CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 May 1921, p. 13

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Our Annual 'May Sale, Begins Tiomorr owÏ" LE We Givei NiStamp; With Wonderful, Money-Saving Oppôrtunities Throughout thé Store Pearl Buttciir, 4c C-rd Il t'i-r Tooth Erulises, llic Li îg- si-lu' , 444 .1< 4Pond's'Vanshing Cream 19C Ra 5 i-a e .4 iz.cint. -» l-Yîîd's Honey and A'mord Cream 34-A 594 slîie 34e in ir lae u. t - . Dagget and Rasdells Cold Cream 73c t v44II 4A d Pomptia.n Oay Cream, 39c - ....r......./, . 3 9 e VeBest St" - On thRe North ShoWd WAIJKEGAN, ILLINt.GS As a Value-Givimlg Evetmt this sale is without a precedent. It is a sale that has been carefuUly planned so as tobl' oui' thousanda of customers an opportunity to buy merchandis.. of a high quality at prices they have flot seen in years. With this id es f irmly in rind ancf fully realizing that "1921 WiU Reward Fighters" oui' buyers went into the ritarkets with a determination to obtain price conces- Worise,,'s Neckwea ,49- c: i wd ~i4 4-1,44 (4 .t4i l'al ......5 ii Stickeri Braid; 19c Bolt for iumiii,fg 14 ins iandilcii]lOi>n îlrhit' , î i np -ie Il hi'. ,or ~iw 6 ýa1d4t,::'< 19e '(.hte 4X d C 4 - t>,, ý. < : BlikeS Slk Gleves. 6ch Pyi'Cns C.c tni.',31 34e siens of a vcry unusual sort, which in turn would bring te you buying l.dvantagrs-s unequaled in the bis- tory of this stcrt. How well tbey bave succeed-!d is definitely shown in tis'e.nnouiccment. Plan ta be I'ere as early as possible as quantities in tmre instances are lirniteci. - May Sale of Men's Wear - Knit Ties Dresa Shirt, zý n -i a d«1 dîn- Fili, Ne.îf-Lt r11i pes, t aile of lnIrî -tîy toitr , 4mîhnàtnn4-, firiy wûî'n 'i:i n9 AiU pilu,'rcu, .,'l, 1 and pizey. A reîe I j'uri1jîsee 50e t;$1.00 Mlen's Athletic Union Suits ra.. rI ,îl I.'.Sai-......u .... $1 2 -4 :1Men"s Muslin Night Shirt, Wôrnen's.Merc. ILisie Union Suite w 1. Ik 1. n n 1 Z..; i'a 1 1 . 1 - , 11 n d f. 44 j4d,î.î, ,l <î .ç , ..i, l .. A j. (,B () . 1 r,.. 1 a ià L u ai j-r 4 1 4 hi 189c .. .... . . . . . .... ... .. . _ ...... .... 9 Women'a S,.rrmer Union Suite f (..4'4444.t49a.i'n ,llh i ,i,4 i s ma v b -hadin; l r rkrý in ý1 r MaY...... .... .... . 6 9 e Irnported Organdie 89c Yard 40 inches awidé ln ail these ummer Fhaîles and pjistud tîrris. liy Q89 Sale, yard ... ... .. . .. . Dress Gingharns 25c Yd. 'M. F Ci-uTile du 4tIand L.1eIl-Sa Mayt> Si-.-,......... White Skirfing, 98c Yard A 144"'4'0 tfif 4r,4 - ts<ac 40 In. Dress Voile, 69c Yard Sçuîrig Vi ii' n ît.fg < rrI tti'. anilej dîizi- Ici n c argc- 14<1<,, in tIl Mx 9Sale utid ............................69e 32 In. Dress Gingham 361' 'c yd. a4~ r î and rew 4 ilks. k In,. Ma 4 36e Dress Percale, 19c Yd. -*., 1 1i r ni, l4 < ti - ;-4,4, ï: eîu. .a 40 In. 1Dr-ss Voile, 39c Yard i-V........... ... 3 9 e White Waisting, 69e ............ Hosiery for Men, Women and Children at Reduced Pricea NWomens SilS Hose, 59c Pair - V.1<. îlt îl aî( il, !:2.ein bla -. l, i ' M;! y Si iil ....niîi41 i- -i.. WOnen's SotikLsre Ho$1.0 P r WMrens SS Hose 5< s.-35c a1' 1. i ai. '9C ,î .. Mens Mere Lsie Hcee 3 P Girls' Fine R4bbed Hôce, 34c Pa.. r3 Par fo'- $1.00 %' alue h;, 1 m 2' Mlve. ir . r34e luis tfur SI(,(, May Sale SiIk and Woolens Fancy Silks, $1.00 Yard '4' ;11 1 p t -u s i P 1, ' II1 . . Nîd I. I %' l1;-.n- 4)In. Georgettes, $1.49 i. -. 1.49 40 In. D.css Silks, $2.95 Yard 91,4 $2.95 54 ln. Wool Stértings, $2.98 Fil i4- 4I t, ~Is iii :)1 l..e.. ... r I w l Towels and Toweling LPR DS - tip, brand- ver before- of buying REFUI KG THEII BE Dis) Turkislt Bath Tos.eia, 29c l-ilùl $_ . l twei fui] blEae'hed.M'oe. 9 TrshBath Towel. 49c - 22x46 in. blP',f illîe whle rioille 49c - Lnren I4uck 'owels 69e-Firnil, ans <n 'ure lin, n l- I. tileal e.69e Cotton Huck ToweiS, 25c- Pu:c v.l'îî .4.4'-'i:~ uai:' ;25c, < Hall imenCras ,c eYard-Wisi(Ii tlai-b toiiving. tal i ni. 17 In. wicie. y6ry FîîîciBl foi.zle NMa3 Sale lc at ard ....1 1l'ilni:.A e nlndd qttslî9 125 limern. ay' Sale, laid ...a125 -Laâces 5e Yd. \ atw 'Val edgngs, e.t 1j,!gs. Wic tifon. Specialle zedu 5 f,,- ilis Nia ,Salt-, lard. . .... 5 May Sale of Domestics. Offering Daisy Muslin, 14c Yard k' 44 - e ko.sle< ltt 2 rh îl e 111144l uii l , i rci-fte rom 14e e!4 i 14 114441 im i P sari1- t!I li t U, N145I;, S; . e;rtI . .. .. . . . . 8 4 Wearsseil Sheetirgs, 35c Yard - 114,rhed. 72 in(li-' seit-ý, (littut 10 ydp. 14 u 'tunliet) NI i-Sali- 35 1 i t................. ......... 35 40 Inch Brown Sheeting. 15c Yard- Ml.- .a'. ,alnîlwaig 15e Long Cioth, 10 Yard Boit,$ 5- s wu(i 1(4<4 14ith<411 Matde 111414 "s.vfi r i:'ý i .444 2 huli' 4la44.0 it>r Nainscck and Cambrec. 29c Yard- Funi- qlitîs. Nainmook or cambrir nuili n. Mayt'Sali-, >aid .. 2 Flesh Clor Lingerie Cloth, 59c Yard- altci-ind p:,iil. 1 ný, 'on fin i cd( llii'l 1 t t i pd M.t ale 59 3a,4441 .. - - 72ittO Wearwveil Sh-eels. $1,29,Pull WA u it . eml-4 %hefe o i!f ic l ln>n 'ýim E-11iIlquai 14'. M;l.' t ..i........ $1.29 Damask, Bed Spreads, Etc. 72 tn. Ful Ilarhe sh Table Dzmnask luit' in. Sîltndîd quailt'v.A ~iI ~"iiMay Sale, 9;1i il3.49e Linen Napkins, $4.98 Sets, lut e 1!14414 raia'k table naîthîns. Pfl-wtifiul d- sirns. 0j.aige sizeMay_-f? ~ 64 Inch Table Damask, 69e Yrd- Pùrtmarti ris ni-n , ized f.ri'h. I t:i s <iIl'9 .Matde of Fl'ilt iCotton 14<4 Ne-w c,iprs. \I.y ',ae 69 ....... 69 Linilo Cloth. 25c Yard-S.r.e e ai-rit nr. -n I-ad, o4i.'fIttl i Iio4ii 6) Satin Bcd Spread. $458 - Li a i-e 1 !:, ii.aIl. i l s; vonus finishi ysa '14 Dresser Searf, 98e-Mrd,- AftIi-paIlî4.4 iin ittheil17iacrIaIe. 1 ne ii'-f dxre 1,5Sale ........... 98e Yar s ilGermantowl YV-rns. 33ca'.I.,nî.' -n l Y airn (ol! s nd. isa",i ail ....3..3...C .1r Women's Oxfords and Pumpsm-Three Lots- A large varicty of styles is foui-d in each Mîilitary , Baby Louis and full Louis Heels in tan, Practically aIl sizes are 10 be found. Mlay Sale. $3,o95 Misses,. and Children's Strap Pumpa rTiti' upve i " fbrownnrailflewili.r a V,la 414. !il.ý Sale, Se ' Sljt iz. 8 1 LiSa S21e, t Ili îcd t4n2, Pl ci-il o07.Pitld t pir at pfi ilvrair $2.50 $3.001 $4-.00 m $5,085 assortrnent. Made with bilarck and gray leatliers. -$7.85 Wornen'a Satin Quilteci Boudoir Slippers iOui(ftu, t-Cfkiopenand <l, t S rl,mtrt linslit ed. t' 1 $ m-~ Wornen's Cretonne 51ippers liotdoir Silpct rs of cuw ulIteetof,-c. Fpitueabli- buii <al i4< -' infli Jliain cisiors l'oniiiorun . $1 l1.%9 Sa1 e,: îa i r ..... .... ... The May Sale In the Drapery Section 36 lCh Cretonnes.,iil tii-t> '1.44K î.jý,,tIîrn4.. 39c, 69e 98e Sofa Pl iotas, 79C-e lof i"01 I t.o fine cla litti- . cialt rû l li4441 saiditPl9 qil re4<. MNtv 45Sale., 444I me ...... 9 Marquisette Curtaine $249 Paer, ' d a 14 4< liiglvll tt( h 4 44 ti ienc If ..........tI ............. ... e $ 2 04 9 Kiosier Crochet Cotton. 12' 4c Bail. A:I <ni- Ots a4444 sin'- lii Is., -ÏFt. u 4 1f. Filet Net Curtaininig, 79c Yard-New Sî,'ng designms, lu .iiieus fini-;», Lar-e selectin05, 'û yard----------------------------------- eI Another Assorirnent Specitiy Pnîeed ai $1.39 Yd Grenadine Bcd Rocm Curlaining, 4Dce -ter- fiet b1Lai i. lilc ,miîia . May Sale. 49 yai dil9e 36 lnch Marquetle Curtaintng 190 Yard - Met 4444/t izi, ii'-li 1uit' wl "c. l'uni 19e e *1 f a e mUàIN rThe May Sale of Housewares, Garden Tools, Etc..,BR Electrie Lamp $2.4à. Coni- pli-e wiih. tma btigan! base, ýltîcîcord tu il i5licale 1.1.. Sale $2.48 i evenings, Boota, Shoes,' )es, etc. CE ootwear 24 x 36 In. Rag Rug, 69e lIent-y qiali. ,Good patterns. 69 Ma-y Sale Prîce ..... 9 Waschable Chenils Rugi, $4.98- -xi54 inebeaý. Blue. plink and! >el- low. Nery durable andl attractive. May Sale..- $4.98 tocat Mangers, 3 for 1O-Made of varished wood, alrong. c May Sale. 3 for ........... Large Cotton Bats, 98-72x90 in. corYdoitir tize. v.eight 3 pounds, pune w hite, clean colion 98 3Ia>' Sale ...... 12 Qt. Galvanized Pait, 27C - H e a v y iralcuunized, ýI-ong handle., May Sale 27C Ouniap Egg Beater, 85e - qini, taii) 511cr blaile. Conufi.' v. ýil gi.îzeîl cariliens' utCboa il 85 ,Iay Sale -..........8 Curiain Stretcher, $1.69 S;tation. ciy pins, Made of snooih 1 finiiîcl tvod, May4Sa le i.U.J Garden RaSe. 33e MNate cIl l- leable iron, isirung seouden - bandle. àlay Sale ..... Lawn Rake, 65c-24 wure teeth and long wooden hanille. Sale price ........-. Beverage Kege - Made JMo! oal<, mill rot leak. May m Sale i O-lGallon - 98 2 Gallon$1 9 sîze.................. $ .5 3Gallon size .................. $1.79 Fly Swattere, 3 for 25c-Cîsoice of wooden or aire hardie- May Sale, S fo . - 25 Sterno Outfit, $159- Complele, canned béat outfit incluiling Irayt stove and cooklng utensila , $2 value. May Sale...U59 Stefflo Cannsd Heat, 3 cana 25c- Speclally priced.Çor the 25 May Sale, 3àctasfor.... - 100 PiecepaDinner Set 19.85! White lines. plate. semi-porcelain ware, trimmed Set includes bread and butter May Sale..... .. .. .. Cups and Saucers, Set of 6, $119 -First qualîîy white ware thoice otwhales. May Sale$19 Footed, Sherberte, $1,39 DOZ- )jade et c-lar glass. A wtonderful value. May Sal,4' $13 dozen ............ $13 Wash Tub, 89ç A good size tub- Heas'y galtiani zeil. SIun g 89 bandlem. May Sale .. 9 with gold 19-851 Screcut Wire. 21_,c Square Fot- A splendid (waulity wire cloth. painled. Al v. idihs May Sale. Square Fii-------V e Electrue Toaster, $4.98--Guaiîan- teed full ricku-li-ilVer> apeciai in the May Sale ai---------------... 8.rving Tray, $1.69-Fine mas- hogany framîe covert-il, Wlnad boltom rsIltt> d,2ig... al $ .69 Garden Spade, Oft-Sipel blade îand IlD-bahdle 98e .May Sale ....... Spading Foi-k, Oic-rotr atefl tine.. Strong 98 1 linle May' Sale..98 Floral er Clsidreis Gaden Set. lOc i-4t î~ < o f r. l o , ii' i-d Worden Lawn RaSe, 10e %î'îiall size-. Srealyfriicd for10 I Ciotites Line 59e i- r I.rl4eI -i .ardle<il ii its lit-.. Theu ire ».îîaie, fui fi. ]îný'lI. NI-y Su le5 Cocca Mat $1.15 - A nîhndud svalue.'-Sire 3 '24 n I es. $1.15 Nle' Sal e . .. 1 Toy Tinker 65ce Amtî'ing 'and edt.....e et........... ..5 Latan Lower, $6.85 - Tîire 14 Inch curttng knives. PaintO Inr m inalie olts $6.85 Johnson'* Floor Watt, 35e- 1!Iiulld ize, i' cual 35 for Nlý t>iSîu ........... Sauce Pan Set $1.15, -3 heavy alumntu.i in Snc4 . là1anîd 2 setl .1 A Obsorene, 12c Can A salI pal-t t Chu attur 1744 a Pl(;;, laisý-r I2 pr;..... _ 12 liigs Se.nitary Wall Finish. 5 Ibs 55C Io-4,4 0f> pf. i '4-.' factioni. lire andI cclo:rs 5 May .I~ 5 liti-'i- ..55 Sceen Paint, 98ce i ifd quali41> Ma1y Sale,. -gallun 98eQ can foi-r_.......... 'O Floor Varnfh, $245 Galon- - 1ery good'4uuality. Ma. $ .4 Salei, 1 gallon Ca n .. 24 Armstrong& Varîsh, $235 blaI gallon r4sititable for, esery DUe. lient varuish nmalle. NlaI $ .3 Sale, hlf allon $2.3 Houaehold Paint-255 -ligls grade toure- $2. 55 Boy Scout MetssKit, $3-M-oie ùf g-oud ulualis a4 Uttininm 44hl ýhklsl coser. NMay $3 ) wp Garden Hose 18e fi. Mîîiîlî>i- ho..î ii 10-e gh qiatîe ii, male Sulkes and' Stroliers Attactive look ig Cîde-walls Sulky. Reed body and goîiî j3sring. Special in te Nav Sale at $2.98 qtiiolîui made of fiai red b. sei% tee ib4. sprinria. A re- mi iikabic %ilue inIte May S,ile $9.85 <GI ROSý of Fine .We Give Starnps Cotton Dress Fabrics et Great Saviniga in the May Sale i dp

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