11I IETV ?4ENT, 'flIWSDTR AY. APRIL 7. 1921. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - se- -@ - - - ( ounty Seat News -~ftPII1~ AT A~I1~ t%%., ock.eta iîfI and kt hune~ T A D I P ÎK KUS J~AIIACfl 't kî :îî,rh - îh ý il e in cas! *Y. .C. Ai. Rnu.J T sci.ït %%s gis en ail prî-initiflt ALL R LHIJO S IN heaiing i police courttti n RE IV D: IIM ALL REL161ONS IN rat-cliing con t ui-"I t rl 1' i FINAL ITALK JIERE wa -eIatite enesevF OM E CE A nùat1is a ai,n g Ilie Whit ney hous' about 7,4(îl *,ock andi flticuti a uaný Barely 150 People, lncluding klulking on t,-i ront porcli. Site re IPlan to Establish Home f jhtel fttte i) the 1local bu Children, Turn Out to Hear nii l and ~luieroforiîlybnotilleýI tl,~ Women Progresses as Con- Alleged Blasphemer po lThis- was al 7:41) cock. TI.' mittee IsAppointed 1'heetft.'of ichal X Mociis '.ere justin lime tlu-ees Scarte leav Inquirs ronri-rning file tatus or0i .iaeged blasphenier, 10 inricl i lirself! g h lie b a idtsonerw t-oroseli . NV. C. A. project for WB ~rouh srivng 0 far o.na de îoicli l adii l -Ir kegan lias broughl ithe informatI itboug stivig t tst-dow al ré afront t n lîw but hal l ailcîl Theti lWgous beliefs and convictions. faîled !« 1cott hait the egninit tee -of thle Wonîs UIso-aiy o fr a Wake 1nad c 0t lle side pot-eh. Fe broke Ciîy club un cha,-ge of ibis activi Xeru1h Chicago are concerned. aliadî ndetrc.î. been onaaling lheadway and th Al North Chicago his îiearers Thei' Whitneys have been away f ront one of the real reasonts Ihat more tn mough, ta mob hineaB of bis im-liaie for sonie time, spending the wif-ltrle plans have n0f maleriallzed IO=s remarks an ýcasmeetngwa t' lorida. Hians lîbri.stiansen, a fle fart tlintlIhe promoers have be -bruilen:up. l eig eesar ari-caretakerà let IlIe bouse about 7:2oi uoahic 10 obtain a sial ul !mtepolice ta restore order. (,c lock Thursday niglit.Ifl istbought frfl pur-pose. sial uli AI Wautegan %lockus addreased jtbat Scbarte must bave neen watcblng The committee bas on benda rgetings ai Liberty bal, l. bght street, Iliint andI tried t( ente- as soon as be uroximalely $4,0041 %id bas aeked t m. Wednesday and T4nvrsday nlghts. leit. Cliamober of Commerce ta appointi "be irst nlgbt there were about 200, Harry Hoyt ivîo bolda fIlie keys ol advIory cominilee, wlîic was do, gêlic. adm t t thein(bat he waa fIlie house mîade a complete lavestiga-,,ut -3londav', meeting of tbe assoel geaple In his audience. Friday nîglt tion but was unable to lind where Boy- lion. This commlîlep consilsts of' tbcre were bareIy ona hundred tt>-. Iing hadi bean ta 'ken. Ail tbe bureau F. Morris. cbairman, W. J. Smith i NaaY of tbose present u'ere chlldren. drawers bad bean opened and every W, G. Strong. -Toda>- Moclus packd up his elongthing was in a lopsy-turs-y jcondition. ,'%%*ilethie prirpose orftism romm lffs and deîîartedl for unknown parte, tee is t0tllke up variolis activitie meord" te the olic who avant dvisocv way. the Y. W, C. A. pr who ave i- M D DeicBIESeiione of the principal tig tende botbmeettfl m M BI ES w icliie%- wilI concern tlîeînselv Assit. Chief Tyrral ays that Mock. ~~DSjiist now. u0 made an attack upon ail religions, IgRIsfiabts been suggFsted t bat IlieM but fàlled to awaken enýy anthueiasm 6IE ; S, I II1 S ALaiser bospital buîildling coîîld ie ec ft bis hearerq. Wban Il came to the ~veîîIed inoaa 1,V. W. C. A. wlîen t "tJIL of contrlbuting to meet the C'E I IUlN new Victot s- Mtemoî ii bhospîtal e.pene of the meeting the audience SCHOOI ~L I4IDREN reddy fo- ocrupancy. ýbgek-pedalled" anb ieft lu-disgust. -Tene o .WCAt lit ls dubttul if Mqekqs ever willlre-T e n acornanY.lVs C. iyas vbu lapoWawhe gan de 10thecoolrean"s -Son Heroically ie&raa f young women bave been kep mepiosbe ot v intaresled 1in il snce thîe propo Captures Frothinq Dog, Pre- lion first waa,dlscussaad. j q C U ffvents lnjury to Others Witlî tbe aid of thle Chanîber T' 1iUW Commerce il l4 belilved the proje A mad Tueeday afternoon bit Doo-will nieterllzeaie an early date. INA TiBA A " thy Rlter. aged8. and then rushed peciall1y inview of tetc ht i î. i , iii'. tititt- - oîf Itîr t- rt, I--t sttio .T op nulutt eh for luuýsi ng buaknan upflate ghass'%vttu- ti $210 in a building in Norîth Chicago blîcinging f0 Nick VI bos. IEE SAILORSJ ADMIT INTENTION TO STAE E OLDUP, Three Young Fellows Turned Over toStation Authorities tii, t.t lit t. - t--t,, t'- t t t- -t't t t' tht Is, - ut-,; t IFive Minute Chais on Our Presidexits <copyright, 1920. be Jarntà Morg.)4 WAITED HIS TURN This Morning 1843-January 29, William Me. 'lite re saitor. wbo ss'cîî arrested Kinley born at Niles, 0. Saîurday, Mardi 26. alter a Wîiýukegan 1861-65-mI the Civil wsr. r s business mnan ltîd 't ipped off" tlie 1867-1Became a Iawyer ln Cen. .iialice 10 4belr stisiaiiioiis atiions. ton, 0. were eurned over to the provotsl mar. 1869.71-Prosecuting attorney- of for bhal of tbe Greaf l.:ikes navul station hie county. Fridav and wîeetîken back f0 flie 1871-Mar-ied Ida Saxton. sation .securel%. banîlcuffeil logether. 187791-Mcmber of congrusa& Tbe youtbs btîd signedil aparale con- 1892-96-.-Governor of Ohio, fessions in wbirb f ley adniiifd tbcy 18Sg-June, McKinley nomînat lthe liadt started oui to stage a hold-up ed for president by the Vau- when arreaîad by tfhe- police. They Republîcan nationsl cona. Ion2 gave Ibeir naines as Harold Shores. vention ut lit. Louis. Nd- ,'a Anthony Ray Punipbery and Roland vebr elected. Ivitý Keppler. bhat Their acrest t ook place on eillefi + ma- avenue on Saturday nigbit, Marcb 26. le1 Accordlng la the signed confessions ILI MtMsKINLbY cliullenged' 'en the boye bad met near tbe Waukegan VVanld sprovel the ahi seylng ling y M .C. A., going from tbere o thIe tiiet the preslIiî-rîy casts lits sadow Salvation Army bqtel. The>- wîre to oau u ncna biI h p-roe Pupe.acodn 10thef chance ha misseil thoin It wIil never the other two. euggested Ibal they go out Joe agî. -wlethe Republcan antt and hold Up soutenne to wblch lbe nomination seaniad 10 be *wltln Me- unea oîhers assented. ,~Pumphery borrowed a gun front a Klnley's reacb-I- the a otional con- andaior nemed MeConneil while Shores vnin f18 n 82 abtm mdborrowed a flashîligit fron i hm. Tbey ha put Il ewa,. content t a wIt bie mit- thon walked north lo C,,llett avenue propel tUu. ,when ho- d D ot bave to B lnand etarted west. Iooklng fravictim. shalce the treea.1o0 bng down fthe pro-The ira tuat tey mt hppend1l ripened fruit -of his patience. srln he a policemian who arre:ted them. McKinley wae bealen for the spak s'as Pumphery sald thaf while the officer1 ership by Thomas B. Reed ln 1889. and wae eearching tbe nu ber tlo he tbrew jbeoieft Washington eailefeeted con- Me_- the gun awiay. unnoficed b>- the police- .gmw~man onîy six years before he re- con- man. The gun was found later. Shoresl the had tha searchligbu in bis pockat. Thi trned as Iîreeldent-elect. Rad he is authoritica ut the naval station askred ben er"aker. and. lnstead of Reed. In- Permission af Waukean. police Ita d 1.,cunrad the titis of" ozr." n bd he er!' Pote of the case and the young mnien ot bean tunned out of congrasat. und- w .elne ve ateihed lie wstan bîe maller lionurs ho' apn wPlt mîglit neverfigvei won the hlglî.t >s 1 1 ~< honor. A dlsappoîntimant manfully 0" -E P L bI onn eanliete the popular synîpalby, , f LEaALntAi d thea uttior of the Mc-Kiley bill ý yg cntred tbe content fon the preelden- os- D AD W A ILL la oiainw1«06ase cwha a toimem011111 àai pmàW suffered m.rtyrtdo m la the cause ot *IIDLTHAM VCÀAU ib teprotective-tariff. Lots o' Pork Chops The biggest porcer sbid for butcherins in theb.-niddlfi weit for a long ltiiie-1050 pounda. Rajsed by Ralpb lloweill Clark co.atIf Ohiou County Comuiestoner Harry Neilnger la ebowf InspeetIfli -lie porker. SUIT CLUB NE* BERS CONFER WITII STATES ATTORNEY, Prosecutor Is Makinq an In- vestigation Before Taking Definite Action qpera anal aukeg-en men vho hoid membenbi ps ln (ha S . D.Kennedy suif club of 'tîilcgo,' have lSId bbc casa befare Slata's Attanv Smith and have asked hlm ho taie legal atep,4 aga st the heads of t-be cein. pari' .Thi% le sîmian ta lhe action taken b>' nembans af thea&mmasuit club et Elcin. In Elgin the praseculor canaed heI Fred C. Merrow. 32, Chicago. Bernnca Shernan. 18, Chicago John M. Blades. 53. Chicago. Gertrude Blades, 50. Chicago. Gao. S. lîmare. 29. Chicago. Mary E. Turve>-. 30, Chicago. John F. Neumar. 25, Marýnette. Wi ue. Petarl Lavaller. 20. Milwauke Clarence Verne Thompton. 28. Lake Bluff. Giadys J. Grant. 18, Waukegan Arthur O. Gardner. .23. Mivwaukee Genaldîne Golden. 23. Wonewac. %V ie Albert NI. Luttropp. 36, Miwau keea Wanda Barrili. 30, -Milvaukte. Virgit A. Stndîord, 23, Racine anud Elsie' Havkeni4ohi.21. Racina. Léaten M. Galvia, 28, Cottage Gnove, Wis., and Margaret Skolas, ?4, Madi- son. Wiq. John F. Jobason, 23. Great Laites and AunaB, Urqullant. 18. Pitteabl, Pa. Ut-. Qîhlar. 24.Racine, Wim a.nd gel lx Il1tl E AR Aleastmclslg scs>oi Osentn rresl of theaxie o rtheInacompa Wi.>-. - 1.nata- -A. C iaw g fulngs wiî ___________te____la erygret.I L he hane hinEtha ofApRIhît aBlanche William&, 22. Racine, Wiuî. 'SE TTH O IE tcceoow 0f echu'iaol chlde palng n eKîmie>- a. called la théeCivil vane, confidence gote. The reliaitivaes Charles W. Waldeu, 42, Chicago. and -p]ungad lotothe echool building. tAt ordUnverit wiTh muRtd Aatth cmpay entWodrmere Candidate3, Cicgo Charles Booth, 13, pupil ai the ARREST 4 SAJIujVRS missioner Dies at Hospital w_____fait________ î a check for $2600 te relmburse lbe and Johanna C. NIchaIs. 20. Hlglvood. -'~ubu Sohare, Dtshargedscimool. hencically captuî'ad the dog,memcbrhs.W.dadHo..4.Bnr - -Solier Aresed s e bldiil outil is fahrPoliceman CHARiED WITH THE rixa Ngh embeni. 0f the club thenea re in Columbus. lad.Rchod 7 Leaves Whitney Home Thos. Booth ercîved and piacad il In Lao .J. Paînaka 7U vears old. rau- Waukegan. Represaplaîlves af the________ a box.TH T I A HM didale for cIl>- comnalssloner on lb.e compiany ara autharit>- for the mlate- Actlug on the tlp suppîiad by a The bittan girl la a daughtar of Mr.; msmmE a VIOF VMCINE i anagerial licktItlire years aga. ment, accordlng in members Of the 0*19000 01000.00 0 90 IaQ e street business man ho and Mca. Grant A. RuIler. 232 Northî dilit VicIons' Memorcial hoepitai t " club. thonî there were aven 300 mceu-. * M EfATE TRAIMMFeE s an 0"uda t'Pt euîe i Ceunty street. Tva of the leelb of Saturda 'v nigbt ai 10 oclock. foliav- bers bene. ,1111M* Uth"y v. malesuithoadtter- haedog. a Calle which the Ritter's Take Car in Waukegan Owned ing an illnesa ofai a an d four sisheç Allumas' Smith is coadiiet- 0 Tll A. K. DOWS1 l*ef Mt started eut Io hold up salie- bave lhadt as aPet tor fOve manîhs. b rMa-a ofi ng an invesigation of the charges AsstnSeety .tj tmgêieTued> ibtara-penelrstad Ithe cbild's checit. asaePacalysis vas tI,- causaeof bis demih madin not he a l cluta mforise-t«m CW*y WWfl 04 Reit gaharte. agcd 23. of 1814 ,She was taks'n la the Office u r. SaOsaft.Seîdn jandlha ladt been blinmineglae iasom- made by hedyo a b mast £Tinac.e>. skea »O«Square, Superler. Wisconsin. F. C. Knlght fon trealment. The dog mer. havlng gradualîs' lit îbis elght. tinf r a ds n > i Ig J >ilthe police ta ha a desperaste vas laken ta the police station viiera Four yeung men veanlng (lie uni. The young man is survîvad b>' bisTh ebripcdeelbytfMch2,11 i qSmaa. kou a charge of borglar,. Il uqlie hakept unden observation for I formin0f salins. ere rîiaced Wder an- vife. Helen. two* children. Lan Rab- Waukegan men milate Ibat the beade .P og r.adwf oJc w-. tia anhnoal few days tb dehrmine vîîether Il lias ash y (hearan>-authanitlas et Fortitagad 8. and Edwand, 4. Hîs m-o h lbwl rmn n utf L-gle olhamltrsevc.rabies. Sheridan Sunday niglit et 10 o'clock Iber. Mrs. Veronica Naverdausiî. 1221 omreoutrpai k.fblgKen;lts9ndleBmn d, mte5Vltt1about 8S ock b>-Poa The ailaler of the bilten chid con- vhen lhey'-vere louaid la an autamo- Victoria shrect, ad- vser ho re- to sained mambe ahisIovoe fo. I cgKel;lt a eBlota §e John Rabllng and Fard Rliccts the Delcoa i. tcompany. bile w hlchliait been stlainWauka- sieglInPhîladeiphîs. timing purposea Ilt ie stlpuialed inn- U N. FritzaMd vire ta Fanal. I. -.iu~s.gan portier In the eveniag The yonng The -romains areaaiIhe haine of thar that as socin as a memben recels' . Lumk; lot 48 1-yens mtb of tbe Faim n iwa haeasC.R.aitneontom ie mea vere placed la the guard bouse Nlrg. Neverdaueki. NMr. Paluska vas as a suit hie obligationtla conainue Grouade.s, eau D30 41 v la s(ha .R.Thte u home. M10O TR NSPORT and are tolaihaturaad aven ta the pro vweli known in this cit>- and vas ver,' pyentalscesses. G. D. Plagge and tville 10Frank Sil -44ms tet h lrirvs- W I Avost marehal et Great Lakes. active in balplng the Lithtianian pea- jsrm ce aS eto 1 lâ.M b,' surprise b>' the policemen. ! etai ce l Wt eto 1 »Iffl up youn bands," oredred Po UIU p~l N. E. Schaffcc of Grayalake. owner pie bIn he ronîmunit>' in aducationai 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 Deerfieid Tovnship. MM>$10ý ~-1k.a Rallag. vviu IVRU f tIeiastolan automobile, bas takea vont and Amaricanizalion. Ha vas a M IlG IF<F yP J. Juhrnd and vite to P. S. Seul- det is bna Hav eiaeUTth atrwt Sasespttoreyc. pulie JirtpdxiJien ndVaJev t0 m u C M .yadli; goat al a venV.Smith and varrants are tlbe vornachurcli workar.IOO 0 0 O or 0 0oo0o0o0o0ofield. %D $10. a»lm bevver-even cynicaI. LhaviSE VICEout for flie arrast of the yaung mca Because of lit-t srious ilinesAîutHdn.WIen.ls Fde rank Saînîkar and a-ie 10 An "Sa, ,dont you knev I could IdVflhichargins (them vitb larcany. The prese- recenîl>' ierame necassar> or el rhrBte.W ed is ,I rjPirman and wlfe; lot 14 bfock O$ugg.d yau If I hadal beau afraid cof cuhor then vili malle a caquest (al aitîsafnu o CentIei .om 1anul Annlie IBilst. saine.151 1. Washburn Springs, Waukegan. .,aengamuda cage" asnard.Cic~ Wak~a adHam- the Great Laites authobrities hurm tha 99 Glan Ehora avenue, Mrs. Patuska, Antan Sîreknw. Milwaukee, 21 and WD $10. tAi oice statInchag vasie saaed 1Cchicao.Waue n ad m our nen oaven la hlm un order Ihat tbacame tIt,: bread winner, and men- Mm .William MolCîni'. Anna FianenfeIder. saine 19. John W. Harweilto M. HHussey. efL Ha had a lcaded automatic Te- mond Transportation C~o. î5 tlrc may bie lried in court., br fbriniyadhnIbn' Robert E. Ridgely. 34. Chticago and loIs 1. 2 and S 14 teet lot 3l blockt 2 voler vib enough lboss cartrldges In oin iouMnr. S charter hadl lait bis autoa rlatives bhped in footing afler lith hrongh fotir di-esies. Havlng goale Ferrie NfBrcwn, 27,. Waukegan. Steale & Foîjambes solb Waukegan. '-bis ~ ~ ~ ~ osn pott o arlodng hi a ___ Claim Clîandiensot oastanding airlîildî-en.On NMarci 9 ha vas loteon -- een AIB.lna.19 Maviu 11li .Itselt frcate oth ieo bag. T ha . oo'ta tin tsieu a It l r spoue andSeidnca.H10Vto>tauia.bnddohpel. iîiuothe :ruîy as a pivale inthe JrrIlavar.25. Chucago and J WD $10. -Ul ia adespate c hract a lie-dlTosredit ubfuut -ocIrk.legsly Il filai thtpi a taas tio chanfrt rgltent f nîitîierpremideft-o-h estn' ---aaat el )ls> n iel lb II- forai .MIl e 0'ti 9 hcagon el 'nt fintîiet at fItal ltiotugo. i acu lie d it thie 'gb tooItfo:tdfîut ut t- u,-ttt Rtunt eu , terifordtujm.Hysh cm IMlr 1 Hicks:n.art lotlntînddW 1a4- III $1 tugetlg "shoot nliit H1asoJ ouittrifiwo -Soit-tfheli loîca'lîtutttopuin oliceo te l tit utrî1 i aot eiguahe1 eîouhi a It'?c. awsitan O, Notuhe.iîi- iir'k -21.N f îU J I iiht -'sci Anîl Wifakhau mro, ed de o on ncnn-w unWtlil tTeoIt (une tleguitth ies co iitunittus oh saului t cre, t-cen tii ti.s-a- tandtt viuitian tut.-tit t hi ofiiin liatI-'îtab nl outint-u uf lîe n iI ti l> u ii Ii i.tiC i î-î llc'ir 1 utttrki J ..;W1 Scut .ýean d i e ut i) au rIli ta cld chise thuthsi-tbe-. entptiiIleth' otan iutai utumonîrrer-nL tufw tettn Ing atliwr'tat l ntonh-.,tthi'-unLo hi., 6titilw' -~~~~~~~~ - Sp~~~~~~~~~~~~~ita t Th in utof fli g ut h iuuiuuaue < i-iuiii ieU tîtsri-. .Ili< I lilrîtiorAutflîluegtsn.tail do n o n en ry w eSutl in,_ ntlu-i h lti u. t Itl-t ofis.it itt l or! u tt thht -'> i d i ' 1 ,ti lte ti ie ro ndan Sf4ýi Ii he ilid t k e.antua ut 1 . an- a I l hM'.1). $ ,7(it iLot 2) i l o .u J tuu tlti'gtuIoit ntt gi >itcuTo jod -.hit l i -îh-îî itiî-l , i i - thu t1t It e hfîîî t i- i 'ustrfIiitt i i t - trut, -î.iu'utt' infa y To-iejlttti \tpý.-22 iut- un t-t SIl)ttitin rt vJ. lIt îî lis tlthg t- luin tutd iimtde.atttdmttrthtlt anofl, - Re'lLederltii-tatt ii it'ie tt.,a.h te., IIr(' %.t!,iutrtuttI .e'fhtll Iiittîfii, tniItuttlSi-if,'2li lt I tutt-i able Jim mt" tnadditon le- --riel t e,o -'t.- i I. ttt t l fn- l- %- t - -" t t tu'ni ' --,, t I t t 'thi. ttîtt i1 ' Il ut, tt î nd l u- lt)'N -i -1) - t -tii. t , ..tVo t tar Il i tlatlitil triai1t' tli Z lu-d l iI i t :1. NV -. 1).i- 'h t t -t- ,,, il îtlat vtit I l t u t t~î t o 1' t - 1t, , ' \,;i t-t - - tl i 12IEYcoieCt and ht .powc a L niade p;41 c"y fann by WiIllys Liut' - - A.pmcticaecoiomicatl ce biqçfaa for use on farms. JtecoedWiiUtS-Ktni,-'l,- bereaie, craniks, ru n q e*@a hself Contiaitto'- - Uçtov it118action, Lot usdcîi - usftfor deailed;u 'DIETZ MOTOR CO. PHIONE 89 * Libestyvill. Ulfinois l i t t , t t t. t., u it n t t -t at tiho. MILK PRICE WILL BF. SAME FOR ~PR -i. 1-,. tît- su. r -- - t t.t t t - Ittil t t i t-tilt-t. *t tIlt..., t t t - i -t t :,t - ~, t t -t t -- t- t --t- ,- -,tt t il ('ut- iti- t ' t ti t t- - i (n. - i", tu'.,î 2.' tri THE iNDEPENDENT atwat-s puti t iLbertyvillie lIra. lltt2h I.od I 1 c. t ii tV ii ,t ai. ut! t înlliil ctut t-l- itn tut t'. ut,ituiýil fIt,,'h t- 1ist 1, ' tutk cnt ut c-t' tîtti ututitit- agoý tjiý ip -aj. t-ega rdIu ats l, ont., Si îul lî i'er .ing taltusi., '-Sthitutlie il-i v! sittn lie couhî nto .!i livîing trIII-,icfatîil> -týitie-.a ilax tttiniflg it9 Diist n lHer Eye Brings Wiink Costs Straniqer $50 Cii. flto.- îo f tîcilti'. tahîih' -truIi ig Ilit tuuuti-. h s "anal an estrultu mîalle 1$50 tl- 'e m istaEsthlt-Schti-Ihu et. pa- i, lîur. nt jui', tainkad. the ctutsý living jt îîî che of EvaOstofl uua. Nir. iift h-folhoweî liter tiuai il ste calleda ImltlUeran, f t 1 t,Il ' t -t,ýwy ;i , lwe l in- f t. mallt is -- h-)i-t tor 'ititIt i-l-,tk-t- i ti - i tiký [lo . .,tl i t tve 't lltî. in t, o hi . i l- t t - .-- t t t. ui ft t t, i- ttut ltuncytiti't'sthe'ut'>tio I, iecon t'aidt'iii rî,- utîtat îits 1,41 i iiut' tri î'îid 1,11 dtht' ofuîtui' ttti n'..tI--. if tI i' fris -iu-oc>-. M i tb th) ie tt ît-1 'iii l- i-uti tA Iti oll f ,,[ siith s-t, lu 'l tut:iiî: -u of lIt 'uî-t t ifItiliUi h't-t t hti-t-t hilt coi iii on~~- ,i h, rî.utht.t tu' uîîî'- Il-t i i il ti-- li i- t-tt .tIi ,n t-t.,ul t-ile ttrtîiftiatis h - 1 'h f il t. t ie. i s titI- t .-' Il, h t tpt- ti thro iu, - h t--t, lo4 nt' u t î lur,- did iîuuî'i,-îl lî- fuir ut -,lude. î ---------- ----------------------------------- 1 TIIIEF PLEADED 4iUILTY: PAROLED ltt-~ TO t.I.S MOTHIER';,;, -Highland Park Home t'- -- Chprles Oren McCoy. Woundedt. :~- Overseas Yank. Robbed t~. END ALL TIMER T ROUBLES! MAKES CARS TI*IEF-PROOF. End your'timer troubles. Guard - your car agaitlst Auto Thieves. 0 VOU can do il witl, a FULLV Guar. anteed "Accurate Timing System Put it on yourself. No drilling or cutting. Ordy 30 minutes to Instail. Lasta as long as the car. Ses this lnexpensive (cotse only $12.50) Timer and Lock in Operation. Ask your local 'representative to _____Demonistrate it to you. REMEM- ACCURATE TIMING SYSTEM BER, if IS GUARANTEED FOR as it appears on your Ford Car. Wires un, out of the dirt and oil. THE LIFE 0F THE CAR. NEWTON & DDOLAN, Soie Distributors, 514 S. Leavitt St. Chicago, inos. Waukegan, III.-LEWIS WATERS,612 Grand Avenue. Grayafake, III.-GEORGE SCIILOSSER. Libertyville, III.-WILSON & VEITI4. Glenview, III.-WALTER LOMMAN. GOOD TERRITORY OPEN FOR RESPONSIBLE, LIVE.MEN. a LI, been "IIUN6i" TWU TREATMEN SAVE MA George Thielen of 1 New Backbone M Bones of 0w * r hc iilg tii ilïpli- hîwr, wit h lits tic.îî 1inJ ba; ing nmn'- jî Iî' Ii fuIl ' f-frîîii t lii'l'îls i si t, ft'-t 'ttiga fifýtr tt - Iftft i n lit, i foi tilit ' i aii- i 4lt ttlsi. ii n îî-' iîlfi t ;gî1lu i it îat. i i agi tii tttiti h"ratiof Dr> F' li ~ i .t ttttl' t% I n hii ki ] t abt",t t, anti ft ltt 1i dt T liýriih-t -iî l îI, trir. \ ot'ti I , - fi.r ii-e i.îtultý 000000000000 0 M IL LB U1 Nfi. andîlis'lIt.;îIl'H.î(j- M%-îsdaîne-- E.N. iafloîî li ' I tc tinnI-r hit ;,. L mîta taii hi t r% ijs t - f - t ,,il. 'toc j..-tt,II - \t -t - 1 ' 01 tN ' 4' C rlt in t I Stî.îtg -n t..g ,('cok YOU Wili Never , e au yen are today actin. ffle buy that e0year poe Write me for rati E. W. LINOVAML, Gens Nothern illimu Manhatt.,sidg.. Cl U#Chiàan bMutuel Lite Ilm (0ld Rellable Coru DOEIC. URLW DRtfl3GIS REXALL GOODS COUGH MEDICI Stauad bauka Famy St comIetlm" 7 Te"ietAi PI'flSICIANs' PRESCR CarefuIIy COMpoUf TME IREXA LL S' GRAYSLAKE. ILLINI R., WENDIJ GROCERY AND MA DEALER uN 1nrlMrh