REASÇSUREI MEAT5 IN CITY FISHERMEN ARE LUCKY IlNlIRJL 5H11.> D ON Tiff LIMITS ARE ON FISH MPiI TO REDUCE i.ia a ia vas lay Kellcy of DaIy Shop Says Packers Say No Shortagé is Anticipated. 1 ftON'T CURTAIL THE SALUE le lie anî"îrd (tt0r(g te wai xger nt Iltle .i«l'h Dilla tritl. .sa for î'. hem îable e lu1"i nu fl Io ake th placcs ot t iit><' 101h wat <cd out an, the pî oduit ion et i, a t g h it Wwi nornmal w t iti n indicalion of an lit 1 a Wa'îtîý tLuii tiera t i sRIitiij i. w of t he Iialt et ' lie ma' iiat w hen IlIe ('tiaIo sai i filirt ditlt ilieie* w\as fear Ilii th~e 1,,>,tiil on inîguit be aflecte( T t (Iti tiis"Woutd be able to g' alloughh tuas t to lasi teor t0%o orI tf wee l'ut bley werî' lnctjiepd tb0 ý li sîýtb-iî'io iii ai. ii-a itir nounitîliili;t t il ' ii uT d viit ( gcel t a itmTL tiil'.tiifl lie Sm. - FAGTELLS TRUTI lot iifrcquently Reveats One* Calling to Observer. Ciiaracteg-ttic Look la Farti>' Deve oped by Nature of Work Which 14 Indvîdual'à Occupation. Tt $aante liehapretly well agrîe Saong l tuapIna t te 0spîen t le varlous occupatlons ln lifetel la undolubledly a type of face 'ahi. more or less bet ra>'<te caling of Il !ewncr. Jiedicul Yien, esr.ciali; ln hlospîli 1.actice. ilnd acîituultanceawith te! types viluable. Tliey may net bLa b' witiî the alrewdnesu of Sherlot flotta or of oitrer acute verbons, umil a manspetit. prasant andlfttu Iby a glanceant, Mur ln rita treet. b they are able Io gauge %%llh consigi able Recdura,'y 1,0w far ite Msory the <'re. #il; gi vît hy hite pifnt.-1< trutlflîl'l ne, aniaihow far Ifl tir iw bils probable fccupalt in nifa. (illng noi tcrtairily have f&orne1 gueteovar rtue hsognony of it cabiman, fte buier or lige groona. Lai ftquenflly a tyspe etl> o! f Whlch %%-cars soeî'hracleristtc an e prlson 1' te make Il net fdifficult kIentlfy tie vocation acotiiiàin g1 N4 sV~ peak lso of the legal face, il mnqlcal face, Ille draintl fae and il * imillllary face. This fla nerey a lîroi elCasifcaion, n tire hast auftortil * diaijeletire hi lii, of ftie k-en ( ever tirait lie cn dîfferentilale te tuer degree. . tâte a er;esor llis1nl al pit Ctis VIIIto daIm 0te ile Io aay frl 6 glance ntftir face Ihat luis or tl aln&W 1- a ulcier, a grocar. a ba rierk, a IaNF re clrk, a (-Olttuerc traveler, a stock iroker, and se If la lbouglitf thigt the faine o!f tf inedlcai mati es rougît and readyi tatîses lins heen tiirgely niintd) iiired foîr îhcm ha etîttîîiapsllc frier ]Butt Ilt magny itli val il lieh posgq great lîsght imb tlte occupations toita nio corne tifre tent 1'trige. Te ue iuc'lotî 1 fen dclîated'i re, er pbh iogtionîy is 1- gront of vo tior. or wlether Il 'lîuw-s hilttIle cato cliseuis tin'rîtir i-cv the PartIcittir Caplil1 indiîiîl tît the person t0e wItem Il heloligq.. other words, If the laitiser dotse show e da legal f Ille dalsîtir Minster thte *eccleliisîlcaj face,", Uâedlca' stridenttita "phy.gieliiîly fa the solder tige *milliliiry face." question arl'eg. laIriai a sîgn t tbey has'Ctmlsakai tîtar calîng? Iantaefman sîho "doesn'f look a like a doaf or" llkey fe f«It becig lts physiognongle qualification le wi IDS? Or w-li lie. wlîtever hi@ orlgi tentures, gradlunfly cotrie to mcqi thte type of the profession to whicl belorige? Tire angwar te tha question la, ourse. liatIlohIthtiteo are rigli certain kInd of face, te o-al Sbeantilec face, la seo oten sean amt Inedieirmtndene ne te preve tht IlkeytehOalolt medicina as a car, Convarsely, whataver te original e1 festuresa amedîcal man a i yoeaethe alliions. délcatei alîsorhltig work o medîcal vrac Yul put a mamnp upon tant. ~ ' LGng Shoea Points. At one tim-in (bthe ourteentl Flfleth C.ntroi-peopie worm -' pointsof t lr aiboese solong tbati wers ln danger of tumbilng cirer I wben tbey walked. To overcotas inemflen!eufl*il become fauhn for bot men and women to tie 'S 6T Local Man at Big Convention Backed in Idea to Increase Lakes Transportatioh. HOOVER FLAYS RETAILERS A.m. ah(ia, loczii manager ù, clle111 Steautit'iat las, s; liahtus t (ByMORRIS ACRERMAN) on Ille ittier finislîcd i.p IY, h . e uit- fîtlt Ili, nalmeeting n- America'a Foremoat Angler No golr.g bacsilte anv flore of ilhd p îato iCmmrc o ' Laiger dat îin amaller numbers. for a cayV fisiîng. M'e have hall t e tIUitl lstates, in Atlanti ic I ni That, in substance, lu te dictunt of loit for, leaner and better efocedl'i1whd i :sadlgt rn e te law telaling te the calching of te ateans and tuittdt'. N . -%Iii i wý,adlgt ri finn ftrite in most of Nortt Anutica. Tîtose, feilow-anglets, are tha ea' Ille lOral et:nliîei. w:.a instrument4ilý A lav for our protection, maintajneil ons wity we hase fit hig liceflees, In the t',l'tion of a rosolution i-i ý lslike lihpropagation fis'a aein fee, crecI and ize litîtit, on our fIIIh loday. CorgrcF-a t;r'în'ýîtt k lle,'governnoîr B. whicl aitould ha cheerfulîr paid ty te in hcasily pottulata d rentera te5tisal fTR.ciaI olne l, a angler. laws .aie Oui' satualion. lo Itiihi silno lner n- ofeI17, le Do Iol remember early Saturttay t I-hiIdg - -n o ti ni ornings, aiten we were kids, itow we + +. -tr-i.'P. -l+ - -1 ...:.+. ++ cPiountry >instad t ofiegfn naions,- tae a Ituri lad breakfast, called foir ouir+ and thIr tha Ane. cat Ilndusrieî d~ sety braI fîiend and iikad off 'afIoche DOUGHBALL RECIPE *1.1.tîre ofith e î t'iî10 arr pan.efo tas creecith iliour burlap sarit? J_ a-et fît'ta~ tin ln R Ietuemter how we tisai te0stretrît + . %fM. liiuflnîîîti's ,contention 'ais lhit fthiislîl ire te saiiîng tae "saine" and go utp sîream and +1-TIi o ne aitîl itulpa tn' rariî't' '+facilities in tii,',îin'ry anditei, te- ding underneatî te banteto he Ie *:- uih tî ec .rilliînnIawl. u te faIt lownmb cir nl'-1- ' .kEc rtu', I "lt' (Ifwlfat fré iglît 'outl Lehti- tîcjd ty boat on 'y Iemamber laf it aul"? lbuw a 10- >fleur tundcoin nrnaa. in -*rtII iTte hrei s! iakes ii 00w h is f*n,- ie itte Ihi iatwas occasion for apçlnlancous e-'unIs 'i, ii ' A't'0(. ,,lt transpcteTd Il>- trail îtif llte c"ib~o.iT !te'ticing and a manifestation of pt île? -I- tsrt,,nits ca ifà itottgî' l't + 1 eh nea v t l'e si ,, a" 0 torei ats- u l. n 'atdid we know ablitttir Ina' 'P o ii e îttt' n ttii .i Iiole tt' ren.on;tle Itii c-ms, rs'as pointed 0î 't1 et i'.e diînt consicter Iliat soit of titittg 'Pcuhcstse. + Iy 10w , nt lite cta;or lransl'oi a te a sin, did we? i.Noiwtoil Ille î !n:i.teu l'al!, a 'l -ion lisvintg t-o. s ctiill h decreuseîl o Itemetnber how e e tef0lootk + Itteitiget utýn aFit 'ré, tîit-Il tertvit liooNer'î, nt"a serretary of g wi'itavie siand azni' fit te _>i iîsîe aie ]it0s, i Tii Te iougli- +('tît i of i- 6.500 me n i catiches" te îîltcr flýmot,' ouiet+ bail. tuit.fl 'twe 'ur *!itTCOt'.incr, tî stîîil d thal fîcigit! tn iliritottest-To-gooinis circin in le -- n wiiiiii yonîbc-huil t, tî.rhtzalI'. *i atrs w (Te t'fl't ftt!iýv i caonsibile toi, i- iser antI how tepir traps ascie lor1d -e*i*Tha i,f, s'eiia i 01M 'i i ni't Ilie t'ont s'î l mii s-t of livintg. ts. wifhflfsli In te ilîbond" '.J- ti id etaryiy Iotîi iitilil' lioe lor ilial T, WIîl . és e d n heard c o tPf <"Aft t' l i i , Y* ., n;ii r * Ili ('ostt ( itîtti p lithTet relaileis (tf i in- losa 55 io gela aihale of a Lig [l~ " Pt rruIh+ile <ouitl'r, Tut he t'strundj- ti i o f u te teit illi a stick of d3ra- «,l~ t it ii te;.! tn '1: T 1-s l.r I ,' r it :. 't 'r tI, T c ' ian hi ' pitlit'îan tte nas iii ti p e .1 ii"n letic-ktni herasîiî oii ~.i~'** :*** : - t 0 t iSAYS AUTOISI .,LABORERS WILL GUARDSMEN TO RAMMED CAR,. ACQUIESCE IN RE= HAVE 19 DÀYS' TUREATENED LIF E DUCING 0Ff WAGES SUMMER CAMP. i ln (hicag tTelegramn to Local Police- G eneral Belief is That $1 An ha aotintl gus L id D vl ' e1 cd Hour is a Thing of Past teen days in camp tItis summar. Atil Nmn .ap k FoUaorr.Iistclime Ihv iy S cuIth iderI'li@e supi H. Kasliar 404 Sîtatîtlan Court faces lit rs itonet efice a f lie reia tpostble proset ut ton as te rsull of'i= ýre aru>y and wiliLbe paid for titeïr ltine 'in auto acrcident near tae stata lîne [h TEAMSTERS ALSO IN LINE?hibý the INtaral governrfintt. Sîndas nîlil. Thii is Indicateit by j sTiti fi-slcamp for the citl guardt- te folloa'ing tleiian receisail li Thmati FilInha tebcda ge('aap Loeart. u he aullegan Pditi5(fott A. J. Flvnn' at l'te ttileaa mealfe-national guarit rifle talnce5ut norlh of C?i'gogid utolta member e! lite enItg tatrito mallt«rlimai te rarpeni- of Zion Cit> - .Iute 2 ,21 22 22.TitisBor Tie lai siuaton tiis iatirtend sit ha for ufficeta. non-cîmygts-sioit i >l.IrsstainI hsdsrc nOfliers anti mant slectedtonthlie va-('bief of Il'tirap.i ck oit themnitterof te $1.25 pýrlieour - rto., itm becausie o! uheir soldierty Wauitegpn. ltA tâ mater. ttl le uioin taborer~ciequattles il adi ha apreparation for- = M xil ah te droppad front $1 ait hour 1udIlle fîfleen daîs' dnraiicent whtmt mar 'aitît Illinois" t.rlse 179,446.,Z ut pfolFibly fte uniîon oflite îabore'-s ahIltomalelaie.' in te suiner. ostier Il. Kasiiet îtf %Waukcgati knock- = fr. 'ait! enîlI> go hythe ba oard. Secon'd in Camp Jul>' 20. ed m car- tnio dîttit near WisconsinM f Fati s taI local contractois de- Tt wa rnouncrit dur'nlite wf eek leo Skiat eoad -oantin Iirec- q I claie titey havaeomore applicauionts for ébaitahle 2ditfantrIltle first o! the a nd1its e for r 'ton5tandthrepO- fth tboer8' jobs tai t îty alt filand Ilinois iîifRnirt<egimentl ,tCIPDSiae n tnnadte op c lit tiritarevdlln ti 'atk or I-proac tfedletatizafuun. will ,m te camîp gang Citw in hisopital iD yoair Iown. I.pout anytiting., Few contradtors are at Lo"gan on titI, 2iit. leasing bL, ce Ot A.1FennBado!Tae he 00w paying niore thoan 601 t 70 cents Aîg%.Tt ifnJ-.îwt a iFelyn \ain Bo icd ondrate la càait luur for labor and aven shaeêuIleacmmautdtofi!i i \lItant E investigation nnmemiatly and seat linion laborers are supposcd toe c jansont bîmit a wire titat itis was Bot te te (1111tuloyd at te $1 ait hour s-aie, aý ;rRihvai nacdn x" liaîty tabou et shave askad f<r ss iiik ranc t of hicitaie n a n ccdentr f0 and arranged on te ide 1teaioi kIÜ(10k T C rrT fWuka niabot alhea hr. Il. for nuisît1-s thnIifiul Itaescala nf $1 LTENANTSJ ILL o izit SundvrhofN rtha Chcago te per itour. BkIsai-lit V an doi, eeoffrttChing the Wemot ai" ,4th i cy lld,ý, D A LETO IIOLD î, lad berause Of te gencrtîl cmnittionii cii- i ý lga in o n las ployers o! lahor natiralt> tie îakîng brn ~ L M dnI iat action ha 'pcop)osed Io Ob ads'antage of it. "FR T"imNOi ESb S The laborerb' uni oitlia. es ter l>f-e V t!»a-Lu l bell tesAt orineiy affillefed ihthe carpeittars' uin qii 'Tefor aea Atolctis a laitB.noinitiative iD the malter -lia 0 strong as other <tIlOns aedill tic e0new Kcs-ing(,r titis al t.te taaccident itappendotil Teàmters May' Work, etnt<î5 as soion as il-,: 'acre î- i l, r Juridiction. Anotiter change 1Inte tatus Of' ite, itune lis aflernoolu. ii worknicîî ta Ilomning on the Loi-ton "rhe iraI oftî e fao few îaws L D M lIaccordiuug te bulideca naincly, the Crinistetnants ix inuIYs in iitii O F R N EO on.rospctso!fitaving leanîsters do To s;icate pLianisca gîte(r rer. sugK leue«mota actual 'aorktaon t\t niera net .e 4o0 noie.M 'ce adlits trcth egutirées.Atuocers ntishe dtîintia ltiDONt gaiatin M Neleanisteamail ]ertwIcotndescendhistes lennis rigît tfiaIi'îrt t!iIgt.,GoeHas Mà okentie iton ive enitteamderl,îîe La' t lisiailifa aeiaimea nt in o.n-airo I, odai iig eh llîey have had lots of applicaittu fiont rrh cenliittte, and Jamea Cape,«tit ricît. iiiuîg coniractor teavetoniglit for ir&a niîen aiho are aiiling Io drive atdt1St1tingtim-Id atece tiuey sili crufer vho, ato ssok t fte sanie tinte ini oad- tîmmîîîrosa'witlî s. E. Bradt iaattiM gtt u aîtd unfoading. The cettritoîs Wondt"ful, Pagoda. I.ipimî,.,v engieer, co'tcet'nîlg Illa F of delate iliat thefisgue o!fte ica- 'I Iti- ri-?se T155 itn i tii'r.n, ,aiarlng o! a contract for thte ti In samns'iy building rosisit'o ntuoiitwitcî'faline in the woiîd Ifl tîtimîianrocaî of Shecidt coud ai Zion.i rit ieiniat aho are engaged lit i îid- situl ist ~'It haitii flu"? lp a. al noffer f0 pave ing lng aIlI do ottty certain linas of asuirita l ii'- îiItit'ci ;svs Zooiata ca !$ 00a tile te atîd that ihetcliIt: requires iliat Il0tafo.r tilas. a ltiute eftihie ré- t'nd if thete atle engiticer apfro'*e' te,". iittiy<tmoreten 10 gel a tuilditng up '1u1Ifafuirkts. ' tt'1iantecontradicattela te t aniusai te.oThtua, on ailtleanuîng ,.: C abofiè kng ift d.ln tai jeoha. liii te miut ha a laborer as 'aîv ______________________________________ as lihedi iv. c andthlie former wisri '_____- - ______________ aI loading anîl unloading whlie as lite lbit driver walcias Ibim. Of course Ille UI man aiho s footing te bLuttaias Io, aont- psy for tat featre of building.____I uire ' Provê t Ile A proset-itoeles.imiilitg, e wfor B u iiies igdlit iIllae f as do not saa. liie' nr N o -O pen' o B s lof go flot lieur. Tt la the douiiiîg 'Thom. l. A as of ilfp,.-o! lteraltre. 'A tmio! o ilIed te worl le," as Mr. Balfour c ie I îong inaal> cpitonuînedin it, "cite w IiidoasA O R N W IO tenet blleve an>thiiig gooiî o!fuisA O R N W SH%'P ýe n wort." 1Wel eil, Na ros'rf.-V. IL 'eer. Fried(lnensler, IliuVi t ucLif'- _______'21 South Genesee St. ave Sharp _,-inder. atnd Wben poison of unr klîd 1la irotîglt Nc'xt If) Wilson & Ohmi. flis he b couse lit lea agood plan 1teI». mediatll'rstn tsvo common pInî flirougi te colkoppîseatt aschi liter, wit itae itn peints exfe<tdingatoutt an elgittitof an Inich patte tens on te eacit ide, Tit prlck o!fte pin giveas as acitaring h-r day or ililit thie itîtaîti île te rit 14 loaeiied eut proves au el.-Se l~~ ths cient 'stifegnand agaluat t iîalîtpe. 1 W aukegan E i B Daterv évc nable flelr Trhe Ametitysti n -"Revelaltlonte'I>unc21 tacué The Bila&oloirhs efe let h 0tiI .ruAiiiiaccc ¶fyuutuslmt 101ut1it8' Most Economical Clothes in Waukegan Hart Schaffner & Maric Suits Î'. Liber Lake Count Il, would 'p ve clip wjld, awi frcqntlytese the foilowîng: ",Wheu & p ',When ii «Whea a la bis tee. -Wlîen a d "Whcn a jî "W}îen a Il "When an presenta a bill. -Wlteitaalp 'Wlucn an Ls a t'c.sdi lake Connity Il of thinga 'mant Edtorial Assoc Chaniber cf Co the Waqkegan' % meretacy-mat The Chamber g: Lake COnics. the national tg wogking band 1 The Cham Lake Couaty, demu te Lakt -in lakt Count: jiiitcial, suppo This otigi *pply with tqi W. B. Foi Imd givezallaiC &Bd 1, enthuti bmu offered ta line of activît county, Fia, 1 he was seeking ties il the sMa uand gape frui our autoinobil with vonderft Iiow very entit at large know The couafy ia fui coflntiea il Co $2805O y OU, may be able to buy some clothes at a li*ttie lower-price, but nowhere w*ill you buy so rnuch weat and style and satisfaction for each. dollar you spend. If at dny time this store does flot give you the most economical clothes in Waukegan, wel11 consider it is failing in its mission of service. tongenlal ceamon. T numeérable meat mcvi pince-nlez, fui, anuai or itôlor lb for varleti fte mode. or gr Y. mlIgt be, de trOp. tevogUE frnwned Doolittie-&,Whyte The home of'Hart Schaffner& Marx clothes