CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 28 Apr 1921, p. 12

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PAGE FOUR LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, TH-URSDAY. ÂPRL2& '1921' ,JOE MOEUS GIOES TO JAIL 50 DÛYS FOR MOONSUININ4i McAlster Ave. Ma.n Who Gave Officers Many a Merry Chase Begins Sentence. TO PAY A FINE OF $300 Thîis being election day. Joe Mekua cast hia - lot wtb Sheriff Elmer Gireen 10 begun serving a sentence of 60) days for '.iolatîng the prohbitory law, Miekus being brought 10 book aJ ter a long serjea of escapades wtt local and federal olicers3 Aller pcading guilty Miekua l'as given a few days ln which 10 go out and raise"Ilie amount of his fine. He was under $. bond% and aîfured the counry autuiorîties b-_would takel bis miedicine. MW* en the stal&'âataîorney>s officers and federai agenti raided Miekcua' place tant winter tbey found îlîree -til1la but lic bad fled. itu aged fa! her. Johin ?uieltu s, wlîo was attending the .nillis and looking after hi-i blnd wife in an adJoininz room), was arresled. Charges aga4nst the father were drop-j ped afier >oung Muiekus was captured in Chucagro n few da"e Fige. I'pon a lîrevious occasion the local and federai agents took several shoîs ait Mfiekus when lie f led from a pool hall in North Chicago. Ntî'kui asked for iiire in make nr- i angeini'i for rai e of 11i9 iai enis w hile lie taIdierving tua sen'ence. Etching for Reproductioni. Ttinît cihiîîg. as a bLrnîîclî of art tlbzirt frun iI sciîî gtcclîletitli nîîd Ijîaîls of expression, J.q aiso a proçiav !îvîrs tofî îw il-binter- ests nîany of Hthpeselit-ilny deaiers, artits. and sitîdeitî, rannot be de- nied.-E. A. Taylor. - Needed a Taxi. (if[ier-"WIiy are you rushini %%cifes hliand l'in afraid the style %Vit cbaîîge.'-Woilul8 Wer (N. 1.). rALIEX Hom Go. Save andR"edeem Our mlue Siap The Season's Greatest Bargains Saleif Sl rse Now Open For Business AT OUR NEW SHOP 221 S. Genesee St. Nt-xt tu) M ikSOI1 & 01111L Waukegan Exide Battery Service ~e'ice Car At Your ,ý,ejire Dupervisors' Co mýmttees As,- Named By Chairman Paddock I: Standing Conlmittees nftaand Bi'idIurgs utt--'itrEger Hstîtin--Sttment-th Troasurer; ~~or 1921 StdAteus ie-tin.n iiii i a ti larlîlg; -Pu îiý unig a dicoui.I For191 tae hari utn Sno nd Sligel it ot ospital; Seille- ment witli Couniy Cteck. ('ounty Fairansd t-',a,-,er'a Institut- Settlement wthd C'.îun ty Ciet k-Obee. Hutton-St ale Charliîn; Education;__ Efinger. Larson. Crapu. itonsan ansd Boldridge. Cut am .Cotifty -aini-Eger. Thompson ad Settlement with ('ircuit Cek-Lars o uRrnty F ar Ouilau.a n Iuttoiu. ,i Meyer and OConnor. BridgesFinanee. Otia od u iiounty t'arm Auditiig-Birown, McCul- àtttiement wlti, Sheriff-Ditger. Sirat- as-etemnwibCrutiek ioî,gh anîd erroe. ton and Barnstable. Count>' Fair and Fermels Instituts; Set. De tentiîîa1 Ionie-' %cCullougli, Dilter jettîcînent switliîCotsnty Tresurer- tiamnt witin States Attornley. su s 1oOltstein. Au tilt and Sameon. MaecJer-Judiliary) Finance; Miscet- ndtrattn.Settlement witlu States tonl-lnnadis ad Th'itsi onîsAdl-ae. tk awnîani Eicîtier and lAreon 'wanStîCtwith States At- and ThonpsuxuSwamp Laiids-Stratton. Bairtow snd turney; Hospital Audit; Public Buildings__ Education-D)rqw. Hutton and Crain. cudsAi. Etections-tiacîintahle. Naher and Drew. Mrîod and rides Audit u adEceis sesîiîtaCaii )e Members and Their diciary.; Punr. tWautkegan, Shtieldsansd Flilance-rVerroe, %[oeillietand lKirch- tieerfteldt. ner. committeleq Mî'y.r-t'urch'using. Settlement witta Fers aun SidisW'ib Brownî and Circuit (tcrk; Hospital Audit. Dilger. %i.uiupniiîa ttiltwtn-rh itiha-lfosplal AudIt: Settieen-t ilrypiîai-C ralîo. i-tîldridjge and Ohee. cuî raî,r ildadBigsWitlu Cont>- Cleuit: State Charitie _ Iopitai Adt-Ziiiii amnAudit. NMurpiy-Jait. lttscellaueous lainis: and 2utyer. Briui n abr arls-b and nil gos Sýamp Pouri. d5..ance of CounI>-). JalJIir)L.Banthe andeNbr ais Judiclar>-. . MfCullough-Deteutiin Home; C'îurity Judciar-NMaetiier, .'uiitn anod %alre- Bretbi'tîcuu,, u i, -ement Farni Audit: Jury. Ju,%0w. her Cri nus(ýiogl ith Sheriff. Nic-Dlo ion -me Audit. Elec- Juc -Eirhiec. dr'ain it Mct'udail %ut. Drot-('(uit-Xrîi %udit. Fes snd tions; Jait. ,i . o-iNlhn,r. Uani-tigaii u-Salaries.;tieaut llrgea auic-Stttement wîîh County Clerk; l'Our (und M aetî . Cralii-i-i i ccutis .'. iiet,t qii. Jury; Pur iBalt.uîr-eoftCouiiî> h. H-asptl. Phour t h'lai.,gîîandi'lrn. crfiled- Educuilion. uu"un'r-Pu'ir i Balance of Counityl; Tiiîuiîîtisiii.i; a1i.. i id .iari aii.Public Buildings asdd roundu. settie- Olice .uîd iuicpîiy. nor. Shilelds nnd unliueldi, C ,uiity i-'.uîr anîd i wtCircuit Clecit lti iig - i!i', tgla and Farmere tntitîiie.ltiigdaiii-Nisoelli ilus Clainius Prl ni- Fiike.del îaat Dilger-Sleticiîr-i til S h'i f. Deten- iug. Piîrchaaing. hul.51g-MYrtOu Home; t-ici and Suiarî.e Sîîsn-'1lcBaiitg. and uitînds RI'uiia.g- e.lioltatelu and tirew-FEduc.uiin, :. Friî-,ue eses%- Audit. State Ciîiiti tileiien iuthi ta; utydarAswe. ,Publie Building.s1)(1 ioiti ds-Fic eutet-it tae 8 tt M~ toil'n -T .Suer.Sýtlme t'ubliic Buildings ut(;rnunit Ait- Atiorne 1:- î-î.-'ri ýi'nhieiîth -h.'îif :tieti-itl-un Homte. Saîiasoiingeraînd î ,,gr-Coii I il'i w., tli a . d Bridges T'ii1.uu tuur Vatikrgan, Shîidn adtitinAdit:SOaiiî Land.> und îuriii %iit<iuîî'.t-on .Deut.qu n,- mid Bi. , îg--Lii , . i h- ,lii te. u11 A11'gu, ii G i ,ùnds vert-- Fimati e.i ;e-o1ui irm.Cicimil iiia r%,l auid Brt-i, hdi;Road C'i t.FalluAudit. ll.iad O tili a iii;,.urnd&;iu.1ud Et îiiil i;.-siîuîvciu tentuoliu n uc,li,î> mîrglt-o ,f SAYS ifUBBY IuT 'sere United iin iiriimage a, nool.,t C OM LM NT U March2,19.192.. Rii, i oehrut O P I E T E JIEIr WJTII [NIFE ON Ih S. ,1,EN.,Rouat __ tîuaband aiiock lier witia lreat O II GE F aienae tii;îîesla-liing lier 4oat i tata '55 AND SLASJIED CO xbbns-thoenniroNE MRIT AS I'APEK A T ireatenedir wct gio t e-cal5 À Arepresenîaîive of a bgNwYr v ioee adverîisiing agency came fnto The In Addition to this Mrs. Zeffa Ael Ibis mliit lin'- been sufficient Sun affiée a lews day.s agô ta place a Parker SaYs Husband Was to obînin a tdivorce but Irs. Parker contract for advertising. Naiuratly le taking no chbances. She charges The SUn was interesied. aler lie hutd GuilY OfMiscnduc. ler lîusband willî nuieconduct, naming spetnté fini ie looking over the fune Rtosie Itarrit 4of North Cîicago. files of The Sun wlîen b.e salit: "I Sbe asys ber liusband was witb the want ta compliment trou on lte paper ASKS DECREE AS RESULT Harris WOMan on Mardi 14, 1921.,Ithe you get out. 1 go-ait oa'er te coun- day betore the' final break up, She tr-y and 1 'mest want ta sa>' tltt you M Mi.Zeffa J. Parker Of North Chi- charges l'acre were man>- other ocras- have a paper whicli stands ouI ton. caugo. got tired of beipîg nîeaaced by ions wben lier hua;band was intinale epicuous!y a s a-ocal newspaper. It a knite luItie banda of ber huaband. wtlîi hla woffan and wiih olhierul wo-fi ceannami fuil t litre news and t-tnt-nd Patker, , as n one a ha als h osnlko. adnerttsing. Ilte a credit ta the -linlys~ listtd cme aenwoeninssedeqntk ublisliers andta thie cîtY. 1 don't ceedingg aguintul tm. ivrcebpro know any place wliere they gel out a lirbtfor Girl a "Miss" Wherî UnderT,. nwirbaitli'îion uise divorce wan fiiedt in cii-cuit cour*t aiIniii igliitu'l *l. wns firîi . iyn-he-e WVaukegan IodaY by Aît(tinQ Albert piý ul , ,jjjý nlrti er t laIt. ileli i îuiie!uîlrt-lvna Ad. betore iol, 1-t the office li, The Parkers. nrroiiîing ta tbe bill, o ýplaced a conlîsct for 5iî>3lne4,r o - a(l'. priing l'or tii'- ulrent 3ear An Unusual iEvent for Tomorrow Sale of Coats and Wrapsl Very Specially Priced at OnIy Values u4p to $25 Values up to $40 315 alr'"ae <'oatr , 'r ainid "Výiit.pp» -'Co)ati fo) t - iolctuay cxë!ueîi- ai tri'1 y te. 'ae iII unIrale foîu r of thelieuiust-àsaked-fîir n'îdci W ubu 'i tt -ul it1'pr i cd. Ii i uced t ntîi aid fashuiotîcd ot Serges. N'elruiurn. 'rrieutn n Cru, tit' eu-is, .î t ai ai ich i mitllai ti-lusi-> ciii oldery, fiuuigiiig and tansel eîtatjellh.bîe!î. TheLatst'in tyl Hart chafner Mar opyright 391 lat $diaf fo r u ali TyeteTh a te in Sta lored to perfection, guarant*eed to give you satisfaction. The big reduction in price, as compared to a year ago, is an- other important point. - You'd have had to pay $50 to $60 for suits like these Iast year. You'il have to pay a good deal more than we are asking right now if we weren't selling on such a smali margin of profit. Doolittie & Whyte The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes -open this evening to 8 p. M. VIL MIE 8i AT IOj6il As TMEY'I Preýz!ùeqt Cr( Onrening * n.i Ai' a * , 711 ,, i)p ig ih . Int il 'F l- .*MVOI- n- ba i nul' i. i pag himio of Osixr tIti- fo~-r-mu-nia 'fin; lacNiao.. udi i 'iluROt t- ha heruni i-ahr 'ur ZO-.conl --lia;,.i b'. N h i '-It f oasil Mr M -c:otlon ld 1Z Hi- id l C i ll P i l: 'C.., nt inutri Iip elirl ti - ft mentoi f 'i1e *,, , l id .u :n1-uit tot' o S iatneno br u'. ishomten of1 th-se-rd Ithw t) I&Or tic' 'tei 1

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