CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 May 1921, p. 12

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UWrMa.iv- -l' n4i- i -.' pMBURNED 19 ARPLANI3CRASH-' WAcIES BOILER CO 4ruu.meOrder For Bolier Cos From Idaho Which. Cbntained Mute Message XYMEITING READABLE t1RTViE±Wflo>ENlWýtT. I14UflsAY EURAY2 llm1 'HF STOLE $772,000, BUT JURY SAYS HE'S NOf CRIMAL à iMber grUeSOMe and suggeative le«tt er bh ame te the off ice o? the .isf ti,' Qç%nW Boliers coin pany. ln Waukegan ' m Ubiy and naturatiy vice pr-gel *"et nods when he icked up the eqlanle badly burned aI both ends InoWkw« what had haPPened to il. .ti. à"= then opening itliha fnund tht, »t" e noe printed on a white plece àr peine: "This letter iras saivaged 1Imma@& maUl plane wtich i-as des- Ïigd bi tire May 5liî. 1921. Poal .;t*. 4tef. Cheyenne. Wyoming.îî-'~iŽt Kr. Eeynolde Ilhon recale tlataIon 'tbat date lhima îsor who wae carry- -ý.g mailfer lracle Sp>i mnet wth an h lce"t and ias kiltedith11e fire ohjeh O.veame the machine.- Ap- i ,.Ugetaie moethlie mail iras aaved .#Md the latter in quesion, irritten to thne Quemeal Boliers comîîany by the - Siavle-Wlhamson Rich Company of sit Lab Cty iras one of liiose suft 0iatjmy mved to permit forsarding. rà AeaIqihlSIy te compahty in1no- aUigu order for two of1the largest g ise l"estbey hum out, an order for wldcb was contained ln 1the letter là question.- These iwo boîtera are - erdersd for the Jrroîî,I" datho. hgh T1è s miseoassîc cniedte ive uieniiers of the jury in the trial of "Wi-hie" Te e as adY rîîsrîeî tne t thet Dalton lu 6-- t n old bank clerk wiho "promeinaded" frorn »d but the sdiire:ii was tatI dis- the offtece oi the NortheQrl Trust Company ini Chicago mîith tlnct and 5goira- the lttîer p roper. On. eltier suie lu ssas badty hurneýd $772,000, firnly believed that there wva's no crîminal in- '.~tprachIcattv esaîy Word of tiie elt n lu WiIi's"action. jewritten or(Itr s; as tegîble. -ctI, h The fact tat the tetter iras for- JIopelesiv deadlocked, 7 to 5 for convcinmh Seven.Ihaugh in «% burned ton- tWeIN-0 mero disînissed 1ednesday -byrChiof-Juîstice tltion shows fitat Fore Semis air"1 *ho *jervlcs leatient on gètting througih tel MCDOI]ild after bcing out twenty-twvo hurs. patrons aven though great sacrifices The belief was frcely voiced that "'Willie 's"~ case .,are necessary in ordea 1teniake It JOesfibb htHps hre woulà not bc called a second time. Ifteranoblng d telierad ail At left is slîown Dalton, at riglit his attorney; above ÀWr the Uniîed States bearing thetr Judgc Mcflonald. The man wiho captured Daltou got lgausagM. perhaining te the tragedy $25,000 rcwîard. IEDERAL 4RAND JURY ACTS AN Q. ÀDAMS CASE A United Sta e s deputy niai slivt VWas l a ui5j<gaftodasi from Chics- .pe 10 summot. witnesiues betore ttîe faderai grand jury omorrowi norn- 40g ho instigate hIe case of QutInion Adama, Laite Bluff youn g man who VWas arrested 2larch 20,o cat' of having bcen lnîtîiraied ln thée theft and disposat of two large boita akIoeIn St* of navy blue ctoth salen fromntb# a theen aSom tallor shop ofIF. B. Weianmntle a'*1The lob used ia printîng tihe BaUbt short ime prbor la tiat date, et Englimnd note la of a peculiar htack- The itlnesses aunîmoned ho ap- nesa Wllich no other lnou ceniuiltate. pear hefore îLe grand jury are Will* It j4l]lamcdo by a secret proceas tront larni Calder., eeor the young' men Cixurret l iusiksof gralîc ansd a sucre& irbo Nys t akef n mb cuBtody but later .@1L iras exonerated. and the two Wau- kegan policemen. Peter Johnson and .iy 8afe Road. Illenry Woc-tz. witi made the atrrest. accidiiot dues sery lite towara the Another Siam lih Art. A fiit v ?IIh lin il thtie lampe-r- atiîiîit l-it rl-eil l n;ini-i or an ad- hlîiiiiaîî'gîi iiiih I 1nqoné ais- ig :% iiP ' r- %t, N i ,-în <'tbh. tiloriigii si.ineîlmuesl laattts ll *a hapîpy iiti dnuy lie îMde 1-Y a bold venture. The ciful llltgiiwuY Of steady lndtîstry an ii llutitlO 10 Ithe ii-tî afe rondîlai tru cet. WILSON STATION le IN LAKE COUNTY WILL BE CLOSE» St. Paul Roati Also Abandons Switching Tower at -- Wadsworth. PRACTICE RIGID ECONOMY, Rigid retrenchinent whfCh cale for à paring te to the boue of al ex-1 paues..te beng practiced by the St. ' Paul road. Noticeable instance$ et tht., pstreachment poliry are to be ousten onthe oompany's lune, througb Lakte county. 7Prom Wilson. forxnerly knowfl as ýWarrenton, corne thie tatement that the station (hat ha. beea maintain- ed there for ziany years. la being aba.doned. tenxporarily at least. The man, who has been station agent tih. for jeara ailbu shlfted te soafe other point. itla jald, au2d will displace sorne other agen.t who wili be laid off. At Wadsworth the St. Paul Main- tains an eIabor-zýte systet0 of tracita. the swittces being operated f rom a tower. Tbree tdwer men bae been enmployed, 'woWiing tn eight hlur ahi? ts. It la stated that this tower ta te b. abandoned ard the three tower, nmen wili be laid off. The train crea then willi have te use te hand- was put in. Thiq system wÎil b. muc blsower. It lî said, but wil re- suit In the elminatlon o? St teast three salaries. Other marlid of re- trenchmn.tare s'cn. Ilat kn,nk dpart ment lork ner. t>r dil get It Iî .19 lihiid tîloW uziiinoutited wsstisi iîist o? the IlictureSi were of litif-i irec. Oood Buildin nulItion. CorrugSted cardhoard ofthtle kind tmied for pocklig cases ca o b.4usd for lnsulatlnig buldIngs eaingt the cold. sucb otinltln beinif particlwr- Iy desirable In haros mand poultry lieuse,. The boxes are open@* along -he joints and fittene'l out, th@e mii- terial belng appled ivIth short nlS and fin wassers. snlcb aq nsed for the aplication of rouint paper. i-i -, i .i.i. Hihl UnQuality L Ow 1-n Price On this basis we oler the seasosa 's bust low shoe styles- the " new things " and the staples. The Crossett and Krippendorf policy of making onfly solid leather shoes at the low est possible cost of manufac- ture, and our close cash prices mean a big saving to you. The style, you can see, the fit we guarafftee, and the service is warranted by a "money-back" warrant of quali- ty. There is in our stock a "S hoe for Every Purpose; a price for Every Purse" which makes- it to your advantage to. Corne to Us For Your Shoes -the best for the price, no matter what the price may be.' Women's Black Kid- Oxford& $5.00 Doolittie C4.,.Wh yte Si- i i il¶ Irndependent Want Ads Bring Sure-Fire-Resuits Rememer, HURSAY, AY 26 Will Be--- .RemeberHURSAY M aukegan' s F'irst G reat- I3eing the combined efforts fan ENTI RE CITY to establish the greatest money-saving Bargain Day ever kno Wn in this part Of. the country An 13vent Of Supreme - importance Participated in by Eve ry Retail Store in ...fany importance, including department, women' s ~~êim'sa .fbg~s i utc'herR. bç,kçries. izrocery 4Ku1 5..1 theLUît y, apparel and clothing stores; shoes, drug, dry-goods and hardware and stores; restaurants; auto mobile accessory stores and garages "The- Greatest-.BARGAINb HOLIDAY Ever Announced" TEAMSTERS îNOTIHAVE> AND WAT( Pre-4dent of Tean Explains Wronq sion Pi DRIVERS EXPECI lative tii thei.- u i wsho J., dit' itig i t.-aîi kN'aî , a iln Il i-I.<h nr iii i, I-c atthi-.1 f i the 1 Po i f., 11 'î .y)i l. i hel-aîîiti il i- g fi litS . 1, 1 ' iil N,5. 1 n- on itî l W i h1 i d(-tarius ihât >i hi is i le s5idi110 Fi leat <ifsif.ifor IleuiC li-i nu i h lacion iî , -lieec * liabieîd tlîi i l ere lm %a titi.h pfviuif. salio-a, liig old liriiîiiltiaîri. 1lo i,,lialitlîti, ini li i. esreptiiîhîla 1 î.d Nl(ita.. I * V do m,. ffl- ii v . l '. L. 'lie #itîiffcte d," luit .iit,aîilîjtt ildi i. 'al!l FÂCULTY BAI STUDENTSI Basebali Game Wî dents Chance to a Few S( MAY 'RETURN' SC and ' îl * ,îî i 1. r i li, 1,4 i î î li Fhiz lu i Vi I gi iii, il i inîil ft NN fi! iuîii .11 "i<ii i- Ilm a i . ir, 1-L în I '~i - \% 'il b 'c y .l È ît il e t-iir' n ilm l, J' iliz ' - - Ni' hiaiiii ComIi ihi i liof iF oalîl.i î'îh ' aind ilt NN ' !0 modeirn 10 i

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