Second Floor nen's details of -work- ,trons of discrim- Sis an added at- dt' Iaile, 'Pin-i h' i -, y uft hi- rie% fiai t i--i ý 1À- I. '-'u 11 oî ;ý6 9.7 5 ILKS - ý1K tr<tm',ss.ea uîî! id l îPl îcd ai :SUITS iiî'ar seri,: lIme jack- Pd this si-m-mon. H-ats issistiig of hiats white and colni- ýiildren and grow- $1.87 HATS T $4.98 hais [liai are uiiuuiual- <. Tliey are fuslkioned attela and combina- astoritmeit la very ex- ecd one la a wouder- pire of.....49 'OATS îuuerly aold tilu lu $20. cregaitu o gise antlin- those rno't ln anid ...........9.85 TWOPOLCEEN M EOLD HOIM T' TIIe SUCCESSORS ;l T r-ntnrcvcle Policeman Fordyce Rice Succeeded by Police- 1 man John Rahling11 PETE JOHNSON LEAVING In addîiruiop tllitIIe i e" lgnaî Ion of IPrndyct i- t for irte tilan a yi-ai Ifoorî-yî-le îiulicellian cilltleW îi- Kin Plicle foll. t' ulfln,-llam.îini w-hý miade' loday ofrithe résiîgnation tif Peu-lrI Johnfs;(, n, lioibis t <eI(onfi lie fi te foi- nmore NHan a 'par. Before taking îli.',briilon ln ItleI 1Waukeg ea tI-ailm.nt Juohnsumn sas connetteil wih ile piovost aarhais office at (;îemuît al,- ra.îe was ré- gurdetd as cotenetoftire most feartesaq muin lhmt i-utnoie tire na,,y unifori SY^n , i and mie 0K th' service lie la'mel bom+'n lîdnkeI-iing la gel back. lie gops HARICTASML kbIoel Il le tatîsion, havlag beh if TOrn mPrL HSt le ret a bellersaiaryfilait lire %Vaii - T COOIAP 'l L kegkn ilrpariîieiuî could affordý Jotin tahling who lias hello on 'lime _______________ Waukegan policF force fer aomelIme, ban Imen anmîd liisuccecl uRie as hrkals Edd uôotîcyclirottp. 'Te place vaatald trl.mUsIn $ % itit . bb by Ilalihiaandl Jolneon harte bei-n A ___n fîltedt ly Cpocrge <;iîld, for vis sF-ii- 1< 'iii 1. ti lii<g It dke i a î-îlieiel:, pl>1tIilit )[flie Non h shoote (;as coin ir i't:lai ~ t o ' lt î Iianv, andt tvillanm toân lfaite i... g lr rli3r'm i'li lit,( lm 1.0 Tîe tf)riF,%I.. h-an navi-Men ira îi lomi ie'aiin lelino.Ii Abi îi ou t a'îoîir-eî nl liiiti-î me iii ltpi :r1i-liii'.î o ohîil i iiv 1, o. i fu !nl whiî iu hl- p 1rleviîali n v im s l l (: ûo. lois 110 , ,îý n Y .iul i e o,'nsr I'iL U,îm inmi Iis mdîlii sw, til'l .1 et figitti1Ir1:4 te)aii l ti m t.illV li <idd fini.-! in ltm nsul' ton si od cettelor tri.. rtf h.- loi,,.! lai ign -a Scginnteog of Modern Ménageries. Frm tri- 'îiii'îfle 's ut-n at-a-I fne;lii iiititjiiiî- id iî,X ltio(.. whtn J(onm lo as laliing a niPî r &î' i. it)>î-lîuî , oif 'IkkiI, -n aà ialt in fialeit- nfl, a ei-l.i., i 4 , .t, ilo - lîig Filglîrli 1bâtrotith ,is-.,-FioIui-iail h r. ro-d .lai n!;iiîIing en);iik.. ieî-uning botte]iil-.a *'li ~ts at bec.euis' I l iat e m'a, -illied a .îr 1 oI-iid for 8slmigliler eîti, girliti- I'r o r ai ales JtelhO sn rrî -l- hi .ii' . i 15 fr4i*i i-. gt4-h.t ortmi i hei-i.. .iirî le iuira' thi î'r.. Iiiî.ses 'nid rlii - saltion l*longé, lu ie 'rite Eng!1.ýu nIi freua iy kqpt (ifng.t- u buIly stt'nipoil te¶0ake a ivaliop et 1%volt miiills, aqîllarla Chil i Àiit iii'i- Jolunstmn. loou Ira [ilie orofballoe! 0-9t iîu'le ioueru pakie gîri ,s lu clearrd aay ioie t'"iset ias filîr leteF5.1 iln. lilbt a scule of baîieîed Engliali îall -_________ cons and îhii- s ai-al a seulilathie I_________________ faloien Li iJ,,hn-t.n and fil- .baitl-ndi i I North Chicago SUN AD BRIN65S The com:ittee in charge ot the pIi>ing gante fetisai te be gisen tlu ningUt ireAuditorium $2 BILL BACK Î > nssum lv ien, eui " ru Ofrilin aciii-. met at the uflîre of the 1 ooufidioîura building laroi etenigandl TO . CHRISTIAN <res up a srry lntereslipg piogiati lu be "put on' oüniThurcaday evextng. -llr-wil 'boî ing numl)i-îî' A s,. r-. itlillriîî v atlr>u on titis pnorram, asi-ai lu hpensum lias Ch rti il a -i:. i 'iF lo-iIs 'i-priîîeloge of parliciîtating in ail , uîî Lld mmi, tri i,- Iln Il, d o garnoý s an d siari ýthiilaI are ii vi-î molgoin " r lot. Wh-îîli- lttîienIhi'finit garine ail ctmrnn<'Pi oF b li sîîmed il $-10 blltoI his t"pokel iiily etaiS i.reganîllesta of the num bll mltc tii-i(Ueie,-tu is- mt dus iî iefr of in-ile presi-ai. au if Nuit are tor'v- norulas .lIpllg nol ilere ai that lis-, )mei l mima iss - Il aird Ilîn." mald (larllii ilîhjj_ru at o<uthIle eveninga enîeriainiiienl. ; Illfileti I. lm i le S201 bimlt AmHli e " (ocf tit' games Pitoner! Pi e tiper, île rit file t-14i iii iîumd t it zeîlnf>. Fidnitltne Iail Ibe pîayed filetu Bd tri ic le-uibit-,i l mseuiud lhuuglit have' ht-enued n pr(t lous amerrj cnludftlci ... --f liatte." , iîîýbt Ir nîibt - .uit-as ondermd l'y special îe FIgTfi-,[ miîgIf biuk îîîîItle beLe ul if YOU hale aài-boire< 'Gr it-M s lie r t a t l fî-a emf ,- h ) ' t r i e o ld g a i e rf o n la n c e . r f r tif,,lidaie il(' m-s iakpî-rrm nd h' li têe he 'leücrrtifflotr< küfieîîd i $2i , lsiilthl l,.i. 'h îudiws: MisMatif-l E.Cooik, ciatrrumný it'luelui îî t iilitr le .il'Mr'-fBurton Jensen,. t-tnaidlèct-cker s t'hle Cail Utri de aand Harry Mi-Iinne>-. Eu ti)unr leain Iislail li.Ilit i t iii 'ami, ,i ed lii cone (ouit'tirmIa>- evt-iIl (if tiraîmel 'mi-.voi ( rirog-do ue the an ilmî ing yuur frilenls, )*citaIl en pare hlill#fi imd gl-mîtlfi-leuetside jny it u -fi tiil, k-m' in l a mninog %V J, ultîiiie <f u-vidit' valtil I:, i iLa% a Iliii ."i -g i i ' .k r(mn frît-a]i a hls ity et-i trIav li Iplii1k. d ilt 0p1 IlOa, $(e. talph Iioiîghtaling. ut(if in i g t Ail )laIi io . Ce y v %.tclitd îbIfgthtalig PîlInting rompant. this [tie lily $in l ti-'i- if ,13liin- ~cliy. li as reiurned silh lis it-ciircen sa-i led aitm id i, ellmIcmliii lit 'I)l.lbrIde aler a short lioneoion t i' Il'. Nette .~eliti (iands n Satirîlay ra heuie vmastma lli liehîm'elf imaet ni an atertim-t'fit i dsanssed tIIs evening on accouaInt0f adtsefi t'-ng tilathi-fond fum.ind a $20 ulie inner vaudeville ghowduance, giv ~4 -. CUmaijotau -w tire ad t s ineu -11lie l<u1»< u ly Y.i. amilytI tarei. Satuidmiay vSimnl. alîtI top 2Ti. (.'rY This wiitj'cugl oui'; the ligh stoliol end< Mri. 4.t 11 raid Immole iiglu 01er guirs <Ian.o, and thue Anurii vn 14glm'n and got e, I auu 'it l i 3rj- li, and cîas theitr 1hruitiligpairt orILhflitht F. W. (Col, of suitnîiF s'f ur"( e i Mr. (t-rîy inild imur [titis a t r on utnding a frw uas l ins.kt-gn vornard. Mmlti., on buFI-lass Illit-i eisa gnîieli tii' -isoly - Dr. Cldye M. Enocli of Sheî dain liaieimi,î, if 3lmu lobe moîe sdi cmire troad Ilattllndig fie dentim.i'mcon 'hI lii Iliie- Sii i.î. nuîd it tif you urnuiona t Proi-la, Illinois uoday. jii1- The condition of Mis. Phîl SaillIh tht- i-Suive thuirg. Ih mîuokm Lohîîu%,î'a s. of Southi Park avenue reniain,,s.-ustu It is ail apparenittact. judgîng bv ithe sanie. lire îîunbeî uof sunus ot noney that 'Pie Preabylerian prayer meting [lie Sun ai -fied ai,. haie î.turned and t et's ii'ainling chien will Iie lo lo'n-. filai.ît here are a lot of lion- pospoord fromt Iis eveiing uînilt 1-i est peorole ia Waukegan and ail flint norrow Peenag.The ' vare Iofielie lîtm reinuans la 'lu lu it i heuuu and gît e iaifite home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. filenu thre chanve tu lt-illan lim-ono- vites of South lAncola alreet, iaiIead (ttke nay f-d otet aiCiirtlrv's, at7:30 ). tai. ilit> fnitMi" I o flear lo lias lierafili ai b ler fhunteen <mnçlon tsîreel fer rit II SPTetTA fi :t few .tays le sorn:s latImr ed HOSPTAL TAFFMr. Beînai-d Dectier ùf Souui Vie- JD Ias-reace Ryan of IChicago ralîrd on lANNOUNCED, TO AID f 1liisi sI.i tdy A rcarniesi lelea lihe Southi and Cnvlsi-hools. in Reading '<irlla NURSES' SCIIUUL <'ellngand-Pte - as edk te 'Ple studenua receivlng tlie tigliffl Anauiotinceeoeaisniruade of a reRl rankq will be annouaced later, bespilal staff for theie îcuiry Me- - Miss Anna Cook ta II ai lier lionte morial liospitat. a siaff aliose duty if on Sixteenîli atreet. wttl lie la lecture te 1the Nuismes' A. P. Pore ant(<Chiago vil-t-il Trailning êcîluol îuemlers and looki frtends 10l this city tûday. &fier the trainnag fichent work. A. C. Schweim of Chicago calleui on 'Tlie staff as lined uirefcollo)wa.gnd friends inta.iisqciy eiierdsay. flic <iffruent Physicenas-gîti tart on >MIla Mary and Mr. Vincent ceaI the respectIve ubject: isgher of Eighiecntli areet hav ne Siîig-on~tio1y, Cul ny. B seow. lnednfa ilcr home afler sending Medicine-Kay'e, Palmier. Danielsse1er l ns l ('eveland, Ohio. ai- Ohiieti les Anibrose, CIabdl iold- iending the funeral of Mra. Gallaghers WV 12, 1921 L H'OIL N[N E SID itE iORP. J D CAT2i l<iTTENS - WAUKEGAN LOCALS CIlîrbfs Ahi-a f Wamîrékg:- n iP ai- h'-nulng iteNational >us!eJic-an:r' cîn- m-el' 11Di itSI. Paul, MNliri., hi4sek. le te a <It-Itgate ftumî the- WuîIîkPean lovail. i, a iuri-t .iid vi II l<iI!ue il hidi-n a-rt-hé lO- n'îîisn- tîsue 11p. kt-Ys tiiThét Ini1t ie.,ftSI. Pimll po Jie fît md a mih'tkiea"lfm ]ng a!St-ruaitaumîd Avim Ifr..-i0, is il miIliglils 'Plie1i M a <,l aken lJO Ire 1p0iice <Itt i un -Ii l u i ais 1< e ,ii lime car IL!,'triim tiltg ýtt.ç imner 10 lau iI, m(Imnitig,1- lliae-dand iai W ood euîln~ nu i- 'uii Ire <tank sas if-uirii-I to rna. Mifulitr-ne LotItr if(4ham stai. sMill haie vne oftuteit- eaduiigit -iin Ilte annual operca. Mr. anidi !tv Kari Hfurt-n StUITildiilt- :noAu van Giolt n - ijesday, %!iy 31. Tht - ')îictir ut "leantaia. - ly EuliMiig wlit li uiî-n. Misa .eslinwilI ail),ai wiîh a crînipany. ut tlfty îiîigmî',. if!cils- ruinte and acumpanuîjd by or liri-itia. Sci-at-itfroni [the Tgoýt,~,ié- alio Mitli e glîca. Tony Posmel, Ifmundrîuî.n22 atais nid, mits unr-sImd ait Edisoni court au 1-30 ti o'ýktiti ls mou inig asa Fii p)etc. le sas loi ted tup ln a1111urtil hii'case i-an be tnvéstimaiei. Wiid lias h b er lit-m hiai or. '1mi'il 29 a 1aîugh.ti s as bora mJI)iMi iii 'Iii îtîmî t-r(Stiiian. mof i)a> 'in, (0. Nhip ,î ttuaitiin(riii sas a iemsudeiint o lus r13. Allouai-y Martin t'. lt-i-ler vf Ni>l hicago. ws liabis aintlarnd offices ln W autit t-an foignuany 3mai'. .-riîirvha o b(t.'e m a i -idet or<i Wanîmsgan n îa acotitile ofît mmm lii aien lhiiii il yo ei t- t I lîlit- I'tili1h0 ,b,hu5 u't I1h Northîl tiet ilan Houd, %hît hlie î-uî clarîd (rtiyî,ars mgo. Peter Johinson ba- reslgned flsî ,,) .Iln smem.ber Offtlie %Wa1ik.grjn poieforcé and lias actpîîu-l a fimatle rnaval Mai.ionri,, 11 Il , ciil 1 Si'rvice. il,- s , VPI SI 1:00, %%d3 ai - Ini\1. p:Ir.ail 12 M.:: Ini.hmlai.. me svîtr(,c ' laduci i n 1atj '-l Oirf spr-ut. Lit idfmm i a a,11 bond tor lifis arpemrani i1 ii,nig lie tsxliîainith l ini ing T1i-.viaduct ier'mcely ma. . I~ p to vIal'-Ia t5reet L-, I r ihî. S t'rr. nuo ier velumi î. andlron one wsas endangt-if*i 11l- %ia'A a I n edt 0beb. norp (;,I. !il Ii tl. -ftiî rveand was d<t-nim--,mm i i-condit(on tif in S r Vi ghl. , 5J) iouth ti ila r ..~, h a S, ppa i-.ltfoic a lmv z tliî-. t,. i lii as qitte critical. l'..ui Trimiar. 311 Blivîle e "a i -rvîiîrned frott a seen i ý,I: 1ie ît wilh Irends and eaIr Vienna, Austii-ta. He ce bi et ange in conditionr.s here. .lfime'* Kurker bas reurnîl1 Nîiî,lîua, la, wliere tW enît. w pk 'tla go [o seecfls unl-b. 1j, W.Ogbin. wlio surlie 'L or Pal alyris and Who is it.( sl-eraly improi-ed. Mm.Julta Hildebrand if r Ind , and Mrs. Jees Harnvîuiif MlOI,.MIt-h *are vstitng i li1 E Cliriîtlani honte, Noih St. Ja J' -dî ý tild(-brand ta a 51i.t-r ijl C'i Il an. i. rs. Hampton ,- a ;a j ghteî. 'rhe condilion Of M~ip l 1 fanî%%*hobô asbeen tiI for Il 1;,t fi-n wcrksrernalia about Ibm It-ýni i tltckîan has iil- $11I2i te Mir. S. Il he-nni-ut on So,tilwrst si reet and ni.: Il t 1 a lot lie owns on Pa ik - îs iras the ' Ilace for whîii ,j boardl lîîjîl$1Il Oand - -i noitlb of t he Dr.Bellown ris,' r t WaSa luic ed-for 515.010 I r 'i , lrmws boîîght his bouse L: -i,, $2,0f1ù and moyed it to Waî.-r - - 2uel rasi of Strtia Situe F-ttfr. field on a i,~ - '.horros. tng l ord Jutes 9autr,r:.. ml Iv w as released in bonds of S1 1,m-0,r, Williani Dorick and Olive AnIrt!ii bolli or igland Park took ,ia maillage license ai Waukegan ,,la., A Sun reporztr.wtmo never <:,I i m-- yoad <the Stventh giaIe inthelîr.lbic e-cliools, was abjle t0 anqwer 42 11t tlie f5î quiestons whlch Ttios. A I.d isor. eîatmed but few cottege tus Extra! NEW PRICES R eg. $175 Model $150 Reg. $150 Model $125 Reg. $125 Model $100) Reg. $75 Model $50 Reg. $ 55 Model $ 30 >111 A Small Deponii and the balance on - Easy Ternis Path - no needies:to chan Al finishes. - A et, Special Reductions on Parlor Suites Regular $34000 value F eaturî,îg a 'lire-,' Piece Suie. - Uphi i-ul-red ln hpedid îiîalî 3 vf îmod- land I'apes5113 ltleler -.pattern. Our gîetaisutir- a..._....-$224.85 () Reg. $15.00 Cotton Fe materiai, any six Reg. $17.50 Grass Ruî Genuine Reed Baby1 AIL SUIME FURNITU E EDUCED 1/4 BUY NOW! anu [lniuit'soci could anawtnr 't.1 Chiars Auden la rt-liFnt ei nie Notîi AmerIcan convention (4 ,ii C A T clans ieing held in Chuu.amm , s rtk. P 216-218220222 Bo u Ll.u.Wni. A. Baldwin ofit e i v tory Miedal section oft îe.s . iui ks in %Vaukegan, cicrkIag omît lt., lisI t f akecouaîy ifuen wiîi saw et- vice and ta Wasi mgîmî. the applications ot mcanSiio are a-k gag for iliese meait-dat Seriemý ex-vert ce men may brig iwrds charges totahle 'Yany ie a y P Io Iii orlodli lonîglt iu tý xitv sulumiiîd i)v hir 'j nf o *a ALzx tE4Go.-' Sove and 'Redccm Our Own Blue Siamnps- Another Great Sale of 50 Dozen- Ci-overal APronsýi -Values Upf To $2 In Ginghams - Chambrays - Percales TIîe ation pile sriiounced I3 wreks ago atilhîaniîme prîce ljlvdto bc lie .ili a great success and lu spîte of the iîundreds of apropa we bail niany, mauîy womean were disappointOit. so we bave j- Fecrmd.0 dozen more ot thesu apropa, la ColorIainad Gretchem- Etyles, al o&ter them for toanorrow aI [le icnae redieu aau*ly las' prive a( M0., Pre -War Price s Le Phonogri ige-no parts ta change-] tyle for every home. - FREE For a Iimited turne we of fer FIREE $2500 woî'th of Records with eveîy Phonograph purchý.sed froni $100.00 and up. - Choose your own seler- tiens NO0w 1 ichwaýrtz'a Speciai~ .Ame the Best 1in Towni eit Mattresses -fancy tick, ge .. . . . . . . . . . . Lg . Size -9xl2 -Green, tan, Carriages, as 10w as. SOFF ON AIL REFEIGàE RA TO0RS p AlL SIZES 1à PATHE Phonographs are the choice in- struments of the world., Tone reproduc- tion is perfect.- Volume is woni- derful. - Corne in and hear one played. aphs -plays ail records. - Immediate delivery. JUST RECEIVED A lai Se -ipilent Floor Lampa and Silk Shades ,Iîg.' îali-fy rof col. -<ipci-m luv it picd ai I Off t-gir à'Ph e-t. ail newr ...i.p. . . . $ 7.48 ..u.........$9 Regular 75c, 85c, $LOO0 PTRE RECORDS 55C kLL PERFECT FURNITURE CGB uth Genesee St. 2'Waukegan, nI. I ~ AI'4NUUINLLIYILINI SMITH BATTERY & IGNITION COMPANY Successors '0 'Colwell Storage BatteryCôpy are stili at 11 6-118 MaIsoil Street Having discontinue4 the Willard Agency and are now Lakce County distributers for Vesta Batteries "The Better Battery" "Cloit Iess per ionth ot service'- Inspecetion and distilled water free to lail, no matter what make your Battery is. stock. Batteries for ail cars in REPAIRED Storage Batteries REHAGE> Ail Makes Phone and we will caill Mhoite 2022 Read the. Adsm- They llelp You to Smvl ý,!iý.a i-d l'-