T14E LIRFRTYVIIJE NEPEN~DENT THURRSDAY, APRIL 28, 192 1. How to Reduce Your Household Expense The cost of every meal can be greatly reduced wth little eikert. Cht.rper cuts of mear, h4rd-to.-cook fooýd- and soups, that are'so nourshing and taste Sa good, are quickd', an-d asîly prupared in a Autl-orit;e' û i kng recommend titis method because it retains afl the i1u; c é s zrd M4%çrs ard makea clAfoo.d more caslv dîgraîbe.Will net 'corch or hurn. Ot ~~he mc-t-y ,aed pays t-,r th cook-cr in a fw weeks-4rom then -u on Me ~ua aa on fred and fuel ruts lv.iag nxpenses creaty.. Gi. C sîiec1 ar zi c Î rtrr..e Iv5. nu-; atel tic C C cr uIiurrie-, se 1 -k«i IhZ rperat:on. U. 4%svou thEs \.'-'ar- Pr- î're *T. LUCE &SON Phone 27 Libertyvilie, M.I Flood Your Home WVA& Muicl Instill into your chikdren aJove =o n= - uac.Gladden yeur duli otus ithRy dance tunes. Soothe your worries with melo- dies of love, life and imugter. RefreSh your suints wlth hMup- ing bond music- and'glorlous Orcestra eections. Entertain your friends with a programme of great music, 3ust mkt in sung or playod by fa- Ume asdit.- kNEW EDIS« "il. PBs.modo mm a DECKER &.HELTON PH4ONE 55 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Jone 10--Comroencentn, 8:15 >. n. June il- Atunîni Banquet. Dates for contesta in puiblie speak- îng. base ball carnes andt racit meet ýwiIl be announeti later. Miss Fay Militer of the Chicago Net- mal School., bas recently conmibutedl sixty excellent books to the higit scîtool librarn. This la a gitt greatly appJre- ciaîed-. Tbere îiay be other friends wbo yaould beîp in ibis way by con- tributing l lte hlimrary tond. Miss IleCelles suent the week e-nd with lber Parents in Chicago. The teaciters et both the higit sebeol and granimîr sebool attended te Lakte Shiore Division meeting of the Ilinois State Teachters' Association at Evans- ,Ion Friday. Anîong the speakers were Horold 0. Pugg of tbe Teacbers' Col- lege. Columbia tUniversity, and Presi- dent iLvingston C. Lord. of te Fast ern Illinois State Normal Scbool. Ttîe growing need of more public support on the part of fte parents was empha- sU0e. The teachers report tbe meet- lng was as interesting as it 'as in- structive. George Italziel was a W'aukegisn bus- iness visitoir SaturdaY. We are going te repert Upeti dite commencement MIay in thie next issue. Mr.,1Howard spent Safurday In (Chi- cago. tDr. N'aun- is still Il id is ionte. Mrs. 'Jerna McClure returned tu lier home in Indianapolis Friday Ni -s ';ît ela Hanes is able To tJecl again. She tocit ber position last Mon- day. Miss Ethel HaineS oI Ares spent the weki-end ut b me. . 1ý- The Bioy Scouts met Saturda> nigbt nigbî ai the home cf Chiries Brown. The Vikings are erectlng several new cottages on Ibeir property neai, Go roce. Norton has reslgned fi-outi lsiiPosi- lion wlthi the Bowvman Dairy Ce. Frank Godger and Owen Meteeli were Chicago visitera Thursday. Richard Hook was the only wbe took the examinalion for posmaster. heit in Waukegan Salurda>'. Ilta needless to say thtat >Ir. flok wilI hie our next custodian etfCoeeSama umail bere. 0 DEERFIELD e 0000050000000000000 Mr. and INIrs. Sherdan et Chicago îîîased ino thIe Leonard Veiter liente whiciitht-> iecenthy nuuîciised,. Iast :aturda> - Williani Buhipit will builti immiiiedi- aîely on lus lot next te lins. Atidet- son's honte. Mif. and Is. Tiittîîîs ant irM. ans lira. A. Keller of Glencoe were guests at te R. M. Vant honte Sonda>'. 1ev. Boeschtner cbristened Robeît Edward Landau andi Doris May' Ott a this home of Mr. anti Mrs. George Ott Sunday alfertioon. Nir. anti M-. Henry Walters and chiltiren of Chicago, lMr. andi Mrs. Fred Ilorenberger. lMr. and Mns. Lente Ott and eilîdren. Miss Elda Horenberger Messrs. Gus Klenîp andi Ralph. Horen- be35ger were guestsae i te clîistening Sonda y. .Mr. and Mî's. Abert Osteiman and chlldren of (Oak Park were ite gUeSs of %M. and lira. E. H. Wilinian Sunday. Mrs. Il. E. L. H-olmes of Waukegan callei on bier aiter. lira._Frank Pet erson Suniday. Miii. Lizzie Lord of Rivenswood ws ihle gueat 0f ber siater, Mr§. Ettil Fred ricit. Sunda>'. .~n.J. A. Rehclielm. Jî-., Misses Ehi abetb Schiltai Marjei-y Gi'ahltaM5e! anor Meyer- anti Eldreda Knaak and Mmi. Cari Anderson attendrit the Nerfi Shiote Teachena' 'Jîonleence <tEvans ton Friday. Mir. and lira. Eîuiil Fretdeick andiOlaiii il> tiave ived islIte C. W. Pet hisiu r- Mn el is 's jî ls-e with fluer, Miss Eleanor Meyer entertainedl sftimber of ber triendsaia a uncheoi Tuesde>' Mc :iand .Niis. Aliiii ltaskenbachi an çbildren af Prairie isiew wene guest ait lb, George llocitenbacb bon, las Sunda>'. lins. George' Otswd ef lieloit, W OFFERS PLAN TO Chan e f r "LittleFe eau e " LEWIS LEAVES THtE BIIFÀK "RI.Na p0Fait w11t til e the< auid U. S. TREASURY; or Ilie J-lnI, artiply tîs large con- ROAD BUILDERS itnt oth tle elw hoOlI 6 ES WITJI C. OF C.' IJobJibI! buill, just as god roads." Sfnator Hanson said. Wtuthe Vhnto L.C.Aiil2.Wl Seflto Hanson Would Change state frtiiling t e maerialil twould 1 aher Lewis, former Mayor of BidngSsertoFvr iebe possible 10 deJermine. sitta l eoJt st e nw aWu Bi ig Cotmctoio wolatrasil. etardnetoad should gayd tegan andi Lake cont>'. director of SmailContaai]r. le ret dgm notll el t ofYthe savings division of thie treasury If_____ I cf on r te pih r. @IRrm fi ,w o lban been at the head Pe iJ e i d ng h n e i r c in. bTo tc re el ir.' ,, ef t hIe governm ent am pa gn for if~~~~~~~ ..oi oudcanebe'0n- TatabraIl cre oOin tbe 1tîuiftt.sas ings. andi sound investment, peiiv idigsysterp in build ontracior*s'în. was tie predlc- iwIll leae Ilite service May 1 Iaoite- lut rends by adoping a plan wbtch lion of Senifor Richard R. Meents of coule aswciaîed w-it the Chamber of 1 ould enable, amal ontractors te .'bkum. one Cf ftic governors ad- Commerce of 'the United States, ac- Montruci short. liks on te lslgh- 'î.erg lcrding te an announcement today. wayswit Maerii frnihedby he , .Sonptehet be nrat cors whbc suit- lut accetlng Mr. Lewis' resignation Staysth aeia, ihd then i Id islasI nontit bave Indicat- SeceetaRe>'Mellon expressed regret stt.IecOmmonwealth would be I d tbat tite> are wiing te cone down fithaPersonal business affaira made il "Iluiled out ofthtie mud" seon, more considerabiv." Senlator Meents satd. tnipossible for- Mr. Lewis te remain. eeonomlcally anld with thie knowl- "Il wciild flot be surpriqlng if ltitInhis work wltb lthe Chamber of edge of the exact cost of road con- govpl-nor is tlRd faliebcconugl lar Commerce Mr. Lewis wlll bave head- ituto npossession of te pet>- rends ai a much legs cest thsn te qJarters inl Washington. Vie. accordlng te Senator Frank (). lowve9f figures oftered a few weeks Haum aof Bloomington. wto bas ago. " oO oofOOO0000000000 ft suitmitted a new road-buildlngt. G U RNE Ee aciteae to.Governor Smaii i 00000000000000000000 1 arn very favorabi> lnpresd ACtIl VI wtb theiid" te governor sald i EU PI f11 VL The joint debete wili tailelplace at the plan. t.hos-. bigh achool Friday evenlng. ini a Fte canai rgi Pan. -29. Warren wildebate withthetii.u- Th sstnti smlarteoe ndr XP O ES I R T ertyville blgh scitool. The question la Thii. syem îia aimbilt ar 0 olesnerResolved, Titet thie Philippines ahould ofwalulc erenbs.ltmai llsbe given contplete IndependenCe by Sato adsraed o'san __- Ernest Silit. of Waukegan, a the 67tb Congres&" Robert Lui. Ce- clie .ntranon'ites ln wiiid t plumber. had a close escape front lesie, Young and Alfred Âmes with ires on teatos tfa sui e fro- mont serinus Injuries. Wednesday. Rosaina Kelly as alternate. wiii up- mats n ltecos o a iee o radwbhen worling i <mmes. 1-is gaso bhold te negative for Warren ai Gur-, togetiter wth bids cf wbat f bey were line stos-e expioded vitile he work- nee. Abert Pihi. Howard Bland and wling te ascelti as tbeir compen- ini near it and In the explosion. te Esthter Henley, wth Alice Sweefley as nationi for the jib. As an incentive1 wae hadîr burned abot th e legs. He alternate will visit Lbertyvllle and te an econtonlca ige ofthte 5tetP5 xanaged- to extinguish the flames will uphold the affirmative. corne out rond maierial and lober the suceesi- whiic set ire In bis cînhing. but and hear IlIte debate. You May learn fui bidder would be given. in addi-nsrbfs i1ib wr tre ootig n vf norg b ion te is pronfit id. ,50 per cent . batil.% e s >1<11 confined îo bis speakers. ai hieantontwbib tc nigh ~ge oJue. iliiou,-h net in ied. lits in- Calendar of. EventsataIthe H. S. In thebestof consruction. '«. leis Je -ufflcieni 'e prerenl binu Alril 28 -Contiunll> Play. 8 p. 11). S The 50 ber cent bonus woild be 1 rron W;Èiing. . Aril 29-. Joint Debate, 8 pi ni. applicable until te bonus reacbed an HJJweser. be feels fiat lie came out -Nay 6--Junior Play, 8:15 il. in. amount equal in ane-taIt of te Profit Jif il %I.> liiekil- considering flie May' 13-Flag Rslsing. 2 1p.liii. uponwblc tRi cotracer ,8ee 111,JJiofutthe accidenMNay 182 Alumni Pi-ograni,1. i. m An additlonal safeguard againsl be-________ May 20-H. S. Musical, 8 pl. lu. Ing *"stung." Senator Hansen said. -iS May 27 Conniy ay12on a provision wtich comnîelsfilue con- Firet in Lake Countyt- Tho INDE. Jupe 3 Se niCR sjeay, 15 p.cou. traetor te make gooti eut cf Iliii pro- PENDENT. June 3-senior Clasa Play. 8:15 p. 'I WismKs WInOe'.AUeS la use by fr.j - bets U b p a n d . -M<s ti. nd t eWi. The. New Internaionl Ce «d dit muos ta succesaIt aU . knwgt:eu, a univeselquem> Uf you eeek effcency and ad- vancementwhynfot makedally uae of tht. vast fuad of informu- ation? 40.MfVoabuiafYTfl 2W ags 6M Illuaratfos. Cior.dPaea 341«G0tm1icga1SUbIate. 12,0M Rgdsr uand hhWPapIimu. ett, l s. lneo OL paps i Lo G. id MMRIAM S Co, bas been vlsitng er dauglter. Mrs. i. M. Hole, returned bomne ThursdaY. Mi. and MeIsý Williami Carr wecre the guests of 'ti. and Nfrs. Elswortb of Libertyville Sunday. Mis. William Galloway entertaîned the 500 club Tuesday afternoon. Mesdames George Goodman and Pe H. Meyer attended the anniversary j dinner given by the Rebekahs aI IHigh- land Park Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mids. Irving Rehài and. chul- dren of Ch"cigo-.veiîe tRie guests of the J. A. Siryker tamily Sunday. Misa Minnie Str>lcer of Chicago ls spending seveî-al days at the homeeof ber brother. J. A. Stryker. Twelve of the Royal Neigbbors vis- lied the Wbeeling R. N. A. Camp last Tbursdîiy. Mr. and àMrs. Anthony Kiemp are the happy parents of a Uitile daugbter. born April 19. Mr. Uld Mrs. Ed Becknîan biave rent- ed the lower fIai ln Mrs. Preezn'a home. whlch tbey willI occitpy ln May. On Thursday evening. Azril 21, Carl W. flouse was instantly killed ln an auto accident at Scrtne's crosng on the Dtsnlee road. Otto AnderiÙof n Sheriperyllle. the other occukant of the. car. was injured and taken. ta the tEvauatoa Iospital. wbere be remained for several days. wben he was taïkell ta hi% home. Carl W. Doose. wbo was 26 years old leaves ta mouro bis loss a wife (Edna Trute) and an infant daugher, Jose- Pitine, aid his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Doose. lts parents, and brothers and isters or Wilmette. Thé funeral was held trointhe h omne of Mrs. F. Trute Sunday afternoon. Internient ai the Mooney ceinetery. Mr. andi is Han-y Olendorf were gileata of Mr. and Mrs. NMarvic Peters nt Libertyville Sunda>. Rev. J. E. Webber ot Roy aIl Oak, Michigan. a suburb of [Detroit, wbo Was pastor of Ithel'resbyterlan clînreli about eleven î ears ago. calied on old friends Tuesîîay. He la attendmng ai cîas eunion. J? SlJl'JîïniJklî ThlAîoi icaÏ Seminary. Preabyterian Church News Enittusia*iii i u la slJJ)W n ii b Sunday Sebool oier the auto race. Rt brings out the > oung people. eacb clas., belng anxious tu reach the stopping places first s50"'i te enj<is ai g0(Jl tinre. IPr. Georz,, kob.,'t, oL a ke Foirest ;nreached an eloquent sermon Sunday evening. in ihe IlaJa ut Ir. Vem k<le. wlio was called Iront the rClU. Tbe Sunda % *colelivill eni-rtin Jl lJ-parent s ai a.1 Unpir on FriJIay s-e- ning. Titeie ail I b, a nuinbs--of sîîeecbe., M lZev. '%I.L. T<JJ5w il. l ýnuait vitb bis classJ JoUi lie ltJliJk Seminary Frida.% ieniJnu. ..Upited Evangelivlî ? liehNW. Nlrs.'Rotbers tIi ,nierlun if»Mis soAR" Society TJiesîtay alieiflJoîi Ai fthe regular services sit be hetd ;unda'. A- telia JJt SundaY oI Mlay bas béen st aside b' sour generil conference ru b(> Jibsei",J JIas Edtuça Jio i( a1y3,' Jlie e*iphaI a i i<StJ e 111011 inz si-vice a ill tbu. ;lared Jlbon i r, tian Education." At lie ,-senitig ,et Vsice. Fi. Bodiey. a' soloist of lIhe A. Capella Choir of Nortbwestei-n Univer- sitywîil be preserit and sipg. A number of Our youlg peuple ai- tende,! the EiangelJeat Chrstian En- deavor raRI>- at Chicago Thuisday eve- The chloir will ilieeT 85 Itii' -5 ning at 7:45. Pon'r Tierzet ltie bakeîý saIs- ai J. A. Strykers store SaI.urda> l5Phone >Jur orders in early te %frs. NVrne' ilITo MsA .1.Johnson. CARO 0F THANKS NV it mIo tbank ail ibose who sent flow crs, I urnisbed automobiles. offer- sjýdtb thLii errices ýand lp îsoways_ Lexpressesi l hir sympatby foi us in e,.r laye b,-îeasemIefl 1 M)RS. ELDNA DOOSE. HIS MOTHER A-ND FATHER. Woman Jury Exemption f~Bis Are Introduced Springield, Ili., April 20-Two cool- kpanion bills, one diW"qualifYing women i front service on juries in muurder trials sand te oter exemPtine wOmen wbO ýt do nut ere to serve. were introduced in the senate today by Senator A. S. Cuthbertson. I ~ ~ ue PATOEEM. NUINE Fer Ui'.IPlC.18 ami NUVouffl Aak for.à Talai Dh aMddiat mahld 'n- ýe D4114-C.. 189 W. Lah 8' St ag a North Shore- Trains, TAKE YOU RJGHT TO THE LOOP YouIo. money Trains fer the Business Mani For the Luncheon, Matinee, or Shopping Trip Down Town to Dinner or to the Theatre se- no- time and -spend-no- on street car, bus or taxi 5: 48 a. 6: 18a. 6:46 a. 7:18 a. 7:48 a. 8: 1 a. . M. 6:03 a. m. .7:25 a. m. . M. 6:33 a. m. 7:55 a. m. . M. 7:03 a. m. 8:25 a. m. . M. 7:33 a. m. 8:55 a. m. . M. 8:16 a. m. 9: 38a. m. . M. 8:33 a. m. s9:55am. And every haif hour untul 10: 48 a. m. 11 : :48 a. m. 12: 18 p. m. 12:48 p. m. 1: 18P. M. 1: 48 p.m 2:18 p. m Every 30n 4:48 p. m. 5:18 py. m. 5:48 p. m. 6:18 p. m. 12:03 p. mn. 12:33 p. m. 1: 03 p. mn. 1: 33 p. m. 2:03 p. M. 2:33 p. M. 1 :25 p. mi. 1 :55 a. m. 2: 25 p. 2: 55 p. m 3:25 p.m 3:55 p. m minutes thereafter until: 5.03 p.m. 6:25 p.m. 5: 33 p.m. 6:55 p. m. 6: 16 p. M. 6:33 p. m. 7:31 p. m 7:55 p. M. Trains continue to rîîn at 30 minute intervals until 8:48 p. M.; then 9:48 p. m.; 10: 18 p. m.; and every haur thereafter ta 12:48 a. Mu. This 3chedule is operated on DaylUght Saî'.ng fimve. Chicago North Shore & Milmwkee R. R. Libertyville Ticket Office Phon: Ubetyvifle 74 Fi Accountîng sysîs-it do coUneed ta Penn OfcbR. J. L. Ofcin Fr,st Ni Tloul< 1 T LIIIERINVIL] DR. 0. F. BI Assistant Stat ELH-ANAN (illic e ltiîloTs-,. -h13iRT-N.-Vil, LYELL H Attorne LiBiIRT Y V IL Luce 1 llCs. Illiion- IýfjM. PAUL Mi Atins-ne L IBERT YVIL DR. C. 1 VeterJoian Oliçe N5%i LIB.EJITNVII F. BAI NAN,'f')s MARBLE A MONt Cemetery 1M CRRSPOND] WAUKE MARTIN Attorn' 315 Wiish WAUKEGJ office Phione 848. Notice la lie", ,%a 'ch 23rd. A. 1). bination Lock Col and te Triptte ('o iJeatien. bo1t pc ,raiIon, tl e b1 lie c avJ:t d al tIl Lai:" Ceunt . IlII Thiis pubibhatit lu staluifein iiel %sideti. TflIPLE METAI, Dy Okel DnAM IWAJj ,PM aL w'.>i 4Tý%àa LAU&Ipg" ý"NAI AlIm4uJieý49 'ru à%,DýmV, Demi. Harvester Companv Entire Une of Implements Now at LOWER PRICES In view of the recent réduction in the price of steel, we now announce--lower prices for our entire lime of farm machines and implemente flot covered by, dutin previously announced. Allower prices talce effectat once The reduction in the price of steel cornes after al the material for the machines and implements we will se»l this year lias been provided, and wilI there- fore have no bearing on the manufacturi csso such machines. However, it does enable"&e C pany ta buy materials at lower prices for future manuf acture, and in accordance with aur an- nounced policy we now quote those'prices, the Comnpany takçing the loss on machines already fin- ished and'#materialson hand. Full information regardirg our lower prices en binders, mowers, and ail other harvesting, haying 'and corn machines, tilla ge implements, tractors, engines., and ail other I H C farm machines can lie obtained from any International Dealer. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY CHICAGO OF AMERICA U SA 92 Dra"cbHouse.andei 5,000 1Dealicn the United Siateà lin DEJI Life s a b.irderî- îesracbad with pal, ~n*and the V ,pndent ana do% Irnback thte &ue' 'l'h. national remn.dy 01 .200 A8 yat la n an sie sulting fron kldney, lh teouts. Ail druggist ELECTI APPLIA They lighteii They Iengthi leisure They ineream and convi The fair them jis large on( versatile Youk.now W a a h i' Chines, il CUUnl C toasters, i cof!ee tors, f ani mental lh We sel! Monthly 1 Public Sei Of NORTIIEI CHARÉES fi WAIJKOGAN Publie Accounta PUIR WANT ADS CET SURE RESULTS