CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 May 1921, p. 12

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T ?bHfr WW.Mflt# ~ v ~ INu-LW a~Ta.IUIMAY. -MAY 5, 1921 ~~ftL Eye These Eyes!1 STATU T» PRO! UMUUIUIMIN NlIJUUUUIPU SWILL WEAR ILTR0- ç~ TIEIR ON WO~ KE REAM LAWA 2r o Samle Sts En~ ITo Prosecute Ail Manufactu- ade 0 isflWo T ks. F'onrers Operating W ith- ~' IlIn~is FIoc~s. out License. MIR A C LE suite- and overconts n.n'le of %Ir-IR CHSET.XMP D wool frein their o%%n foLsr. e~ le sok ab ai- e>lecream manufacturereswhohav tf ethe Illinlois Agr c,"îu'.i 1as fleglectod ta cecner stote licenss a tion ls h-Iving a nn,'b, off rcqOired by the pure-food Iawe are e suits rn"de for mcmL) und Etinlf ta' get. ,lato trouble with the etxend tii lieerice y ta Illinistdepartouent off agriCulture, se- ers ttirOuîllî teirnr bu- cGrdOtg ta officiais off that'depart- should the projec et sucd.ment. Thru Its ouîvision of fonds and MI. dairs. it la keepIng a Sharp watch 1sui ettreprco al enfr violaters of the ]ce cream Iaws. eI suis atthrc pc.50 a '. bu. 1t nufll0 " iIt expects ta prosecute difference in prices s , . 1 em rer- Inl ed bY the qualty of t1 , inu. Ice creans muet nt be made or tailoingthe Nool n tw l se a: ithout a license (rom the de taiirin iti ~îot n i be I "partmtnt of agriculture," said J. n, ^bout six Io eîghI puund. of nuol. Me- hivn. "W* vantentha fth ablrding toarnanut.Lcurr. ,g) in divistion..6 t t thnroly un- tireadflreegîl e rst.Itablesntapply ta chureh- -ib required ta nake ihie au ,j 0,Cariabeinstitutions and no on, - ~ ~ ~ g Th vug îreîerndb aking it,_cteionaliy. but It tees fo._T rage r ictei apily ta e verybody eI.e. If you are 26cet ap und, ., 1iosn manufaeturng ice ereaum wthout Nt '&fgue t f 6he Vs a Ilind .ois Ag lices@ you are breaklng the ]airs of figues ff ins102 ilino Agi îe state and are liable ta a stiff *'This mneana ttlat the tanner re. As for Materials, the dalry and gleof a suit casting $75." ad lier- adstewh iu bue I rtW. Muaod uetor ithe:i'3 c>aPoefioneac ra :rda . thestock tmarketing depwtînînt of Same nmanufacturera -ignorant. M, O DE T UI N I l lîinois Agricuitural ,,-ociion. <arles., or grecdy-have hbeen oaing ('J 1If~ IG 'Wben il la cunsidered t e> 11v unfit materlsis. It doesnt pay. Soon- O U ENTUR11bT C K OF f H GRAD ladin, even a ttlat prieu, -.le naeiOr t later cur ni.ipcctoc. disýcover a conubination off ajîgin (lie.. illit. k , s"them jinn coirt and tm- 111lrme's ercet;,e l e%,:, owe', rose flr.*itit mreanî. I i ape oui The liv'e stock mreigl r dighonc% uil mont off the Illinotai.s A t a SeClatiÔn recen tly sent ai, > ____________________________ 'lt *001 Io lhe imifla ta bùc jein i,'sfM * I Rs. l» bigukets and auto roba tut ir o t Chc g illysEjal Hyfeute idolizel Th"y belonS Cc 1Mlle. Dom,am. reneb Thomas F. Scannel off Milwaukee. F R M NW M NA DC ID E (1~J~ etres., Paris ortiste ay they are the muet beautiful adit "ti nost w«.E- colled on triendi in this city fester- derful' oeb in aiu et Fronce.. Photo show ber a.oki'w theul MD W t4 day. DtlLe &la dise-Up 01f lbc. Pe. tri prayer Meeting wîî a.. .I PE L SP R I _ _ __ A GJGCeta sho edee hem-F @ we MUST Go AT ANY PICE. USE Of PARK FOR seleGfo MoTO ANGLINGhe they dsfeted the South achool in LOCAL ATIILETICS CAST YOUR BAIT DEEP t ho second gants of the league sertes at Posa Park, yesterday aternoo FORridan Noad TuBASS , .acre o rs,-6.Ts weulas euNTHE SALErOF SAMESe ____ OR BA TLINGgood game; the Players had ta keep AE 0 A E!THE TME 0F TIMES! Nu Park on East Side ofr gong Pretty ILvely In order ta ktep W..~f aeY -iu'Lo m Over To Y Officiais '~~~~~~~~~~~~H E. Chickering of ticago, vuîi.ît u tc sm s o peew t H E U P X O D ed friands la this city todsv u tc sm stc m lt ih SRO S U P X O D me VIDES FINE PLACE -7r.Pî uih f o~tPr avnu. P 1Smt o Sul ark~D the last word in style, combined w ith excellent workmanship, brand- local Y. throfamghy ae ortsé tnit lra. amne3 L. Mtiler orfSheri' ed by the foremost shoe manufacturers. ft lb g. ee fpmlotfare ountM. dan rondt vere tisitora in Chicago eàeulgtepatofgon t..-::t4.. yesterday. ~ s Steele oearkoritoite the L BxArrangements are being nmade ta nseehmae put i lie organize a -Vaman's Christian Teni- pauSa~~PFgc lusaeuhsne fra~wib is cîty within the ha atleic program inciuding base- By MORRIS ACKERMAN f ater. aIfwdy. botttldis AT THE MERY 0F TUE PUBLIC go«»r dimod I iie orh Wst Aminc'. Foremnost Angier lt lis thon ho must be "bant ted"; coiuSanted ta membersiip when in- ~aar)diaont n te orî wslwe must put within reach of that dis- lervewed by' W. C. T. U. workers We term this sale, "A Miracle in P rice S1sin ,ý for neyer before OMee and Santhler inl the forth The hart basa la the gam s fe crimnlnting noeâ the live mlnnow, the yesterday afternoon. i-end off grounds nith a claasy thc masses. cais or the olanewrm M ate al court uin eetli et bl the ony ogtig lca wi awy nge-o I. l. EL ClevCit of Racine. called and perhaps neyer again will you have the opportunity of buying It a he nl fihtngfin that hrivesj He la neot looking for painted plugs on frients In this city yesterday. %Woe ansd plans are nov unter way ifniaur ceniers of population. (or foolseh feathers. H-e in oniy inter- Royal Neighbors heit a very In-sc iesa d r ult ieo H E tsc effes ~an a tch games a on-Yu fint hila In the park laites of ested in a square mtaai t close range. terestîng meeting atite Waodmau uhafnntn adq aiyl f8HI E tsc IM "Y" membership adspe reial great cîties, reservairs, ponds. far and ' Bts sky-ine ta the surface of tie club monts last evenlng, after whlch ang the business men snt near. big apd littie. $water adh aI omo o ih alwda noal oillex"ghop ofthie bck top ov Ail fair waters look salic'te th ts . flyng. For this reason it la for bet- teligilful luncheon wu,% serveit by D S R C IE PN E h4h nd ivie brk topis ow onderful 115h off the people. iter te senit down weighied minnow. thue committee In charge. C R C IE P C S e= ýd re th dle dialnonds are For flua reaion basa fisiing bas '<1db" or worifi. T~he Meliediat ladies wiii ta re- crvdndroiet lJoesit)en-mrtoIonr Ca ta1o ny Ag the early brt gela fle woi'a, mind ail the inembera' of the AId 5 ;aaeotVti i ek i.possibly aIl other, gaine fish combinet. l toesp the angler. wîth luire society off the meCing and birtiday NUTIG RSRE1 OHN H EI OECACS ORF M ahtfour each affîcinuon ant Excepting wbere ageauan are closet wating et peela oa' day, have tthe bulge t lba ioet e home Ô! lira Chas. TIG uSRE! NTIO CIIEI N XUNE! N EIRS *111111IÈIg tilI dark, a scheduiet hy law turing tie sprlng, the back 'on lie bass. caeertinetet tettmr 1j"S off recreation for ditfeérent basa ta hard'hynted turing the violé flas fisiing wiii moa you forget ateona :0 h at aJ -viit iaaurcortshuir à ~yéâ-ra Il moefttha. yotir vorriea. fig up sonlifrT-akle, a b. ln honor nf the blrtidsy off Cie tii Im. Bas.e bail damnd- -neri pigfang(rilale-con ot vorma or a bucket off "minnies" hostess. vo i i be assisteit by Mrs. dîuneor) - basebnît diamond dit feilow ften int uns "bunget andt get rit offfagging eppetites and Mansfield ont Mriss Armstrong, via .1.Base bail diamnt No. 2 and up iti aaIt" te'oram thi vnter-ciiitd 1l esnigita.hae irdy My Mm ond boys Inîcreblet in the uns-. __________________________________ ho are asissing in the entertain- 1bsol postinse aie îequeslc.lto gel ment. Ail ladies are invitet-of- b tcgch wiîb PhYsical tirector Pier Pomp.-Y, illa,? i.'oc! Flow off Gsi Possible. course Ciey neet na tîrgiog ta at-AA ff of e '0 Waukegtn Y . A Ille femous refouma stands la the Cltsts gaIl stcn brners y hnîng tend Iis meeting. u neigniorbooit Of Alexandrin. on an thint once a ioih Inbhot soiipy; ater. The Dramatie club off tuas city are M,1 .M V I V l M 1 W ÀR6EFOR 3D Wnus. It la supposelta bave been tien ori.(tun excellent flow or gagila given prabably the latter part of hut tae miémnorate the coniet or sure whuthe aies-île are fr'ee frirn June. A readtng off the play will be ~~~AI4GE FOR 3RD bnoIn29 A agrur oIdtis evenlug; f051 of the B TV LU SEE FRY U M NY -Y U WLLN TB &TILETC EET £lei,.lrs b Docttin l ~6& 1. reae.have been chosen and e club ATTEND THIS BALE!-WIT THE EXPEOTATIONS 0FGETD r H£ poolouee nter ta moite the play a j APPOINTED. AT NAVAt STA.succens. tMesdames Jolley ond Sebu- AT AVA1 SA.ment wlllasasat tu the direction. BUT YOU MEUST COE ZEÂ LY FOR BEST SELECTIONS Me ec Dvso t o-FIXTURES FOR LSALI 1 FIXTUJRX8 FOIR SALE1 bw eto f Giving Out_______________________ Tickets to Members. MOVED SATISFACTORY 4«wmemets are being mats by ,t>Milrcial division off the -Chams- Commerce for thie hird ath- n Pditwerwo b e ««mt at Great Lobes. The. dte evt wua banilat no satisfac- dui. for, sMd insiste on vsCItly that the same methot ' jg, the gâmoinuin1.,S u h e S -r-e tdistribution vIlI b. ussd.'Up Alto do . of Commiier hexilquarters. Dr. Pierce over 50 yeau «0g. * ué cro rO ene nig roi ticket, vore given cut De h. bndVery much W U IÂ ,IIO 8 vstn-tam1n- nlb.-ta__ei:n-- lx-am i . a O1 As a planned j at prices WiU ReNq Toi LTurkis Turki ah - iltri ail -' n - Lîren tH% j ure linon - Cottos H - Hail Line - <ai-h li,. a t >'ard Lac leu'Iîrri'à - 24 x36 1 Mtay Sale Washabu. 2-.X54 i' low. Very athractive. - test Hal = May Sale. Large C, comIdol ter lure wsite itlay Sale

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