CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Feb 1921, p. 9

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Pdg ~.ekI~ r~U t.@mn C.aêImi 4KLY 24, 1~21 WAUKEGAN WEEKLYSN 81.50 P~U ~~tÂR INA hase IN one ai 1*4 Wlrqdl' HaUMI eti*orthe ethesU Thse adut leaders ouference auder edmt t uadY acbols >'o .ltke ib t î la b9 »Oh rdyoi le muni et be l#lot ' Reput **~;Wauieaibm oiu*,.daMbe FO,. §bd vit 'emhjtmtl ot.*4w. eoftlbe laftenlIls u,.ssw.entor tise mot the v»ios ~ob. saedalosUMn. R. etlcage ev. Rolandj nw*prbc Ihlmhd Park aad Ia.. Taxs.~retdOStetthiplake Cooak "'O ni.e 'm- G ainefar O people vers d.omcratud «ud 1 elmite ver.eeSmbiued vitt (ho The progra iru a asbAbs: Afteineenf of1s"f'.b t Iis Couference.» ptayer-11. f. Iaxa. p,~ p.m'5ItSon*»-Presteli G., *mÀier> tIsaS kmlb.'em t-Da Od Aa. Is4mvaastfCaUM Uott-Wef Idea- ILL SINCE -tIAST JUESDAY I Mo.s.Oliva Z . riffin. vite Ofet ah- an A., Grffl. 209 North cene.. day U M eeunt ai1:15 scdk at thse sUe lJ> t~~we* a"o mes.Gfiffla. Lt Tuseda>' ah. di net teM veU aId vU te b.d. -h. cftled te ra eir util -the end Camq SUR- on rttninV5 borka ai.Otselk;N' y., but em oWaks S1887. amn yeaà* beMi a Mesabr Of lb. pirgt -Baptist ceurcls t Waukefau belng Me eOf 55e ros fleltpa Beide be huaban&. N. A. Gritin, vue fer y@e.r msa local erchaut. ,bt; uho bas bee practicail>'retireci for seoetat iW. i m rtfn4dmvec tvo sus,, uerbcri . tCle'velad.0..l sad si>' H. et Puuburgl. h. oe &,gos isetva hogWMhars.iand IL1 Heu0.Of 3gerrilI. Wtc.. and IrvAng iHoua. OtArkiieiS. N. Y.', liraý. iffin elso teaves ibre. guadcbihdrea and Ibrue greatgrand- eliie.Theset Of tui e igad- chiieli are-.lira. Harry k ýFluk. Ro- ebetei, N. Y.. lit. Charles 'N. - Mi- Iriek.,Teb&CM»tall. an d HaMrý-N Giffia et Ptltburgbi Fa. I Faral Wedacsda>' 2 eIOCk at -'tise Fint '*ptiet ebreb. I RI,. . C.~erond ttllatinfi. la- 'e eelaIMterZ' ] ~et41e seeretary. "-Il NIESUETO jajieviII> N nWe eSunday-"- Ils is CifyNeei$0 COMITfTEE TO JANESVILLE prank Horion. a directore h CI'amher et Commerce abusuie Wit.. eaise te Wankegmaa Sada>' a!- terseen te learu. oy ibis City' va aib te put over a drive Shat resuhtedt lu raitng cf *30.f00 for a Victor>'i 'UMeriai isapital. Mr. Mort-n ex-d blaldied UsaS tb* Situation tu James- Yale la a 11111 dliffereut tb=is t ta ber.. -At .IatsAfllleltereaiaready lai a vreil emelppcd hoMital but ai> to tihe prseent liaIt AtBas beea~ touuid .ImpoiçGbe te deta debt Of q10000 aud naflear ibisau e of er'can, b. ralmed sbou lte catyla in. danger ef Lusng Sthe Insi utgU.. 14lin HrIn vet teSecret*r>' E. ILH cago, Chansier ef Vomumercc. Mi Cliford or Uic WasIaeffl-bloîtb Chii- Ciittord elledil, Mesrs. Fred Buck, C. p. lackmer. fsn rad" and H. C. flu,àeti vWho gave lîr. Hurtul ail te tformattel at thoir dispOs.l. Tee jour local me. took an lmprat part sui putting oe.îtise drive la Wau' kegn*. ats'! ere av*e SA mpPl>' asucb valaWe infOrbraisilu. .The>' bave 4ct4e#tzflu n mi itatiefl te. go lto 3..enville udet Frldsy nigbt where ibes vii teIlia cominittîco about ,M Dy, 4ùýOàN Thurdoy $M .TELLS. OF iUeKf.l it Il as 'lthe ammen- lik p. takeo. thse orh. à , dclik n a. a NAIVY SECY* :rmunomeht rTo ECUIPSE ýALL ReCOROS Merchaiti r missed muother DdI4ra"9B7 m e bel! ~1adicaion AUt1*t thte Dollar Day layer ii ~ abigW a" more elabotately carrled oue bukO l sai tha "Y b eld la th Paft rte bim- ple rasa that the a i' 5 dlk io OZ mertatile lifl ha.. Organized and hélOed put over a D~ arDaY 411 their particlilar Une. Thêre lea adry goods division; a grocery divielOE. a hard*are division, a drugglat l digiion, a juveplry <iii- aie., a deutno t«tor iision. a cloihiug dtvigion,'a furniture division Mad la set il emea.tlwugbno par- tieUiar lin. bas beea OV«1001[ed. As a resuit of lbthe sitieot a comm»eildivision fta-4heChamber pi commrce thse maribakle isyear bave bleu Salete :ég oiici bet- ter, tisSabelore sud çarr Out tbe:î idma s Dollar Dar., à leadiag Wagkegaa srébant t50 duy :ttadgtia. f'bW bain wili b. put o g aa"But haday ni the _price of a doular, "neyer beLore givmet as ny Dellar DW " la %Vau kefal. -TItIs jladuette teact thal beeause 01 lbe1changeet vbolesa l Drimeand th* IkUOwhdgM et. mo- Wakanmeçiskta Iltt be>' hav' arraiig8d twtaletheftir laWac ns ous quence. Tbey therefegeê taking th', into aecouaisMd Detl*w na>' .iîli e amazing in the extrema as regards bargalas. mmy mairchtants are ais» prerilir M.r tis rinq saies &U« tbarefairo be- onué ettr ' s en uo f Uie or- dinar>'the.>'are *eleaasUP on 9olnC t 'lii stock vhichoriAari>' WOUl have beebnjnoved beforeaüow. Tiiese articles accoraftsgly ciii tb. put on sait un the Dollar Day> basAs and it -lu easy to tigure out vIt great u,tjaîns Will la offered. ROADS ARE QOOD The roads in the coutrY a ePr ising ta la in ver>' fia. condition7=tord tbis tiine of year and indications aM that a big tbrog i wfllbe seen In W#llý keaa on 'lsurada>'. As- an tnçentive ta lrving Lakse Couût>' people patronise Lake Cou*- ty stores the Lake Count>' lndel)eudefl whicb alwsys gocs ta press on ThSora- day this veei goea 50 Press Ou Tues- dey sott. ils readers might ha»:~ ibhs advantage or the big )oi« lcr bargain 'usal. hiéh the' Waukegfl nierchanisib ave ol(ered. Accordingil1 ait -roeds vii Iead ta Waukegan 4W Thursday and il Lake County pcolIb take advaistagc 0f the bargains oEferg« lb.>' Wini b. Ana position to .save hundredsand bundreds of dollars. it should la borne lun mmd tbat4h Waulcegaît merchanta are amOu$ th« tiret in the state to mate Plans vhet b>' the>' vould accelfl the lbuses conul- quent te the dr#p An vbolesale Prie«a snd thierefore ihey are wortby of th compltee»sapport Of-the publie. $M May, WulceoanThut-aday'11 TW %RS cAUSE # Fm:S ACOR TO LOCATE IN KENO( CompanyLgoated Under th* Besr vrail Co. sap 5a,.natiua Newisî fI vas learned Ioda>' that tbw: 4 çffla i *$oùm lnutacturtg o TT*UnSais.te, lhaodecided tg mg*, ýo Kenochis mofrred ln ýw use andi lu 1w tise' iù extingul 0-vith the Z*10 o01Kelà lalu au additb Iu order1 ca or tIseCI Ihere wed Il ud batit il the ltei %'and vii "W14;TIti ROBT. PRME ATF TENDS DBit EXIIBIT Riobert Drakse from Waukegan, vas a,,%sItor on February lIts ai thse big exhibi of Southeris Califor- ni& productsinsaiuuained f rêee te public in thse loi Angelée Chanlber of Commerce. H.e also atteuded thse Iodurew ans motion piottarea thot'f irýg q$tCMmtkdall u'pas.- Tise > lb# la the targeet t'aaUy in thée c"aqtfy maint*Iqed, b> 'a copn- mnerciaI organîzatton..àfore re- turntng home,.lMr. Draie pipeets tSe visi severailoet the mn 'oSier piac- es et Iutereea nte Southland. m O.y, W5ul.sgsh,'ibUrs~ fl. me 0W CON9ITIO NOT 1IN LAST H6IfIT TOI3MMAPJAIL. AND IIIAVY Fi - ~Persns Fould GdiIty eofPNÉ. Little Girl Who Talkedl fer 212 - gging MakingBooe and» HorssSttw.k ft.m Gambng AskNew Triât ~ ~ MOTIONS UP WEDNESDAY, ~TIU TAKNO TEATM NT In a tast effort ta escape jalU son- * ~tence or fines or bÔt, ten Waukga Miridin Rublu. egbt yesr nid daug- Noçtb Chicago and Lake couty Pt-%- er of Mi. and Mis. A. l. RubIs, 132 sons found guîîty on varos telages# .jo0ttfe avenue, who arouscd the ut' incîudîng booliegging, manutacturte , g pÇItY' of a bumdred 'million pieple of intoiicattng tiquer and gambling, on .b«efiale taiisad fer eatty' 240 bourg Wedneday *111 inake an atieinPt lB beoe ihe obtateed relief rons ber ottaîn nev trials. âtrange l,'kin g icieaes, is stila IeaIt The' m oi ns for new tria lss hn i au a reut tf the ne vous strate sIte beeu madetunise county court. l'rev-. uedervent ind lier recover>' la aie*. WhilèStue la geUiOp slong savtafac- tous efforts hiave bes wiihout sur- tôr ly. sliii id l isa nh lad precticail>' V 8 lail of the tlime ber parents belleve if Tisose, wiio wil eek re-lîearing ot wlll be a niatter of! seyeral veekiq be- their cases are: Gebrge Sbeldon. Jobn rare elbe vit L e abie ta IBave her lad Madruti. Peter ilolotoski. Fraud c 'a 1.l-. fûr nce 'tIlan,-few bourg at a fine. fiaritîr, Tony Lonlneck Staney fliaboi. lit. Raisin stàted l.t gt gitisai l Phîlip Pik, Mattlsew Josplta probaly ifiîd be a -nontx belore she Dieb1aki, MichaeDitrn ta as sir.sng as se %as betr lie: Ai, vitb te excepilot ofPiethor. tie Seattle <Wasb.) Post coniaisin:I au1 bou Milai. (ltlppingstel ogrju nmI ettsbave beea reftlved frcsu ra tlç &Uly ever y a tât, n th. union d a nuniber trou Canada. UDy, Wagkegn. Thtirada>' u AS.APONTMEIÏT- Mrs. Catiserine Badendyke lodn>' appeared in thse county p~robate court snd asked tohave Edward A. Martn of Newport aDpoineit as conseratOr aI jier esSate, consiatl ng o! Ove acresqi of ground asfd a bouse just enst -of Wadsworth. MUr. Daeendyke tlai the count>' faren in preference to living vUs hq> elistdren. who. aceordlng teanelgi- bais have treated ber veli. aitbougb tIse mother ibinka otherwse. Mr. Martin gave bond for $2000 and bat been nsjned by thse coureta t banfhte Mrs. Bdendyke's business afars. vlcted on the charge et gamingi. PI Da, Wauegsc, Thua.~b. S40M MANUFACTURER* PORTS %13>TRSALES. Htowardt C. Wells.- managtr 01 the' National Keltabtofla compas>'. -M Co» fident of brisi business là -tUe MuaS. tacturiug lie An Wauikegutil li' aprief. "our business lias been picking DO nicel>' o! laie, and we feet tbat t tO 'inidw inter dulluess la o%er." ,the pulse in -practicaîl>' ait sau- i u c iu r i n g in o s ta r e p o i t ot O strner D tha h ait been flo~ tvw li '- 1 c Z; U tiaS ibo Ntiontal ICella- atone dODiPSIS>a15conteiiPlatluf tile consrudtionref a large tto>' no'Al of the JohnTMaiitSPIfint ver. d e- nied . tod*y b>' Boyard C. Wele, mat55 ag r of tise co pauiy. , --- - -ba ------- u-- 1 ---u---------- =1 f--7 Day i ~ Specwals For Dollar DyTusay LAeS' COERALAPRONS, ZFOR $1.0 LADEMBuI GINS, ZFOR $10 LADIES'-BAISTEBLOOEERS,2FOR $1.N0 LADIES' USU 0OINSSPEQAL $W LADIFS'SATINE B FA:OSIa$100~ &USORTPDC<2OLO&, DOfJ III Fl W CUFFr,-. BLE~IE MULIN7,YARD& FOR DRMV0eSSYO2YRDSFU Inn" DryGoods. "Th~ F~ OR Tif fil lAisll-DU21-4 g. Calumet Colbia'la M.sfhn -.4 curi sifted four. 4;~ 1 ta- 2 c: 1:1 thse reguiar wy. 1ew lic tnt. linge r re- yotr own nily, your rarch 5 Md con'- m1ood Vle Premîdent ST CO. QMouE lar ilm PÊR Y JÉÀÈ IN

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