r M~LAUY ARE CAST ASICI wUlîcm B. Uosvortb. 790*01 1kýa »«»rredistrict. CAfl' the ai th* zfeflratpublié cth.ê1 t lYlIACabouit er b«»",ai oftte bisa Inca tittereit paylnt ssctuiiti «Do Iou Lnov tuat yen ýbàa ried treàsure i your hoMeln ahys Mf goswerib. ««I s-on viii îe&Ylarcf are the boue yu are daiet e«tae at fini Aonie baîf -f iten trf ttE ,,T b'thu core te tIse attentio aitii saevings division Of te tremur?4 îmrtment titat iiuidreda 0t douasl * worthbaor thilft atampi. beugit 1rg Is- dut'Ing the exeltement of the var bave 4be~n negligettis-cut; aide. Often tignes te stcmps ver. givra to * ehuildteti who .cjrelessIy mispiaced tm.Look Mitm»Pl FUIii p thé Foldera 'PiI up the tbift t aap foidera and evciuoge the compieteci cards for $5 aagS tanips".'Stamupa'or theonew lieue n'a>-b. bad at yott- local post office. Put your livings on an Inter * est iieaing basîs vîthout delas.-. "For 'our Iiformatioti, in addition te te 25e tirif t atamps, there are nov available $1 trcîsulry aaving -tantpo. $5 sau-lngs gtamps of te se- les of 1921, snd treasury savings ce- tificates In tise denouinaLtons of $26, #101) and $1000. "Itear ln mimd that regiatration lu * ~ h nue tslolder àjainst allforme of * 1u.tint tife rate ofntrai Spercent componideci Quarterls-, viel vit th wL taxisempion featura often *yilid the pu'cbasers more tian8 -,, gcet interest. %o . Lok np s-qui buried treasures In ýW berne. snd Inomthenhâl. usai. birinsa avlnga seurItle." Yxs1 ait.oCli,.- 1tait-The billté - fb.- wd lte sale of cwigaretu ta v 8siguci by ov;ý ChRi sR. XMabey 1*: t OVU eàetIela sini ~ amt~plau. T» gOieritor vliii-;end a messaae usk is irepeul sud enactmeui oo! submgitte îueaa.re. Iassas binde on Old Lw ~Ttagk.. Ks.-Tbe Whit anti-ecii aret bi laffl the truéetay. I oovfflpenalties for smoking cz gmueeilmi cigarets. as veilias foi * eslis or çglylai theai avVand puci ai 'ý_P-hbbted thi t- aiortofjato the ""'blte r,*4er tte presaI iv the ittee ofcigarets: or cigarot. pipers. l >LAMIEN-UXM ý-REALTY DEUS~ Tue- number of reajîs-deala bilai osuumted latu thecouaty Indicates tuaI businesstg nuil asquiet au mans suosed It voulci'be.., any tara des vers Inud"cteci by auabst lèpas- ia Tnesdays amse and to- * dy T. . Stahi & Company anacuace th. folivtag iela: .- Un. 0. Auderuonsold - iroperts- it N. st. Jamaeas s-eet. 0james Ment- -gemers-. The Anderson fauilly bas uiteecito a* tarainear ?dlburnL. wviic lb.? recently -.pnrcbased.front 5tabl ~< ilae. Maltel Bav.rs eftZMon. lia pnrchasflt for ber son thie Ham. Han- .son resigenre at 1509 Wsablagtes 77T--nrlHsnrk-seftbas sold to au P; Catbmore the propeiYs- t 210 hi <V 'Ma3UMry E. iliver hue purebsagi I Jbahu Wenta Bungalov at 516 r urnaventue. 'rTe Charlea TIempson properl.y at 48 Pttr atreut bas, been seicite e ZqU< ubïi. Mw"c or Cbsicag. M" samrgret NretUs lot la tii. a*Md' iailoveli additiionuonia- Owk seuet w- teNMF. iutebtaiqa. fttilu ru. ï- et coaie ses-' Di 3eas, bt lis. obtils every )er 348. *u endi ftnls viii ssmIt t UILMES STM<D st T SLWl8 WMEUS n The Mo.soclaed BnuiEss f0heC1ii re cago district sud Vted y *liey*1 gs stand pa ci. tbel(profflal te trima w- the, vageiiet the bulding cratta front r- $1 '25 an b Reur te $1. Tbe VarpentersV 6, District conseil seit ovor tb*ir forai- ai refusai to-aefft theredotie. Md - auggeated a rmetorGithe sgveutàt f of last 1ffÏ moa S1L an bdur bi ï i'W maufigr '0f hltt isdau mll dersiiraw Sl ais v outot -fthiqfltto. 8 , 'alssthtra bd.. ýASrba te, 14am iiour"'h. uBi. there viii lieno stig. avet viib. gliau tryout. Vtt gonddos m ubeen a vMo ahoe de dohein If -theri ame - O lobs? Wit.hmt *va gutIpmis lit pablt@ la net so" agt t4t bualldhu.» o WONTIUiYO A brber-n, vbwhoe eo atidn It lta -suave or trlsp. bearda. aa aie- dresue. Thathé b.eccyiopdita 4f Iatiuon f a barber, and ltatle-. eoc, cupâtion 09 Wilson A. Groobsureck.- ous h. boter 'follew.. Mr. Oreeban vo*s defetod last-nlgt ilathei m or- alty Isimars- election ia Aurora. Mr. Oreeba vas last on the floti f- ter the ,vetors bail thelr Say. Thje proletariat vas tndifferent te thei fact the barber vu a monter ebeciter play.- or, bei dkscovered thre rectum for balinew., sud lte secret et aelecting lte laort"a ehm If .t na yer,ase he set forth luhiiscampalm flera- garies A: Tovnaend, présent ma'y- or ci Anrora. won lte prlmt'ry cic- tou witis 4,412 vote%, Coi. Chales Greeu. feriaerly of the. lîlt i 'aua- lis-. reeltved 3,311 votes. The barbr Mayor Townsend and Col. Green itii figlit for thse mayoratt-osAril Dewey B. NIckola, Kenoa. 21 Marcret Ginett, Wsnkbga. 21 Pier. 3. icton. Union Croie Wl.. Minuit L Sheen, lame, 2U 'Vluemt Paimer, Mili. 29 oindre Louker.samie. 22 ee& L. emriffl R-1 hm:s. 4 Auna E. Harris. Seymaour Cons. 23 Glenn W. Broya. st. Francis, Wl. 21 na .dry, Mli. il. FritLfBlok. -BMIb. 4, EditRi M. Hardy. sau& 34 Devix a tbn OSlieygar. 21 17 Be*ra$»M, -Kalii.r,,W,..1 tpd1p D. Uttpv., agit*. à83 Ma.wnt iewo. iSacse. SV. 1)neq . tke, Cita.. 80 ccr. Unltb. lamie, le C" èbuU 2? < . 1 .1 04, Mieli, f. VI M0 Ufl.100 4. -f-- here, ver. aotse *ay tüdi"S-ac càsmagie ste&e&.N@spug lUkdt u stga>t 12 veens 4 4 & the es aadi twlbovew t the mn? aivWu- ltsl laa la, oui ig.À ôèeth 1e crowds votli .s-eogfttbat et.*U MbeAmidue t. let I"no lté sten,8tala i ~~sfn a mmeu.eihi omerote ar -e dremcg lu tte cevupl5&aiot tpopulrs.t a§** s, aui.eQbar<gw front khlek it w. efets-os a .ee#oet a fout el lvaIft~~.ov nu Ai -Ithe loy la wearlni NZEWTHIM. *15 va ecrifli qtiNS" I Other Han&some Dresss itw NEZ W C rPM f4o*.d t 397--ir5- Yéur .ew 4nnouncement . S --ff- * , I~ ncluding Me r ut Hoin's- IUJ~tI - '-j. -t 1hree Low Fricesi ~bi ~ui1 eZm ingi-où n iwhkèh 'èeonoill ujt-bu'ers May ée tsoins rnot. h RO~hDJpurchases. as.tbe 9"t illuatrgted aDd the piices quoted inieato. Net i ime l" h. t bee poii o l .rat ulaunemea ettits tio& .4Ami oveubailût thévry 1*UUIet oies Mtiarmas@ a -0# Wt u1uuaa l w"eftnatL Z. 1. A# IL. r i5 m.*.f c~1¶~- u wmrt I 4 T*Ult "FsOy ad Ueui-aAWi *wAtt* ç t theéIaeIet#belag elboratecbroli- tred la 01101:! t tetra àr0 l*tti, *BPueli su. rIPPîI. 1~. -~,ee tP~W*,4ows -f.. -- -f VC4 ÏME xxi; STÀTE'S OFFICEI Wauants Drn C'erk Shows A $3,437 * t V ;fIIt ('n ray0. K'd t , C .<erk L.eN -a..*f iiêti rHf. '~gand t!.ff * Iliat .am( r,?;r! .-pel 'ti'. 0 Samso. tS f V Wr Iht i i A Wel il I 1- 4'Fu u. w L---ETI O t -t, W. A. Brewi Nation's E: - His F * 1 ing i flff. tl*flt. sa~ .% Il' ieffd if .11' i . io a- Cfffyl d Il f , fnfi ttf f If f fff li iff JIers.,ey con, aai rlI fl 1nf IIl whiciîtitfse i' whlch my own Mr. Brevertd sonomon Couî VE' WUW~ eL~ - I~A4 -) L/~\ ~ ff- ' -- 1 -fýi