CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Feb 1921, p. 17

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BItUAIIViT, 1921. ganj ARMY Ire wilI yoit the el with, ressing es wiII &auke- dants.- tel M, esuits ' 'w irs iotl* Wi b un t$iM eecuw oi efis.;iot ltport snt pe0ft ' tu i I4the MW vmo sieraute. WlIliM 1a dIactor o e ii epartnext et reg- ýlarallo dMdgeato.. COL C. R. mur. o«, Sau' f cii tat la the, cabinet. la irector of thse dePart- ient of publu nit a@4 buildings. saveraI Mine mera 5,r zproeis- A.1 Affla e'lied yBén«gTr I. i Gittu i J urabora wesld alIOi (JSE Y SIfOOTING o f 1eï »ls-tr$Ia eu.s a dit Tefitt lue kLw te be preadtedj .fer the içasidersuUc t h gets- 340RTI Pesa alau'semby la inais Jia about KENT 4 lim tter, bt osuqcue<. N Y RQ JlJ B ; "phuilis f efferson t'y i atr to tite tis*atttes t ,week vi ho a )tteSiicÉs a bil M prbbtt bmt viculd aso Put 4Su lit 10 flts$iug ab a rton Sund4v. WhIste no publlttv a-as iven1hIe r 111i have nOtîtot bluces-te, oter." Mr. mater KItithetue Il develop a t le phito s &W."Ibut- le*ward Itlu the tire Sopatuiet- of Gryt4 My> 4AsittIc uilsl4- t-bt Suada> neveretuali>' carnied oultise* forte-i sportoptei5causle u*rM' tXsM1!atisan al. thr«t.teisa' sueS is tise u ws~usuaho >Jit tise t~lsd papar;to lhe effect tisaI t eu' -$i5saon t qbieritis o- the on a etrike andi vould neyer iewf - .~ to a cati as tong as Frank LawwuP tlejreattattmO wli;Lm . eis ontInueti as cîtief of lthe Police 4We- ~vWultg~~iAt ,oed ebtieia- par.tmeet. 0 "8e ult i cc odiarl he amaî t MWnovdevelffga acoerd.lg to a t- glv n- t ta el deho ta isarduerk-formation that .48008 froin av- luipopte of fhc.plesure of InnocentlaoisIL-sirutnea oie -arsstemntorrecreaitbol. Chie(t sonse t-iaOag due tâ,tise façut Majfarinera also a-tt ta bar thse hoe exilnueS- tisai is broiller ltu law - ,I'Pay pastties. 1Mr. phillips aId andti saiter l In IsW ecaîse -verY litt - t--aas o th= ti iais t ta nMisy>'anS be and bis vife vere wanted tii , rIn a uist.and flalis oitnda.takeit. asof tbai.a Snce tisatisse lise brother lIn aw - eDiatunisetiby..>hteth b s dWSaindLawsois andi bis vife0 Ot1henit sae ot? 4jUI$Jeb>' b t-he are otlll tiseir turnie now tolook- pIWtJn_ ar afial hites e iabllmfam li#att-ar lte slster-in-law. ýI aê arahlto 8ke h ewhWeem La-rson. Il la recalleti. was Lack- îly1 fn, iuri'cbfor hmfet abitionis ed ul b>' Prgdent Carflill d ttd<- isairodt i itbag àa few - outer a a aîter nieri of tise sillage hoard wliQ oir salue of tise batayard pi'geonsdur- InsfateS tisat tlie Fire fleparîment I, Mt eriSe.9r. PbgftlIs eS. --inqed formati mottee tisai bie>' would Tlsrelfl a tint of lNue In attOf use ail quît unie%,; Lawson w55dliqcisarg-0 isaxWutileIt, aitch bave buenittiO-cd and for a lume tltungs wcre In jaree O u. Thmee bar hozlng Ont an acuto samIe. ButtibE. 'The degartaient tm.nact notice usaI pllue lave o! varlous sbires rt-e a@- tise> wotii ntit aven responti to a 7ý1*mted to cne betorste le Igolatre ftire caln but tater a numiser of Ita rieia lstasession. Bilv of thae-bava membos a-et-I tise sîste tire it-. been expMed btoigIxw. lng and tiiere tisa>- -cie adviaed b>' * An>- la* danskerl, tbM pl-gi-c ea t-.fate tt ft lasthat tise>- aisoat lîbet>' to (fadoeleer Of.*K e-"lolgs- neit aisme Ébt Iattitude. Tisa> laiera preeicleti ta prappanuitfer bthea-m'ato»tiS tobegooti sports" -and ~ aeubli- uan»nd tàa n>'cal of dut>'t-bat ~, la-rese Ona.ou'mriooà'Ffl miot esanti aubsequyentltyBar] -les 0 drlule datTOt m-iilSTisogèa scauglit f ireanîd tise men eleisets wofdbinag ciaieC~tram$2a-rafottation tise job and fighttag t, $106uder proçiliof ora bill ' bebathe tie as tisougus noîbIng hialisap- lr.trodtqml la tAhe icglslatulr b>' Sen- peuiad. a,(O r is . Rasola o!Ioitiz8' TosiStpMg of <rayolklSe oa- tous vlagepoýlca* le! and ho laites "Eise pressaI. tee la tldiculouZsY Law&s Place. Tise ire DePart- l<,ar." ecuator 1tS5 sUAS, 'X wylmet remaina lu tise rme Statua il cet pi>' for a commbaimonwe es. UU5 lOT to lb. ike. mie of abilît>' AM seqasîred for cOms- Tise s-i)ge board accordAngl>- In rassioere, anS tim sai . siabilitie5 a-e et lawmeaaresignat-loididtiftt em ofieti ieavy sgo'. i va u -bstise tee t"tad I e ry 10toiIUow tisade I.'Uf goe 5 a couuisBbmer Cmoeat *0 man" et t-he rire Department. ,,,WbsUagome labmnrf do for a dr' 'Aihliat 1125 a uwnlm fer ail taii.- râ aibticveB la advoat@d -tise Auit-. la geup.-elly alul.-f au b>' p.p-aaeaWve Sit B. Snay<of ta ie hies-t nsuuuntan in Spluglii. -ho suisoc-M td tIhoe tiiosîirti Eurz, las lise tinutltI5tof expects téais for iafserv eI.fld thse tausasup, l9%Stitulfeet lirgier. -lita iow a ma>-eploez are gîtinS hoat-Blmmjei. ituâtea-th ie ljeach le»ttetiaisthal imount anti -(0 acer- depnrtiuent of Hautte Sa'îe, uôn 1119 tein boy mal>- hava dependeiits. ne Italieni border, anti abouît M suses - ludcatcd <al lo ieall th"lilitrodue tete f(;n-9 I nblli ta laLssit>emploez, nti r*se South orF ts al~eo iîfs.l tîteuAa~ Ps1 bas an Pe liton aboie 'lite s'a Of fniter, in Hîiob Positions 11*'fe. Ts emtltI'igaerl Evucu-y touha àlo quota of Smiths, ascienuImm tfr05hie village oetÇl(mr'î% hisownn sud joîreeles. bat- the a liliÏnoi-. e i sumat vW"fi-t -'s 1 by sigle aptol bisulis Milliers, Tisu-f' o! Sata, a guide. lD 17TM0, BATTERIES i BIJRGLARZE IWO IN LIIERTY VILLE Two Libertvni te tores were bur- giarizsal over Sunday. Tise Sclssnck Htardware coîupany reporta hraving loet a numiser of pocie* knigesanmd a few other ibig. the value of wtsîch bai not isea deteruiined. Tise'Franzen *feed bouse 2186 waa entered and a quaîity of feed Étolen. Tiso Libertyville authorities have ta. boys initer surveillance anti ebarget may b. preferreti against lhemin oday. ÀLEX FIMDO(ALL, ESTATE PROBATED Thse etate of Alexapder IteDotigall seas adtttedto record Monday in tise Lakt& ceuiay probate court and con- sista of $5,000 accot ding ta the palieri l{arry .%cDoqgallj was appoînteti by ise dourt as executor. 7 Tise calat. or Herman lBaber( aloo as admitted andi congsttsof 124,0M0. william Bubert a-as alipo'ntd admini ïStritor. TO GET REFUNS iltate Hgwy qfoasTeil Rad Men HaiM i Soon Be Pald FINISH UP NEW WOADS At bise rdmai uilrenca in Cisicago tisis w.eekc,Chairan DtairaQw mad ether Lakre Coclit>'oMetale wtm, lx fostssed by thse sUt. bhwaY nUt tat' tisera mow la#,,bill heudina lathea legialature wbIIch ps-videfor tse sme lin t lathi vartous coatet a aome>' w làicis uPalI by tise cousaties iln advajice n oai.»wrk. Labo e =n>' sIn&ei.t ia one of the OrsI 10 pay lu., wil b. am « e tarot 10 receive tbe refiund. TWiti sney Is o obcuseti os Beivideta and SRand Roads a-hich will ooinplete tihe 5>-sien formerly laid out in the, trot bond Issue plans. »qseoutoitu oasey wa leuInise tte-e w ai refund Laite 005*1>-. wbtch awlA be used in the coin- ýpIetIon of lielvideri- Road anti Raisd Rio, WiltitJI, 1- aid total about$St, 000. Titis la the- money wiîich fake Coust>' palti 10lte slate in the eariy purt ofthe Isard roati programn andth ie law proytded tisat tiese cate, foh1owing the carrying o( the baig bond issue vould refonid la tiis and ther voun- tiem tiat rame uit?.' r tisaI aw. ].aie Couniy officiai sarcordungty are glati-4o Ituar fron i tp claI-e cernM- -mission that Lake wffl be one of tise lIrat 10 gel its refund. WOULD REFUND FIVE MILLIONSý Sprïngfietlt, ) e. Il--One oftlie oati measurea ut- eiàt nterefst 10 çguntia whar ie ai e ut l(iard roade and iWch have h<-<n uiilized linlthe state-e sy'ieufin a prria1ees $5, OQU,- 000 for re!unding te suchtou-nnties tisa share eacts expcuded. The bill a-as1l0- trodusceti b> Representaliue Williami P. iolaia>-of Georgetow'sn. _- isU CONRAD& -4." WcI un o NO CU IN S EEL d out that ihese produta had twice S been educed snc» the end or the PRIC S M AGES war, and tisat bis corporation te main ES aithouglh both rlh rates have cliinbe upward since that - le Ias optimistic regarding the WaukganEn*bes f te; general o.utook for business' but an- Waueçsn E ptoes f rted that exiatng governm ntal ax Wire MâI Pteud ver 0f - e, and thse fallure of the goveriieut ficil Sateviet jte pay what it owes tbe raulroada are ueh* principal factors retardtng the re- taru te more satisfactory conditionsa. CUl 'HkD BN FEARED ae New Yok-igsu Pi1ces and A .-aisyotuman whi4t ecobr he liker hiei wage %cales of the UMtt.d Statc.. Stepl nife or eveeltheu-t te weýr, endti' corporation are ta o ,tine. Eberi H. leu ebaies toeon. heu1611 3O Gary. ecmsalnan 0f lu. hard, sider, %jjqeor "lu" Vîite bas lm àdy. ofte 4" np5nps houa elîl te reprp«lttparity. -Tse ndepenfent cmpisBile lises that color toeixsboiz »bs had miale Peorta to seli tileir îind(urts 1soutte tnli" ls;poels fromthie beiow clrreit quotattoDa, but 'ilie le. S. î-r irs t Étiare surgasshit Il. sud Steel Corpo atlon bai 130 ntenti in -Il srt&rs tarte writiF.iî ablout tisae w ile' this time of clsangtng Its aeling p-ie fa odî miI'Iiti et. lie s0A. The subject bf ri-eýýelng fag su.I h wage rate.4 among its 266,000 erîoî,hov. JIP'.î îu'tii îsy et wi es bas not evena bec. up fer centzd.--t aaîrliwe,*11 rulli ard s-1ad. atiots. he added. e. fil, îne. Waq a d P fo to Br . *,h seemo th me," ha onîrili ite s t @fi 41.a'tîfug moentui C '-t4it an>' manufacturer of stc-.l wha nîy tife ha:ppcnvd dîîriîg my coléeeI coitemîiats rdbcng elliigliT Ià<ha'5 irites a corespondenit. We betw thse baaisl#xe# b>' the irsdil rinl: iàeie,nll stting i lt te dimiler tahle of board- lua irei. IB1W.. Mustt isaxiln tie Coliege Lasaîî.'bu!e, ,eavIs trp. nslnd. te lteta n t-Ifroducing %wargP iig ta outia tli ailier iii iitelectia rae aerdsgy, tlereby i iarring, rêmaîla.. Ilaid just flhst'iîed yhi1 thse differeace tet h* orking -opîe ';contulalyLa suae0ilI If go tise manufacturer la wion' and 1* n*1 iir usiyLih unfaîr, unies. of course. the J iii. mentfl li Ihfter!a ii p(1<f <iToute)îîMy setliilg prices are higiier hanile' >1 ll ii ii h a-n air (4 uiutàApb. wlmra ýîj.¶ ruglit t4 be, which would bho uifaîr dvijîr lie chirt vilvs ltiiug on ta ise consumera. -or Irage rare.F r iTisel aid Isall10 e)tise luot. allais- higlier tisais tbel houd bc. ig the uli few i arnliig csjffocto p'iur ln aiswer te chaffgeaby ('o-,iilhir &Il ( ,sfse alid Cetihrs. O'SHEA ie - February FurnitureSl Starting Tomorrow Morning, February 1t 'IL BE TI]E GREATEST EVER ATTEMP - TED BY THIS STORE:- - .Ix FLOORS 0F 1110W GÎRADE FURINITIRE WILL BE SOLD. - SELECT YVUIIFURNITURE NOW AT THIIS SR4 -Mr) E DELIVER ANY MDE YOU SAY. ______ r Walnut Bed Room Furnture Nwslîipilcnt ýof f inest Walnut lUedrôom Sets just arivicplete four alla five-Piece sets as illus- tr~t'l. Spcia~for Saturday at e225.00 and up. Brass and Vernis Martin-Beds New lin a Braqssand vernis Martin Deds. IeAultitUltY desiIEw ilb gel1 lieasy 2-inch tlÎera. Speciai for Saturdili ai.......... ... Bed Springs, gooti quatity and strongly construcled The best buy in towîî. $peelal for tUis sale, double- beeck Bcd Spritng, guarauteedl for 25 yeaCfK'Cpec18 -All Cottoîî Feit Ma<us n ez.-Peeial ati' ~~~ ~~$9.90. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Parlor Furniture Palo Set i ail tion i ut w î anefdedîsignls, 110W on1 cisplay 1b-re. Sec the txVî,imail tliVeC-lit'î'aac ie R1 OýerstufftvulPatilor Set-s iliit t w e aie sliowiiig a fiti $19500 p"i set and up. i. E~Floor and Table Lamps \Ve aie î,ow'v showiîîg the the laî-gest hue - ,of Floor andi - - , - Table Lamips iii Waulkegan, anti are offering you thlc%îOst haî tiful bile tii selpet fronti. - - Table Lainps at froîîî $4.9-i3 e The*yeat.1911 saiv'tbe first à,ar egular-ly furnisbed Nvith elcdîl hit inig, ndlightwngequipmelit. Iihad'-an.Exide BattelY.- Every ear of this make siiy e ten, and btmdreds of fhousand of other automobiles, have pacd Yweii~ relianec in Exide Batteries. - When yurba.O' needg attention, do you get unprejudiced adsiee and skil1edpoik 1 -- É leage realize that, ùe matter -1%lîtat make of b4ttery you .,have Exidre Serie wjfl gi've i expert attention, 'and inàke it last as.long aàM possiblé. uoN~T.Y -Tixewç $8 no 8uti tute for ipIaiý, odfaiie ols M kfiOr ~anelauste policy us -s. - Floor Iminxps from 1n9t Roomsuite, Côumis t of Solid Walnut FX- Stension Table, 6 Solid Waluîtt Ch&iTs, enuine leather seats- »#W N- Valnut Buffet, mirror 'baclc, aoolny drawers. QufltY fuminitre at 5% trçeduetiorL. Music Foct i. Hotu. we haite for our already large inmie dePà ~~seured alargd liofl6OP1i»an d pls>er Cheney Tàlking Machi nes v Sonora and Star ý..........- ---- * Al theNewi6ODOdi t(m*< The rt Automobile StsbagBatte1'y mm Thousanda ! ofwman in tis Z > hbave' resson to speak as iil* Ieverv tate ini te Union womm rW 'IDr. Pierce at the InvadW Hd Î down, weakc and nervous and bail ne strength or ambition. 1 not eat or sleep and suffered wit.h backuches and bésring PU: wseu miserable when sny sister advised' me ýte Ituk Dr F P Fayqiti Prescriptionan thsmdmeftliae 1IesaIn St and sleep well, can do my work without few a and &i tise pains and aches have lettine. Favorite OrM UNbE Sr 4W 10übvle ufN.Y ado S St rogto eath he nohin ese eeed ohelp m.My heaitéi ta4 bee bd fr log ime Iwas ait rundown, sulfered vitisllh &" ad nrvounes. 1alscs b.d backaches and pains thoqk My sw. Mylimb andjdints would ache *ith a di. pain wseb I wold aveto alkt-he foor for relief. I saw Dr Pi«W#W- Favoite resripton dvertised and decided to take it and it but Ait druggists seil Dr. Pieroe'a avoiite Atrscription in lliiuS& L'. a 1

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