TIIE Hart,Schaffner:&.,,.Marx suits and o verCoats 50e on,,the. dollar You know the, highquality.of those- made by Hart Schaffner & Marx Every one of the hund.red.s of suits and overcoats in our stock ise new-this sea- son's styles. 'You- wont' fmd any old stuff that, we're tryig to get rid of Here's' another' important thing-our guarantee*of -money baick if you're not satisfied, goes at this haif price- sale, just as tho you paid full price AI Shoes at Haif Price New manufacturing costs doflot w ar- rant a ny such reductions as this; but we muet have. the money Youli find ail the. newest styles of, menys andboys' shoes he;sme Îust in.f4l the factory this week. There are thou- sands of pairs to cho-ose f rom-a whole section of out big stose is full to the ceiling. Extra clerks wil care for you promptly Stock Up. on Shirts Here's. your chance to stock up for a year ahead. Youll -ind -housande and thousands of 8hirts he 6 tochoose from~; beautiful silk shirts; splendid corde; im- ported and domestic mnadras finest pr cales 'Fhere, are splepdid flannel shirts,. nd work shirts tocY Every one on sale -at just hall price- Our*2500Sokf %'V-tercoats,. Shoes, a man needs' Tu eday ati Ail original pn*ce.-tag at th e start of the seý want nd pay just does -the Wqrk ôf t. our huge stoïck isq of couürse, get thec WA rnisil 'Fe nain iYou Evei Sale. eehaIL sOtl AN Wat&Papers. e The ome f Harti OPE1~& i I T y Tmi1L 1 ý ý 1