~haboi~ d* UhhgI~ e appearance # aina tgýê i quent amd, rilht inger lîletiïne of ,me. prnceuges-, >ing tindanctioi vital to àuèh. ie Hoover cmo-' w. It beatï out ret, dînelnt 'tiona away thé Andi it in tise il - ,- LIBERTYVILL.E IND~DI~ENT, THUR$DAY, IIARCH 10, 1921 ~ n~uiu:w A~U~Vi~uV - I Và.rortl4AIiu1 CENTER NOW NEAR Shift, g CtMark Laid te in- Se.e of Million Popula- tion in West I CALIFORNIA PARTLY CAUSE The cenier of popaulation ai dis- .elo,ed by tIhe 1920 emus la loeated ln the extreme emtheàst cerner or * <won cpaDbtY. Indana, eiht sud Ibrectenthe ntalles southeaî. 'of the toxrn o! Nenc2r. the cenus bureau *bon annoutncei. IuIng lhe iast decad e ie nter Of population enutlnueil toe W'fist- w~tr, avnncug .8 ~l.ila b bat di- tpe!ion and aboutos&Ifth 0f a Mile rorula frnt a m hbomlag. ld.. U'berq ;t as locataiby te cases of 1910. Thie tareua ttriboteil the veut. *r..d iove4eet b. last decade p.icPa ~tbe luensaa c or " t'ibn 1,rwb la t e pplation cf thse state e calmais. CeogrPhitlll7ePeaktsg, the bur- & amisaIsI, theme, <teter of pepu- lation la locatad hara the parailel et latitudle 39 duurfe,ton minutes a"d,21 secoais Urtb ltermects the aneridari ettigtude 8U derees 4. i Minutes 5andlsecoads gmut. This 2%.oui fx t t efer user lb.Village SWhe4aLapproxiatey foit t-ose amuis utblvet et lndlaaapffl. 'lîst ictreof -Hardipgs at WfiiteHue Vms tub è 1-u Mat &n'Wstu iyba" ,atas"trou Lt amaumeM 00 emev isimea Itme -n! - 1 J REAL'BEER.WITII AREAL KICK If' YUARE VLIJ But. Don't Forqet to Let 0 tor Prescribe îtI o l(eep Within the Law IAAY CONTAIN 4 PERCE X"uëlinglon, D. C..MaMi î8- nternai reve-nue bureau. aler rideing for Many sreAté,i umr ý'f r*eguXztiana by aluicl pissic mozy prr-"cribe hcer for i.heii' atie atoiced iuday sit h prp!ci ipt are atithormd <lur.d-r thie \oit Based on Palmter Opinion Althnul the Vqlstead art cer. no tnilon cf beer consuuiption 171"dicinuti vurposese s.it dues of! and w hinky. an oinion of A,.%fil Men att1u~l .borney g.n'a, tuirne curtainly coulil have h. enn c cent tu exciailenmalt liciuors for dicinal ulirposes. Sce qf the offlciais of the lmct i*F«-nue bureau. parlicularly Prol ij5n Commisgioner Kranier. - been averse te retrulalionn pc'nli1 thsle oai. ci ar aboie bbc half cent alcohoile ronentî. 4 Par Cent for Aiiing But 1Ihe bu reau i% planning to is eguiationil under whicth 4 per( heer may b. manttfactur(il for m uinsi purpomes andstioid on pnest TUE » ~ ""*SILENCERULE [N6 ABOLISIIED IN JOLIET PRISOK Doce J~oliet, III ÀAhitne t t h'e silence' rale and Installation cfta&nacrit sa tem ln the .Joliet oenltentary vasé announced Lv Judge C. H Jenkina, director or public velfare, andI J, P. Whitman, Superintendent of -pima«% ENTn th ien days when officiaIs -The Offined aninrtoate with ODiy Ibo The w of punnshing hlm for lus crias cen- the rule ot silence vila strictiy adl- lance hereil te," sald Judge Jenkins. '"Ia icans the long days of silence the mîil 0of ientsthe prisonert uriIed 't0 and dwelt on CulS, clous suibjects. They are nov ni- tions ' licW Id tt' talk on toPica of ttuç day." qtPad Stïperintenuent Whitmnan raid: "In j ithe worksbots the prîsoners are ai- I lowed ttalinal 1w tones andl are A eiaiget t4bo can~gibu taS lot ofen Wiled imb the chapel viiere tains Paria in the ie 's atch. ues of quqstions of inferest VO opeuiy dis- it lor ou 14 . but sl i a lot' cussed. i'nder the merit systeni. a n fr anderth l te ?riit or Lubie board composed of lbe warden. hl@l wlne wateh. Tisee r ol3ts abott assistant, a psychologlst. and ttre chi(a SGf subordînate pri*ca officiais, meet andl aol<s ~discuss the progress made by a cou- 11 mlion only by druggists fo r mdicinal etEahpior nnfr* wt r me-use eluai»yb homut lean )efore hir liberation Amal Hc'w mach be ab2prescîibed la aaconimeodpd." oibîi- le a patient at a ie or the ruies to -ave ro1PM lisa manufacture ad sale haseP A Novei Dia?. ilns flot et bgen decided. A correa gnl(uIt aeniela a a cap#* fper Spoonerlitljy, olic that 1a entiret'l ne* AIlto. -, Io 50us. lit peairs tIat a Young cierw issue .,4£er." &nid a compinibant nttmn s stempo rsriy':oîîînta cij pui. ISUSferiteuell police court. "threateils pit andi n bisa prao1jr et ha md: 1 'Ma* nedi- tethrmee 1bo lCS I ~l.brother who al;latera te il" ula te «-rip- r~' te lqlit th1a Iulbo §lied fu hll of ffaeh veai and M This is the Newis We. loId You 7 Watch For:. oo-,nousN %ýk D ---- OO-------- Glriu New SlkD esses. A bsolutely or Refundi. and None Sent, ,on Approval ~ca1Easter Selli.ng for F1. , & Sat, at $23.OQ ingftl Bros. mening of My Madison anti Byes andtihle JL ~ 4? iTne Beauts fui Mignon3eltes, Crepe de Chiines, Georgeties, iantôn Crepes, Satins -and Saoin Crepes 1n alilthe-Adbnzalie New- Shades an4'ý Patterna Mo<t mnake up 36 Beaut4ýgHty and-hpl*pile the- SprIng f ashio#sý -An~ Extraordinary mucae -of Silk Tm- Frodi4,WortI up to 44, n Sale Just aMe:lie for Estera Styles àP I Include IValues To$O0- See thé" odqru Dresses in, Our'Genese-N-mzztcw indows They Indicate the RàimarlableVaus0fed Ini This Sale Are Dresses Fou Sec Prkced at $40, the Country Over Extremely Ful Overskirts,- Long W Snug Fitting Bodices, Bouttanit Dr Skirts, WQ4Ie Girdies and Straight AnEndieoaàÂrray ot Exècluaiv. MOedse wiM *1 Style 'Touches So Aliuenré to DwwOrvWi iý p N T Mc 1 C=zà=