CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 May 1921, p. 3

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THE LIBERTYVu I IDEPENDENT, 'THURSDAYtHURSDAY, MAY 5, 1921. 0000000000 KO0R Y 0 0000000000 t Vinc 1'e ati Mi. i:' t t n y tn - t ttlIly îndaty atiti' M i.t tîntitwent t4a ta ilea ti Sn i - ,t ut yj( tth 1 1 ,1 1li t IlS s4 NEAVOIJSNU 10 Mnd Dcc&is Maaitd file. e Easy nple it is me cali? îîm yolnr or docs mnes are and the )MPANY mn to 5 a. m. 5 a. mi. 5 a. ni. )a. ni. a5n 5 a. ni. 5 a. mi. 5 p. nli. 5) P. Mn. Z) P. Mi. 5 p. in. 5 p. in. 5 p.m 5 p. w 9:48 00000000000é000000! .tn'1 WMr'. 3.H. Aynîiýeyt' iîotrîl.-i if) Aiti P ~iînit'iît Nço161. 1it.1. ( lorl r I .' loh>tt l tt 4tn ittr t >THE CHECKER BOARD ttl linn i, [ii t! t,>ni un t l 41> Il r rr, ,îrt r.,'t ir Coniducted bt,' WILLIAM J. WOOD. t-\Il ltit itt innit .rtSet Ittwtity Al cmu..ilC()ria intKe rio l:'tî-'~ant Nit~ ~iiIaît Altt-Cr..tftiamietiîiatnditt Ili >'dt'arment should be addresa- .Ni nddli 4 0 Wri " Kn r ro ý-lilliam J.Wood. 118 Dclvi- .- pare. nd Mr n Is. J. ooeket eeNle ndMt%. ej.1 .Rdrgtn od> Fîiîtt îsue-S-ini~: Wauconda were ttieg-sne ota tir. 1 1. ' 4> Mt'. ient,> Kubiank eniertined ie .lier ' 4 24o Gain.. t ttyrtii i S " tl tt- -l t'e Ili < Sîai i> a ttkei.Il-it' -- 2:.1d, a Ei n.,,tn 'ii >N tn19.t. -i Mrss.Ra.hel. 1 k( orand aPfotfirr s i A'iikgaî%islol 11 16li 12b 1 8629 t14 3 Wh17 I 7K Si . Herl.en, w tr e La k 'end t ithrbl us wiih iteand î . oe> o 9 [ 1116217 215 1123 25 4 Iic>it itad wn Thrdy nMFmta.r a nd e. GEE ore r ssand sons 12il 4 iN 6 9I1 31625539 prn.Mr. and Mr. . Heorg e ie l Mran 2s.24.- 1' 12>l 2621"2 15 2 DraW I1S2nKion 21 i'o 4l2n8Nt>i,'. I>V lvno.ile iHi lC .MyrAn sle j. a l i.n r. an NîS.u n 4a 2oIWo5-od1 6 oMe$. A. L.Dy lr n uhe. 'n ' ihadPr 'ina i t a ti2h71 \&ru'ilitî t r 14Il1.K s l Mis een Hm-in trWîie i ltM r. and Mrs. E.Wil Rod enir o 111Inlt PSfi 9n 12rlt16 o th-14 lers îiak . 92 ,Hpent î'wee Lk enF etia i eitwne hee. relj I1e9fro-t-,i26 2221ini22 -15l29ii25t 1rnes 1ua: I 16. 2 20. aitd-8Win2 Tuýýan idy12411 ; 1761 O M 4 2 .1)a ~23t2 6222' Mr. aWd JM Wi George ain au ter , raindutM".i Ge~ og e ntîges tn n. t- 3,l 6 2:2t5t1I)a&ý jSltiot o 5r 17 22 No. 4, t2 Mrs. Titomnas Rus.on Mr.annd Nrrs. - 'te ra noeiit [tir 1, a.l.uI r nrieyfo ler on Ctailtt'al> Wood.O' ho e nVna . AamîkegHlhIan ar i da i rbe grlte ha(s d n y 71owi4' 261 u i! 2t 4 , wef kow raratot f he24u0Brsleac i 1 1i2 r> tt Jt înt-t' t' end ite lithoe ee e ati ve font Cou i cagou i n a tt- toi w i ttli o e d hg: 11- .2 4-o2 0.24 r8 2 Wit h .ausîi-t Mr À Ila ~, Sndy tinin at- atenit' 6 Itti 27n 16, 12-19. 10-14,ti8-M. i1-t8 Wi te 4Io p4lay 1and , - Oln-->iri da)seai tt l- Jo i t uorne - 12. An1i14rniOtîr1nny tle 1,I Mr. Thnim e M R WI iran ti M'.de ur, 5 acrt>.]tîtate .tet ta'td1 8at llw-iHnr23 7 ltt Ge 1 1 Gra Dr r, oM'tkgnStra a ildfo ietrI'i sot.-n -î alei.' i ' n "' -oan nlntii e lt ane Nt t V lna J n - pe tii ee n a Ztîî olî t,? t:t-,>tMk it'l, tt Irl i>tK _ e n î,llîtetI 1 2 :1 e 01t» -t"5 t'21 1 ' 9 2, r t . ;Fa d > a '4itî%« . -h i l ui th fi i.n-k ttn itne' book îtirty an i lt ie 1 -.4 l M . u -h re ar l a i a l ls4ttt pl at t,. 14tl 1i n d a itît w edn 72 7 Ili i t't 22 1 419 r 1 i es.Ni R W ll ad ilre P rtetu mn l)Wi. n nnaiu 4,ir 2- te -R A-S L--- t 23 't.i'Van 2. 3 2. 2el 4;lte% 3-"1t1ile _9 sIitWlit.. ioli2 1522 , in 22 1 7 1 9 lt , 19 13' ]K '00 0000ooooo0000000 00 0 * 2 2Il; 2'51.-fi a, S" t,- T h e R A S A E 0 l " 1 tir 2 t , -- - --, 't-l 24 t1:;tt' 41!i'--,:; t T h e Uit'tle ot 'tiet1:; -i ti;' 7k ,\V- 2- :.ln' 4'11 1. , Il2 i lrîîm (aifrn Ii ilst eitel ta,. 'tn r -,rth17ritttii'.Poht-1%r t W iCde i Witu eundlasi îoîiinh tiî ltîti iii N,- l 1w ptoints of intererti. i rrr 1r 'Ntt1t>: Il, .1 ' l; 1-Ilittk f;14 17 27. Steam U /Nre- ti- andi Mi. i .nî t ik t> r î , '«lit 35 i1 23 s lue isietiM rt J. 1: Stîttili Stnda> r '«its tejla> and dtras - sure Rt. anti MrscJ. fiIarnetl are at[ t i1 4 2 6 72 Itonit' in tht- Congregatitoni par-son 't' 27 24 7a 19 22 ? 1 Yota not only serve hour of ag» . e W-Weçoinetillteul leoum illg ~r I1'ie 149Iit15 ' tireione k,î wark, but man dê Mm>ý Fred Wt-ndelkin te quie li ati a*&z .4, lstiý tn Iood and fuel. PC le o~ f i "' erti 2:; Ct- 17 11) Ntt- ra mat ad *hilethat require bau,, of MissIA22 18 43 22 4" 47andAnita'-r 't cooam m dcc1y eidein Liniuitiae-nt ast Saturtday in çht 7--l1 Noie, h ý,,, Mr. anid MrttJohn I4owoll, wiso aanfi, da ,1w ~ tSliil a lrben' ~ ite wigLjtr,,wth titeir son rit McHenry 1,.lmM H.r I' de . have returneti to the v illage -BlHC. Wardei5. John Washburn is sei'. ng ,in itirena hiîîîa 142 30. se. tiraitPes=Oehw~~ity.e- jury in Waukegal titis week. Backt 14y 30. win ce dd 7stbctttu b.1 .a H.Wanclsope dieti ai tit- bone tor 5 ac1 4.0 5ay5a 1wi twekvonste tt. enfilliris 'v". hisinother in Yorkville. Ii. ast Sat Back -12 16 18 20 K 2 41 o 52 2 155 4 .tii thaà usas biet t b c iad ed. No dtmg.sielb ýurday. where là ha.d gonte for tres, 21 tte 1 7. l28K 1Il"4 32 52 2 l 81 cdoes Cao ment for blond poison. Mr. WanchoPe VWhiteî to pl-y andi wtn Spriniteld. Ii., May 2 -Senatot' Teela mo.. taeaent mmte anid family moved to the Roefle>rmi John T. Denvir of Chicago introduced "Wfe e bout. rw 5P, t liai i s, West Of Iis vilnage Isat aPring Be î'mobienu No. 160 .B> P Thirkell. a resoliiiioflin the senate ioda,' advo- Vilil Rop.Mmw i$ learves a w1jeand geverai eilîdren tu cating tie creatioli of a separate stalle mruavsacsbas dm.E.N ud copndttIo ut of the coutites. of Cook. ltke, children of Mr. and MrI-é H. Wancbope H enrvand. WIII. Klie. DI gent v MC-t tle Yorbtvlle Monday, .%aoi Hnorv m oU.I cn vra News reached bere Satuiday of tiii.' nerierd- tieSn Ideth of Aloazo Fox at the- home of1 his daughter, Mri. Sarah NMcClinlock.1 0U 0 0a I ID 9 le9 l 9 00S 0 0S i Round Lakq. Ni! Fox was a for-ier tet!dent of -hi% village. aad bd 1 mas,' 1 0 AIEIU c frie.admihel -..big fini t héii.g Ikb' 000*00000* -~ il a.Frank P. Dorskey. Nlitti."êe 29ý "Cancr Trths"Marie Shoîzes. ame -'i t ___________________ Samuel J. Retien. Si. Geeieve 1 ff Mo_ 24. Mtarie sinus111, Milwaukee. 21. & S Free t Sufferersl Black--5 6 8 912 1620.Ciao2:;Tli (i.T. Luce n Wite -13 14 l5 18 23 27 if. Roubinck.Ctiao2: Ue ltBlack t ilay anda n 't'obt-nk. saine 2::. Poe27 LIBERTY VILLE aA rerakabletitxsiok*abotnicancet1 Phouie j an tiiirpatintni ahoni m'uling luasr 'hten pituhet by lic t) A Johnson. Ci-JRLE R. ICK1S suite 565> 1323 Main Sirete. Kansas ('it>. M Th4t bok. *C(anct'c,' ùtîihsý M*'..'îîtaeton4'ouniy SS ' Pione 1892e llia ni ihi> eîîînent ,i-iatrtet' WAUKEGAN. IL.LiNOiS. 4tit-ite ni 'n iho itu'and. l Pub!lc Accounitant and Auditor. Ttt-p. ' rttt'flr book AtcounhLLing S>-tLuFt. Audis, Books tttîttti 1., i' ti ant' i 'ut Po'teai 'tritadialt foc Firuts who 1t rt-itA to;,,ail[ t, -I Î- -t, lit (. t- ù,4tc a P1t-rtentlBtinkkt' ler. î',ti 'r,î %ro' P: t ltr ' ! DR. J. L. TAYLOR Office t FritNational Bank Bdg.« - oil l: i ' a t, DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD Assistant Gtate Vetrnariaf. ELHANAN W. COLBY Attorney at.Law (ftitut at Hoîîîe on Comok A' tuot' Teleititone 163-J. LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS, LYELL H-. MORRIS Attorney-at.Law LILEIRTY4ILLE. ILLINOIS. Luce Building. 1 Eeas l'huone 136 M O)ffice l'hune 18.! PAUL Mac GUFFIN Attorney-at-Law LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS Telephone 33.r DR. C. B. OLNEY Veterinary Surgeon. Telepliones 35 and 36. Olfite M'Wtlh l'aiiBureau. LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. F. BAIRSTOW MANVFACTVRELR O(F MARBLE AND GRANITE i MONUMENTS Cemetery-Work of Every Description. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED 116 South Genesee St. WAUKEGAN, ILL. MARTIN C. DECKER Attorney-at-Law. 315 Washlngton Street WAUICFIGAN, ILLINOIS. OMico Phone -48. Rea. Phone 1100-Wa bie Brown. a daugiiter of('di,' 4rOwn. whmt died tieti Sorte tlme dCO Thtcitildren ofi lie îUit rOol-, Mil t. , t' r l.i ion -1,. -inz ap \largartt MCikttil. saine 2. Edw F.Siodeck Racine, 21: Mil drepd Swoboda. 'tante 114 Rttit E lîtienttit-.Iitatikee. ',hi Ctn( Reina' z aille. 21 lioltît , Jt%%t'o,,ki,\tittilau". 3.C n fla p . -l.ff. sanie ý, V. V it Iatidail. t-, 2-C i e :tei- ,i ili Wn. - il at.. 't!la aîl,'- t 4.i' . ' t\V j 0>' kt, r ti A ar r r. r t: ~ t. .., iti t r i'r.r. .i t'ît...,22 tir 't t. r Electr*cit On Every Farm E EYcomt<ot and belp E=electric ight andj power j, . made possile on every fàrmn by WDIlys Light. A pcactical, economical dlec- tric plant for use on farina. The air cooled Willys-Knight cleev-valve c.-gîme burns kerosene, cranks, runs end stops itseIf. Continuoua :i improves its action. Let us dnonstire. O,' 'write for cdctaiicki jni}irns.îîit 't DIETZ MOTOR CO. p HONE 89_ ibertyvife. %liois A pipe's a palI packed with P. A.! Seven days out -of every week you'l1 get real smoke joy and reai smoke contentment-if you'l get closet,up ta a jimmy pipe! Buy one and know that for yourself! Packed with cool, delight-eul. fragrant Prince Albert, a pipe's the greatest tre2t, t!iE na,'-niest and most appe- Prinea Albert la tizing smnokeslant "y0.1 ever hzrl handed out, î."' » tepp d sij silI p@uid Un Yau can chum it with a pipe-and you will-once you know that Prince Albert is f ree fromn bite and parch! (Cut out by our exclusive patented process!) 'Why-every puif of P. A. makes you want two more; every puif hits the bullseye harder and truer than the last! ýYou can't resist such delight! And, yau'11 get the smokesurprise of your life when yau roll up a cigarette with Prince Albert! Such entic- ing flavor you nevér did know!' And, P. A. stays put be- cause it's crimp cut-and it's a cinch ta roll! You try iti 1~RICE LBERT 'y et crjata sa cd. a' -f. *og ten .» lm Regina E. Hobinsýon. saine 24. Mnn.. Ihuoipnte NMorgan. "22[lori Katherine L. iue. 38, HlaiaSin Elmer F. Pa.tsou. Ch. 'cagm 22 Washington, W a r k. Dorothy F. Wolf. sni.2i aivet' Cutitt. 25. Iionev' tmeeic Edgar- 1).Powell. 2D. Chicu.l; Cernoi Chorbagiati, W Ix:,%Vis '«t. . ina 14.îcttr. It'. 4 011%y o l e erance. 28, Chicago. Serpet Kaluian. iasme. C rek. Wls. Owen Gpo. Jones. 3 Red GrmatII. wm. P. McCâil j('lît'g,t, e; Fl ',lan.i J. larîit. E-gtaoe .tea îs . ClaraPnei.4.Cca. R. idy, sanie . 2, Dora (adhe. legal age. Ares. IJohn Permusch. Miwaukee. »; Ni- Ervin Schwensow. Mlwauk-e, 2, Jne, (',St.(Gernman. 21. Kenut'lia:nnu Piene. sanie. 25. Hattie logan. sane. I18 1toroi.iy Belecher. 21, Kpnoaha.Homer J. Hunter. Chilcago. 13; M Orlie R. Sturgis. 2;. inneaî,olis. Jomi . L'earing, 46. Higittand- l'ar:i; Muri banaiîan. sanie. Z0. ~e{EEDISON g-ive;s his true voice irnMM ooha erd his voice withi4g- = tpNN e NOIY ~~~iuiti mad of people have C~i~I ~ p ndItngImaTIY difference betweea 'li Vinolcea i- p oe .dn I vg o tmeti. nata htapoorp Se.Wteîh"rth.t hogrofb un sust tn he cmpelonthet.Ihit oe t, ou Smowhthtchâtponogaph dos. n4te ou hearisot' trucIfoics, tmy a mecthanisc erson ofit, on Tt-givk at uthese tna! Te vi, butemerelthat * ath neEia eon of is san. Th"o eaatut est i l s The oremmyphonaap which sustains the comparison'test; and.hat wv are always giad to prove thifftoyou.« If you love music, your credit le good bere. Yoma can arrange your p~mm on a gentleman's agreemtent. iEU E1'. zHL.q Wu B r;ng or Send This -EL-ISON REQUISMTON BLANK Wtt se t,., onm. tuners wttirI atm lik e tlckrt'(, v Addre ,s O bwwa z.oL5sb m.c the 'national joy sinohe a Phone 55

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