOULD, AUTO SALES TELEPHONE 11 09-W r ELCAR M..- 1