st last, ever 7ds )rd s f 1 30 idard with- your ways, Van jazz truly i rnay danella 1. lm W~id e- &- *Baby Rose lily rtyville, 111. Il. Allanso'n Arüea 26e l, 1 A~î 'ti [o , ;tnfl, el lie-ni 2rth «et i i .aise) 's-veral liI ese'r E. 0. Basu li 1lis'tn- 16 Ni 2 'T 2let acre faria: lir tarIn. good trsa ils att>( Alt I llirlt,;rt TIrr 451, M Il il I tu r; t' 9 :11 ivlmion io taXie or- rrtttui andî neiglibors tî:ranteed lirarier>, îr"îîîîcn î,î children. ;. We pay 75c an r $36.00 a week for Irnee unnecessary. i Stacklng lis. l0 feet of ionslu _ =ighL-iav. lge 3OX72 nsJ , valves, çppes rtc . Plort Siserldan. . C. W. Legiosea rre yeaïr .old tested d Rocks and R. 1. b. Reiners Poultry 1,11i. R. F. D. No. 2. 7-tf ton acre suburb»u tarins, Hiave cash e goci! Chicago la- trado. List jour rellable real estate commission. John Ashlaqd, Ave.. Chsi- 'Lake Vlew 478. cre tarin wlti good so], over 200 acres i taîl broke; located i ani Round Lake. ddretus (ceary and ION NOTICE lîeêreby given tliat nlistrîtrîx of tise Furlbutt, deceased, snty Court of LaLeý hereof ta bc holii e in Waukegan. ln% e firs>. Monday of bn anld vsere ail lis against said es- d requested ta pre- id Court for adjudi- E HURLBUTT, ise Estate ot HenrY eased. dcker. Estate.L 910 il 4L4e$fMê z lutd to uafrat sib a~ 1d hultmlileet rmuitb$ro] lewsed by eterFAs»s"d 111.4-am ~lýd bld&'aehal,69I» t ud.- - ffassuuem tsa to 1I~0olu bu qMWed Nmibootte Omd eit wbkh o vumi 4imwte ise »0 et i !11elg àiby pPaier* usbeOVUen i1d- *Iuau, s ecis Boite. goume.Ynien Surbers Ako No- tiie-that the. lntet'tion-. - . i Union Baoks Them PLAN FIGHT-TO A FINISHI noutted on SUndOleb, Jeme. C.. gluaemIy, tise or4 orgaiser of thse Iatemntioaal Usion et Journey- nMes Babefýth tisitise es-ansatlon *ettld bueIFtloig te tise lIaIt la thide priseat dMettmlUits tise boisbar- bers.- Tise anaueemelt et ti l up-- port fW tise atrliflÇ barbersam*e t, a uof thtseuon h.14 ounSua- dAl ae-mna t disss tie progrues etf tisý e »«Dg.ioWea t, tise la turatofmi ie-eltbtis el vouli! suppet ise .jâqrqa e. l tir a Ibuoouetht t» ~svii @amnyW",16s I ! . d- ~ ,s llIy aget et thue l1rWe te dvlspo* it bt ru.y* sundlug thée ltuBàt t O.1 Aàii loi-« sible Ibat 54* te tbs ers 'a f I. Il* s ciqinwj 17-m M' Leoe. joug deeau caise te r sud- de. sâteg fer ismues, Spencer et iCueoea vien VermoTeal. aid te bo tise aapegoat aso f a qvAltisy âMiIge uercimaaý waiarresteeta Msatli*me. ,Wks.. for targery at., bains letItastraît of wortilless Oock&i "di! vs entenéed te tbros ye*ru la prison at Waupon. &La 8fflecer&and Tuai bai heen littus et e ab too etlm tho ~ ~ ~ ~ m are0 . nte-.w J. l. am,-Afterbétail arrested Teni du- clatfboy ha« boom mmai-ed la WàL*u ehow ~ bu t mter a sovere ce-om- insUs. dmiltiai e iad mot tel! the Thé pesqr girl vas veil dressed Web«emm apparsinlacourt but ad. mtted abs d",t have sanickel. 140 charges vmveproeroi againist les becamithé 1e autletiew vere Convia ced sh* hauw nothlag ofthtie forger lot. Tbe gIrlsald sho titmet Teai l Udllwat. e tis umtrOduoed i smnseil su han sud ldueod ber te, go 0E b, lilthi Mate - l Wihblmc r- M lwauko7.1;d t 2sai T r W h o wuLICÎQT A SPUoy. TNIAw. ts.uema Who éA4Ltt«Id pole ae TmNiday anio e#êUmthat ho won tise eau wis béd p W<0eu-eimer of KIL"sha' «tu tidaja «o, corrobore*te. o sowerl chao i ofeunmstab2stslvi- dec wIch has been oenstructed by t10 9111Le C 0ff euolit. wlut tIri belrod tisa>tie kaowlodge that ho, itoth oeunabe 1t0 expu"ainaaltise l otaàg bItx et teStlmossy vas eu thte blnclpal thiag * vbicb esuspd Pouiftea te cors«. Thse attorney in Waueb egwn Wh0vio- Oiulto. iad givon hliscae.,aMd who wts confident he would b. able to jet the Zion Muan out ot custody on a wrii or habeascorpus. vas. much sur-» prsse! irhen be learned tise course that had heen taken by lils client, ln a mklng hisstatement te -the Waukegan saldKenobà poice.Dtg- tom nId thse matter had heen worry- lu birn easideIabi y nnd hi . Cmiii Dot hosi tthe thought of golug 1,1.0 oet and Ugte 10proveohe vas lu- moeout. Re docied rather te Plead guity to tie cisarge and thmrwhlm- èull on the , urcy cf tis Court. rofld, «Dovgbten la both 7Jom Mud Keaoula. mn illstlaWaukegal viser. ho ru.kldifoerlry. voie sr- prlsedaad dleapolats& visM Ihuy leam'ud Of tas confession. %miavbad bon ft CMIC@d of bis iduoerne. fI la eopeted tisaI no 1.1w. yulb. lmtst i araitt« UD Doug in atise èonrta or Wwlsedsn. la tact h vou.d amot hourprfastag if lie vam pated on trla.ltoday. s"justie ;a wlsoS»ln l s'ur péeudy * UDA~R ALIVE"R JOEMIIquiSIL WMshoAt Nf S'HOME BEINC WATCHEO joi mlokus. visos local aud redorai agents haie 'beauhuntlng ru two mont"siasd sganit visa "taise dead or aive* er4ers vers gb-en. la till being hunted on à warrant la tise bands o? BeisentElmer Green. When Constable DeSsert A. Weaie alid-Clarence tildesud Ivo redorai &ants ralded bis home on MCALlter avenue M"isuled. Folloini s pu battis thse neit day Mlékua disappear- cd ladglace thon :tis, fedoeal and clvil althoritiOs have>ieen avaltlng bis returii. lits homeé ba@been undor Igurveillance for veoka but no trace o? Mtiekus has beaunfoumni. .miens uaasneyer Weuu on- ter -or beave tise place. ilis father. vis.> vas operabtlh re 1mille la tise gam rrte ieMiekua placeviseu tise effleuri ie.rchlsdt6le e. va i- reuted sud resed on bonda& iglekua la regarded as a ruai 'bad m-ai»' iavlisg houaarrested la Notih Chimie moretiss a yean ugo on a eisarau Ofbavlug tisroatened tu 1111 cluila tsth ssett«Cf. lIWP E. Bons- uiiek. is -se-rail ollovedau àlleged attespt te "km11 Poulemea Willam ana. vie vsm4teéare-e s kus at tise dance hall t Jobs amoa. - Th ise BIu Unahal- va, edered alueed Iby tho o tate's attemeir. The utoetluI dcirtisey Wtl m*9et sov unili MI*m suitin8ders et Lit capture&. It hbu Soudas le glie* blusi up .*yub. reifpaed n1d6« $3.000bonda pedougag hurlgaide trikt. <'1 ~ Jil..-,--Ptepeity tuélvu malle. 5< ottu J' WAUKGA?~WEEýKLY SUN &*.5oPER y EAR IN A M4 Life 1AlN11 i~ ~ , W RANIkRU LATE WEDMS One indictment for Attew Kili, TWo. for- Gambting, For Stealinu - JURY IN SESSION 3a-I t- S--i hi âghu la-I MRS. 'Dm SNULJi is 46IYENMI OIIC Snellings Formerly I4ved -in Waukegan-To nIIf Ran Brewery Nere DIVORCE STARTEDi SEFORE Tise second attemp)t of?- Tiorias Snelllag, v.althy ('iicago brever, and bis attractive vite, lies. Myrtie Mattisa Belting, a fotMoes' nsodel, te _lIre la (omestie trafllty hms falle. UMn.a ,nligT y ."Puer, ai! before Superiar JoigSfabbats Of, ýCislessansd. - atter relatliÂg . 0f cruelty on tise part ocf ber huabsuel vasarded a divorce., Mr. sud ,%îre. snelliig .bmirljr-re. isceaan wusean, SC pueà,,m . 118 proprietor of the old J3 Wsukegaa Breving Comp11ay thse tIme Wauicegsn veut dei tise local option ses. Tise? tl poaud of ail their local intors 1mai*# te Chicago.- Tise 8aelltngs iiere_ esato »1. ndt yf 'mms In.ilag institue$ dive le. -b e-ga ruelty .Ome *5aUpOt dieeýeSof -Mr.I va ie l oemer wvire,'16. c four the umiug-(0ltheUb 'or the vcuan viha sucgf,«ý fi@éM atpsr tnlsd .'QobW ais Ùcm1edlawae Uë.. MMv heboy*a»ostnip. les Ïroa4ustsent et -t 1t 'teubl d14 fSot lat 1l'101 gg teitOd jester .. 9I i ýdtroq'uent l Isu' -M Nolemeieer 7, 120tds in md aiapped lies. Uk Chance.of 4àWtw ýcohnerce. U h #ay iteised Senaier 1~1 teplylag 1t0a 1.11.01tf Harets iaquirîns as te't,~ ý m6odln la - CMMl ark aali'~". AP0--Ils, M *ul .1 bis - ,ef , 3 a. 1 Regea >Psék 5e618 LeUà Atie ures a vulMula LIssu tutusnd etho4 uaitrlaea Idtarteb th. .h..du levha as lBEtIc 500h - - ,y F p te i.M« #OTQRISTse DtWAKtElIb«d iLs sd OU TYOUR LKCENSE à la Ne. 'later B F R A CL15 r ee, ffl- B F R 'or thse Ibuuling afl SIieff are"nan a ts.. Chief * from Emwmsn SARREST FOR ýTAflY: ONES a bruni .g»rit? SItuer Greoeid As. JiOU, ChiOt et policeTyrli ava- eecelved trranotléuIs Lm*=nKsersm ÏéBa- ýdj D rcttry et 51510. laftUrmini thies "5t or~ c a ssleasmobiolta viiihavre -oWYy iatîl hae1 la insicis te p« -t ii is nov-hoise lats.Cansequutlr dit- at ffsto l iibtter kcep tise - 'oibus"under caer If tiseyhaveaLt w btalapd tier current litense by tisei Sabore date. a -s.rî1 = su oclottciais as tisat evry èertsre are people visa deiay Mas Slong as possible tise, purcbaaui o e- furds tit- flceplates. Tris sdosa unt avail 'a.latiserasaaytilng for tisey are obigedto ~ t~ pay tise tee for the itIe. year asur- *am~tevy. There vas a tise uhon tise] 1 et e, aotorlat pald for oaly tisat Portion of s jean tise license vas t;keu eutI 8or ?and la tisose days th,> aut;st ssittjthey profit nethng and take a chance. chargs ou hbelusg arrested for drilvhng Ibe m naciines'vWs-tb* eld 11115405. poê te j U puent tIis ottietSs her hae ke 6, ~ bà10* be rt. Len Lit realàg dofab *by.. COrnie, Mr&,IJR.Ry DISTANT POINTS L C. Tewes of Waukegan Ide Company Havin be ShiP- ped trom Far North PADDOCK LAKE CROP FAILS Ir Waukegafl were oblIged to de- pend.entirely utpon naturui lIe thse chances are that the price neKt sum- Mer Would ho littie short of prohibi- tive ai a resxit of tia fture ofthtie lue crop*tbf s winter. but Waukeg&u ta fortonate la having an 'artlflcla Ire plant wblch tan more' thaU sUPPIY ail Its needs. L . C. Tewes of the Wauk.gan 1c0 company ho% been ussable to obtaix hie usual suPPlYOf acturai Ire at llgiuteen persons ver. i"emd the Lako county grand Jury bfWWU2 nesday atternQoonatter a litai da* session, true buisl being retorse&~ ail cases -lnvenagated. , It was helleved tiat assY Pe~ vs.uld bho indieted ftIo lâtioB of th: .proibitory law inasaucs as a 14rr aumber ot arregts have tomsa meq ointu 1e hltst grand jury; oC ýE ,but tise .cases ;are ail 1.0 be friodfz thse county ecourt . wbere lnfo5Ilsitif have bren tilpý George Gssgosian. allas* 0800141% vas indicied for asslîgoit il uteal 4o commit osurder.. Oagoslaleciari ed witis hat ing stabbed Kàn*rk la goplan. thse attack betot UO di h&a takèn place Jan. 2:;., Piil!n or Fefîr ieawanenwski&M Paul K. Lee vere ltdcted !or g92MM ling. Thoia Thorpe wwç lndlcted foi mallelous mIsohsie. ýY-à' 'the others- lndlets-d are se f.ilo*W -W4lll4tou» j"d- a---- ea?1 - Albert K. Moore, allas AIan 1100 -Burglary and iarceay. ; STisas. Soiak-Bnrffiary (1, luik d James Green-Boiebt and larteay.« Chai. Orma itecoy-Buglail?(1 "eiltmments Jauple -Rosé, allas Dmoua iqà1lI ailes DoÜglas '8lak-Larceuy., 7 Rola PPge ad Arthsur -uux* BurOlary and larceny. Assdrew Tony, or Tmo.y-zatoà Udward Ne0err-ttood*7 Oeo. Gagoia. la ,* onana-Assauit ulis latent lb =icnt -de Pascal or PasSala.- Wm. Wllka,--Attenspt et I hu"r BI1i PROIT SIP%*1_ý IN RESTMIJR Hall Dozeffl ~dOy.te rA Priced at, 50 Ceots-OCs* q htiste prîis o*1ftodttufs many Instances bave siom* euWo% decrease. there are stili se' i tauirtnteurs wbe have ne tUi their . prces accordlngly and #ornsi stable complatnt baci Non mode, the la numerous cases vai ptea ,&W privait. As an exainple. a haÏfit *0w!Ir§ oysters appeara ou meeuralîiWz fare at S" Cent' aqlr aqw -8 standard grade oyisters 1 otafilleai markets for tg cents a quar t. are àpproxlmatoly aix dosenoygaifa la a quart. Tve alilue et hrý dih et frledà potatoou. -a square, 0 butter, sauce, and a cup fot e ta ualiy go vîististe order. .. Reaitaursateurs get opeclaipipeM at thse butelhysp ad theretee e boy aomevhat cheaper tisait, PettU familles. One butcher uayu hI,' in. reataurnlteurs eta m aargis ut t cents'over CULt Pricès of steas sud etber uu% Seat are colnp=,attvely W tise tact tisa retaf pricea ý" ' bas isai!ta 'have, le.ssippeel la frei n ts 51 points mueisftlser nortis. - isadu ou A Kenassa eschinge lbas theo tol- vagua or i tovlng 1.0 5y vits regard! te th*e B«ar hlu situation. rtaeg o Tise Ie tainice tisat atruct Kes- tuti afrom0 Othe ccunty M4sie seso, vau m- aprh m ate piied tisis moe-nng vison it b hos«.8«d51 came knova tisat thse eviorset tisý eauo«eratsud le hou"eslu Kceueisa ceunir ' lsh" pt tf abaudoed itise, plan et sucue-ue 1"1,et ares do te-os local las sud, veto ilIpinSf lan [ee iro uï .nertise m .W tae ' met tise delusa"di -At Psidocks Big WiMI La"teotee frqm OsiselS andid nddu lae bsas bhoua breliby tise est- bedssal la ig stetd avay la tise - hn tss e undmer. the diroCtà -U anLag1 et Supriatenidmal IU C. Tèves. Tbeu lutlon latrod mie et tihe ici euse laute Put Up 20 titive Watt* tee tisat le net tourteautaIchses tiict. vuli «aLl Tisere, basbeen Mg lIco t 1h18 11154 1<ebhla la Keneas a ounty tiis y j ud tivil pokunla M Februae-y gogs tise, lot uses have da* gIwe pslred et havlng aay -issrvust tMas veIth tabd icas ii l la.ali tisat esîminar s agtee*ls'O Ï seOë is aea ýby ailtishe. tee houe ovier la tis couuty. Msci s ebas Iseen cul lat KOneasa oouuîy but eaI ebIM -ueeap..tiero nhe mu are large piles et Iajeu îcsbas hm ubit "M reJeeted becausa lt dii not bave thse mostlà proper thslekaest. .qsge IL PLÀCED IN. CASTFO a .~ Xr. andlira. Heerrct Utoklaso;. 3 PortoPastreet. Tuesdj vas PIseQOh aPlsttt l uotiC" eao hy'Ir. 1 . - é-i el &0ru &Ul thisaitemploi Uw d(ODP@d #«e w Dine tentsa. pi #6 Ie $1 -à bis ely l ceats a p àbutter sudIfMil ced cevel:tim fev moutas. lot1 0ot initet l d MAake Twe di 1 4ud :tw 13IY -MARCH 10, 1921 abinet Wive to Revive Social1 É 1 Éha -'ý whala umà mmim fSc..» ta- m tw ---t . iii abm bauwt«tu et tke »Qf ý il ý-t -4- a Li [iRuy-ee«u mmw-uo-.-