CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Feb 1921, p. 14

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te tas ewumpu e o* ce'm CU tisARFly haenbue iflbrutiii ,»ta*t- "Sagdiscaver tiat Si achools art sat wwla~uiaT complying ith thc a la t iis reet U M ta inetatl patritie. in the mfuda and FLYl~AE. L'UW" neart or pufli. Ps ~I~AU~W~gWglfl~JThe inatter bas bien brougt to tise M IY lAI ACTION a ttentiSofo! Fed Morey. pout atiPut- ant orWmubeau -m mel Louas te, take Up vith thi eSe ~,poatsor ther patrlotic oraaaislasi StaWIgenent 'urtuuîSor the cauzity te brinsaabout the Ptac- Lui xoef Gv- (mi ,M IM a f tise na& over everÎ aciobi la For Neulect 8UPLSl.vccsaUtes liai 50.1100 bonari-am thoriacil f# lav te us» LE01ONI S GIVEN 3H E LIST the m"ar M,, rnpcc for ihe par- vif.r polosor cuber lsvestlions made bi Couat7 uk «WM ticU»P=4l SsporiteadeMt T. Arubhr Smpos ami todaY. SÙpt. ElîPpacadelreil: 1 hae been saked at dînèereunt Unk*d by, representativa ox patriiitie ordera téurge boards of dhito to prolde &,ineaus Cof çuiéî»plyringwitb the ltent of theie Lalaw. I gave 1belcu' the uehers' replies tothis question.: "Are YOU able tu dlmplay the -eag? If not, give rea»one." The naines of lte Wb"olsvittJe i , *e, of -the direetors in mime giien. These reports show that titere are tili thirty-tive boardsa wibîh am e nligent, indiffMaet 'ër1 choosing not to fly the Amttrircati fiau over thie chool bouse or in the uchool yard. " Duît. No. 5, Eat- Beton school-Directors haie.attempte4 teoi put rope in puly, but bave flot aucceeded. William May- field, H. D. Welton, R. M. HanL1, I liot. No. 8, Town Line t3ehool-So tflag 1or pole. J. E. Shelley, à Fred Worth, Peter Sweeney. b Dit, No. 16, Browe School-.Noflag pole-. Frausk Clark, John r._ Knox.. Walter Lucas. Dâit. No:. 22, Waterbury Schol-Uniable to display f lag, lack qropé. T. A. liely, 0i. A. -itephens, James 01iaîre. .it. No. 28, Porter Schoo-,No fia. HCnry Hobein, Henry Freking, George Heinrich. * jist. Ne.-31, Oaklanîd School-Direetons have foundatioîs fur à * -fag pole, but piole bas not b<ei ut. Georg0e Martin, C.BR. White, Herbert Siteehau. IJDist. No. 32, CribSclool-No f lag pole. ('Inyton ('raft, Henry Qnedenfeldt, T. B. Wilton. Da.No. 37, Ingleside School-WVe are waitinig for the uew pole1 to cone. John E. Lane, Zulo Strattoxi, Jo)hn Stratton. IDist. b o. 40, Monoville School-No rope ini flag îpole; tise direc- * tors do îlot sceiU to understasîd that it is neyessary to have it fixed. 8. B. Barnstable, Bl. J. Nelson, Beit-t Galiger. jAist. No. 43, Hainesville School-No fiag pole. Clifford Shanks, IV. C. He-ard, J.. Renehan. :Di)frLNo. 46, Grayslake School-Flag cannot bc displayed; the board are nîaking arrangements to remu'dy the matter. L. Y.t 1aj Mkes, C. (IL Odell, O. Waldmaîn. iJs.No.. 48, Sand Lake Sehool-We bave no etîtable flag. eorge MCredie, Joseph Hoiton, Audrew Wolf. ')IW'No. e0 Gages Lake School-We have no flag pole. Ed Barris, Helen Knpple, Clint Toli. dix, 0 ri 6, Gurnee School-Ouir flag will b4 displayed front topi -of fifty foot pole within a week or à6. E. M. Metcaif, NI. C. - Barnstable, G. T. McCullough. Dist. No. 59, York House Schoo-We have no flag pole. L. Egbert, W. Sansson, George Grahami. Diet. No. 63, Commonwealth $ciool-We have a fiag but it Nviii neot stny up on porch, pole. North District, North (Chica go. Ilt. No. 66, Viekerman School-No flag pole; expect to pwocure, one bon. Axel Neilsel>, Samuel Parlner,.Psoy Steele. * ist. No. 09, Wright Sehool-No flag pole. WiIiain Sage, H. L. -bracher, Henry Boyscn. -»iat. No.,.-i1, Bush School-The inl no rope or.pislley in poli-. J. Exon, J. Suydam, W, G. Thomas. 'Dist. No. 72, Rosdout Schiool-'No fiag pole. Joseph Kohout, H.1. Cari-oll, Csal0 Eiserian. Dist. No. 77, Ivanhoe School-Tlîere in 1>0 pole or rope. E. A. - Rnsm, eogeS. Brainerd, A. L. Styder. Diet. No. 78, Swanî School-No f lag pole. E. 31. Jones, Asîgust Wirtz, George PfannenstilL. -Dist. No. 83, Vnsey Scbooi-Have no fiag. C. Benwell, Thomas Vasey, ir8. Wiliam Dillon. 1list, No. 84, Volo Schoo_-We have flag am1-'pole, but not ready for use. Franîk E. Wilson, Le-e A. Ilusosi, Nicliolas Bowers. . 'jit o.17I, Pomteroy Schoo-W'e have umio f lag pole. Henry liropp, Hlan-y Waaho, F. C. Ileefe. »ist. -No. 98, Quentinîî> Corners School-We have no flag pole. Juacob Stur-m, Daniel Sturmn, Fred Feddlei-. - Dist. No.,100, Gridley School-We hove no flag pole. Il. A. Smith, S C. C. Voua, William Bi-ockman. *Disi. No. 101, Lonîg Gi-ove Schoowl-No fiag pole. Nie Potis, Heni-Y É telling, Charles lieriîchberger. Dist. No.-103, LaIt Iay Sciool-We do flot lhav-e flag or pole. M. Hternehîberger, Il. H. Schi-oeder, Charles Haîîs. - !iat. No. 112, Everett School-Itope in out of flag pole-Frank TuIley, J. J. Yore, August Zeaman. Dist. No. 116-Druce Lake Sclool-Flag piole liau not becit pro- vided. W. A. Neil, Robert Dunakisi, 'W. C. Bhewer. Tredistricts, Nos. 20J, 81 .and 85 have been joined with itber districts o foi-m a consolidated district; the oid boar-ds in these thatnricts aer madie any itteinpt to fly tihe flag is the LmE CO. RAY BAVE Of IOÀD PROEiRAM ilion that the Cost of 1 mttRoU&sWMi nthan Last Year PRICE LOOKEO FOR t that' Ibe building cosl of W sboyasîno decresse 1h15 'bat yess'. deeâ Dt augur lipb",s>roatl boUinspro- ki teU ii s year. There1 .p env. but iier. are ather Wýfteisbly vIli no e t- l t 5lcoea sdovn sogne ègrdtht tie cot about 3,0 e .nfedlimstc liticoIe mile, tb. saine as ln 1920, as shovn b>' bila receiveil by tihesate divisios. a! blgbvsys. Ui bal been hopeil liai there voilit b. a inaterial réduction tbis year, but ao inch ilecrease ta indicatel *la lhe 427 bis eceiel f ront 190 Iiddra. Contractars arc cager te gèt tlita taiel work smsaY of tian are Ir. Swing- field lbouaafler tiseir istere"Si. Tareuglout .051of the mIdl ie St t»O cpalructiof et redsbas pi-acil cmtiy ceasei, for thse tiebeina. coux- veilla owers et xoni-buids - eqtul: imet te sfci Mork la other statei. fianssutie rush for Illinois ceotracts. silch At vas hopol voulil tend te brims lova pjies. Bils ous 100 miles of roat for oca- tral a d othera conutes aver-ag 837.M0 a mile and for thesotiera couties 84t»C0. . Decasise of lie litaicolt Iast 'year tise rpad division kuilt but fifty mlles. andl carried ' oves plats' for 2,000 miles Io f ruade tu ibis yesr. ' Ose fadter lt tisite lIaIs Lost or. .',.jc Ot muLois. MO., mid 8t. L'its.lai., ly-~ HoMs-Gives FImY Ex > Or i RouND O 111vE GRNDJURtY CAW Zqh ies lAmnmes -vs ee or a funmer namet la eOOMliviMm séuti of the cly. Ibe btt*W off*gIse < bis wmai14 TOMen elmi. aMd ho MW 'q vaa M'bis va? frog Obtsa. » I 25 lacis.-elaibom rs' n. le atrasi met ester S194. la ori »4l tisey lésusslltmhy osiSeila l* Pobc O leaas a rlmmd~ Geai= r-wet te . La PO"r t donce about a miot. distant oùSe S la d"Olad l I ley uoha the Igibr 1 labu . rOOI. w;,.Z*hW ai Sit. e. esi~vv si tc u kmpt b>' tho I mbue mo 0».0 mlu# Usmr l i. De.' -nmi t* àýhg te asoli. t Ion. unele l Utrus. w ina.ithe$l s it-i» rfis0f<h bg casa«t"nill itheO qin on bq. bai la frot th pa m rt-. qe a lteet boardadQr aence. &bout tWé mules fu8t tb e . 1tand ar 3 - 5 t. and h vasukedby te Polce wa i oo i$Ç'miad wbether tiis umploy. 15i b5 va*S d la athe Xala osossainga'. 30rrled or tb. heai 0f a flent- l"m oae'0f the roomers bore! " Wteir .ipU-b. statedin lathe. itM ,715 t I. bîwia-,Wberi s prescat &$dress la avalleU a WbrlaYour ico.." aake one ii of ~ ~ . the offlcers.aatu e.etI Th>e Do ve ere taken*upstr e ta SALAWt[e iV4 aUA#UCFk OFFlÇICES rOS> whr tber. vas oany a tide;- lu aving briaith offices abOulA boaril sud no bed. noj g aia-ypayments, made ta f* "YoWre iylnq," Bsaid tbo plee. pbyog e u% ainces. The "Yeu don't live here. Yeu Con>me io mai. the ComplèeSreturfl. ai0ilIr - motin s itlton of each brancbt. lfr. IA Pooâe and bis vife vere A espÀ rte retuaDfor eacb OMlpoYs wh2n ait of tb'a happeneil. bu:tlie shcoce smary vas 81,000or Mer. ta 11- warnlng sent the police by the8 »elgb. uJs. et employera. The idforma- bors pievented the ,burgiar froni es,, rien' .s each separate case muai bc es i.pDa vtitii rnqi'hng. 1111s uit case, tered, bi'fora 1099 and. a:amma*rl Of containiag about lifty dollars Wor'thb; ol sjfoe.tu made. on fara 1Q96. whleb inerchanLdise wblch 'b. bail atole. servei s- & a ltter or tranamIttal fromà lb. Puriiaiidenee. together -ru-MW mil drctY i wih thei.p-Lsoer ver. taten tethie ýtAssaenhs of rentai ainontiflate Zion pOii'e station andl an attenipt I *îgor more ame-requiImdta alec U vas made to qera complets cOnfPeasioq. iahb a retura.Wbere theret 1l'pre vau c, much lyàinkdoue Iii>'thce ,»*ate ne gagent o rturx nesil ho prisoneras t,Itvaa bard ta beliers ma*dï. ' Tic agent, bowever. Mua. ing btt u oald. He clabmuça thhttomaies setur ahovlug thse total o ne liveil on tifsatreet, Racine. -nul bouulteS,. ach landlddutn bail apent six, 3 t1ielatha tyi. 'rosr 1800,1f tt lamounteil te81.000 o r Justice W.'E. Scbnalum bua lImm.E the prisoner over to the Grandl JurY a and h. was Ltrougbtt thelb.Wnukega eTsc0,Mueact rso0,ulrereport I County jai:. pcmoq« -er aU fredad eter*la -b am ccs." sncbas agejaries, va it~. d. OSI, oasmslns a"l royalti es. Tic 'nie lFglials' purr.ýv a aald to li equIr.pflart e limited to Po- to bc tny year 'Ad. Atter gettinjg taodw Piymenta. but aas31g416jiajuma Ibrough ,a wiftiernotitini- eau km ilbia p.*Ow r tcr. as a fta ea ia»vc ahot of a rua.or icemnlionatoa abroser, 1muat bu S.1t av*. Cofle«eto !internai revumm A»e "Deiiirology." acys n conteasporsry notsautbba'isd tarefeive retarns et '1; anf adpirothle pursuit for m-omel." information,*, vbich abeuld be ddret- We seetu te remcmher. howes*er, liat sa e t. 'c5iÙosloner -ofintrna one of the earliest feminince rboricul. revenue, »arts" section, WamhlagtO. turiir, ads Laf ques ofif. I). C.11Formna for Ilima suei returàl. l'irs,'~iid B iBi eacet owevCr. oea? bet obtaimeil f-00MIe- lecera.- Lfs s,,t AMl Fun. Thé peried for- filn& lformaUOfl rm Entertaining an Idea won't i-et y301 turu ls grus mta 1 t temarc 15. very frr inu îut iork If.- it %ton 11921. fpr6m .a ulgedteo, ake A5ICI Tr'. AUCTIO'N SALE- Llaving faim, 1 wilI sdi ant Public Miction, thle following persoîîal propertv on the OLD RICHARD epLE FAIIM, located ½mle southenst ut Russell, 4 miles northeast of Wadswortlî, 11,j miles west of Salemi Station, Zion, 1/ mile south 21'it streèt ON THLE KE-- NOSHA BOAD. MONDAY, FBRUARY 21921 Side Stat0e t 10:-30 ShatP MFIE LNCH AT NOON 37 DAJ) F STOCK six 11OUSES 1 apan. rma& zeldinga,6Syeareo, 0,about 3100 pounds. 1 blBck gldina. (bîberta Prince, about 1250 pouda. 1 black Seglding, 4 years olil, velght 1450 pounda. 1 broya mare, 4 yeurs olil. veitbt 1550 pounLu. 1 grey mare, S yens jd. voligt 1200 pouada. THIIITY-ONE HEAD 0F CATTLE 29 ikers. larvéesiteil Hostein@, maonltins or: 23 beavy aprnbsî 4 eve viith calven by aide SeveraI viii b. fres bbY date of sale 1 Hlstein Bal, 1% yens 01, elegible te register. GRAIN AND FEMLIS 800 buabe4 select oUvewbCala sI SIO1buébe B ar cera 180 busela Barley 1 larf» Osa $tri* Pile 100 bbo b iéiw XmauLs dWbeot 30 fipot extra vooe419110M - i~v.aeuaurs I1PLEMENTî$ 1 le le "dr. .16e"oa oxeS., C. $"der Pov. t2Sim34L ovar~tdp o-a 1 Walkl*g Ba" plàv. ii nre Puir POUP Ju1. I 12uDsk mreso.'. i"Wte ob ai»dRBoit ,1 Gale tue sPl*ter vitb cbcck 1i Sigle Tuogi I RAsMBUI Iirader, -t 1' L 1aýwoo;m 1 $it ouer, islal.Sio li. BarsiSd.. , R7ork t sdfi. Ray 1 eide ]»Ulvey ake. Rp i Wabt rA. Wod Nover.. i IlbLAVAI Crum. Sepsrator. i 0W.b, samacacate. #Amu Oter »0" seTes Nulu.ý Six jijouths timew11ll b gIymûbu goO :~~bB5~bl6 itteSa 7% .IÉteretý Ail sueà et #,0 ud ander, eéasb, g%. distouat for cash.' N~o gbi o bé , e aoWeull4iI5ttlélfor'. CASE tr amtteî o J fim;b"bi4essbore. mlofe " omi m" »Ot Iuu, Shil>O "te ti qulir.l «ew"b ci aw i zoom That Are Wonderful Savon Baàd joit mleshig wlhweek Ntiuzs just à chàiup bt ooN ulvau ~Yenmust Lades'andMens ouse Slippersextra heay" b 40~soe MljlzeaRivebeWu odfor W00- 'j Ladis' omf Hose Sipprs5hekkinsoles - i ry2adt wie. A izs S81haueNO,$ _We are determiued to make this, day a day of true value- givig hi iew of this we have marked down most al nr ',entire. soWk, îpmé-eeveu bel.w cost What you wanti the niwest seuWtis reationsiinhWbi u low SHOESae here for yog 0,electioft at a savhig event that le unparal- leIled i the history -of value.-givi Mi. Corne early f or beet selection. -SHqOFS FOR TUÉ FAMILY for.Father, Mother, Sister and Brother at a great saving, 108 South G;ensee St, SW EOMUM f 'Lke C.Rty," ---------. D e4qlng 1~ j yolFIiIjI~Ursêy, Feli. 24, ion F~ !'*WAT 22HAT 18 ~7~iAS~Jïïï~Ô?Ri1IT' ýTh .One DMy éFb " e cIthe 45 Inch is llOw Ti lar goada of a 71 blesahid, finleQ' 91,4 sel8,'4 Bleu, -Full bleacied. unuai Value. ctoi ifm&ts'Cetton ot fisse yariis. white, Delli1r Ds 34 Inch NaieO erally sotl ut 5, 38 Inchs Bleachg Finest quality < lin. Dollar Day 36 In. Beachel 4 yards 51-Sp! and 1inbleat'hed & yardq...-. 40 Inch p&tUtm nmd co Tamit Cmmss i table damnat. i 72 incise vide stitel botter. 42a38 POIlw Ce e4, made o!ft>e S3pecial. 4 fir.. 45Sx30 Pillow * 411Y eue qualit S for..---;.. bitka and Waal of ai ad vo ileairable goal. Large Turkiah, MU 18 laTisTi or . o Meuc stîtche&. SOcv Fancy Turkish for'S1-Turis bine border. 'ovels are pal * plain and Font -A former Il site. Choice, 34 Inch Outinq aappy quality. -material. 4 yai 27 te 52-mIsc -o!fipe soft New color cou 4 yards for.. H.avy fRobe C! touas.on dans *t ioDai qualil>', Funcy Turkisi $!--,The hock 9&lcheil. Tus - 4ters nd i 13.00 çalues Lot cf WeeIU stee auntie- glovea are Bau »d a aplendi oiaettesanmseà bovia et i earthenwil tim blovi liat coul netdeca d u -L ILs i - u4*mn e-; arc a 1 tfe om Tii etal -ls Vr' t V- - Aý4 14*1 ikot r -effltmciý 1

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