CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Feb 1921, p. 9

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horn Sale ,1921, e tween Lberz WHITE ws to hé sold the breed. ers; two pure at serviceable hl heifers, t0 kd flis. ULOGE. £.NN ONE 12 W-1. e wm = q- sr the commin di m *iUlWugitem W.sht» bau» up the totsa .umt t tué t i$flSTesx -.434.* . VEsswe Duoa .~..5A6 t f> i vta ftr th var- Dut .. Slm1 4.55 £~éi. .. 46.74 8.1 $o Ms...... lit 5..4 . -Wq » .. ýI.. - 44 -,74 5§.e 44 6.99 4.i3 ~1ii Ws5a - Cii 7.84 LA leer t% 7.(4 5* 7t 7.2 v5 Aide lZiSIi.;'.0 117 Uàte!gtoi 6. 6.99$ 0i 7.83 7.1i0 th fgu t 1 FUI .naseY uftielIe %ag thl.s yesl was Iffl tua.btsyear. Il ti w.b. noteit Bealtm*E4.Watjpnl"ad. the. higiest tas rate yttli Jori Chicago s etoe a nalCes. partlcailarl>' LilerYw lttera le.amai-led Incresse 4a.%b lée st Iis erove>' lat year. fýk4fie .10*'O55# tert beihg even larger MDen a wauea PLAN 115 1bSCAP - MMÇTIlO THXIATrRE 'Lok *W1.Nomse'"direct lflnepsee timta titYorkI ton., Phud pbus ,am Chicaigo. tht' uèv«, i ee'popular Laem- »sa is teasodiàtar. tilt tihe bMatfC.Tihsatl' ,Mondas Tuàs musialcomedyIt>' he hac lywia of ubicli uer. urîhien, b> 39sudel and Eduari- Panhlo a aie t 00dvi lafias beet nmedd ae «t<th; méol #èbgm lhà'*ei*s lilitical ometitu. lng al' iteelemenli o! surces cooi4strtandoi contiued aloi-> jighttut musical mur ,.,bers, râ fromt the sprightly and CatchY1 dréamily iaunting. l1110Y dance ai penittusie 01 htnoi. togethei ai Nory efficient cast. lî,sded by, Lean i-"d CIeo*,MayflId. Otite' Itclude Rlioda NieholV Viola F ?tagle Brooks. ('irke k-e OIteS, t Ly'nch, George lia-k. Marie N William Wtîeelter atnd 1.illi 1 A chorus o! the vol-v higisait1 qualificationt. e tg lie,14u A feu of ifte sang lits VII li "I t Lot Be.tUty.' bba, *Turk.$!ad tht Right [dea," " anti Ton IKlsOu."fi WOtdsr Sie's Thnklng of Now, " -Th4 Remea for Evel>' Girl thât I "140ck Whos. Fièe, "Love Changesl,' -)4Y Niglît in Viitfrî 4 -It snd .'iq 'r&yne,c George Villasil. >ennis. ileauty' anclude Know Wbat Neyer re," et.le kI V. .ly There li*otIaI ku10 mn ",the utu Doebst,1gatiîl.lIit- levges chair -l er'Ubtautil artlcle-Meiel la> Jéffroyt utt the assise aIC silaic be tK-ed lhe momioutia rein-ht afier~setigémeor. la Ie-, antili art.-uheMis ina> hé seethe eiat..'Tately uphol. stereti chair andl foi-.tOol usait b> Charîca i at bis tia. hie> tre kept la ar rose. tPENDET We-l WAKGN-EL U I >~l PkM IAlll i lu h s'ai lilati anal eacb and eVer4t citizen ullen tari ~ut~tfeU#t5gq Ie. LR.W.Osaer-ltecto' Chrs P. A. orsdy-Pootmnastht. D. L 9. Jole>'-Physlclan, AI North Noeta-SupL ~ll e sst Frank Pile". t.te-Di trTri aoi â;li d&ls1tuit t iîeal la ýcourt hure b>' l'. Onpenttr tbroogh ttY BUILDliG CGMW. D['ENDOIf 4& lêrl»»-W. Pe=fflorofRockard anit wu ehireti on Mav 1l. 1919, ta prspaa-<f Tiec Victory'ketâaioil sociaitiOn Planis ait specttteatians for a neu Anti tht building commitet if ii.eln- hoaital ber. and wusa injructed to1 stisutton baver been uaaied- Ltfeud*Lats supervise the construction o! il.- For la a $10-000 damage suit ilIed la ciri-jIbIs service ho uasa 10recel-e. ho cuit court ai WatUkegsn b>' Frink A. 1 ay9. six percent ot the cash aof tbe tarpenter. architect' uho treu the lbilding. tintt plamn alspecifications (or Use IHe Baya he iveit up 10 lis part of ' 300,000 boitlaI uicl i sresdti e un- thle contract ait prepareti the plans aiea saurs. of constrallon. Irecit 01and fapeifîcations, -contInuing tie conta4m-ad a c br y -117Mr. Carmelr. 1 uork ap 5<> April 1, 192Mi.uen lie sais Thte slhdla cuailttee uhici put ie wusa dlscharged ultbout Der'Iattfix> on th* MaMPalg8Rubch rataIilthe l tlacomplots bis contract. lHe saye wblch, la tIrh&iglibe or e f eet- 8,00, (or ble uark but says lie bas lag the, fie ùiaslitu tela oposed oetben muble Ia collect. tht. tpIoulng aepreaîat(ve reaitots t WhY Change Wàà Matie Ot Wîiatesn: Menhers etfthebuilding commit i W. a nof Wlre MINI. assert lIaI the reason Mr. Carpeater Dimnon T. Albuler-:-Wrapper maiw-* ua itroppeit as arclilloct uasa becuse facturlr. irua ouaI tIhatthie hospital for' c'uat" C. fLlwarit5.-.Çi41t Juaige. uhici ho prepareti plans adtsPeciftca- J..P. AtirRa tCcoePlant hot ons,*ôl et upuardatof $60.000 J. . >liggr-4t"aidr-et Wsukegm w. LUle tii. oaittée hait but 1 $300.000 Fred W.- ueh-)eal Marbt oOnr. (or *e e ttl. About tkié lIae a- R. C Boamt-Vice Pre.. -Wanke- otie archltect"was sanploit ad-hla anNatiomal Basait "' plan.' s *M«iepcfots uer. accepl- W. 1. Sackam-lýtuber fleaber. ait aAndthle hoapital la being constr>acl C. E. Stale>'-Pa-esident Peophes edt sccordlbgly. SaV. H lit rs-Presidýt Ae tcarity f lh a d r ot 'ed Bronze Turlie> on Stock Faiu, 2 'IiTelephoni- 16-4t [cri acre suburbai ari., Have cash gond Chicago ln LradF- LiaI >our eiable real csaai toauislon. John kelaimi Ave.. Ci- Lalte Vlew 478. 641t ýs, and crn. Jacob 111 1' (I P'rairie 6-6t .A buli about tu muâue bu reasona- d Ileaj-t AcatienV-. L '25. 6.1 t at .ahei si-lad prie,-, AIso - [l'x 214 Lake %îIls-2t fi mît i-e ted Ial ita. ou Mi] to1. t> J oln Gril ici-ca- porches- and remodelîg; lshd. ZION IN- 'ITtTIONS <DepI. oes 31 and 49. 6-tf of tioîhy iay lu a fence Poâs. «N. iku Phlone 62-J-2. hanter and narrow. n good condition,. ii, Ilansfê'n Tele 7 il vowei Fairbanks iine, s tIlt buit in goud as ni-w. John lit. P'. 0. 'u' LI. 7-2t El> 'r solicjit or- g ils, greases and mnmisso. Address Clveland, O. Il ii once, ne, wi- to boardt oo refui, necs; -% tpart y. Apply et %fI. iisskî-e Ave.. 7-tf House In Wauke- 01 the firaI Mon- 1921, ubea anti i having claims re noifieti and re. tse same to salti J. CAIINEY, Admlnltratrfx. l. 1, 1921. loi-rie, Attorney'. )N ALL STRING SE NT S. e in orchestra in . Art-a. 111. EWS OF LAKE o RIBE FOR THE o -$1.0 A VEAR o o o n' o 0 o 'Léxingtn 'RevolutionayCar' 'int-al31 a e? a~m ArmôyFkI 'Fous9 See Them at the Shw dmwmmmwý m - M4 RAVEIR TR FÂIrIIJYEAR oral AUiV The . Wtrette ii. h Aai 'air whickb ld -eM Ach Sgeptemibet ai IplbertyyOit ulUlibe .specally, latter- 16 ed o w ulat tlîo Fair Associa tlgk u la 018 illb he vleir te maillai ibis yeux,$ fair the. griiatest get PrO, -Ai, thé close -of the fairlast Ylïr the a0ieaatlofl inametllteilbegiM Piaa aitgg u tsg*nz for a falir on à mùch larger gealth tu year. New off i erw -Wffl elected and _commlttoee fqrmeti to begua activel>' thée vorliut the org afflsatioit. fiwaq decided te enlarge llie.a ccOlai. modslioitsat the flair grouadâ aud make Offae radical Improvemien for'tu thtonsie aid pleasure Of th.1 1 public. Negotiations are qu'cder us> te sectire severai fine buildings Iroan îbe.NNayal Station te add te and IM-1 prove 'hos areàdy on the grounafs Thifs year there ulli be more roomi for erhibita of ubatever nature. Irhere 3.auded parkns Pace for afitos and a systemaatlc meJao.d of bandia ph. croutis. The race traci wfliuwl.orgo £thorogli rebuildint aid repaird are tô bo made On the grandateailiandi ose bains. Soan .tast boises are aiready traininà; on ti., track andi a great year Worhore rraclni La un assureti (Oct >Iiso CoanmIttee on bulldia28, and smaada artleaviag Do sowe tt!Iii5 éd and sparlig auo ,fpemsela anakini the War grouids la esery sens. aile. quat. for-the comlng yea. 1 One 0i the iliost extensive PMt graine ef publlcity aid adverllu ever attempteti by an>' local enterpris la already> under ut>'. Win. £- Priest a local yount mm t a chàrge o0(84 vance publcity. adypttisti, arrange ments, etc. Il ia planneai te get out an elaborate handbook on the (air lacer poraîing a preanlum liat that wM!*rival f rom noms of thse larger (aIrs o! thé COta t,-' Boa- try. A big drive for membership t] 0, wthbe olauncled slmnultangous>' Witz tIl Cecil Program for publicity. ý 1 » 1 Itla ph=iate creaté enough en yFpb. hhusiasin uaietrnet lu assura ti .public of a great edutcaiolial. agrieul Dk andi tural, idu*trial andi entertalng -ts F Praak ttwil l be a credit te IW; Rd mu- confttY. MW,1' kalr tia >'ear wlib.fheld av, atg ard- rnihts ai tuer.' wM -b masea- omehtrn doas very anlaute. gobi ne ln a thlng o1valne â-a Interest uwll feAttu eh day's progisam. rnging, l'h. county (air Lt a conamunity en te the -terprîse, nlot operaîlng for gain etfan. tés andi approached - duringz the camaiagn for WIK M R N publicit>' andi advertising should show v~~~i1 t h&comanunit>' (spirt by 110kinthose 11 O R ;A I$ NRGOHODSUP DRUS STORE M À darlng holdup was staged t thaI lb.REF evalg about 6:Z0 o'olock wben a'cal- ~pdman. about 25 years elti. ulked, Then George Hieronkmsa int the. place-. bought a book, gave- Mrs. B. A. Marrlatt, ulfe of the Pro- Volo Leaves Farm ot fi prietor.a 85 bill lu araet nd., as Brother and Starta SW%, sihe walked back 10 malte Change. f0l- loweti her, pulleti a gun on ber ad r demaudeti liaI lho keep stillI .hle lé, ASKS $858 >1 S RIS W trifledtheii cash drauer. Too frlgiittaedto aake a more Mrs., .%fariait waq t_"cd 1 tea.nd still as Acase uherein tWo bmtolh.i tiie robber tlhberately Ivaîkedithe -iC inéd up againut a thl rt otlig 1 *cash regîster, openei t il and, wth one Iricti lai coutty ou-t Tusetii'. baud coverlux ber la a meaing wa aueo hecoe ealot è bo took ail of thtenioney la the drau-cueo i.cls eaiul er andi put It la inhs pouket. lHe got Parties It usas One o« th* mute about $25 or $30. estiar cases trled ber. la sanie tl Mrs. Mafrrat Laid uahet t eUlow Te iloft.caesa04 *diii noloo0k 1k. a vIhas mann uhen Th iloftecs â-a$ sbqsae mb t th place but apparèntl>' Hronimas vs Frank Hîronlms.~ bahd il beratOI la isi a holdup (for. seî.h Hlrmaasus a tie Is>' wM àccordI*Cg ho révelatloni matis. Iter. for bis brother. George. Ail the-, ho be ad iota la seve'ral stores ini Lake lies lise ,at or ne;%r VoijRi we Bluff but lai each .cote patrons hait_- * een ln thé Place and thiérefoi-e ie Lake county. ke-pt e o gIng until b. reached lihe George Hîr-onimus broaslj drug §tore utiere bhoatidMr-. Mar- against lhis brother, .F'aank. t« qe riatt alone. cbargiag it uas due bhim " As ho covered ber lte rohiier told He hait heen 'uorking for bis bhie lier ho malte no outcr>'. Mýsaid- for a nuarber et y pars. rec.lvhgI >. 'o.n'l msice s noise*. dan't .ay an>'- montha. H-echarges liaI ulm à nthfi or m'ishoot. 1 ,aoni'twpnt 10 hurt went îap ail over the. cotantry-, eyou but If y ou mtésaity m> iove rau pull brother .would not trncreese bis *4 of , tetrlaeer. ,Tlerefore he.brîngs the suit, k I k %ls Marria«. was ton frlghtined to ber of Volo (armeras r0 tall &. move and'stood there "gluedti bthe testify. te spot",as Ithe coloreit nafrwent Ibrougli ' Gei:. llea'nni ualaI 41 W4 - the. cash register. flOt haven be e M a ml('Ie ub 1. Wsrns: "Don't Foll.w M" s hlm lb.viv$25 a mnai jg As b. tiraed 10 uahk ausy ho sgaîo patio he tld n at ho0. ls» uarned ber liaI If she-taIed 10 fol- pte tif. lime latac 1us>h ô lo biu ouaid andmad inyet-due hlm for failor. tof hil a-fort 10Cal tht poice bo uould un-Vy.temnhl ipn.0, t hesltatlagly shoot ber. ' té. lb. it l'atihope 1 Houever. Mr. Marriatt Immeitiate- the elis t e r euoed tSsbr, ly. afler be left tiie store. tolophbtiedthlle mobey bd felt wuadite lbtm .' > tie. police itepartrnent andl lts village He aou la eurnlfg $M a 4 policeman edeavorei to 0gaina nme araiers uliotut fer tei 4, W lu Oftifîâe fellubut.tbey uere nun' ti(j asertedthsta- hi.wu O 4, sucesflli. best tarai banda in tht VIVfflý &1Later la tb. evenak acolored manS Vol*. Tii.>'sali 1th51 ulwhie u'wsa plcked up- b>' the Nortb Chicago worklt f or $25 s moti a-u'10 na police anit a report epread thbat ho hait er taraIn apeu' wtisreiýug1 oa revolver in bis pocitet. Houevea, $40 ho l$Maatofthi. atus uao thle tact ait Gilet GehI Frank Hieroùnuo took lte , cecletiup on, tbe ellow ad foundIstand andi denetithat hli- everg that bo had loft the naval station ai 7 agrted te, psy bis brother "Y7 sa o'clock iuhere be la employeti. There He sait he simnil>' imI gie! tet n as, nothlng 10 connect hlm wlth the. pI> hlm witii board. rgm eand 4 La- ke Bluff rouber>'sait therelore lie but bati saidtaohing about 0h>'JU ho as reloeaseti. The offleers la charge an>' sahar'. li. sait hé bâd.hlt - of is ieparment prqved t10the Police brgther spendItis m ané>eY ,(2 9 tbai. le wseentirely Inocent of amy- ie. Frank 'usa elresilt$In litbing ofthIis sort because lhe was; aItomne> R. W. charel ll es G-eat Lakes sa htilianeIlJ.D. Pope représeuted (leett.ý MLa Um UM04ia a nsi zqom wet totbé q1lat le mask antd 4îd notbua>' ho tilusehlm- dv>attrnôOl. set!. CSit id hbu*usa abouktS year hiecase "sa rgued lbY the Wu ai od. rmttbem Ibm faced, were a rancoat tii l o0clock Potnigbt la 'an pff n- An dark brown at. He diti fot looka agree. Wheh Jud»e Per$utsb-h ay vicilos but t the saié ne l e d- con l'nced that aIn agreeflett * '>detcrm'nti and ttoit hec 10 he Quiet, possible lbtdipithtrgt@d tihe >W1' Pm YEA-R'!Ný, -EBItUARY. 1,;, 1921

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