THE LIBEBTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY. APRIL 21, 1921. L~ocal and i-ersonal J'il>lî1,.I 4. i Short lhers of Especia l nterest to Libertyville People "ill uditorX iumiiii 1f1114.îî 11-1 i,m r!I 5 1<l lîl r ,lP, VI'id- N s. fil ",ger and io'<n. ]i<.l<h., ai-i la.- ijîî'îawbi ni lanLs andîl aI Waiikegisn vlsiurs Nondla<j. (loin iîg <iii.rdîamage' it' ai <y garlî K.le. Elswortiîs assline <iin l tiik. One' lady complains lialio<001' ihan hlai!the' plants 'in lier st i awbî rniy <ui-e of F. %V. 1<rklii i.î,'îtacbenpoi! Mis J. \V. iaan, wlîîî las bien ;!l for several da> s, la imîiroving.Misalearî ir> i -eni lie 55. i i -nil ai Uic livme «i lier ;,i u'MXi lsplihte Pbwdng il '44i1i h '.5.4>4 h 4< 4' Ea rthqla at'e ir RIDAY, kPRIL 22nd -,% t el n at the g promptly Ck p. m. ien of ,hurcéh 's Sodality kcts Night's ice ýted to give' ry running both Ilaughe. -n pre pared Libertyville 1 Decker's N04 t'.A f('fterg ai Lakp wa.; aiiil MI s.John F. >~e a J. ir ss iir' tsi o W 'inî>' Miss. Ida iGottIi <ias rs m l1.' ldu Mis'.. MStiliand Mis. If. J. iliieni <1< n <Chicagoî. alle'r si rai ia b 1wr' Chicago %siiiors wv'nesday. 15 n iti' iileiin tif In". .,Ais'4 Miiifli' Jochhein isil a ie gue>t !Miss Anna iîiinei of <i <iaui and ofi Ii'n4lî'in (Chicago over Sunday. :Wiiîaîi (i*Neil i ofJ.akî" For i i % .ý Billy. utile son of NMi andl Nrs. Jo4- iî'niiiil issi'.înla .-ph J. Wilson, la among tlî, reci'fiSIC M i. and NI lilî'iJ ans--n lia'.. r, finis orilhe numips.iîîînt'd frin Iiilwîii iiney 101ior i ii, and. Thie W. C' t'. wl ie<1ai< ,aI* eiing on J"il, hi hoine of irs. John Wî Jhjaîju on 'l'u.", Min s(*fait*.' Ebî-i i an.' <1C hicagoi vis- da), afieî noon. Aîîî'i26-i il lji-i pai <nîs.MI. an(] Mrs Fi <i <)wners aif i anw iiabbiî s shoulJ jîî %1< nu s ii' a <'<'k <'ndI secti â <b t hî'lr jiî's <i.' onfi l t oi. Mt «andl Nr, Rl A. iiîi<,î . î..ns as ii-v ar ,i i ni. hi <ail <J e iJIo U ira . 'id A Paying Investmnent Treat your seedgrain with Formaldehyde One.pinit treats 50 bushels Per pint - 66c Spray now with Lime and Suiphur Solu- tion, concentrated dry form Per lb. 35c; 5 lbs. $1.50; 10 lbs. $2.50 Spray with Bordeaux and Arsenate Lead as flowers are in bud Decker's Drug Store Phone 55 Libertyville, 111. Extra Trousers FREE Every day we 'Kare now offéring to ail buyers of made-to. measure clothes an EXTRA PAIR -~ . of TROUSERS The regular price per suit is the Iuwest in town-with the extra trousers it gives you a wonderf ut bargain. Corne in and look over our Special ist of Fabrics. Suits with 2 pairs of trousers frm$25 UjP. E.W. Parkhurst LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS S P E c..A For One Week SHI NGLES LIBERTY VILLE LUMBER CO, Telephone 47 DOWN BY TUIE OLD DEPOT nI ýiI . i 'llin< ia<-, anrî l î , 'îil I i. hî< iî . %<Ill b. ,îk'l bîii Ih- i. ainia in- i rday nîuli. '51 ixînril Xl în îî'. () E,1ii> l \ LI'ii i d -v'e'atiack oi fo0<1 o liaîli N is,îîau- <nXÎ<ioc, i~ <ila. Wright lias.,ii.nicI î, an 'lî,ii.~i.y .,aili,! lb'inuýnt'ra(-i l 'i.X indfàd.v<<< in X i-,îcîn 1 '_ «iii ii. nil liAWilliams'. Mr. Nýison ,, SERS JO CLOSE FOX LAKE RESORTS 1[l BY INJUNCTION State's Attorney Starts 4 U. S. Iniunctions vs. Koeths, Schmidt, Manning and Wm._RiIey. Iii%4i I iii. nomii ,niioci habouiU i-"%.,;il A,' iIn î:o . , , j. . ,iiî XliS. Il. Haunschild l w. i4 , lî'î ki, liv ' ni- .i I . n* , ' , 1,iel 1 i'ýdnt'sday to aiik, 'k I uýýluainti %1ùliiiqh iI iox- 'v ki Mlr, aild M<is. I k sla dI j ii \au <i- ii' aii ,î iW gi anilIiiîîc ,i born m 'V, 1. .i I 'i l i* i lii. k- cari wrii1 ibrîî iti Wi'une. ilja> XMi. andi Mis. An ilions K-hi' ýn ruit s kin Tiui ds ls ili iiIc. i if i., liti >au iii i- i n 1ankî -idý ly l-l1hl-iîî-iiii n h irinicnn r .\ crc itn o r, hi n.o., iohItii'. b<i of 'auezan. wa-'rî'mail, al'oîîa ai i f Nli ,îa*îtl \ îiî'i, losî ii' eiiliiîaigii i. . Iiii,î ik:, :?.1 îIîIY îîiî X î. , < a '-kaiî;icî : i<Li , j il Wi-ilnî sîay . Api-il 2<, ai tir-e M. 1E'. aîiî'in îîîat clîy. tO> lus lleilili o It.- 'o:, i i iîîraos.nitki' <n Lîb('îitsu I hI- Risv. ( Tii51aIi-'p.iiiilin44îs 'i,' I'. RI-ibaiu'r iiiiciaiic 5lî, Juilîn Nu Ssi îîîîîî w n <t- <î'i<< ,ii. lii --n, i ' _%l-s hiî'i i l.wi'i i T i Mo<nda> NI ivs. ob Spelîniaf n d i. \liPý , P. cii. h. l , îlil I . , i -%<'niig ioiinoiîtiiinW 'sltiî,rari a <uaiki.,iî u. iil Manning andit XXilli T, 11 i '.i Sîr lo<a i ni e 'I'iî's planM. î1nîaOnI o t wi i 'iii1 < 4 ail -Uiiiii anil hopî,' Mis. I.,iv. < -ni i iii<i. lie. a<<i ii.'i i Ii l n f l i si iîîjuîîîd 1i ij'l-loi, a tll.I. 'OPII:ifo M IX'n iý leI !1 I ' l Io s X l h i La m -, "11 . , T Ii t i Thie0 t. < I H < T a1'-'l 4il-. i ii l I ih '.Il 1. 1, -on Ilî 11t; 'IIl4!il. i'5 M 1' 14, onOCr osi,4< 1 Il.T 4 4:i, -t; ( A,., ..,J,,, < iin IriIî,N frs B eIII-W4.îi 4 14i44 T .4" T, .l'If, iTh,,5;dT îil .quoi. . p-444 .1117 .14 1 oi 4lý- ,i, i1 1 7 u-l 4i... iTil. <414 li T Ii t iii iî,iw ' . 44 ii ' i-, andi mi. (4wh'5Iii oi i'ili-l C l I] ~ ca 444< 44'0 41 4<. ) . 4 << 11 '41 m5 li I l Ji , l..11; 41 (1<1 Ili'41- il i 1 '. ri iînî l .1 iiî I ,iîî. îîî Xi iMani i'us ii ,î' Tro ..n , Il -ni.rî builii,. ,'i'ilî< i l , I41 111' 4 o1 t d i on.lj m<'n aIl i 1< ,îiiici on l Iii lîi i iti . o w ' o A, nj. 1 IIiI. :ilT 14 lii-<i tuT in 4-13 Nor' Ili, -îîîîIl- n, i14 1144 l 't- 11'.5 444iîj ils. <1 liîî-ini \î in, ' ,.i -il !,i Si. l,î l. 4 inL. ,iilupi Ijîl, 11i 11 1 o ljma il,and Il, ii4ii4j I) t'Il S,, ý, , ' , il;< t<4, A,44 -on as I i ii îi- ,A jii.4 , : .îfliiitl Il- m 1 4 lno, -i , îiîîk o i lici u anîtî'î îil1-- lii-ag i ni-ii î lu '. iT a~ ii., ah I.s'ai- 1 iî ll 4i 'hor )ni ,ig u nt o!151 , ' . i, %%n' , 1 île o bu ian b ,i T 4 7'1, 1,41-, a t' ak.' couwy i> 1<ai - iXi<À]t- lait been miii -,<.ni <'tilîa i. ruleî , ilan lîîî it. E. A. it hi'deîîaîiiiii Ililis t-hlii i,ll it(r-.-, i iltil (ýeninu Si" 1.011 ,i rk liail125 hl'.1i ts iiýîiidATI t iîî'h-JLd. iii 'sec ia T :îi cauulTiijlwiii I 1<, 4 4- I 121<5 House Cleaning Time Let us h elp you with your house cleaning. Let'us launder your family wash, your pillows, rag rugs, quilts, and blankets, and dry clean your Oriental and domnestic rugs, draperies, your suits and over- coats -will put away and your dresses,-çretonnes, gloves or whatever needs dry cleaning. We will cali for whatever you -may have and deliver them to you, in the best possible man- ner and to your entire satisfaction. We are Master Cleaners and Dyers Pike fge1iabIe .ýaundrq Launderers, Dry Cleaners and Dyers Phone Libertyville 67-R LIBERTY VILLE, ILL. Jet vices PiIESBYT1ERIiAN EarI C. Morgan, Pa8ton. Sb~ isi. e o i 9: <j>. a. Ili. lui t. XruliSullTlis a iclau-s illd i ii îlo i <iou î i * A - ., <<uitNaiii and il tîî ioi4ib ltiti îil. i.'adi i sXii ali Ct. Nlogari ii'-ijîiniiai 7.71. , i<i 'i'au of iiiii.- î'î î'ninu si'rîiiii, Sîiîaking XX'îh t'n uiii-uni.-cil Lu', Xay hi' areunii spîcuking Olîi' -iîi' ,iiivna;, i lii Ponît ou ,a i Iuil nT lii, ai<1w<ai- l îu'iî l in l -ii' isinn ai ili ii uiul'u-,ýd .ýda. iiiii i i o i lix ii"ug. i ji <i it) n i k u YotlîOiîi-<u isj'sît 54 < Cho<ir pa uSIs aiiohnri' J. 41 XSiili t ilii'iiîi , 'T,î: 1t1: iland. iiil Cliii î-iitîj-, mlîn loi hos .yîîîîi'uîa-l i li l1<4i-t, j- kînity miii' li,- tIooîs P1I.iii untlts:4" p. lt Iij,îîîNI" iii'Tg i' Ap-sl. i 51 «27 .NIWh7IlOi)iST EPIkiCOPAI. Re". C. F. Kîihauer Pastor i4îda> Sllool ailu, 1<a. in. '.arig utsiii iIl Ti1ukTii. wti-iai' .11 i' iii <tie son-piofe I.eioaii iiLeague al 6:3o p i E%2x nin, seýrs <ceai 7 34,. Vraur -nMeetiîng X'uteîly n <1111 ali et Your Money Earn %, in Lake County SFarm Mortgages We have a limited supply of exception 1ally well secured. 6% FIRST MORTGÂGE, FAIRM LOANS in notes 0t. $1,000.00 and up. We are offering these notes. for investment. If you have idie funds which you desire to place in. these choice mort- gage loans call or write for a complete description ý of our off erings. 0krAlEatbiined 1558 'l Piip__Jaerg s,, . npo rse O General iiii<ii isni his leut: CommfhYission pîîralio'î< 01i~shiod E Stails 1 and 3. Fulton S*"eet Wholtale Market. M erchant CHICAGO. ILL. WAITING, procrfstination, for any r«'~-1 Wson, neyer made for success, nev'vo showed a profit. The succesbful man acta, goes ahead in apite of apparent obstacles which in ninie ceses out of tee latçr prove flot to bave--been obstacles at ail- It- is ou. earnest-a.dvke-to' you to buiW eaCcoTdI to your needi, and don't miss a single profit waitWgi for better building conditions which may neyer co»., NOTICE 0F CONSOLIDATION- Nî.iciîes hlrIi'i' ~givi'n tbailon I Maic ci23rd, Ai.2. thei'Steen ('ouij lîînka m<n Lo'k Comîpany. a corport aio<n. Coripor'ation, boih «ifX%',iikugan, li nuis . wei î'consolidai <'.1iii iii ané cor poi aiion, Io be knowan as the 'Tîiil MeIa Ca(or'poratio«n. wiili1< ,îinc,)l of-a I tic"'s <caied ai ho '<<it * y Xmaukegan Lake' ('oun3. illintoîsý 'rii iubiîcaiîn 'i iii uisiiani Reacliing over 15,000 readers each week--readoes wl. by 11, -<ai ue ini iiuuh ci;','<<ani ii 1 ,,î i. o o s. r ....~.a.... 'Aded. tid..<es auvertisea and pay for ts., Te apaâtstasimmua Tiziii.F ETE1A1.S C'>ORPOATION, a rival as an advertising medin in h Lake couaty. B.% i kiliS. Eu qua, Set'î ai For The Warmer Days!t $1.20 Lew $2.85 ionas, nq Children's a n d Youn Ladies' Middy Blouses - - 2.OOfi$2é25- Summe-r Vests 25e,,65C W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPANY- Phone 29 Libertyville, fil. I il, lIst, and Ladies' Aprons, nicely designed and made, dark or light colora Ladies" Crepe Kimi and desirable colors 1 1 ý 1 n Phone Libertyville 67-R LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. ý boi